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Document Title: Task 3 Simulated Practical Observation

Document Subtitle: SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills


COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION.................................................................................................4
STUDENT DETAILS.....................................................................................................................5
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS...........................................................................................................6
ASSESSMENT TASK 3 SIMULATED PRACTICAL OBSERVATION BRIEF............................................9
EVIDENCE/SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS...................................................................................22
APPENDIX 1 – Coaching Questionnaire.......................................................................................25
APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 1...............................................................................37
APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 2...............................................................................39
APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 4...............................................................................41
APPENDIX 3 – Discussion Points................................................................................................43
APPENDIX 4 – Session Plan.......................................................................................................45
APPENDIX 5 – Demonstration Record Sheet...............................................................................53
APPENDIX 6 – Quarterly Report of Coaching Progress.................................................................57
APPENDIX 7 – Assessor Observation Checklist............................................................................58
Observation checklist................................................................................................................62
RECORD OF ASSESSMENT TASK 3.............................................................................................66
Learner details......................................................................................................................66
Assessor details.....................................................................................................................66
Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)......................................................66
Appeals – refer to the complaints and appeals policy and procedure.........................................67
Assessor Feedback to learner: The assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is
constructive and not generic..................................................................................................68
Reasonable Adjustment (if applicable) explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and
the tasks it was applied to......................................................................................................68
Assessor Intervention (if applicable) - did you need to assist the student in this assessment. If so
please explain:......................................................................................................................68

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This Assessment Task covers the following unit of competency:

Unit of competency: Unit Code SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide on-the-job
coaching to colleagues. It requires the ability to explain and demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and
procedures and monitor the progress of colleagues until they are able to operate independently of the

The unit applies to experienced operational personnel and to supervisors and managers who informally
train other people in new workplace skills and procedures.

It applies to all tourism, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:
 Prepare for on-the-job coaching
 Coach colleagues on-the-job
 Follow-up coaching

Prerequisite units: Nil

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Please complete this declaration with the student
Unit of Unit Code SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills
Trainer/Assessor Name:

Student Name:

Student ID:

Time Allocation Refer to Training Plan

Due date: Refer to you student program guide (training plan). Please insert
the due date as confirmed by your assessor below:

Due Date: ……………/……………. /…………….

 Complete the readiness for assessment workbook before commencing this assessment
 You will be required to demonstrate all observations as specified in this task. Demonstrations
will consist of a number of tasks you would perform in your role on a daily basis
 This assessment may consist of a number of tasks based on a simulated or real environment
 ensure all tasks are performed in line with your organisation (simulated or real environment)
relevant policies and procedures
 Your assessor will observe you demonstrate the necessary skills. Your assessor will use the
observation checklist located in the appendices section when observing you demonstrating the
 You may ask your assessor questions to clarify the requirements of the task/s if required.
However, your assessor will not be able to show you how to perform the task
 You may be asked questions by your assessor after each observation which you are required to
answer verbally. Your assessor will record your responses in the verbal checklist located in the
appendices section which you will be required to initial as acceptance of the responses
 You must receive a satisfactory result for each part of this assessment to be successful in this
 You must not separate this document. Attachments must be as per the assessment submission
 Ensure you sign the task record sheet at the end of this assessment
 Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor and your training plan
 Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to
complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to
ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the

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range or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not
 Feedback: Your assessor will provide feedback to you after the completion of the assessment.
The trainer assessor will explain the appeals process if applicable or alternatively refer to your
student handbook for further details
 Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given 2 more
opportunities to be re-assessed by our Assessor. Please note after 3 attempts a cost will be

Declaration: I confirm that I have read and understood the instructions, my responsibilities and
requirements for this assessment

Student signature: ………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………

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Observation evidence is a practical way of supporting someone’s claim for competence. Assessors
observation are designed to provide useful information on your knowledge and skills based on your
knowledge and experience of their actual work performance over a period of time. This assessment
is conducted in a simulated environment

There are two sections to the workplace observation

 Section 1 – Observation of the student’s performance in a simulated working environment

Section 1 – The observation

 Your assessor must complete the observation tool below whilst observing you perform the
required task
 Your assessor will use the observation tool during the demonstration and record accurately
what they have observed you do in accordance with the observation checklist and detail the
observable behaviours. All parts to this assessment must be completed
 The assessment tool describes the assessment tasks and criteria for assessment, and are
used to record your observations and outcomes of on the simulated job assessment tasks.

The assessment day

 Your assessor will brief you on the task for approx. 30 minutes prior to commencement of
this assessment
 Your assessor will observe you performing the required tasks as noted in the instructions.
Assessment must take place in a safe environment.

At the end of the assessment your assessor will take 30 minutes to provide you with feedback
regarding the observation. You should use this opportunity to ask as many questions and discuss
any opportunities for improvement.

Your assessor will explain the following to you before commencement of the
observation assessment
 You will be required to demonstrate all observations as specified in the task instructions below.
Demonstrations will consist of a number of tasks a worker would perform in their role on a daily
 This assessment may consist of a number of tasks based on the on the job environment
 Ensure all tasks performed are in line with the organisation (simulated workplace) relevant
policies and procedures
 You will be observed demonstrating the necessary skills. In accordance with the observation
checklist (appendix 7)
 You can ask questions to clarify the requirements of the task/s if required. However, your
assessor is no able to show you how to perform the task
 You must, receive a satisfactory result for each part of this assessment to be successful in this
 All documents will be collated and submitted as a report before a final outcome can be made,
this includes the supervisor report, log book, Record of Conversation and observations
 This assessment will be finalized once all records are collated and revised. A debrief will be
provided at the closing meeting
 Feedback will be provided after the observation

