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Science: A systematized body of knowledge based on  Technology from Greek word “tekhne” meaning

facts, observations, or experiment art or craft & “logia” meaning subject and
The intellectual and practical activity
encompassing the systematic study of the structure and
behavior of physical and natural world through
observation and experiment.
MESOPOTAMIA from Greeks “between two
BRANCHES OF SCIENCE: Physical Science – natural
science that studies non-living systems
(Sumerian Civilization)
Life Science – natural science  Sumerians – the black headed people
that studies living systems  High degree of cooperation with one another

PHYSICAL SCIENCE and their desire for great things

 They are know for building walled city-states
Physics: deals with the study of physical quantities. It
and inventions still used today
also explains the relationship of matter with energy
 Cuneiform – one of the earliest writing system
Chemistry: studies the composition, structure, (3000 BC)
properties and change of matter.  Sumerians also developed their own number
Astronomy: deals with the study of celestial bodies that
 They bulit sailboats to travel by sea to trade
includes planet, meteor, stars, etc.
goods with other neighboring civilizations.
Earth Science: deals with the study of the planet earth
 Wheels were used for pottery, now for
 One of the earliest trading grounds through
their production of textiles, leather goods, and
Biology: concerned with the study of life and living jewelry.
organism  Irrigation – invented to maintain good farmland

Zoology: studies the animal kingdom, including the  High leeves or flood banks – collect floodwaters

structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, coming from the Tigris and Euphrates.

and distribution of all animals, including both living and  Plow – used fof digging and hard soil to make

extinct planting easy.

 Developed a lunar calendar – 12 lunar months
Botany: deals with the study of plant life
in a year
 Science from Latin word “scientia” meaning  Bitumen – used to develop first roads
URUK CITY – first true city; constructed using sun-baked
THE GREAT ZIGGURAT OF UR – mountain of God; sacred GREAT SPHINX OF GIZA – lion’s body & humad head; 20-
place of their chief of god; ONLY priests were allowed to meter high statue made of white limestone
STEP PYRAMID – built by Djoser in Saqqara; designed by
(Babylonian Civilization) center of Imhotep
Mesopotamian civilization
PYRAMID OF GIZA – tombs for the kings & queens of
 Babylon – “Gates of the Gods” (bav-il or bav-
 Sundials and water clocks – to determine time  Soul lives on as an immortal entity after death.
 Mummification – to preserve the body to be
TOWER OF BABEL – “with its tops in the heavens”
recognized by the soul
Nebuchadnezzar II’s gift to his wife, Amytis
 Sanskrit Cina from the name of Qin Dynasty
 Seres – “the land where the silk comes from”
(Ancient Egypt)
(Greek & Romans)
 The land of Egypt was known Kemet (Black
 Abacus – used for basic & complex
mathematical operations
 Canal for Irrigation
 Acupuncture – practice of relieving pain, healing
 Shadoof – composed of a pole and a bucket
used to lift water
 Porcelain – ceramic clay pottery
 Papyrus – used to make the first paper
 Sericulture – cultivation & production of silk
 Ink was made by mixing soot and other
 Silk Road – network of trade routes that
connected different countries
 Hieroglyphics – system of writing using symbols
 Gunpowder – originally for creating potion for
 Cosmetics/Make-up – for health and aesthetic
immortality; now used for weapons
reason; protect them from evil
o Beauty – sign of holiness GREAT WALL OF CHINA - only man-made structure that

o Kohl – prevent & cure eye diseases could be seen from outer space; put the nation among
the powerful civilizations during the ancient times
o Wig – protect them from harmful rays
 Water Clock/Clepsydra - the amount of water
(Ancient Greece)
remaining in the device determines how much
time has elapsed since it is full  SPA (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) – questioned
human existence & how the world came to be
 PYTHAGORAS – Pythagorean Theorem; number  ABU ALI AL-HUSSEIN IBN SINA or AVICENNA –
is the only objective concept in the first to recognize the anatomy of human eye;
understanding of reality the canon of medicine
 THALES OF MILETUS – prediction of solar eclipse  ABU QASIM KHALAF IBN ABBAS AL ZAHRAWI or
 HIPPOCRATES – father of western medicine; AL ZAHRAWI – father of surgery; greatest
 Water mills – used to grind grains surgeon of middle ages
 Aqueducts – for water management  MUHAMMAD IBN MUSA AL-KHWARIZMI –

