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Jay and Trudy Inslee stalkling me in Olympia


Voice encrypted details.
Grays Harbor County Code
The names Inslee and McKenna are interchangable.

Rest area on I-90

This is Jay Inslee. He is Rob McKenna, Chief Miedl and Bob Ferguson
Recording of Carlie being beaten and raped at 612 W Sharp by McKenna as "Miedl"
July, 2014 Ocean Court Apartments.
He had my daughters in the parking lot. They can be heard
calling out in the audio but the voice encryption masks
their cries for help live.

November, 2016 Aberdeen

The way to Montesano,

Montesano and
my mother

August 2014 Division and 2nd Ave 7-11 Spokane

This is how McKenna stalks me,
every where I go, every day,
every minute for over seven

McKenna as
Ocean Shores

Loading a
trailor in front

of my
apartment in
Ocean Shores

West Side Park, Spokane September 2017

Ocean Shores Shell Station Sneaking around in the 7-11 Store in Kent, WA
hall by my door with a gun August 2016
September 2017
April 2017 May 2017

Ocean Shores West Dean

Ave, Spokane Trudy Inslee in disguise November 24
stalking me 2019

Acting as a
neighbor at
my moms

Olympia looking for the Attorney General's Office

My The people in the Olympia video

crying for help that i couldnt hear at the time.

West Spokane May

They have not allowed
me one second of
silence or peace to be
within my own thought
for eight years and they
are slowly killing me.

I have no life except

them every second of
Police Report

Trying to file police report April 4th 2019

Prosecutors Office refusing to give report to

a prosecutor

Front desk refusing to give report to a


Prosecutors Office refusing to tell anyone

about my daughters being kidnapped and

This is trudy Inslee

The two clerks at the county prosecutors office
in Spokane refused to take my police report.
They said “I f we do it for you then we have to
do it for everybody”. They told me I could not
speak to a prosecutor and I could not make an
Here they are at Sea-Tac airport clearly stalking
me and here she is following me in Spokane on
the bus and she is a cop in Pacific, Washinton.
This is McKenna as Judge Edwards in Grays Harbor
County who sentenced me after he arrested me as
“Officer Henderson”.

And then he was my jail guard in county as a deputy

sheriff pictured here at the immediate right.
These are each and every one the same person.
This is Rob McKenna as Sgt Watson Ocean
Shores Police August of 2017
This is McKenna's son Conner and daughter Madeline as Officer “Nash” and “Howell.
They came to my apartment dressed as police to abduct me but fortunately I was able to escape. When I broke free and
was able to get my door secured I left the recording going and they didn't leave. They raped my daughter in one of the
apartments they were keeping her in. Everything is voice encrypted all of the time and with the proper decryption code,
their evil acts will be clearly explained by the cowardly thugs themselves. April 2nd 2019
After this encounter, Nash filed an affidavit saying “Bradley was violent the moment he opened the door” and other
blatantly false statements clearly proven false by the video evidence. Frontier Behavioral Health Specialist Katherine
Browning used Nash's statements to obtain an order for involuntary commitment and they came and abducted me, put me in
four point restraints, injected me with poison and drove me to Fairfax in Kirkland.

3 days after moving Corina Comley to Ocean Shores, the cops arrested me
from my apartment and charged me with assault, put a no contact order on
me and suddenly I was homeless. I knew there had to be a reason for the
cops to lie, I thought Corina was seeing one of them so I sneaked back
into MY apartment and hid a recorder in the drapes. The recorder was
there for three days. This is a few minutes from that recording.

I did not know at the time my two daughters were in there.

But I know now.

Brad Was Violent
Carlie and Annie being raped and beaten by McKenna in
Ocean Shores
This is Madeline McKenna following me in Hoquiam. She gets
incredibly angry when she sees I am filming her.
in olympia
Madeline McKenna, Hoquiam 2015 at my window



Above is Madeline and Rob each with a child and each with a curved
dagger like the ones use in Islamic be headings.

Below: Catie is picking up the head of the baby Rob jut murdered.
Catie McKenna has a tazor and is tazing these small children
Bay Murder August of 2015, clip one

Clip 2
The actors in the Marshfield Murder Trial of Rob McKenna are all stalking me.

When I called 911 on April 2n, 2019 because I heard my daughters being raped in the
apartment next to mine McKenna showed up as SPD Officer “Tylock”
April 2nd 2019 immediately after I hung up with 911 telling them my daughter was
being raped and beaten in an apartment below me
The barking sounds are my girls crying out for help. A sound disguiser.

(Tylock arrives 30 minutes into the recording)

As Spokane Police in front At my bedroom window

of my apartment
This woman however is second to known in sheer unapologetic acts of sheer evil.

November 23rd, 2019 at the post office in

downtown Spokane to get a card from my
mom I notice a federal agent there
watching me.

So I hit record and confronted him

Below is Corina Comley and she is the person whose phone was connected
to mine as I recorded the voice encrypted call referenced at the beginning
of this document and is the person I am talking to at the very end of that
recording. I have hundreds of hours of recordings from her phone with the
same encryption. 360 310 3737
303 Tacoma Blv South?
I discovered these and many other fraudulent documents filed on
my property by a “Paul T. Giampapa” in 2012. In January of 2013 this man and others began stalking
I have suspected that McKenna
is really my son Bradley Kurtz.
Just above on the left is my son.
Federal Way, Washington

West Spokane

April 2017 Ocean Shores

7 in the morning, McKenna and Madeline my window.

They never leave me alone for one single second.

EVER. For over eight years. They are here right
now as I type these words at 1:30 am on 9/28/2020.

In my hallway at my door.

This is Rob McKenna impersonating a Spokane Deputy Sheriff calling me

Rob McKenna as “Deputy Bowman”

This is Robert Marion McKenna as “Deputy Bowman” refusing to rescue my daughter after I just told
him her exact location and that she was at that very moment being raped and beaten.
Accusing “Jerry Ressa”
of being Rob McKenna

Take a close look. Look at them. Closer.

That's his daughter, Catie and she's my neighbor.
The Danger is Real
Monday August 17th, 2020 SPD showed up with an ambulance banging on
my door and would not stop for over 20 minutes. I finally turned my
recorder on and went to the door. August 17th, 2020

Below is the discharge order from Fairfax Mental Hospital where I was taken in four point restraints
from Spokane in April of 2019, just days after trying to file the police report at the courthouse.
Everything inside of the yellow outline was fraudulently added and in a different handwriting.
Walking around the
building calling for

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