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THE MAYANS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Copyright 1967 by The Mayans THE TENTH REVELATION Preparation for Initietion, Symbolic Revelation, Beloved Companion: ‘Again we come together in the communion of our thoughts. Thoughts whose inspiring nature enables 211 who think them in harmony, A\ . Harmony is the naturel trend of all of Nature and throughout the natural World exist Harmonics. Discord is unnatural and destructive. The nature of all Mayan instruction is harmonic, That which you have received and that which you Will receive, brings out the harmony existing in and underlying all Philosophy and all Religion, for Truth is always harmonious with Truth, Truth vibrations do not cancel out, but actually reinforce one another and gain in strength, whether in the field of physics or in the field of human Faith, All Harmony is a complementary vibration. Discord is the destruction of harmony, # clashing vibration, These lessons, like a musical tuning fork, have given you the key to the Divine Harmony. By your attunement to Nature's Harmony, made ever more perfect as you advance, you tune out life's discords. Discord is only another nome for disease, distress and disaster. By attunement to Nature's Harmony, disbelief and discontent disappear, discouragements are dispelled, the discordant things in your life are removed and you discover and receive « dispen- sation of your desires. —=—> =p There is @ harmony in the number Ten, which is the number of this Revela— tion, Ten is « complete number as it contains all the relations of numbers and harmony. In the ancient manner of adding the digits of a number, ten represents 1 +0or 1, As its value in this manner is One, it very truly represents the Macrocosm, the complete One, the All. The ancients called it the mumber of numbers. It is the One that expresses duality, Its duality is found by adding the top and the bottom numbers of the first column shown to the left. Thus: 1 +9 = 105 and 2 +8 = 10; and 3 +7 = 10; and 4 +6 = 10; and 5 +5 = 10, 10: The column illustrated above represents the mimbers of the Revelation Lec~ ture Lessons you have received, They constitute the basic, first teachings of Rev. 10: P1 Rev. 10: P2 the Mayan Order. Upon your completion of these first nine teachings, you become qualified to receive the title bestowed in the 3rd Degree. -0- Sepharial, in the Power of Numbers, gives 10 as the number of "Destiny, which turns to right and to left, bringing the lofty to the ground and exalting the lowly. ‘en is the Wheel of Fate, running on the axle of Divine Purpose. It is the symbol of Authority, Supremacy and Genius, of the vitaliaing power in the world of forms and pre-eminently, of CHANGE which yields the possibility of infinity in variety and immortality in the essence of things. ‘The ancient Kabalists said that "in the number ten, Unity (which is One) returns to Infinity; the manifestation of the Divine Will to act ceases and the Divine Being in Potentiality conceives anew." There are many harmonies expressed by ten, which will be explained as you advance further on the path. ‘The figure below is an ancient symbol known as the Tetractys, This name comes from the Greek word, "tettares", vhich means FOUR. Tetractys, in various forms, are found in all parts of the world. It is the most important of the geometric symbols of Pythegorus, and all of his philosophy - as well as the philosophy of Plato - can be read in it by those who are learned in synbology. ‘The symbol used to build our Tetractys here is the old Hebrew Yod, which we shell explain # little later in this lesson, You will observe there are four Yods acroes the bottom and four along each side, with one more in the center. No matter how the Tetractys is turned, when you level the base line with the horizon, the order of these ten sacred points is unchanged, even as the TEN COMMANDMENTS are unchangeable, The total of the Yods or points is TEN, which, as has been explained, represents UNITY ~ the All in One. The three sides of the Tetractys are symbolic of the 3rd Degree. A Tetractys is formed of ten points, as we have said and as you will have discovered by counting the Yods that 5 compose it. 94 First and topmost is one point, which is shown by the single ancient Hebrew Yod, representing UNITY - All in One. 999 Next appear two points, representing DUALITY, in which you oe 48 have received instructions. Next appear three points, representing the TRIPLE perts of our Immortal Being as taught in the 3rd Degree ~ The Triune God (God the Father, God the Son, God the lioly Ghost). ‘These three points represent God in the microcosm, while the three outermost Yods of the extremities of the entire figure (the three points of the triangle formed by the Yods) represent God in the macrocosm ~ God in All, All in God. At the bottom appear four points, the basic law of the FOUR parts of Being, which include the physical aspect, the mortal part. This symbolism also applies to the four points on each side of the figure (the four Yods that comprise the right and the left sides of the Tetractys). mE tnotent ea the true basic meaning of the Tetractys, which was invented Py tyabent priests before man hed developed any reel. system of writing. The small doug 42" Poant is the old Hebrew letter § or Yod, ‘the Yod is equivalent: ia vedter? gt OFF but te frequently and interchangeably used with J and is often the Bet 28, Jod though pronounced Tod. ‘The numerical value of Yod is 10, and in wera Mglish alphabet, J is the 10th letter. Yod de the initial letter of the 1 = or Jehoveh, (In Hebrew one reads from right to left.) It is from the word, Yod, which is the initial letter of Jehovah, that we ‘sacred symbol of Divinity. The Yoo get ft Teanga God. The Yod, therefore, is a was called Yog and the ancient Hindus developed perhaps as much as 15,000 Spirit eave ago the system of religious