A/Pre-reading:: Task One: Answer The Following Questions

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Task one: Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that our eating habits have changed over the last years? If yes in what
2. ways?
2. Do you think that advertising has contributed in any way tochanging these habits?
3. Look at the following picture and guess what the reading passage is about? Tick the
answer you think is right. The text is about:
a. advertisements of unhealthy Food b. energy balance c. exercise and fitness
Task one:
1-Read the text and check your answer to the previous activity.
2-Read the text again and say if the following statements are true or false.Correct the
wrong ones:
A. A sufficient amount of food can cause a loss of energy balance . False. An insufficient
amount of food can cause a loss of energy balance.
B. Today people don’t take the amount of exercise necessary for their energy balance.
C. There are too many advertisements for healthy food. As a consequence, people
don’t pay enough attention to their energy balance. False. There are many
advertisements for unhealthy food.
D. Obesity causes a lot of diseases. Unless something is done about it, social security
systems will probably encounter a financial problem soon. True.
E. The advertising of food has a positive influence on our eating habits. So our
governments should encourage it. False. It has a negative impact on our eating habits.
So, governments should ban it.

Task two: Read again the text and complete the following sentences:
a- If people eat a small amount of food, they won’t have energy balance.
b- If they eat a large amount of food, they will put on weight.
c- Owing to advertisements, people eat too much unhealthy food.
d- Unless advertisements of unhealthy food are banned, obesity and diseases will increase.
Task: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words so that the passage makes sense:
Energy balance is the case when people eat the right amount of food and practice exercises
to burn the calories acquired.However,people lose their energy balance because they eat
unhealthy food such as junk and fast foods and don’t take enough exercises . Advertisements
have bad impact/influence on the eating habits of children since they encourage them to
consume fast food.

Task one:
1-Read the text and check your answer to the previous activity.
2-Read the text again and say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the
wrong ones:
A- A sufficient amount of food can cause a loss of energy balance. ………………………………

B-Today people don’t take the amount of exercise necessary for their energy balance.
C. There are too many advertisements for unhealthy food. As a consequence, people
don’t pay enough attention to their energy balance. …….

D. Obesity causes a lot of diseases. Unless something is done about it, social security
systems will probably encounter a financial problem soon. ……..
E. The advertising of food has a positive influence on our eating habits. So our
governments should encourage it. ……………….

Task two: Read again the text and complete the following sentences:
e- If people eat a small amount of food, ………………………………
f- If they eat a large amount of food, …………………………………..
g- Owing to advertisements, people eat ……………………………..
h- Unless advertisements of unhealthy food are banned,……………………….

Task: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words so that the passage makes sense:
Energy balance is the case when people eat the right ……………………..of food and practice
exercises to ……………………….the calories acquired. However, people…………….their energy
balance because they eat ………………………….food such as …………………………..and fast foods
and don’t take enough…………………… . Advertisements have bad…………………………………
on the eating habits of children since they encourage them to………………………………fast food.

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