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Assessor declaration
The assessor is to complete this declaration with the student.
I have acknowledged the underpinning knowledge and skills may be assessed ☐Yes ☐No
on or off the job.
I confirm that I am a qualified workplace assessor and will be conducting the ☐Yes ☐No
assessment for this unit and student
Have all aspects of the student agreement been explained and understood? ☐Yes ☐No
Does the student understand they have three attempts to complete each task ☐Yes ☐No
satisfactorily? If after the third attempt the student is deemed ‘Not Yet
Competent’, they will be required to do further training before reattempting this
I have explained the requirements for reasonable adjustment as a result of ☐Yes ☐No
workplace constraints
I confirm that I have explained and confirmed all of the above items with the student.
Assessor Signature Date ____/____/____

Student declaration
Agreement by the student: Please sign below to demonstrate that you understand
what is required of you in relation to this assessment.
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this ☐Yes ☐No
assessment? If yes, what are they?
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? ☐Yes ☐No
I understand I have three attempts to complete each task satisfactorily. If after ☐Yes ☐No
the third attempt I am deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’, I will be required to do
further training before reattempting this unit
Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a ☐Yes ☐No
need in order to complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor.
Arrangements will be put in place to ensure a fair and flexible approach is
undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range or nature of the
adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised.
I agree to comply with all rules, regulations, policies and procedures provided ☐Yes ☐No
as part of the simulated environment.
I give permission for the RTO to use my assignment at the workplace for ☐Yes ☐No
assessment moderation / validation purposes.
I confirm that I have read and understood my responsibilities and requirements for assessment.
Student Signature Date ____/____/____

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Objective of the The objective of this task is to observe the student’s ability to demonstrate
task performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide on-the-job coaching
to colleagues. It requires the ability to explain and demonstrate specific skills,
knowledge and procedures and monitor the progress of colleagues until they are able
to operate independently of the coach. The students in this task will coach 4
colleagues (4 different class mates) in identified underperformance

Resources Learner Guide

PowerPoint Slides/Handouts

Coaching questionnaire
Individual development plan
Discussion notes
Session plan/Coaching details
Demonstration record sheet
Quarterly report of coaching progress
Assessor observation checklist

Standard operating procedure located in you simulated policy and procedure manual.

You will be The following tasks are required to be completed in the simulated commercial kitchen
required to (using simulated tasks) set up for the purpose of this assessment task.
Your assessor will ensure access to the simulated commercial kitchen policies and
procedures relating to coaching procedures and operational requirements are
provided. Full access to the commercial kitchen, equipment and stock required to
provide coaching services to employees (other students) identified as underperforming
described below.

The team will be divided into 2 groups of 4. Group 1 will play the role of the workers
and group 2 will play the role of the coaches. Each group will then rotate, so group 1
will play the role of the coaches and group 2 will play the role of the workers

Before commencing the role, play read the below task instructions in detail:
Your assessor will observe you role play with 4 colleagues (other students) requiring
Your assessor whilst you are conducting this role play will observe you
prepare, coach and follow-up on coaching 4 different colleagues (students) for
effective job skills coaching in the simulated kitchen environment.
You must address with each of the 4 colleagues (4 different class mates) the identified
performance problems.

Below is an outline of the underperforming issues for each of the 4 colleagues (4

different class mates):

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Colleague 1 – A prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation
Colleague 2 – A sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, poor communication skills
Colleague 3 – A head chef whom is constantly not meeting the time constraints set
by the establishment when cooking for large number of customers
Colleague 4 – Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes on time and on a regular basis

With each of the 4 colleagues: (4 different class mates)

 You must pinpoint the real issue with each colleague
 Assess where you are now, with each of the colleagues
 Define the goals for each of the 4 colleagues
 Work out how you are going to get the 4 colleagues to where you need them to be
 Your assessor will observe your complete parts 1-5 and the assessor will record
their observations in appendix 1. You must satisfactorily perform each criterion in
appendix 1 and relating appendices to successfully pass the observation parts.

You must complete part 1 – 5 which includes the following tasks:

 Complete the questionnaire “Coaching questionnaire” (appendix 2)
 Complete an Individual Development Plan (appendix 3)
 Discuss the coaching session (Appendix 4)
 Plan the coaching session – complete a session plan (appendix 5)
 Organise a time and a place (note for the purpose of this assessment must be in
the simulate commercial kitchen amongst other staff (students) working in the
 Conduct the coaching session – Introduction, Body, Conclusion (assessor
observation checklist (appendix 1) and complete the demonstration record sheet
(appendix 6)
 Obtain feedback about your coaching session (appendix 5)
 Follow up the coaching – Client progress tracking worksheet (appendix 7)

Note: Before you commence this task, you must prepare fully by reading the task in

Ensure you have full access to all the required resources, policies and procedure,
equipment and stock required to effectively coach your colleagues addressing the
performance problems identified above.
You must record the entire task (part 1-5), and provide the recording on a USB to
your assessor clearly labelled for assessment of your ability to coach colleagues in job

Your task is to complete part 1 – 5

Time allocation Refer to Training Plan

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Your task The Story – Your establishment (simulated commercial kitchen) has introduced
Introduction coaching to improve effective goal-defining, feedback, and follow-through approaches
to build others’ confidence, commitment, skills and knowledge. You are working with 4
colleagues (kitchen staff (class mates) playing the following roles)

Colleague 1– a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation and within

establishment time constraints
Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as required,
and demonstrating poor communication skills
Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time constraints
set by the establishment when cooking for large number of customers
Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete dishes,
does not complete dishes on time regularly

Before commencing this task, you must ensure your recording device in recording and
in working condition. Before starting your recording “Identify your full name, unit code
and title, Task 3, date of recording, commencement time and end time of task”

You must demonstrate skills for coaching others in job skills. You are required to
complete the following using the above task time frame guide to compete the task.
Part 1 Prepare for coaching Complete the questionnaire
Part 2 Complete an Individual Development Plan
Part 3 Organise and plan a coaching session
Part 4 Coach 4 colleagues
Part 5 Follow up coaching

Your assessor will observe you perform this part using the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7)

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Your task Part Part 1 – Prepare for coaching
To help create a positive environment you are to provide coaching sessions for 4
underperforming staff members (4 different classmates). To prepare for coaching
sessions you must:

1.1 Firstly, using the Task time frame guide below, calculate adequate time frames
required for coaching and for the colleague to complete required tasks.

