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Classroom Observations Reflections Paper 1

Classroom Observations and Reflections Paper-

Week #4 Assignment

Sisciley B. Watson


Instructor: Yvonne Wilson

Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 2

University of Phoenix Material

Teacher Evaluation for Early Childhood Social Studies Observation
Write an x or a check mark under the level that describes how well you feel the teacher performed the
descriptions on the left. Answer the questions that follow the table.

School: Grand Prairie Elementary- Washington, Louisiana

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Teacher: Tatum McGee

Performance areas Excellent Good Average Poor

Well organized and
Effectively introduces
the objective of the X
Establishes behavioral
Checks for prior
Uses effective
Facilitates student-
centered discussions
Sets high expectations
for student X
Employs questions to
engage students in X
Uses different levels of
questions to
encourage critical
Accommodates for
individual learning X
Maximizes student
time on task
Connects learning X
with real-world
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 3

accurate and current
knowledge in content
Classroom climate
based on respect and X
Treats students in a
fair and equitable X
Integrates technology
into the lesson
Integrates other
content areas into the X
collaborative learning X
Uses a variety of
project-based X

 What was the design and layout of the learning environment?

Ms. McGee’s Kindergarten Class was amazing! I enjoyed every minute being in

her classroom because we share the same taste, visuals, love of bright colors, the use of

characters, being organized and making a classroom a home away from home. Her

classroom was designed with a hot air balloon/sky theme with bright colors, sky panels

that replaced the covers of the light panels on the ceiling, and she incorporated the

classroom character that is used in her lessons and as an incentive for her students good

behavior. The classroom was very organized and neat. The tables were set up with four

children per table with enough personal space and school supplies used throughout the

day. Ms. McGee had an American Flag in front of the classroom with informative charts

that showed pictures of the Presidents of the United States, global regions, weather,

seasons, and maps.

Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 4

 What were the Social Studies Content Standards taught?

The standards that were being taught in Ms. McGee’s Kindergarten Class were:

History: Standard 1 – Chronological Thinking Skills Students apply a sense of time


daily routines within their community.

K.1.1 Order events that take place in a sequence using appropriate vocabulary.

K.1.2 Describe the function of tools used for representing time.

Standard 2 – Historical Thinking Skills Students distinguish between events,

people, and symbols

in the past and present.

K.2.1 Compare and contrast children and families of today with those in the past
using various


K.2.2 Identify symbols of local, state, and national importance using various

K.2.3 Identify local, state, and national celebrations, holidays, and events using
various sources.

K.2.4 Recall facts about people of the past and present.

Geography-Standard 3 – Maps, Globes, and Environment- Students demonstrate


understanding of the connections between their physical and cultural

environments through the

use of globes, maps, and other visual representations.

K.3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relative locations of objects through

the use of

appropriate vocabulary.

K.3.2 Identify maps and globes as a representation of the earth and recognize the
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 5


between land and water.

K.3.3 Demonstrate geographic knowledge of places within the school and


K.3.4 Illustrate basic landforms.

K.3.5 Construct maps of familiar locations.

K.3.6 Describe how weather affects daily choices.

K.3.7 Describe how people live differently in other places using various sources.

K.3.8 Identify natural resources as being renewable/non-renewable or recyclable.

K.3.9 Demonstrate spatial understanding that students are a part of (i.e.,

classroom, school,

town/city, and state)

Civics-Standard 4 – Government and Citizenship- Students understand how to participate and


effective citizenship skills at home, in school, and in the community.

K.4.1 Identify individuals in a position of authority within a family, school, or community and
their responsibilities.

K.4.2 Explain the importance of rules at home, class, and school.

K.4.3 Discuss the roles, rights, and responsibilities of being a good citizen in a family, class,
and school.

Economics-Standard 5 – Basic Economic Concepts-Students develop an understanding of

economic concepts and develop decision-making skills.

K.5.1 Identify wants and basic needs

K.5.2 Explore the concept of saving.

K.5.3 Discuss the concept of scarcity within classroom situations.

K.5.4 Explore concepts of goods/services.

Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 6

K.5.5 Describe jobs that people do to earn money.

K.5.6 Explain how products get from a point of origin to consumers.

K.5.7 Describe a voluntary exchange/trade.

 Describe how the content was developmentally appropriate or describe if it was

not developmentally appropriate.

I believe that the content was developmentally appropriate for the Kindergarten

class. Ms. McGee stated that all of the material that is being taught in the classroom has to

follow and be approved by the St. Landry Parish School Board before it is able to be

taught within the classroom. The material was age appropriate and the children were able

to catch on easily. If Ms. McGee would see a child unsure or struggling, she would repeat

herself, ask questions, and assess the child on a personal level and then proceed with the

lesson. The children really enjoyed learning about each other’s cultural background,

different regions around the world that were pointed out to them according to information

that was provided from their cultural background worksheet that was given to take home

for homework so that their parents could help them with the assignment. It was then

returned to class at the end of the week and each child was able to present the information

to their peers.

 What were the materials and resources used?

Materials and resources were used such as maps, globes, informative charts,
websites from

the internet pertaining to the Social Studies lesson, YouTube Videos, computers,

and smartboards.
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 7

 Were there any health or safety considerations?

No health considerations for the social studies lessons. Ms. McGee’s classroom

rules were posted on a poster in front of the classroom and whenever the students would

get out of order, she would correct them.

