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Individual Assignment – CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR


1. This assignment consists of 5 questions only.

2. Please type your assignment as follows:

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 Double-spaced on A4 paper format.

3. The contents of the assignment must be based on your opinion, discussion; details
your own critical thinking.

4. Your assignment must be written in English only.

5. Plagiarism & copying will NOT be awarded any mark, and disciplinary actions will
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6. Your assignment must be uploaded & turned in, on the MS teams in the channel
by the name of assignment, on or before 26th November,2020 , before 3.00 pm.

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the marks will be deducted.

7. The assignment constitutes 20 % of the course marks- 5 questions of 4 marks each.

8. You are required to prepare a front cover for your assignment. The front cover attached
(Appendix 1)

 Be innovative, creative and critical thinking

 To assess learners’ ability to understand the basic concept of consumer behaviour.


1.The marketer has to learn about the needs and changing of the consumer
behavior and Practice the Marketing Concept. Levi Strauss & Co. were selling
jeans to mass market and did not bother about segmenting the market till their sales
went down. The study into consumer behavior showed their greatest market of the
baby boomers had outgrown and their needs had changed. They ,therefore came
out with Khaki or Dockers to different segments and Comfortable action stocks for
the consumers in the 50-age group. Thus, by separating the Market and targeting
various groups and fulfilling their needs, they not only made up for the lost sales
but far exceeded the previous sales. They also targeted the women consumers for
jeans and both men and women started wearing jeans in greater numbers. The
offering given by the company must be enlarged to suit various segments. For
example Maruti Udyog Ltd. has come out with many models , Maruti Van, Zen,
Alto, WagonR, Versa, Gypsy, Esteem, Baleno and other models. For successful
marketing, one should:

A)Find consumer needs of various segments.

B)Position products (new and existing) to these segments.
C)Develop strategies for these segments. Practice greater selectivity in advertising
and personal selling and creating more selective media and distribution outlets.

2.Miss Michael was working as a purchase manager in a small-scale company,

where raw materials and other products were purchased solely at her discretion.
The company was doing very well and the credit was given to Miss Michael for all
the progress of the company. Later she got a job in a medium scale company with a
turn-over of about five crore. She was appointed in charge of purchases, and as the
procedures of the purchase made by this company were different from those of the
previous company, it took her quite some time to get familiar with the procedures
of purchase, etc. under her jurisdiction. On one occasion, she has to urgently place
an order of raw material worth about two lakhs, which was essential for the supply
of a timely order. Considering the situation an emergent one, she placed the order
without informing, or calling a meeting. Although the order was supplied in time,
during the audit it came in for severe criticism, and Miss Michael was given a
show-cause notice as to why she had taken the decision alone. Miss Michael was
very perturbed about the situation and wanted to explain her position to the

A)Where did Miss Michael go wrong?

B)How can you help her to reply to the show-cause notice issued to her?

3.A certain store was keeping a number of brands of washing machines. They had
washing machines to cater to the needs of all the segments of the society. They
were stocking IFB, Videocon, BPL, National, Godrej, and local made washing
machines as well. They had both automatic, semi-automatic and manual machines.
The automatic machines were bought by the higher income group. The middle
income group were content with semi-automatic machines. Manual hand operated
machines were for the lower class of clientele, and also those living in the rural
areas, where electrification was not complete or the electricity went off for days
together. It was observed that when customers came to buy an automatic machine,
they usually came with their spouses and they looked mainly at the colour, style of
functioning, electric consumption, care for handling, price factors, etc. Many
customers would not buy on their first visit. They would come back after an
interval of time, and bought the machine after careful considerations of the
attributes that they were looking for. Many would lower their choice, and come
back to buy semiautomatic, instead of automatic machines. The sale was observed
to be highest during marriage seasons and at festival times. There was a great
influence of the house-wives in buying these, as they were the ultimate users. With
a lot of information imparted by the media, and the children being exposed to it for
several hours, in a day. They seemed to have a good knowledge of the attributes,
and had a great say in the purchases and their opinions were also given weightage
by the parents. Since a chain store is more interested in the sales to materialize,
rather than pushing any particular brand, the salesmen are directed to satisfy the
customers or the family. This should be their first consideration.

A)Do you feel that group interaction helps the buyer too, in his decision-making
process? Elaborate.
B)What should be the role of the marketer in the above case regarding,
advertisement? Promotion, persuasion and closing the sales?

4.The social needs in Maslow’s hierarchy include such things as love, acceptance
and belonging. At this level, the need for emotional relationships drives human
behavior. Some of the things that satisfy this need include:
a. Friendships
b. Romantic attachments
c. Family
d. Social groups
e. Community groups
f. Churches and religious organizations

5.Cognitive buying theory portrays consumer as information processor and

Depending on consumer heuristics for making consumption related decisions.
Consumer goal selection must be discussed from point of Positive and negative
goal, associated and disassociated goals etc. Further it is required that examinee
must explain the consumption goal selection, formation of goal intention, activity
planning, plan execution and goal achievement along with feedback in a systematic
manner preferably through block diagram.
Appendix 1


School of Business



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