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Submitted By: Mudasar Sultan Mehmood

ROLL NO: 2018-ME-19

Submitted To: Sir.Wasif Nouman
Experiment No: 01

Impact of Jet on Different Surfaces

Part A:
Impact of Jet on Flat Surface


1. To analyze different impacts on nozzles of jet

2. To know about which nozzle is best to be used in turbine

In this experiment basically flow rate of fluid is measured by using hydraulic bench. Flow
rate is measured with the help of stop watch. A hydraulic containing two collecting tanks, a
centrifugal pup, a flowmeter a set of valves and piping is used in this provides
hydrostatic pressure on the surface of nozzle used.


1. Hydraulic Bench
2. Impact of jet
3. Stop watch
4. Nozzle with Flat Surface
5. Weights


1. Balance the jet on the hydraulic bench by levelling the bench.

2. Attach the flat surface in the vane.
3. Set the apparatus for experiment.
4. Position the weight carrier.
5. Power on the hydraulic bench.
6. Open the valve and let create impact of jet on the surface.
7. Put some weight on weight carrier.
8. Increase jet pressure gradually till surface is completely reaches the top.
9. Note fluid volume from glass tube.
10. Note flow rate of jet using stopwatch through glass tube.
11. Keep noting these values for different weights.

Calculations & Observations:

We can calculate impact of jet on surface using formula,

F=ρQ (V −V cosα )

Cosα for flat surface=0


F= Impact of jet

Ρ=density of water
V=volume measured in cubic meters

Cosα= angle of surface with jet impact

Q=flow of jet

We can measure flow of jet Q using,


A=area of the surface

Area for flat surface=5.0265*10^-5m^2

Impact for Flat surface,

F=ρQ (V −Vcosα )

From above equation,

F=ρQ V

We can measure weight in Newton using


m=mass applied on the weight carrier

g=gravitational constant


Mass Weight in Volum Time Q Q^2 Impact of

applied in newton e m^3 (s) jet F
0.005 0.04905 2 9
0.1 0.981 1.5 6.5
0.15 1.4715 1.5 5.61
0.250 2.4525 2 3
0.300 2.943 2.5 7.6
0.350 3.4335 4 10.35
Part B

Impact of Jet on Spherical surface


1. Hydraulic Bench
2. Impact of jet
3. Stop watch
4. Nozzle with spherical Surface
5. Weights


1. Balance the jet on the hydraulic bench by levelling the bench.

2. Attach the spherical surface in the vane.
3. Set the apparatus for experiment.
4. Position the weight carrier.
5. Power on the hydraulic bench.
6. Open the valve and let create impact of jet on the surface.
7. Put some weight on weight carrier.
8. Increase jet pressure gradually till surface is completely reaches the top.
9. Note fluid volume from glass tube.
10. Note flow rate of jet using stopwatch through glass tube.
11. Keep noting these values for different weights.

Calculations & Observations:

We can calculate impact of jet on surface using formula,

F=ρQ (V −V cosα )

Cosα for spherical surface = -1

And above equation becomes

F=ρQF=2 ρQ V


F= Impact of jet
ρ =density of water

V=volume measured in cubic meters

Cosα= angle of surface with jet impact

Q=flow of jet

We can measure flow of jet Q using,


A=area of the surface

Area for flat surface=5.0265*10^-5m^2

We can measure weight in Newton using


m=mass applied on the weight carrier

g=gravitational constant

Mass applied Weight in Volume Time ( s ) Q Q^2 Impact

in Kg newton m^3 of jet F
0.005 0.04905 0.25 2
0.1 0.981 0.25 2
0.15 1.4715 0.5 3
0.250 2.4525 1 4.8
0.300 2.943 1.75 5.8
0.350 3.4335 2.5 8.5
Part C
Impact of Jet on Curve surface


1. Hydraulic Bench
2. Impact of jet
3. Stop watch
4. Nozzle with curved Surface
5. Weights


1. Balance the jet on the hydraulic bench by levelling the bench.

2. Attach the curved surface in the vane.
3. Set the apparatus for experiment.
4. Position the weight carrier.
5. Power on the hydraulic bench.
6. Open the valve and let create impact of jet on the surface.
7. Put some weight on weight carrier.
8. Increase jet pressure gradually till surface is completely reaches the top.
9. Note fluid volume from glass tube.
10. Note flow rate of jet using stopwatch through glass tube.
11. Keep noting these values for different weights.

Calculations & Observations:

We can calculate impact of jet on surface using formula,

F=ρQ ¿Vcosα ¿


F= Impact of jet

Cosα for curve surface = -0.5

Above equation becomes,

F= ρQ V
ρ =density of water

V=volume measured in cubic meters

Cosα= angle of surface with jet impact

Q=flow of jet

We can measure flow of jet Q using,


A=area of the surface

Area for flat surface=5.0265*10^-5m^2

We can measure weight in Newton using


m=mass applied on the weight carrier

g=gravitational constant

Mass applied Weight in Volume Time ( s ) Q Q^2 Impact of

in Kg newton m^3 jet F
0.005 0.04905 1.2 3.22
0.100 0.981 0.7 3.24
0.150 1.4715 0.1 1
0.250 2.4525 1.5 4.86
0.300 2.943 1.3 2.62
0.350 3.4335 2.4 3.78

We have analyzed impact of jet on three surfaces. From the experiment and calculations
we have concluded that spherical surface is best for turbine to be used to produce more impact of
jet. We will get more power through turbine using spherical surface.

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