 What were the interactions between children?

Yes, there was lots of interactions between the students. They would have group

discussions, they would interact with each other during the lessons, and they would

listen to each other while speaking about their cultural background.

 How did the teacher differentiate the social studies curriculum?

Ms. McGee differentiated the social studies curriculum by adding the learning

stations where groups that would pair off into four students per group would do different

social studies activities for a certain amount of time and then rotate. The different

learning stations included: watching a social studies related video, creating artwork

(pictures of their families, maps, globes, items found in certain countries), completing

puzzles, globe studies/ lecture with Ms. McGee.

 What was the evidence of the children’s understanding of the concepts being
taught, or were there any assessments used during observation?

Ms. McGee used the teaching strategy used “I do it, we do it, you do it”. When new concepts

were being introduced to the students the initial process is broken down into three steps rather

then one. The children were adapting well, and all the children were learning and catching on

to the material without any problems.

Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 8

Teacher Evaluation for Early Childhood Social Studies Observation

Write an x or a check mark under the level that describes how well you feel the teacher performed the
descriptions on the left. Answer the questions that follow the table.

School: Grand Prairie Elementary- Washington, Louisiana

Grade Level: 1st Grade
Teacher: Haley Fontenot

Performance areas Excellent Good Average Poor

Well organized and
Effectively introduces
the objective of the X
Establishes behavioral
Checks for prior
Uses effective
Facilitates student-
centered discussions
Sets high expectations
for student X
Employs questions to
engage students in X
Uses different levels of X
questions to
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 9

encourage critical
Accommodates for
individual learning X
Maximizes student
time on task
Connects learning
with real-world X
accurate and current
knowledge in content
Classroom climate
based on respect and X
Treats students in a
fair and equitable X
Integrates technology
into the lesson
Integrates other
content areas into the X
collaborative learning X
Uses a variety of
project-based X

 What was the design and layout of the learning environment?

Ms. Fontenot had a very neat and organized classroom. The classroom was set up

with rows of ten individualized desk per row facing the dry erase whiteboard. The class

was colorful, bright, but age appropriate. It was not too kiddy. The classroom displayed

informative charts, an American Flag in the front of classroom, charts showing the

different global regions around the world, American Presidents, monthly calendars,

seasonal charts, weather charts, and a classroom globe.

Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 10

 What were the Social Studies Content Standards taught?

The standards that were being taught in Ms. Fontenot’s 1st Grade Class were:

Civics-Standard 4 – Government and Citizenship-Students develop an

understanding of the purpose and structure of government and their role as a responsible

1.4.1 Develop a list of rules for the classroom and describe their

1.4.2 State examples of rules and laws in the home, school, and community and
explain their purposes.

1.4.3 Identify the current mayor, governor, and president.

1.4.4 Describe the student's role, rights, and responsibilities as a citizen of the
class, the school, and the


Economics-Standard 5 – Basic Economic Concepts-Students explain the economic

concepts of

goods and services within their school and community.

1.5.1 Identify ways to save money.

1.5.2 Distinguish between needs/wants of people by responding to real life


1.5.3 Distinguish between goods and services.

1.5.4 Identify jobs and industries within the school and community.

1.5.5 Identify ways people exchange/trade goods and services.

 Describe how the content was developmentally appropriate or describe if it was

not developmentally appropriate.

I believe that the content was developmentally appropriate for the 1st grade class.

Like Ms. McGee, Ms. Fontenot stated that all the material that is being taught in the
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 11

classroom must follow and be approved by the St. Landry Parish School Board before it is

able to be taught within the classroom. The material was age appropriate and the children

were able to catch on easily. If Ms. would see a student having trouble, she would

personally by going to the desk or calling them to her desk and she would assess the

problem. If the student was not understanding, she would offer the student to stay in

during recess and if she was not too busy, she would help them during that time as well.

 What were the materials and resources used?

Materials and resources were used such as maps, globes, informative charts,
websites from

the internet pertaining to the Social Studies lesson, YouTube Videos, computers,

and smartboards.

 Were there any health or safety considerations?

No health considerations for the social studies lessons. Ms. Fontenot’s classroom

rules were posted on a poster in front of the classroom and whenever the students would

get out of order, she would correct them and repeat the rules. If they did not want to listen,

she would have them write the rules.

 What were the interactions between children?

Yes, there was plenty of interaction between the students. They students had group

discussions and discussions between each other as a whole class as well.

 How did the teacher differentiate the social studies curriculum?

Ms. Fontenot would differentiate the social studies curriculum by having the
Classroom Observations and Reflection Paper 12

students keep daily journals that would contain a question about the social studies lesson

and their answers which would be turned in at the end of the week for a grade. The

students were required to use proper grammatical skills, and structured spacing.

 What was the evidence of the children’s understanding of the concepts being
taught, or were there any assessments used during observation?

The evidence that proved that the students were understanding the concepts that

were being taught by Ms. Fontenot was using a timeline. Using the timeline for her social

studies lesson would help create a pattern that would put the historical events that were

being discussed in the lesson into perspective. The students seem to like this concept and it

would help benefit all of the different types of learners within her classroom.


Louisiana Department of Education. (2019). Student Standards for Social Studies.

Retrieved from:

curriculum/standards---k-12-social-studies.pdf on September 4, 2019

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