 Odometer” used to measure distance covered developed algebra

by a vehicle; attributed to Archimedes of  AL-BIRUNI – radius of the earth by observing

Syracuse the height of a mountain; theory of the earth
rotating on its own axis
(Ancient Rome)  JABIR IBN HAYYAN – father of chemistry;
 GALEN – first to describe & diagnose symptoms various processes & equipment in chemistry
of different diseases that are still in use today

 Rectal speculum, bone levers, & cupping vessels

(Medieval Europe)
used by surgical instruments
 Concrete – roads, buildings, aqueducts
founded the Carolingian Empire that forged the
 Ballista – penetrate enemy frontiers
Carolingian Renaissance
 Greek fire – propelling bombs at the opponent
 Axe & Dane Axe – used by Viking men as
 APPIUS CLAUDIUS CAECUS – built the first
Roman aqueduct
 Magnetic compass – uses the sun to help the
COLOSSEUM – largest amphitheater ever built navigate the seas

PANTHEON – former Roman temple  Crusades – series of religious wars

 Crossbow – essential weapon in battle
 Three-field system – agricultural technology
 Often referred to as the “Dark Ages” improved the lives; division of single piece of
land divided into three smaller plots
(Byzantine Empire)  ARISTOTLE – physics & metaphysics
 Handheld Trebuchet or cheiromangana –  ROGER BACON – scientific method
alternation of counterweight trebuchet o observation
 Tidal mill – grind grains; rise & fall of the tides o formulation of hypothesis

(Islamic Empire) o experimentation

 Alchemy – ancient branch of philosophy seeks
 IBN AL-HAYTHAM or ALHAZEN –father of
to convert base metals into noble metals
modern optics; laws of refraction
 Astrology – connection between the position of  Sheep farming – popularized because it
heavenly & celestial bodies to the dwellings of required less human effort & provided larger
human life & natural world yields of food to support the growing
 NICHOLAS ORESME – mean speed theorem population
 JOHN BURIDAN – impetus (body in motion  Scythe – for cutting crops & grass
continues to stay in motion through the body’s  Masts, sails, & sternpost rudders – for maritime
intristic & natural quality transport
 Mariner’s compass, quadrant, & forestaff – for
navigation & voyages
MODERN AGES  Wheel barrow & wooden tracks – development
of railway transportation