Part 1 30 minutes per colleague to complete questionnaire

(appendix 1) for four colleagues (students)

total time:

Part 2 30 minutes per colleague to complete Individual plan

(appendix 2) for four colleagues (students)

total time:

Part 3 Organise and plan a coaching session (appendix 4) – 30

minutes per colleague for four colleagues (students)

total time:

Part 4 Coach 4 colleagues – assessor observation 30 minutes

per colleague (students) observations (appendix 1) and
Demonstration record sheet (appendix 5)

total time:

Part 5 Part 5 Follow up coaching (appendix 6) – Your assessor

will play the role of the (head chef) discuss the follow up
action – allow time to meet with your assessor (allow 30
minutes per colleague to discuss follow up action)

total time:

1.2 Firstly provide the 4 colleagues (your classmates) with the coaching questionnaire
(appendix 1) and have them complete the workplace documentation

1.2.1 Then allocate 30 minutes to meet each of the 4 colleagues (whom will be played
by 4 different class mates), whom are working in the simulated commercial kitchen.

1.2.2 The kitchen staff in question have been identified as having job role

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underperformance problems:
 Colleague 1 – a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation and within
establishment time constraints
 Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, and demonstrating poor communication skills
 Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time
constraints set by the establishment when cooking for large number of
 Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes, does not complete dishes on time regularly

Note: Ensure your assessor has briefed each of the allocated classmates of
underperformance issue to be role played before assessment commences

1.2.3 You are required to demonstrate your ability to coach others in job skills. In doing
so you should firstly prepare to work with each of the 4 staff members (4 different class
mates – 30 minutes each colleague) taking into consideration the following seven steps:
1. Build a Relationship of Mutual Trust with your colleague
2. Open the Meeting
3. Get Agreement
4. Explore Alternatives
5. Get a Commitment to Act
6. Handle Excuses
7. Provide Feedback

1.2.4 Have each of your colleagues complete the coaching questionnaire (appendix 1).
Then arrange to meet with each of the 4 colleagues (class mates) to discuss the
completed questionnaires.

Note: Before commencing the meeting check your recording device and
introduce this part as follows: “your first name, surname, unit code title, Part
1 colleague 1 – 4). The meeting with each colleague should take no longer
than 30 minutes”

1.3 Review the workplace documentation completed by the colleagues (appendix 1)

and identify the need for coaching based on a range of factors that may have impacted
on the 4 colleagues (classmates) performance. You will need to identify the specific
coaching needs, and build a relationship of mutual trust with each of the 4 colleagues
(4 different classmates) through meeting and discussion. Spend the 30 minutes
addressing the performance issues identified for each of the 4 colleagues (4 class

Your assessor will observe you perform this part using the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7)

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Your task Part 2 Part 2 - Individual Development Plan – (spend 30 minutes with each
2.1 Using the information, you gathered in part 1 explore alternative coaching
sessions with each of the 4 colleagues (4 class mates) and conduct an individual
development plan meeting. When meeting with your colleagues (individually), you
must use:
 active listening skills to confirm understanding
 Open questioning techniques to confirm understanding of each of the
colleague’s job tasks and
 appropriate skills to assess the individual colleague (4 class) capabilities and
how best to rectify performance issues as listed below.
o Colleague 1 – a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation and within
establishment time constraints
o Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, and demonstrating poor communication skills
o Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time
constraints set by the establishment when cooking for large number of
o Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes, does not complete dishes on time regularly

2.2 Complete an individual development plan(appendix 2) for each colleague (4 class

mates) (appendix 2) and determine how best to address the underperformance
 Colleague 1 – a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation and within
establishment time constraints
 Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, and demonstrating poor communication skills
 Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time
constraints set by the establishment when cooking for large number of
 Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes, does not complete dishes on time regularly

2.2.1 Ensure, when completing the individual development plan (appendix 2) for each
of the 4 colleagues (classmates) you agree on at least 3 job role goals. Ensure:
 At least one goal is a training goal to develop or provide new skills through on-
the-job coaching
 At least one goal is to enhance performance and correct deficiencies
 One other goal must relate to the underperformance identified

Complete the individual development plan (appendix 2) with each of the 4 colleagues
(class mates)

Note: You should ensure you address identified performance problems or difficulties
experienced by each of the colleagues to ensure the planned coaching sessions are
successful and provide for positive outcomes.

Note: Before commencing the meeting check your recording device and

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introduce this part as follows: “your first name, surname, unit code title,
Part 2 colleague 1 – 4)” The meeting with each colleague should take no
longer than 30 minutes”

Note: When conducting the individual development plan meeting with each of the
colleagues (4 different classmates), Your assessor will use the recording provided to
make a judgement of satisfactory performance.

Your assessor will observe you perform this part using the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7)

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Your task Part 3 Part 3 Organise and plan a coaching session – (spend 30 minutes with each

3.1 You must explain the overall purpose of the coaching required for each of the 4
colleagues (4 different classmates). Meet with each individual colleague and discuss
the establishment expectations to each of the staff members in relation to their job
roles within the simulated commercial kitchen.

