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1) Suggest a suitable title for the above passage and justify the title.

2) Write the précis of above paragraph in your own words as plainly as possible.

In the absence of domestic law occupying the field, to figure successful measures to
check the wickedness of sexual harassment of working ladies at all work puts, the
substance of International Conventions and standards are noteworthy with the end goal of
translation of the assurance of sex uniformity, right to work with human dignity in
Articles 14, 15 19(1) (g) and 21 of the Constitution and the shields against sexual
harassment verifiable in that.

When, be that as it may, examples of sexual harassment bringing about infringement of

fundamental rights of ladies laborers under Articles 14, 19 and 21 are brought before us
for change under Article 32, a powerful redressal necessitates that a few rules ought to be
set down for the assurance of these rights to fill the authoritative vacuum.

The current appeal has been brought as a class activity by certain social activists and
NGOs with the point of centering consideration towards this cultural distortion, and
helping with finding appropriate techniques for acknowledgment of the genuine idea of
'sex equity'; and to forestall sexual harassment of working ladies in all work puts through
legal procedure, to fill the vacuum in existing law.

Hence, the intensity of this Court under Article 32 for requirement of the fundamental
rights and the official intensity of the Union need to address the difficulty to shield the
working ladies from sexual harassment and to make their fundamental rights significant.

3) (a)    remedy under Article 32

Under Article 32, the power of the Court is to enforce the fundamental Rights and
Union’s Executive powers and also to achieve the protection of working women from
Sexual Harassment to make their Fundamental Rights meaningful.

(b)    Gender justice

In simple words Gender Justice is a right of every human being. Under gender justice
Men and Women are treated equally in every field. In any society Gender Inequality
is the key reason for poverty and harassment of women.

(c)    Class action

Class action refers to the suit which is filled by a particular class of the society and in
the above paragraph it is clearly stated that the petition has been brought by the
certain socialists and NGO’s with the aim of finding suitable concepts for gender

(d)    'Right to Life and Liberty'

(e)    Writ of mandamus
(f)     Legislative vacuum
(g)    International Conventions
(h)    Seventh Schedule
(i)     Rule of Law
(j)     Human rights
(k)    Enabling power
(l)     Members of the bar

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