(Industrial Revolution)
 French word that means “rebirth”
 JOHANNES GUTENBURG – printing press  ARNOLD TOYNBEE – popularized the term
 DANTE – father of Italian poetry; The Divine “Industrial Revolution”
Comedy  Substitution of competition for the medieval
 FRANCESCO PETRARCA or PETRARCH – the regulations that previously controlled the
father of humanism producion & distribution of wealth (1884)
 LEONARDO DA VINCI – Mona Lisa; Vitruvian  Factory system – to increase the production
Man; The Last Supper level of the yields
 MICHAELANGELO – painting of the ceiling of  TOBERN BERGMAN – role of carbon in steel
 RAPHAEL – embodied both the clear manufacturing steel from iron
arrangement of elements & clarity of form; The  ROBERT MUSHET – alloy of iron that combined
School of Athens & The Sistine Madona carbon & manganese with the form of iron
 Scientific revolution – rise of modern science  JOHN KAY – flying shuttle (increase the output
during early modern ages of yarn)
 NICOLAUS COPERNICUS – heliocentric theory  JAMES HARGREAVES – spinning jenny/saxon
(earth is at the center of the universe) wheel
supporters of heliocentric theory powered by water)
 Fuel – lessened the use of animals & human for  SAMUEL CROMPTON – spinning mule
mechanial work (combination of features of spinning jenny &
 Blast furnace – metallurgical furnace used to water frame)
produce industrial metals
 EDMUND CARTWRIGHT – power loom (spinning  WILLIAM CROOKES – cathode rays
& weaving)  HEINRICH GEISSLER – vacuum tube
 ELI WHITNEY – cotton gin  EUGEN GOLDSTEIN – protons (positive particles)
 THOMAS SAINT – mechanized sewing machine  WILLIAM ROENTGEN – x-rays (accidental
 BARTHELEMY THIMONNIER – chain stitch dicoveries)
 THOMAS NEWCOMEN – steam engine  J.J. THOMSON – atoms have a negative charge
 DENIS PAPIN – pressure cooker  HENRI BECQUEREL – radioactivity (expounded
 JAMES WATT – perfected & patended the steam by Marie Curie & Pierre Curie)
engine not consuming too much fuel  MARIE CURIE – radioactive elements in
 RICHARD TREVITHICK – first locomotive uranium, thorium, radium, & polonium
(engine/rail transport)  ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL – telephone
 GEORGE STEPHENSON – father of railways;  CAROLUS LINNAEUS – father of taxonomy;
Blucher (to tow coal) binomial nomenclature
 ROBERT FULTON – Clermont  JAMES HUTTON – gradual mechanisms on earth
that explain the variability of fossils
(18th & 19th Centuries) – PEOPLE & THEIR
 GEORGES CUVIER – theory of catastrophism
 CHARLES LYELL – uniformitarianism
law inheritance of acquired characteristics
 JOSEPH PRIESTLY – oxygen gas by collecting  CHARLES DARWIN – On the Origin of Species by
colorless gas from heated mercury Means of Natural Selection
 ANTOINE LAVOISIER – named the colorless gas  ALFRED WALLACE – On Tendency of Varieties to
OXYGEN; father of modern chemistry; law of Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type
conservation of mass  GEORGE MENDEL – father of genetics
 JOHN DALTON – atomic theory (all matter is
 MAX PLANCK – quantum theory
compored of tiny indivisible particles called
 ALBERT EINSTEIN – theory of relativity;
photoelectric effect
 HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED – magnetic fields
 ERWIN SCHRODINGER – quantum mechanics
 MICHAEL FARADAY – crude electric motor
 ROBERT GODDARD – first successful rocket
 JAMES CHADWICK – neutron
electromagnetic radiation; A Dynamical Theory
 OSWALD AVERY – genes & chromosomes are
of Electromagnetic Field
carried by DNA cells
electrons have fundamental qualities of
helix model of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
 ALEXANDER FLEMING – penicillin
antibiotic that can be mass produced Anatasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) (solve
 NIELS JERNE – anti-body formation process variables one at a time until an entire system of
 JONAS SALK – first polio vaccine equations is solved)
 ALBERT SABIN – oral polio vaccine o dynamic random-access memory


immunodeficiency virus (HIV)  PERRY CRAWFORD – Automatic Control by
 DOLLY – successful first cloning in animals Arithmetic Operations

 ORVILLE AND WILBUR WRIGHT – first manned  TOMMY HAROLD FLOWERS – Colossus (world’s
engine-powered aircraft first programmable computer)