Record your discussion notes using appendix 3

For your reference “The establishment” expectations are outlined as follows:

Job role for colleague 1 – Prep Cook

Typical years’ experience: 0-1 year
Normal hours: 6am-3pm
Responsibilities: There are usually several prep cooks with different major
responsibilities, from making pasta to cleaning produce.
Best part of the job: Learning from the rest of the staff
Worst part of the job: The monotony of shucking whole cases of corn
Most used tool: Plastic wrap and Sharpie
You might hear them say... "Yes, chef."
Performance issue for colleague 1 – fails to clean produce to expectation of
the establishment time constraints guided by the chef (your assessor)

Job role for colleague 2 – Sous Chef

Typical years’ experience: 2-4 years, at least 2 as a sous chef or management
Normal hours: 7am-7pm
Responsibilities: Comes in first thing in the morning. Makes stocks and sauces.
Oversees everyone. Basically, in charge of the day crew.
Best part of the job: Being in charge
Worst part of the job: Dealing with so many different personalities, making sure
everyone's on task
Most used tool: His brain, or a chef's knife
You might hear them say... "Make it nice so you don't have to do it twice."
Performance issue for colleague 2 – failing to provide the guidance to the
line cooks as required, poor communication skills

Job role for Colleague 3 – junior sous chef

Typical years’ experience: 2-4 years as a cook. After a year, they'd be pulled off the
line to become an official sou.
Normal hours: 12pm-12am (or closing)
Responsibilities: Helps prep the line during the day, oversees lunch a bit, becomes a
cook at night, then makes sure everything is wrapped, labelled, and organized.
Best part of the job: Gaining responsibility and working towards chefdom, but still
getting to sweat on the line
Worst part of the job: The hours
Most used tool: His brain, or a chef's knife
You might hear them say... "Yes, chef."
Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time

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constraints set by the establishment when cooking for large number of

Job role for colleague 4- Chef de cuisine

Typical years’ experience: 10 years
Normal hours: 10am-12am
Responsibilities: Corrals the staff, making sure they stay in formation and that all the
cogs are spinning. Corrects small inconsistencies in dishes and tests new recipes.
Orders the food, charts costs of all goods.
Best part of the job: The rare times the food comes out exactly how you want it
Worst part of the job: That it's really hard to ensure the food comes out exactly how
you want it
Most used tool: Unfortunately, a cell phone
You might hear them say... "Don't do dumb s**t."
Performance issue for colleague 4 - Chef de cuisine forgets to order food
items required to complete dishes on time and does not complete dishes on
time regularly

Note: Before commencing the meeting check your recording device and
introduce this part as follows: “your first name, surname, unit code title,
Part 3 colleague 1 – 4)” (spend 30 minutes with each colleague)

3.2 When discussing the performance issues with each of the colleagues 94
classmates) you should take into consideration the performance issues for each
colleague (classmates) identified and the establishment expectations of job role
performance you must tailor a coaching plan for each individual. Your tailored plan
must include the following:
 Why the coaching is being conducted –the purpose of the coaching
 What they will learn
 What the intended outcomes are of the coaching
 How it will help them in their job role and rectify the concerns

3.2.1 Ensure you complete the discussion notes (appendix 3), detailing the purpose of
the coaching to be provided for each colleague (4 different class mates).

3.4 Then, plan your coaching session using appendix 4 (session plan).
To do this you should think about the best way to deliver the coaching for your
colleagues (4 different class mates), based on the learning objectives and coaching
method best suited to your colleagues (4 different classmates) and establishment
(simulated commercial kitchen) to achieve the required outcomes

3.5 Organise a time and place for your coaching session. For the coaching session to
be successful you must carefully select an appropriate location and time. Generally
coaching is carried out during the rostered shift, but dependent on the shift it may be
better carried out before or after work time. Ensure you confirm the coaching session
with each individual colleague and finalise the session plan (appendix 4) before
commencing the coaching session
Your assessor will observe you perform this part using the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7)

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Your task Part 4 Part 4 – Coach 4 colleagues (spend 30 minutes with each colleague)

4.1 Now that you have established the purpose of the coaching session with each of
the 4 colleagues (4 different class mates) you must coach each of the 4 colleagues (4
different colleagues) in accordance with the agreed session plan (appendix 4).

4.2 Before the coaching sessions begin, you must explain the overall purpose of
coaching to each of the 4 colleagues

4.3 In accordance with the establishment task time frame guide spend 30 minutes
with each colleague to coach each individual. In each of the 4 coaching sessions with
each of the 4 colleagues you must:
 Communicate clearly with each colleague explaining the specific skill, and task
 Advise organisational procedures for completing workplace tasks (refer to
simulated policy and procedure manual provided to advise of relevant
 Demonstrate the establishments (simulated commercial kitchen) routine tasks
requirements to the colleague (use your simulated environment policies and
procedure as a guide)
 Ensure completion of coaching is within commercial time constraints (allow 30
minutes per colleague (4 different class mates)
 Provide each colleague with the opportunity to practise the skill and ask
 Apply the key principles of coaching for example but not limited to:
o The Coaching Spirit.
o Relationship and Trust.
o Asking Questions to check for understanding.
o Listening and Intuition.
o Provide feedback in a constructive and supportive manner.
o Suggestions and Simplification.
o Goals and Action Plans.
o Accountability and Accomplishments.

Note: Before commencing the coaching session check your recording device
and introduce this part as follows: “your first name, surname, unit code
title, Part 4 colleague 1 – 4)” (spend 30 minutes with each colleague)

Remember! The performance issues with each of the 4 colleagues includes

Colleague 1 – a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation and within
establishment time constraints
Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, and demonstrating poor communication skills
Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time constraints
set by the establishment when cooking for large number of customers
Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes, and does not complete dishes on time regularly