and abstract meditation on the Supreme Th ingyetlied Yoga. According to the ancient, Sanskrit ‘writings and even todey Powergits @ Yogi i a follower of Yoge philosophy, a0 ascetic or adept whose the ee, t0, transcend the powers of ordinary men are such that he is credited by gourse, matieioue 58: possessing magical or supernatural powers. Actually of constancy nat sites person ‘Like YOU, a Companion on the Path, who hes through fe jevotion to his studies of the Si Spirit ived Revelations fer beyond the uuititude, of the Supreme Spirit, receive It i holy pit is interesting to note, asa side Light, that You Kippor the Jewish y Day of Atonement, falle on the 10th dey of the Jewish nonth "Tishri" which perhaps usvall, sone op {alte in our 10h gagth, October. As an sxersise in research, Tee ygk, the Companions of this Glass will trace the words Yod, #8 it appears in otanifferent forms, among the verious old races ang euitures, such as Jove, A Macrooh®, You have learned, One and Ten are representative of Microcosm and Gn En, eae iat ay 8 baginnten mesiny & SebiEs OS 6 grander scale. We shall see Sng nthe Tetractys, through an error in underatending, some vers led to a belief Sle tag eunce SF, ots: nstendsof Starantgina), Beantnl’ SP the ‘All One Supreme, re- esents a leaf and illustrates ed and died in It has been taught that the symbol 4 repri f the trees wither: the symbol is the the a of life and rebirth. As the leaves o! Older enen an te spring, nev 1saves cae forth again, Actually, hich yee vase Tt comes from the female symbol, Yoni © , of the Orient, i, The egg-shaped and combined with the lingam or Phallus, the male principle ‘8 symbol was reproduced and combined to symbolize the miracle of repro- 8. duction. ombined within Cite won, ds the belief of all occultists that the race of man once o the tpey, both, the male and fenale parts. To e considerable extent, evidence of was @, wi of this has been obtained by en anatomical science: ‘The combined eymbo Zod seg, Which ie today and hae beon for thousands of years ‘the symbol of the ‘sigh, Gencer, vhich, in turn, represents the period of the year when #2 of N lature reproduces. he miracles of Nature in repro- ductio£, the course of many hundreds of years, as t Bent cheers written with this symbol, the two parts vere ‘combined “@y to repre Plamethe_Grest Spirit uho governed these powers. Later» it case to take ona undersek® ,oppecrance and to represent the Great Light, that, came to burn in man's nding of his kinship with the Great Spirit, This was the first Great Rev. 10: P3 therered the vibratory power of harmo iin the erat" produesng. thera oitet"¥ Bote of bony eats wale tumbling down at the blast of to senbh the satus 8 the Bigantic Singil Sinn ada gute ones Sates gai saa it vas pelle by "wondro ® besieged 2 or arent, thebes, in Egypt, stir ing Statue of Amen Hotep III, Each a its a musica: sound, The Greek, pan jo Rene? In any case, the ote it pomaehy 2 subich nopired those who meee 44 with s fooling of ave, isons, Bolates teies: Sookie Brerg Sounds beyond ‘the range et a! abi Everyone at some time or or witnessed the experiment of shattect er performed ng a glass tumbler with a susts fh on @ violin. The invig. We are familiar with Bie the rapture we feel in Bier or une music of an orgen ina the principles involved? There ig the peothing effect of mother! the harmonies of 2 fine Cethedral; but who " charms to 20 2k eae a me any wg spirit ea than tires Gyellds upon tired eyes, Marit spirit np harnonic vibrations when he said, "Next to I give to music she tighest pases aaa ane ait No see how David and ali ire Ve wrought, aeeie aan thoughts into verse, rhyme and songs Longfellow called ma their ma anaiege of mankind", and the great ne ne eee ong could go whenever T wished misisay avers tick woe a bath and @ medicine. mu * Music is harmonious sound — soun, moving at a certain rate, a certain rate, then, are the already learned how, about a very little, ‘The impressions that othe the savage beast, id is wave ‘acter of sound vibrations ig se aS i iene There are vibrations that can kill or cures ledge of the means to accomplish both, We’ Ma harmonious povers of vibrations, Concealed in many modern English words are the elenentery vibrations of pure sound equivalent to those used in the temples of long ego, Harmonic combi nations of such words appear in many parts of the Revelations you have already received and they have, no doubt, worked their mysterious benefits on you. SPECIAL EXERCISE Imagine yourself as a solemn priest in a great Cathedral and "feeling the nod of the writer", slowly, distinctly and with dignity sounding the vowels Clearly, intone the opening paragreph of this, the Tenth Revelation. Start with our Salutation to you, our Beloved Companion (These two words are to be pronounced as of three syllebles cach, Be-lov-ed Com-pan-ion), and continue through to the fend of the paragraph whore you pronounce, in a whisper, the two Mayan Passworde represented by the sign /N and the last four words ~ "think them in harmony" ~ enunciate each syllable before the symbol, \ , audibly, slowly, with feeling and with solemnity. Repeat this until you succeed in striking the harmonics placed in this com- dination of words. When you succeed you will know it for you will feel uplifted, you will experience a feeling of Unity with your invisible Companions in these studies, a feeling of deep inspiration and a consciousness of POWER WITHIN YOU, -0- Next month is an important time in your studies. { 41 You will receive instruction on Cosmic Time, a ‘parable from the Talmudic Tales, learn the hid- i M Gen meanings of Paul's letters to Timothy, re- jt ceive the 3rd Password, and vith your class you will be initiated into the Third Degree of Mayan- ry and receive the title, "Mayan Lector". P) (See VADE MEGUM, VOLVENTIBUS ANNIS = The Mayans ~ Rev, 10: P13 as

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