 HENRY FORD – first production model of  HOWARD AIKEN – Harvard Mark 1

automobile o built by IBM

 SOVIET UNION – Sputnik (first artificial satellite)  FREDERIC CALLAND WILLIAMS & TOM
 NASA – Mercury & Apollo 11 KILBURN– Manchester Baby computer
 WILLIAM SHOCKLEY & his team (traitorous
(Computer & the Age of Information)
eight) – Fairchild Semiconductors
 CHARLES BABBAGE – early systems of  JACK KILBY – integrated circuit
calculation  IBM – floppy disk
 CLAUDE E. SHANNON – father of information  JAMES RUSSELL – compact disk (CD)
theory; A Mathematical Theory of  ARPANET is later replaced by “Internet”
Communication  TIM BERNERS-LEE – World Wide Web (WWW)
o WARREN WEAVER – Shannon-Weaver & HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Model of Communication (mother of all o Internet Protocol (IP)
 pulse-code modulation (PCM)
 ALEC H. REEVES – PCM technology for voice
system during world war II)
 PTOLEMY – geocentric theory (earth is the
 ALAN TURING – universal Turing machine
center of the universe)
(UTM)/first computing machine; father of
 ANAXIMANDER – drew the first map of the
modern computer
world; sun & moon were hollow rings of fire;
 KONRAD ZUSE – Z3 (electromechanical
eclipses were the result of these rings closing
 PYTHAGORAS – first to suggest that earth was a
 PLATO – cosmos is made up of matter in  ERASMUS DARWIN – grandfather of Charles
geometric shape Darwin; evolution occurred in living thing
 ARISTOTLE – earth was the center of then including humans
universes with all other celestial bodies o The laws of Organic Life (Zoonomia)
arranged in concentric crystalline spheres aroun  ROBERT EDMOND GRANT – Darwin’s mentor;
it growth & relationship of primitive marine
 NICOLAUS COPERNICUS – heliocentric theory invertebrates
(sun is the center of the universe); father of  ADAM SEDGWICK – travelled with Darwin to
modern astronomy Wales for geological research
 Retrograde motion – occasional backward  JOHN STEVENS HENSLOW – went with Darwin
movement of the planets on a voyage to Tierra del Fuego
 TYCHO BRAHE – Tychonic System (geocentric & o Galapagos Islands
heliocentric) o HMS Beagle W/ captain ROBERT
 JOHANNES KEPLER – laws of planetary motions FITZROY
 GALILEO GALILEI – first to use telescope for  Throughout the expedition, Darwin was able to
astronomy observe and collect specimens of plants,
o first to observe the craters of the moon animals, rocks, and fossils.
o existence of sunspots  Zoology of the Voyage of the HMS Beagle – title
o earth is not a perfect sphere of the narrative of the voyage
o was put to trial; found guilty of heresy  Natural Selection – a process where species
& compelled to say that all his finding that adapt to changing environment survive,
were wrong whereas those do not simply die out
 ISAAC NEWTON – provided mathematical  DARWIN – father of evolution
equation to prove what Copernicus, Brahe, &  JULIAN HUXLEY – Neo-Dawinism (modern
Kepler tried to explain synthesis)
 GIORDANO BRUNO – spread Copernicus’ theory
microbiology; bacteria
 ROBERT BOYLE – father of modern chemistry
 WILHELM WUNDT – first laboratory for
 WILLIAM JAMES – pragmatism
 Creationism – universe originated from specific
 IVAN PAVLOV – classical conditioning
acts of divine creation
 The Cartesian paradigm, philosophical  ERICH FROMM – personality problems (conflicts
and scientific system of RENE DESCARTES between HUMAN NEEDS & SOCIETAL
o mind-mind problem & mind-body DEMANDS)
 SIGMUNG FREUD – Psychoanalysis; father of
psychoanalysis  Long before the Spanish colonization, early

 Freud suspected that a lot of human conduct Filipinos were prominent in boat-building and

was persuaded by two driving instincts seafaring for coastal trade.

o Eros: sexual instincts, the drive to live,  The Banaue Rice Terraces are among the

and basic instinctual impulses such as sophisticated products of engineering by pre-

thirst, and hunger Spanish era Filipinos.

o Thanatos: the death instinct.  Field of engineering florished by constructing

 Three aspects of the mind government buildings, churches, bridges, roads

o id: driven by pleasure principle and forts through polo y servicio.

o ego: responsible for dealing with o polo y servicio – forced labor of every

reality / referee male native aged 16 to 60 years

o superego: provides guidelines for  The Spaniards introduced education to Filipinos

making judgments / moral standards and opened first schools and universities.

 CARL JUNG - analytical psychology  JESUITS – Manila Observatory (1865) at AdMU

o collective conciousness (which is a set  University of Santo Tomas (UST) – one of

of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral the world’s oldest Catholic university (1611)

attitudes which operate as a unifying o founded by MIGUEL DE BENAVIDES

force within society)  DR. LEON MA. GUERRERO - father of Philippine

o introvert & extrovert Botany and Pharmacy

 ALFRED ADLER – founded the psychological  Ilustrados - students

method he called ‘individual psychology,’  Americans built up the Bureau of Science,

wherein he said that one must take into formerly known as Bureau of Government

account the patient's whole environment, Laboratories, which filled in as a significant

including the people the patient associates preparing ground for Filipino researchers.

with.  After World War II, the production of more

 ERIK ERICKSON – his psychosocial theory that public and private educational establishments

during the early stages, the person experiences brought about the expansion of science and

a psychosocial crisis which could have a positive engineering understudies but has little

or negative outcome for personality advancement in instruction and preparation.

development. (IDENTITY CRISIS)