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4.4 Demonstrate your ability to conduct a coaching session following the 5 steps
outlined below:
 Step 1 Explain and demonstrate the specific skills you are coaching each
 Step 2 – Coach each of the 4 colleagues, individually and at separate times.
Explain and demonstrate the specific skills in line with the establishments
procedures for completing workplace routine tasks, keeping in mind the
underperformance issues listed above (use your simulated policy and
procedure manual as a guide)
 Step 3 – After demonstrating the skill to your 4 colleagues (4 different class
mates), allow your colleagues (4 different class mates) to perform the task
with you and then on their own. Ensure you provide the colleague (4 different
class mates) with the opportunity to practice skill/s and ask questions
 Step 4 After the colleague’s (4 different class mates) demonstration of their
ability to perform the skills on their own, provide the colleague (4 different
class mates) with constructive feedback based on your observation. Ensure
you provide the colleague (4 different class mates) with feedback that is
delivered in a supportive manner
 Step 5- After the coaching session and in between colleagues (4 different
class mates) your assessor will be required to Record in the demonstration
record sheet (appendix 5) the specific skills you explained and demonstrated
to each colleague. The assessor will observe you conduct the coaching session

Your assessor will observe you conduct each coaching session with each of
your 4 colleagues and record their observation findings in the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7). You must satisfactorily perform each
criterion as listed in (appendix 7) to pass this section. Your assessor will
also refer to your recording when assessing this part of your assessment

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Your task Part 5 Part 5 – Follow up coaching
5.1 Now that the session has concluded your responsibility as a coach is not over.
Post coaching responsibilities are required. You are required to monitor the progress
of the 4 colleague’s (4 different classmates) new workplace skills and continue to
provide supportive assistance.

Note: Before commencing the monitoring of your colleagues check your

recording device and introduce this part as follows: “your first name,
surname, unit code title, Part 5 colleague 1 – 4 – performance monitoring)”
(spend 25 minutes with each colleague and 20 minutes)

5.2 It is 3 months later since the coaching session (this is a simulated time frame
only). You are meeting with the 4 colleagues for the first time after the coaching
 You must observe each of your colleagues for at least 25 minutes per
colleague performing their duties.
 You must determine the success of your coaching abilities accordingly.
 Identify if there are any performance problems or difficulties.
 Also use this time to provide further coaching as needed
 Then meet with the head chef (your assessor) for at least 20 minutes to
discuss the colleague’s performance after being coached. Discuss what went
well and what went not so well
 Report the progress of the 4 colleagues (4 different classmates you coached
earlier) to the head chef (your assessor).

Note: Before commencing the meeting with your head chef (assessor)
check your recording device and introduce this part as follows: “your first
name, surname, unit code title, Part 5 colleague 1 – 4- meeting with head
chef)” (spend 25 minutes with each colleague and 20 minutes)

5.3 Report each colleague’s progress and discuss with the head chef (your assessor)
any identified performance problems or difficulties with the coaching requiring follow

5.4 Complete the quarterly report of coaching progress (appendix 6) to complete this

Your assessor will observe you perform this part using the assessor
observation checklist (appendix 7)

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Appendices 1 Coaching questionnaire
2 Individual development plan

3 Discussion notes

4 Session plan/Coaching details

5 Demonstration record sheet

6 Quarterly report of coaching progress

7 Assessor observation checklist

Notes to the Prior to commencement of this assessment task, students must prepare a recording
assessor device to record each part (part 1-5) of this assessment. The recordings must be
clearly introduced as per the task parts 1-5. Specific instructions have been provided
before each part instruction to guide the student. You must reiterate the requirement
and ensure the student submits a USB with all recordings to be used when finalising
assessment of this task

Prior to commencement of the role play, discuss with the 4 students playing the role
of colleague 1 – 4 details of their underperformance issues

You must set up the role play to be conducted in the simulated kitchen to set the
scene as realistically as possible to industry expectations

Ensure all students have access to the simulated environment policies and procedures,
required stock, equipment and resources to conduct an effective coaching session

All students should be working in the kitchen preparing and cooking for a breakfast,
lunch and if required dinner service (there is no specification of the dishes) as long as
the kitchen is fully functional and the student has full access to allow coaching as per
the following listed roles to allow for effective role play activity to occur

Give each colleague (other students) time to prepare for the role play in accordance
with the following issues:
o Colleague 1 – Colleague 1 – a prep cook failing to clean produce to expectation
and within establishment time constraints
o Colleague 2 – a sous chef failing to provide the guidance to the line cooks as
required, and demonstrating poor communication skills
o Colleague 3 – junior sous chef whom is constantly not meeting the time
constraints set by the establishment when cooking for large number of customers

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o Colleague 4- Chef de cuisine forgets to order food items required to complete
dishes, and does not complete dishes on time regularly

Ensure you let the student/s being assessed know whom will be playing each role
prior to commencement of the assessment

Brief the student being assessed on the context of the task and ensure they
understand the critical evidence being gathered

Ensure coaching sessions are individual and with 4 different colleagues (4 class mates)
and that there is and observable area for you to observe the students performing this
task. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all recording devices are in working
condition as you will need to refer to these recordings when making a final judgement
on the students’ performance

Appendices have been provided and must be completed in detail by the student
(these can be completed after the role play or during the role play. The student,
however should take detailed notes and work towards the timeframes provide in the
task timeframe guide above)

You are required to observe the parts 4,5,6 practical components as per the timeline
guide outlined above

Note the students should be broken up into two groups of 4 – 4 students in group 1
will play the role of the coaches and in group 2 the 4 students will play the role of the
underperforming staff. The groups will then change over. You should use the time
frames below as a guide and your program guide for

Part 1 30 minutes per colleague to complete questionnaire

(appendix 1) for four colleagues (students)
Part 2 30 minutes per colleague to complete Individual plan
(appendix 2) for four colleagues (students)
Part 3 Organise and plan a coaching session (appendix 3/ 4
and 5) – 30 minutes per colleague for four colleagues
Part 4 Coach 4 colleagues – assessor observation 30 minutes
per colleague (students) observations (appendix 1) and
Demonstration record sheet (appendix 5)
Part 5 Part 5 Follow up coaching (appendix 6) – Your assessor
will play the role of the (head chef) discuss the follow up
action – allow time to meet with your assessor (allow 30
minutes per colleague to discuss follow up action)

Physical observations required by you together with the provided recordings include:

Part 4 Coach 4 Colleagues – observer the student conducts a coaching session for
4 colleagues (other class mates that you have briefed prior to commencement of this
assessment task) You need to complete appendix 7 and the student must complete
appendix 6.

