Stage 1a - Op Ex MGMT Skills 4 - Identify & Deal With Abnormalities ISS 1 PDF

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Issue level 1 02-04-14

Identify Abnormality
(4 Skills of OpEx Management #4)
Operational Excellence
Issue level 1 02-04-14





Establish control, see

problems, make basic


Step 9
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Why does
Skill 2 –
JCB need to Deployment
Team Brief

Why the
Skill 3 Area
Academy Safety
Patrol …and react to
when you find
THEN You’ll be in
Why are you
Skill 1 – Skill 4 –
Create a
Strong Team
Identify &
deal with
The 4 skills of OpEx Management
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Operational Excellence 2. Team Brief

Information sharing
Leadership ‘Communicate with people’
Use the ability of the team (Create a Strong Team)
‘Basic leadership + management’

3. Area patrol 4. Troubleshooting

Have Sharp Eyes Dealing with abnormalities
‘See Beneath the Surface & Act’ ‘Deal with people and things’
Identifying & Dealing with Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

The job in a nutshell…
…to identify and
resolve abnormalities
and foster operators


What is the definition of an abnormality?

Definition of an Abnormality
Issue level 1 02-04-14

“Any deviation away

from the standard”
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Problem? Problem??

How are you able to judge that these are

There Must be a Clear Standard
Issue level 1 02-04-14
What Standards Should be in Place?
Issue level 1 02-04-14
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Standardised Work TAKT Markings 5s Visual Standard

Hourly Control

Shadowboard TPM - Kamishibai Min / Max sized stock

Identifying Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

What opportunities are there to spot abnormalities?

• Andons • Area Patrol

 Quick response by TL’s to Andons

 Regular Area Patrols by Mgrs, GLs and TLs
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Identifying abnormalities
• The basis of Andon = “Stop, Call, Wait”
• ‘Selling’ Stop, Call, Wait
• Building a team who can flag up abnormalities

2. Dealing with abnormalities

• Scenario…How should a TL react?
“Stop - Call - Wait”
Issue level 1 02-04-14

As an operator, if I have a problem I…

• STOP what I’m doing…

• CALL my Team Leader and…
• WAIT for them to arrive to help me
ANDON is our most
effective way to

I’m not going to

ACCEPT, CREATE or Because I’m
PASS-ON a defect! his Customer
How ANDON Works – a Reminder
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Definition: A visual control that enables our Operators to inform

the Team Leader that an abnormal condition exists.

• Serious safety problem

• Tool failure
• Machine failure
• Bad part
• Lack of parts
• Cannot keep up
• Error needs correcting.

Why shouldn’t we just

ask our operators to
come and find us or
shout us?
Andon in Action
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1 2

If I need assistance or have a query on the

Flicking the switch makes the AMBER
build I flick the switch. If I have a major
light flash. Hitting the button makes the
issue e.g a H&S risk, quality problem or
red light flash.
significant shortage I hit the red button.

4 3

The Andon board then starts flashing either AMBER

When the Team Leader attends to sort out the
or RED for the relevant line and shows the affected
problem, he resets the switch.
zone – in this case A2 on the A-Line is AMBER
Andon Examples 1
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Andon stack or tower light. If I have a problem I spin the flag. Laminated piece of paper and a
Used on machines generally. At the moment I have no problems clip. Red one side, green the other.

Green = running ok,

Red = unplanned stoppage,
Blue = Planned Maintenance
Yellow = Tool Change,
Grey = Not planned to run

Injection moulding – Flags stuck on the end of the machine.

status direct from the machine Operator changes flag on his machine
depending on what’s happening
“Stop - Call - Wait”
Issue level 1 02-04-14

As an operator, if I have a problem I…

• STOP what I’m doing…

• CALL my Team Leader and…
• WAIT for them to arrive to help me
We all know this.
The Question is –
How do we
convince our people
to follow it?
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Identifying abnormalities
• The basis of Andon = “Stop - Call - Wait”
• The need for Stop - Call - Wait
• Building a team who can flag up abnormalities

2. Dealing with abnormalities

• Scenario…How should a TL react?
Question -
Issue level 1 02-04-14

How do we convince our

people of the need to follow &
react correctly to

Stop - Call - Wait

Quality Example - The Logical Argument
Issue level 1 02-04-14

If we don’t STOP-CALL- No matter what we seem to

WAIT I only find out do there always seems to
about defects a lot later have been a defect
when I can’t do anything
about it… I end up worrying about it all day
or start to think there is nothing I
can do – which I know is wrong!
…and we have to rely
on an inspector to find
all faults at the
end…that’s not fair…
…OR we might damage
the parts while
reworking…which takes
time as well as adding

… they can’t be 100%

accurate all the time
…even if the
anyway so we still
inspector does find a
have a risk of bad
defect, all the value
parts going to the
has been added to it
so the repair or scrap
cost is high
What are the Benefits?
Issue level 1 02-04-14

• Stopping for a few seconds immediately a problem occurs is

far less costly than reworking for a long period afterwards.

• There is also a greater chance of stopping the defect from

leaving the factory and getting to the customer.