 A few changes happened in aiming to revamp modernize agricultural industries valuable to
existing organizations and coordinate new Filipinos:
administrations: o NSDB established Philippine Coconut
o Philippine Bureau of Science became Research Institute
Institute of Science o Philippine Textile Research Institute
o Institute of Nutrition and Science  Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Foundation of the Philippines were Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
placed under the Office of the President was established to provide environmental
o Commission on Volcanology was placed security and make use of scientific knowledge
under National Research Council of the to ensure the safety of the people.
Philippines.  The previous president Corazon Aquino
 National Science Development Board was requested the gathering of a presidential team
established to incorporate, correlate, and to manage matters regarding the advancement
increase scientific and technological researches, of science and technology in the Philippines.
and provide funds.  DOST – virtue of Executive Order 128
 The Philippines is not technologically ready o Technology Application and Promotion
o 55th out of 60 countries Institue
o 4.3 out of 7.0 on the 91th pillar of o Science Education Institute
global competitiveness o Science and Technology Information
 The country is inadequate of laboratories, Institute
science libraries, research facilities making it o Industrial Technology Development
hard for Filipinos to pursue scientific research. Institute
 The Department of Science and Technology o Advance Science and Technology
founded the following organizations Institute
o Technological Application and  Fidel Ramos – Inventor’s Incentives Act; S&T
Promotion Institute Scholarship Act
o Science Education Institute  Joseph Estrada – Philippine Clean Air Act of
o Science and Technology Information 1999; Electronic Commerce Act of 2000
Institute  Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo – Philippine
o Industrial Technology Development Technology Transfer Act of 2009
Institute  Benigno Aquino – Harmonized Agenda for
o Advanced Science and Technology Science and Technology; Fast-Tracked S&T
Institute. Scholarship Act of 2003
 During former President Ferdinand Marcos’
administration, the following are established to
 Rodrigo Duterte- uphold the value of of S&T in  The following Filipino engineers are known for
the country during National Science and their inventions and advancements that helped
Technology Week the country:
 Field of chemistry in the Philippines, the o Dr. Eduardo San Juan – Moon Buggy or
following have come up with solutions to Lunar Rover
conflicts that were being faced by the country: o Dr. Diosdado Banatao – single-chip
o Dr. Alfredo C. Santos – phytochemistry; graphical user interface accelerator;
phaeanthine & phaentharine Ethernet controller chip
o Dr. Julian A. Banzon – ethy esters from o Dr. Arturo Pineda Alcaraz – father of
coconut & sugarcane geothermal energy development; was
o Dr. Luz Oliveros-Belardo – National head of Commision of Volcanology
Scientist in 1987; essential oils in (now Philippine Institute of Volcanology
producing medicine & Seigmology/PHIVOLCS)
o Dr. Solita Camara-Besa – first Filipina  July 3, 1977 – Philippines was suffering from
biochemist; potassium & sodium effects of 1973 oil crisis
contents to formulate healthy dietary  Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda key
standards reform thrusts comprise the following: school-
o Dr. Amando Kapauan – first to look to based management, teacher education
the danger of exposure to mercury development, national learning strategies,
 Field of biology: quality assurance accountability and monitoring
o Dr. Angel C. Alcala – 50 species of and evaluation, and organizational

reptiles & amphibians on top of the 400 development with resource mobilization and

known species; first artificial reef management and information communication

o Dr. Asuncion K. Raymundo – microbial technology.

genetics & biotechnology; Outstanding  The National Science and Technology Plan was

Microbiologist Award by the Philippine created by DOST aiming to broaden the

Society for Microbiology apprehension through R&D encouraging

o Dr. Baldomero M. Olivera – snail toxin students to pursue science-related careers.

(painkiller); 2007 Scientist of the Year  The products of indigenous technologies

by Harvard Foundation o fermented food

o Dr. Abelardo Aguilar – erythromycin for o alcoholic beverages

patients allergic to penicillin; mass o textile
manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company o construction materials
under the brand Ilosone o transport vehicles
o medicine
o weapons  Virtue ethics is a broad term for theories that
o space technology emphasize the role of character and virtue.

 TIMSS – TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL (normative ethical theories)

MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE STUDY  Arete – excellence; emphasized

 BESRA – BASIC EDUCATION SECTOR REFORM the importance and accomplishments of human

AGENDA beings; Ancient Greeks

 NRCP – NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE  ideal emotional state – individuals values above

PHILIPPINES all other; highest human good that is good-in-


PHILIPPINES  Hedonism - all and only pleasure is intrinsically

 CONVOL – COMMISSION ON VOLCANOLOGY valuable. (most valuable pursuit of mankind)

 NSDB – NATIONAL SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT  Aristipus – Greek philosopher; to experience

BOARD maximum pleasure (life’s objective)

 PAEC – PHILIPPINE ATOMIC ENERGY  Epicurus – “pleasure for pleasure’s sake”

COMMISSION  For Aristotle, eudaimonia is the highest human

 NSTA – NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY good, as explained in his Nicomachean Ethics.