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To be successful in part 4 all criterion and observation points must be deemed

Part 5 Follow up coaching (discuss the follow up action one on one with the
student. You are playing the role of the head chef – student must complete appendix

Ensure parts 1 – 5 are performed in accordance with the timeframe guidelines

specified above and electronic recordings are provided on USB as instructed below

Evidence ☐ Part 1 - Coaching questionnaire (appendix 1)

summary /
Submission ☐ Part 2- Individual development plan (appendix 2)

☐ Part 3 - Discussion notes (appendix 3)

☐ Part 3 - Session plan/Coaching details (appendix 4)

☐ Part 4 – Coaching session (assessor observation checklist –

Appendix 7)
☐ Part 4 - Demonstration record sheet (appendix 5)

☐ Part 5 - Quarterly report of coaching progress (appendix 6)

☐ Part 1 – 5 – Electronic recordings of part 1-5 as instructed above

provided on USB and Labelled (your first name, surname,
SITXHRM001, Task 3 Part 1 – 5 recording)
Assessor ☐ Section 1 Assessor observation checklist
Due date to be
recorded by

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APPENDIX 1 – Coaching Questionnaire
Colleague 1
This questionnaire is for the intent of building a relationship of mutual trust with your colleague
Interviewer name Date of interview

Colleague 1 name Date of interview

Q1 What do you do during a normal day and a normal week?

Q2 What do you want from the work you do?

Q3 What skills or knowledge are you developing?

Q4 How does your career contribute to achieving your personal goals?

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Q5 If you could change some aspects of your career what would you change?

Q6 What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments so far?

Q7 What activities have meaning and heart for you?

Q8 When are you the most motivated?

Q9 What do you believe to be your most important values? Do you believe you are
living congruently with these values?

Q10 How do you respond when you are in a really challenging situation?

Q11 What three steps could you take immediately that would make the greatest

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difference in your life?

Q12 What are your 3 top goals, either short or long term, at the moment?

Q13 What are your 3 biggest challenges at the moment?

Q14 What are your major objectives or gains that you wish to achieve from coaching?

Q15 What can your coach say when you are “stuck”, to help you return to action?

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Colleague 2
This questionnaire is for the intent of building a relationship of mutual trust with your colleague
Interviewer name Date of interview

Colleague 1 name Date of interview

Q1 What do you do during a normal day and a normal week?

Q2 What do you want from the work you do?

Q3 What skills or knowledge are you developing?

Q4 How does your career contribute to achieving your personal goals?

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Q5 If you could change some aspects of your career what would you change?

Q6 What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments so far?

Q7 What activities have meaning and heart for you?

Q8 When are you the most motivated?

Q9 What do you believe to be your most important values? Do you believe you are
living congruently with these values?

Q10 How do you respond when you are in a really challenging situation?

Q11 What three steps could you take immediately that would make the greatest

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difference in your life?

Q12 What are your 3 top goals, either short or long term, at the moment?

Q13 What are your 3 biggest challenges at the moment?

Q14 What are your major objectives or gains that you wish to achieve from coaching?

Q15 What can your coach say when you are “stuck”, to help you return to action?

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Colleague 3
This questionnaire is for the intent of building a relationship of mutual trust with your colleague
Interviewer name Date of interview

Colleague 1 name Date of interview

Q1 What do you do during a normal day and a normal week?

Q2 What do you want from the work you do?

Q3 What skills or knowledge are you developing?

Q4 How does your career contribute to achieving your personal goals?

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Q5 If you could change some aspects of your career what would you change?

Q6 What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments so far?

Q7 What activities have meaning and heart for you?

Q8 When are you the most motivated?

Q9 What do you believe to be your most important values? Do you believe you are
living congruently with these values?

Q10 How do you respond when you are in a really challenging situation?

Q11 What three steps could you take immediately that would make the greatest

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difference in your life?

Q12 What are your 3 top goals, either short or long term, at the moment?

Q13 What are your 3 biggest challenges at the moment?

Q14 What are your major objectives or gains that you wish to achieve from coaching?

Q15 What can your coach say when you are “stuck”, to help you return to action?

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Colleague 4
This questionnaire is for the intent of building a relationship of mutual trust with your colleague
Interviewer name Date of interview

Colleague 1 name Date of interview

Q1 What do you do during a normal day and a normal week?

Q2 What do you want from the work you do?

Q3 What skills or knowledge are you developing?

Q4 How does your career contribute to achieving your personal goals?

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Q5 If you could change some aspects of your career what would you change?

Q6 What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishments so far?

Q7 What activities have meaning and heart for you?

Q8 When are you the most motivated?

Q9 What do you believe to be your most important values? Do you believe you are
living congruently with these values?

Q10 How do you respond when you are in a really challenging situation?

Q11 What three steps could you take immediately that would make the greatest

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difference in your life?

Q12 What are your 3 top goals, either short or long term, at the moment?

Q13 What are your 3 biggest challenges at the moment?

Q14 What are your major objectives or gains that you wish to achieve from coaching?

Q15 What can your coach say when you are “stuck”, to help you return to action?