We’ve all seen the

difficulty, wasted time and
potential damage of
disassembling / reworking
to put parts right after
they’ve been finished.
Quality Example - The Logical Argument
Issue level 1 02-04-14



Time lapse between

Immediate +24 hours + 1 week 1st defect +

The need for speed

Logic Isn’t Enough…W I I F M
Issue level 1 02-04-14

If I use the ANDON and SCW, I get a

clear decision straight away

There has to be a So, having done my bit, I’m not looking

over my shoulder …
“What’s in it for me?”
…waiting for the Team Leader to come
down the line when they find a problem
later in the process

I can focus and building good quality

parts and am more likely to contribute
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Identifying abnormalities
• The basis of Andon = “Stop, Call, Wait”
• ‘Selling’ Stop, Call, Wait
• Building a team that can flag up abnormalities

2. Dealing with abnormalities

• Scenario…How should a TL react?
Identifying Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Most abnormalities are identified by Operators

How can I make my

team more capable of
Take advantage
of the 100’s of
abnormalities…I can’t
pairs of eyes out
hope they just get better
over time.
Question -
Issue level 1 02-04-14

What four things could you do

to build a team capable of
identifying abnormalities early?
Building a Team to Identify Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

First – make the How can I make my

basic rules clear team more capable
and remind them of identifying
often abnormalities?
Keep the Basic Rules
Issue level 1 02-04-14

 Follow the SOP exactly…and do your neighbour checks every time

 Don’t build ahead…it stores up problems

 Check your own work

 Never put defects in a temporary home

 Be careful during changeovers: e.g first and last part off

 If in doubt, use the ANDON - STOP, CALL, WAIT

Team Leaders, Group Leaders, Managers, QA and

Engineers should all live by the same rules
Building a Team to Identify Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

How can I make my

First – make the
team more capable
basic rules clear
of identifying
and remind often

Second - let your How can I make my

team know what team more capable
“normal” means on of identifying
their stage abnormalities?
What is Normal?
Issue level 1 02-04-14

S.O.P & Correct

Checks Tools




Templates & Error

Proofing Torque
5s Measurement
Building a Team to Identify Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

How can I make my

First – make the
team more capable
basic rules clear
of identifying
and remind often

Second - let your How can I make my

team know what team more capable
“normal” means on of identifying
their stage abnormalities?

How can I make my

Third - make the team more capable
ANDON rules clear of identifying
Clear ANDON Rules
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Put the CALL

Put the ANDON on
ANDON on when
when you are low on
you have 5 parts left
in the box

 What does low mean, 1 or 100 left?

It depends on my attitude to risk
 Clear & specific Instruction

e.g…parts restocking required by line feeder

Yellow I need help but
the line can e.g…risk of falling behind
Light keep running

e.g…minor defects such as wrong part, mis-assemblies etc

e.g…Someone has been injured

e.g…When no parts are available

Red I need to stop

the line e.g…Major defects such as wrong units, multiple wrong parts
or damaged parts. Machine or jig fails or breaks.
Building a Team to Identify Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

How can I make my

First – make the
team more capable
basic rules clear
of identifying
and remind often

Second - let your How can I make my

team know what team more capable
“normal” means on of identifying
their stage abnormalities?

Third - make the How can I make my

ANDON rules team more capable
clear of identifying

Fourth – ask them How can I make my

to tell you when team more capable
something of identifying
changes abnormalities?
Tell Us About Changes
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Something... harder or easier to make than usual ...vibrates too much

...looks different hotter or colder than normal making a strange noise ...heavier or lighter than normal
...smells funny ...a different shape or feels different in your hand
2. Dealing with Abnormalities
Issue level 1 02-04-14

To return the process to the original

Target =
condition as soon as possible

What steps should I

follow to do this,
making sure I
thoroughly handle
the abnormality?
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Identifying abnormalities
• The basis of Andon = “Stop, Call, Wait”
• ‘Selling’ Stop, Call, Wait
• Building a team who can flag up abnormalities

2. Dealing with abnormalities

• Scenario…How should a TL react?

Exercise 1
Issue level 1 02-04-14

In teams, please discuss and come up

with a flowchart response to the
following scenario.

(How should a TL deal with the issues?)

One flipchart per team please

You have 15 mins

Case Study
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Station 4 in the APC suddenly realises, mid-run, that their
70Nm Torque Wrench is set to 40Nm. The Operator lets
the Team Leader know immediately…

What should
they do?
The Steps
Issue level 1 02-04-14

1. Evaluate the situation

• Isolated or major problem?
• If the TL cannot resolve the issues and restart the line, escalate to GL

2. Control
• Try to contain the problem to that station
• Walk downstream to check that the customer will not be affected

3. Containment
• Walk the line to find the source of the problem
• Establish where/when did the problem start? Where is the end?

4. Prevention
• Possible short term countermeasure immediately
• Problem solving to find the root cause and longer-term countermeasure
Key Points…
Issue level 1 02-04-14

• Clarify situation with your Operator – “what happened ?”

• Protect the customer

• Clear instructions to operators + give right level of


• Notify superior if required + keep updated

• Request assistance from the right areas

• Let the immediate customer know

Prevention, Better Than Cure!
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Can we prevent (rather than find) some of these abnormalities?

What is the purpose

of the Team Brief?

Machine Environment

Man Measuring
Change Points? Equipment

What Do You Think?
Issue level 1 02-04-14

Workers at the car plant in Georgetown,

Kentucky, pull the andon cord 2,000 times
a week

In contrast, workers at a brand-new truck

plant in Dearborn, Michigan, pull the cord
only twice a week…

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