AUTHORITY o Any individual living a life of virtue

 DENR – DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL AND won't be happy if faced with extreme


 PHIVOLCS – PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF o Friendship - contributing variable in

VOLCANOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY accomplishing eudaimonia

 RISE – PROJECT RESCUE INITIATIVES IN SCIENCE  The Stoics – virtue is based on morality;

EDUCATION eudaimonia is achieved by living in harmony


AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION  St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Thomas Aquinas

 ECCD – EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND – eudaimonia requires one to know about God

DEVELOPMENT  John Locke - happiness is pursued through


Eudaimonia – Greek word eu (well) & daimon (spirit)

 Shalom - peace, harmony, wholeness,

 Eudaimonia - state of being happy, healthy, and
completeness, prosperity, welfare and
 Eudaimonism is a moral philosophy that defines
o Dr. Neal Plantinga – Educating for
right action as that which leads to the "well-
Shalom (2015)
being" of the individual.
NEW TESTAMENT o material cause (causa materialis) – the
substance of which the thing is made
 Makarios – Greek word meaning
o formal cause (causa formalis) – the
blessed/happy; synonym of eudaimonia
shape if the object
 Beautitude – Latin word “beatus” meaning
o efficient cause (causa efficiens) – the
blissfull/happy/fortunateflourishing; the entire
maker or the one that causes changes
philosophy of the good life” (Scot McKnight)
in an object
 Carol Ryff – six components of well-being
o final cause (causa finalis) – the purpose
o self-acceptance
or function of the object
o positive relations
 Heidegger did not consider the effective cause.
o autonomy
 Bringing-forth
o environmental mastery
o taking of each of the causes with careful
o purpose in life
steps to finalize a product
o a sense of personal growth
o with meticulous consideration
 Anthony Bradley – The New Legalism (2013)
o Aletheia – unconcealment or truth
 “An avalanche of technological changes will
 Poeisis - introducing of an object that did not
reshape the very essence of humanity and
exist before
touch every aspect of life of our planet.”
 Physis - introducing of an object from nature
(Leonhard, 2016)
 Techne - Greek word; skill, making or doing, of
 Stephen Hawking, Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark,
manufacture or art
and Frank Wilczeck warns artificial intelligence
o Episteme; know-how
could end mankind.
 A revealing of the truth is the essence of
 Modern technologies put nature into challenge
 Martin Heidegger - German philosopher;
when it comes to giving the energy it requires.
metaphysics, phenomenology, and
 Standing-reserve - making the resources only
good for something but not good itself.
o The Question Concerning Technology -
 Setting-upon - impedes the nature’s ability to
famous work 1954; he questions the
true essence of technology.
 Challenging-forth – modern technology
 Technology has two functions
challenges the planet’s resources
o instrumental - it is a means to an end
 Humanity manipulates nature to make the
o anthropological - it is a human activity.
world’s resources a standing-reserve.
 Heidegger placed Aristotle’s four causes in his
 Enframing – gestell; frame of mind
o reveals the essence of technology
 Susan Wolf – 2011; presented the meaning of o balance
the good life in different perspectives o health
 Hedonistic Theory – one’s good from quality of o secure income
experience o fulfilling oneself – meaningfulness
o presence of pleasure, absence of pain o valurd & spirituality
 Preference Theory – person’s good is what one o work & leisure
wants for thyself
o material wealth, fame, good reputation
 Objective List Theory – person’s good is
independent of personal preferences and
consists of valuable experiences
o relationships and the like,
 Antonia Macaro – 2018; components of good
 Sucess and Material Comfort
o Dr. Ron Jenson – 1995; Make a Life Not
Just a Living
o 5Ps – power, prestige, pleasure,
position, prosperity
o components to happy successful life,
but not constitute a good life
 Pleasure – not the ultimate good; does not
translate to a good life
o A good life is balance between value
and pleasure
 Relationships – essential to a good life; pleasant
relations with mutual admiration
 Reason and virtues
 Character and spirituality – individual’s
character is the root of one’s strength
o King Solomon – urges its cultivation
 Anne Birgatta Pessi – 2008; essential steps
towards a good life
o relationship

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