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APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 1
When completing the individual plan, you must agree on at least 3 job role goals. Ensure:
 At least one goal is a training goal to develop or provide new skills through on-the-job coaching
 At least one goal is to enhance performance and correct deficiencies
 1 other performance enhancement goal
Employee Manager Date
name name

Employee Manager
signature Signature

Goal 1

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

Goal 2

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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Goal 3

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 2
When completing the individual plan you must agree on at least 3 job role goals. Ensure:
•At least one goal is a training goal to develop or provide new skills through on-the-job coaching
•At least one goal is to enhance performance and correct deficiencies
•1 other performance enhancement goal
Employee Manager Date
name name

Employee Manager
signature Signature

Goal 1

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

Goal 2

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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Goal 3

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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APPENDIX 2 – Individual Plan - Colleague 4
When completing the individual plan you must agree on at least 3 job role goals. Ensure:
•At least one goal is a training goal to develop or provide new skills through on-the-job coaching
•At least one goal is to enhance performance and correct deficiencies
•1 other performance enhancement goal
Employee Manager Date
name name

Employee Manager
signature Signature

Goal 1

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

Goal 2

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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Goal 3

Development action

Measure of success

Resources required

Manager/supervisors Dates

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APPENDIX 3 – Discussion Points
Detail your discussion notes using the template below
1 Detail your discussion points as to why the coaching is required to be conducted and
the purpose of the coaching
Colleague 1

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

2 Your agreement with your colleague as to what they will learn from the coaching
Colleague 1

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

3 Your discussion points regarding the intended outcomes the coaching will provide
Colleague 1

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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4 Discussion points as to how the coaching will help your colleague (your assessor) in
their job role
Colleague 1

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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APPENDIX 4 – Session Plan
Colleague 1
Session title:




Stage Key points Time

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Is the location suitable?
Do I need to reserve it?

Does it have sufficient

lighting/ air conditioning?

Will I be interrupted? Is it

What time is most

appropriate? Will the staff
member be alert/focused

Does the time/place suit

the purpose?

Do I need real
life/customer situations?

Does it fit in with my work


Are training aids available

for the coaching session?

Are there any WHS

requirements to consider?

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Colleague 2
Session title:




Stage Key points Time

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Is the location suitable?
Do I need to reserve it?

Does it have sufficient

lighting/ air conditioning?

Will I be interrupted? Is it

What time is most

appropriate? Will the staff
member be alert/focused

Does the time/place suit

the purpose?

Do I need real
life/customer situations?

Does it fit in with my work


Are training aids available

for the coaching session?

Are there any WHS

requirements to consider?

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Colleague 3
Session title:




Stage Key points Time

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Is the location suitable?
Do I need to reserve it?

Does it have sufficient

lighting/ air conditioning?

Will I be interrupted? Is it

What time is most

appropriate? Will the staff
member be alert/focused

Does the time/place suit

the purpose?

Do I need real
life/customer situations?

Does it fit in with my work


Are training aids available

for the coaching session?

Are there any WHS

requirements to consider?

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Colleague 4
Session title:




Stage Key points Time

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Is the location suitable?
Do I need to reserve it?

Does it have sufficient

lighting/ air conditioning?

Will I be interrupted? Is it

What time is most

appropriate? Will the staff
member be alert/focused

Does the time/place suit

the purpose?

Do I need real
life/customer situations?

Does it fit in with my work


Are training aids available

for the coaching session?

Are there any WHS

requirements to consider?

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APPENDIX 5 – Demonstration Record Sheet
Describe the routine Colleague 1
work task you will
coach your colleagues
in the required job
Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

What specific skills did Colleague 1

you explain to each

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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Describe how you Colleague 1
demonstrated specific
skill to your colleagues.

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

Describe how you Colleague 1

communicated the
required knowledge
the colleague needed
to perform the skill
Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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Describe how you Colleague 1
checked on the
understanding of the
skill required to be
performed in line with Colleague 2
procedures for
completing this task

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

Describe how you Colleague 1

provided your
colleagues with the
opportunity to practice
skills and ask questions
when necessary Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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Describe the feedback Colleague 1
you provided to your
colleagues after
performing the task
based on your
coaching provided Colleague 2
Was your feedback
constructive? Why?

Was your feedback

supportive? If so, how? Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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APPENDIX 6 – Quarterly Report of Coaching Progress
Coachee (colleague1) Coach

Report date Period covered

Strategy (What has the coaching strategy been during this period?)
Colleague 1

Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

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APPENDIX 7 – Assessor Observation Checklist
To be completed by the assessor whist observing the student perform the task as outlined in this
Student Name

Record the task in Colleague 1

detail the student
performed whilst
observing this task
Colleague 2

Colleague 3

Colleague 4

Site description
including materials
and equipment on
site at the time of
the assessment
Who was present
for the observation
Note to the assessor Assessors note: You must record in detail under the explain below how the
student demonstrated their ability to satisfactorily perform this task when
participating in observation activity. Record your observations in detail under
the section labelled “Explain How”. You need to ensure that you take detailed
notes on the performance of the learner in the explanation section provided
Is reasonable ☐Yes ☐ No If yes please explain:
adjustment required
to complete this
task. If yes please

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Assessor Observation Record Sheet
Criterion 1: Describe in detail how the student provided effective on-the job coaching ☐S ☐NS
to four different colleagues
Please detail how you observed this student demonstrate this criterion ☐ ☐

Criterion 2: Describe in detail how the student addressed identified performance ☐S ☐NS
problems or difficulties experienced by colleagues in the 4 coaching sessions and
rectify or refer as appropriate
Please detail how you observed this student demonstrate this criterion ☐ ☐

Criterion 3: Describe in detail how the student evaluated colleagues’ performance and ☐S ☐NS

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provided constructive feedback as part of the 4 coaching sessions
Please detail how you observed this student demonstrate this criterion ☐ ☐

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Criterion 4: Describe in detail how the student demonstrated the following during each ☐S ☐NS
of the above coaching activities:
clear communication and Please detail how you observed this student ☐ ☐
demonstration of the demonstrate this criterion
organisational tasks required
of the colleague

completion of training within Please detail how you observed this student ☐ ☐
commercial time constraints demonstrate this criterion

application of the key Please detail how you observed this student ☐ ☐
principles of training. demonstrate this criterion

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Observation checklist
Observable checklist Observation Observation Observation Observation S NS
Date 1 Date 2 Date 3 Date 4
Note: Record dates as applicable
Observation checklist – Colleague 1 – 4
Did the student evidence their ability to:
☐ Welcome the colleagues Date: Date: Date: Date: ☐ ☐
☐ Explain the overall pursuit of the coaching to be …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./….
conducted with each colleague

Did the student explain and demonstrate specific skills, and how the task should be performed?
☐ Complete the task together Date: Date: Date: Date: ☐ ☐
☐ Demonstrate the task again …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./….
☐ Allow the colleague to practice individually
☐ Assess the colleague’s ability to perform the task
☐ Whilst coaching the colleague, did the student explain
the establishments procedure and expectation of the tasks
required to be performed?

