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7. What are the issues/concerns related to nuclear waste?

Nuclear is formed when a nuclear fuel nucleus snaps into two in a reactor. The residual smaller
nuclei known as “fission product”, are the main component of nuclear waste. This are made by element
isotopes iron, zinc, germanium, zirconium, silver, and iodine. This nuclear waste is highly radioactive
meaning it is so hazardous that if you stood close to it when it was unshielded, within a few seconds you
will absorb a fatal dose of radiation and within a few days you would die of acute radiation sickness. For
thousands of years, it has not moved from harmful benign.

After a few terrible failures in Nuclear power plants around the world, nuclear poses quite a
serious danger to our way of life. Security and health problems have since been implicated in the
disposal of nuclear (radioactive) waste. This are some dangers of nuclear that been proven by
CONSERVE ENERGY FUTURE: Long Half Life, the products of nuclear fission have long half-lives,
radioactive content continue for thousands of year therefore it is hazardous. Storage of nuclear content,
even though there are a lot of methods but there only few being implemented because of the
problematic nature of storing such hazardous material that remain radioactive for thousands of years.
Effects on Nature, although the waste is well sealed, there accidents and leaks can occur that affect
animal and plant life, it causing cancerous growths like genetic problems.

At the same time, there are an also lot of concerns about Nuclear Waste Disposal. Accident,
while a lot focus is put on the responsible handling of radioactive waste much of the time, incidents do
happen. This has contributed to range of dangerous circumstances, including the spread of radioactive
waste by dust storms to regions inhabited by humans and wildlife and polluted with sewage, wetlands,
river or even the sea. Such events may have devastating impacts or depend on the water of lakes or
wetlands to live around these areas. Scavenging, People go scavenging for abandoned nuclear waste
that is till toxic, especially bad problem in developed countries. There is a market for these kind of
scavenged products in certain countries, which means that people knowing subject themselves to
harmful radiation level in order to make money. Transportation, despite all the cautions placed in place
when transporting radioactive waste, collisions continue to occur and may have a devastating impact on
all people in the area of the crash. Health effects, the biggest concern is the negative effects that can
have on the human body when exposed to radiation, radiation can cause changes in ‘DNA’ that ensures
cell repair. Expense, if accidents occur, the risk of fixing things up and making everything healthy again is
very high for humans, animals and plants.

It is important challenge to answer the needs of the public and negotiate appropriate
alternatives to develop long-term solutions to the Nuclear Waste. Mechanism should be set up and all
the people involved should be able to participate.,extracted
9. Which is more dangerous, indoor or outdoor air pollution? Support your answer

You can feel the effects of poor outdoor air quality, whether you live in an urban or rural
environment. For unnecessary air pollution like smog or pollen, the same walls, doors and windows that
shield your home from the elements may be an entrance path. The effect of indoor air emissions may
be greater than what you would see outdoors, since too much time in spent indoors. However,
according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2
to 5 times higher than those of outdoor air pollutants and, in some cases it may exceed 100 times. In
other words, the air inside can be more dangerous even than the air outside.

There are many forms of air emissions originating from outside sources, according to the
National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS) and the EPA. Dust and dander are
considered to reduce the home's air quality, but there are several other toxins that may not just foul the
air, but also add to other health problems. Radon and carcinogens from construction materials and
cleaning equipment lead to poor air quality and can cause cancers as well. VOCs (volatile organic
compounds) from paint and also from some types of fabrics for carpeting and upholstery can cause
problems. The culprits may be mold and tobacco smoke, too. Some of us, mostly children and older
adults, may spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors. Bad air quality can affect anyone, regardless of

Poor ventilation at home my lead to more health problems. While air continues to flow through
environments, environments distinct from the outside are created by indoor spaces. Indoor
environments share less air with the outside essentially sealing in the home to establish personal
climates. Since there is not adequate airflow, as they are not emitted into the larger outdoor expanse,
amounts of indoor air contaminants can build up from within sources. For instance, in a 2004 survey, the
California Air Resources Board found that new California single-family homes were constructed so
airtight that they had lower outside air exchange rates than required building codes. 32 percent did not
use their windows out of the 108 homes studied in the report. Almost all the homes had formaldehyde
amounts that met health guidelines for these and other reasons.

Outdoor air quality is influenced by the activities of organized manufacturers and whole
businesses, so it is much easier to control than indoor air. Indoor ventilation relies on the individual's
particular behavior inhabit the indoor space. Furthermore, since they do not blow away with the next
wind, minor amounts of toxins indoors will contribute to greater health issues. To eliminating sources of
emissions, investing in an air purifier is a full long-term solution to low indoor air quality. You can also
make a suggestion to get outside. Given that individuals spend as much as 90 % of their time indoors;
this is a major concern.

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