Did the student communicate the required knowledge and check the colleagues understanding of what was expected?
☐ Use active listening Date: Date: Date: Date: ☐ ☐
☐ Speak slowly and clearly …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./….
☐ Use open questioning techniques to confirm

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Did the student provide feedback to the colleague that was constructive and in a supportive manner?
☐ Acknowledge what they did well Date: Date: Date: Date: ☐ ☐
☐ Express what needs improvement …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./….
☐ Suggest techniques
☐ Give an overview of further coaching requirements
☐ Recap key points, invite questions and thank their

Did the student complete training within commercial time constraints?

☐ Complete own work tasks within designated timeframes Date: Date: Date: Date: ☐ ☐
☐ Simultaneously coach others in their job skills. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./…. …./…./….
☐ Calculate adequate time required for coaching and for
the colleague to complete required tasks

Assessor Assessor Date

name signature

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Assessor to complete
ASSESSORS NOTE: Before making a final judgement on this assessment task, you must determine if
the student is able to satisfactorily apply and perform the following criteria. This checklist is a guide to
satisfactory performance of this task. The criteria below are directly linked to the performance measures
required throughout the task and therefore there are no model answers required as the criterion below
is underpinned by this assessment task. All criterion listed must be satisfactory to achieve a satisfactory
outcome for this task. If a NS is provided for any of the criterion below then the task outcome should be
treated as NS and the reassessment process should be applied.
IF a NS (not satisfactory) outcome is applied then you must inform the student in detail as to “why” this
outcome was provided. Record your reasons in the section labelled “NS outcomes”
Task requirements - In your professional opinion has the student demonstrated the required skills when
performing the routine task above related to this unit of competency. Is the student able to?
Item Performance Evidence - Task requirements S NS
In your professional opinion has the student applied the required
knowledge when explaining routine tasks related to this unit of

Is the student able to:

1 provide effective on-the job coaching to four different colleagues ☐ ☐
2 address identified performance problems or difficulties experienced by ☐ ☐
colleagues in each of the above coaching sessions and rectify or refer
as appropriate
3 evaluate colleagues’ performance and provide constructive feedback as ☐ ☐
part of above coaching sessions
4 demonstrate the following during each of the above coaching activities: ☐ ☐
clear communication and demonstration of the organisational tasks
required of the colleague
completion of training within commercial time constraints
application of the key principles of training.

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Item Knowledge Evidence – Task requirements S NS
In your professional opinion has the student performed the required
knowledge when explaining routine tasks related to this unit of
Is the student able to:

1 communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context ☐ ☐

2 objectives and scope of the coaching ☐ ☐

3 factors which impact need for coaching: ☐ ☐

direction from colleagues
own observation and workplace experience
request for coaching from colleagues to be coached

4 key principles of training: ☐ ☐

listening to trainee explanation
observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
providing feedback

5 legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements ☐ ☐

6 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties: ☐ ☐
breakdown in communication
inappropriate circumstances for coaching
insufficient opportunity to practice
language or cultural barriers
shyness or lack of confidence.

NS Outcomes
Item Record in detail the reason for the NS outcome applied

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To be completed by the trainer/assessor
Learner details Assessor details
Name Name

Unit SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills Date

Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)

Assessment activity Satisfactory Date More Date

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐
Observation – Part 1 - Coaching questionnaire
(appendix 1)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 2- Individual development
plan (appendix 2)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 3 - Discussion notes
(appendix 3)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 3 - Session plan/Coaching
details (appendix 4)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 4 - Demonstration record
sheet (appendix 5) and assessor observation
checklist (appendix 7)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 5 - Quarterly report of
coaching progress (appendix 6)

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Assessor Observation Checklist
(appendix 7) – completed by your assessor

Task 3 – Section 1 Simulated Practical ☐ ☐

Observation – Part 1 – 5 – Electronic
recordings of part 1-5 as instructed above

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provided on USB and Labelled (your first
name, surname, SITXHRM001, Task 3 Part 1
– 5 recording)

Outcome - The learner has completed all the Satisfactory ☐ Not ☐

assessments requirements for this unit of Satisfactory
competency and has been deemed
Context Detail (Assessor to record)

Attempt 1 ……../………/…….. Attempt 2 ……../………/…….. Attempt 3 ……../………/……..
Appeals – refer to the complaints and appeals policy and procedure
If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have three
assessment attempts. After the third attempt arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment
purposes. Refer to your student hand book for more details on the complaints and appeals process.

Assessor Feedback to learner: The assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is
constructive and not generic

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Reasonable Adjustment (if applicable) explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and the
tasks it was applied to

Assessor Intervention (if applicable) - did you need to assist the student in this assessment. If so
please explain:

Assessor Name Assessor Date

Student declaration - I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and resources used in the presentation of this
assessment whether they are books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or
personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not previously been submitted for
assessment in any other subject or any other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part
or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons. I confirm that I
understand that I must complete this assessment on my own. I confirm that I will not cheat or plagiarise,
or copy from another student during the completion of this assessment.

Student name Student Date


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