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IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) paper presented at the

2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)

Miami Beach, FL, USA, Dec. 17-19, 2018

Sampled-data reachability analysis

using sensitivity and mixed-monotonicity
Pierre-Jean Meyer1 , Samuel Coogan2 and Murat Arcak1

Abstract— This paper over-approximates the reachable sets [7], the proposed approach uses the sensitivity matrices (par-
of a continuous-time uncertain system using the sensitivity of tial derivatives of the system trajectories with respect to the
its trajectories with respect to initial conditions and uncertain initial state or uncertain parameters). Such an approach was
parameters. We first prove the equivalence between an existing
over-approximation result based on the sign-stability of the introduced in [18] for the case of systems whose sensitivity
sensitivity matrices and a discrete-time approach relying on matrix is sign-stable over the set of initial states.
a mixed-monotonicity property. We then present a new over- This paper presents three main contributions. 1) In Sec-
approximation result which scales at worst linearly with the tion III, we prove the equivalence between the sign-stable
state dimension and is applicable to any continuous-time system sensitivity approach in [18] for continuous-time systems
with bounded sensitivity. Finally, we provide a simulation-
based approach to estimate these bounds through sampling and and the one based on mixed-monotonicity for discrete-
falsification. The results are illustrated with numerical examples time systems in [7]. 2) We next propose in Section IV a
on traffic networks and satellite orbits. generalized sensitivity-based reachability analysis applicable
to any continuous-time system whose sensitivity matrices
I. I NTRODUCTION are bounded. This generalization is motivated by the one
introduced in [19] for continuous-time mixed-monotone sys-
Reachability analysis deals with the problem of computing tems. 3) Since the proposed approach is based on the system
the set of all possible successors of a system given its sets of trajectories and sensitivity, which are unknown for most
initial conditions and admissible disturbance and uncertainty continuous-time systems, we lastly present a simulation-
values (see e.g. [4], [15]). Since exact computation of the based method to estimate the sensitivity bounds using sam-
reachable set is rarely possible, we instead evaluate an over- pling and falsification in Section V. Section VI then illus-
approximation to guarantee that the obtained set contains all trates these results through an example of traffic flow on a
possible successors of the system. Various methods and rep- road network and an example of a satellite orbit.
resentations exist for these over-approximations, including
ellipsoids [13], polytopes [5], zonotopes [2], level-sets [14] II. P ROBLEM FORMULATION
and unions of intervals [10]. Their main focus is on obtain- Let R be the set of reals and I ⊆ 2R the set of closed
ing over-approximations as close as possible to the actual real intervals, i.e., for all X ∈ I, there exist x, x ∈ R such
reachable set, which can then be used for safety verification that X = [x, x] = {x ∈ R | x ≤ x ≤ x} ⊆ R. I n and I n×q
to ensure that a bad set is never crossed (see e.g. [9]). then represent the sets of interval vectors in Rn and interval
Alternatively, methods using a single interval such as [16] matrices in Rn×q , respectively.
focus less on the quality of the over-approximations and more We consider a continuous-time, time-varying system
on the simplicity of implementation, including features such ẋ = f (t, x, p), (1)
as low memory usage (only two states) and low complexity
n q
of the reachability analysis (at best constant for monotone with state x ∈ R , uncertain parameter p ∈ R and
systems [3], at worst linear in the state dimension [18]). continuously differentiable vector field f : R × Rn × Rq →
These properties are particularly important in the context of Rn . We denote as Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p) ∈ Rn the state reached
abstraction-based control synthesis (see, e.g., [7]) where a by (1) at time t ≥ t0 from initial state x0 with parameter
large number of over-approximations have to be computed, p. The variable p can also represent control or disturbance
stored and intersected with other intervals. parameters that remain constant over the considered time
This paper focuses on the computation of interval over- interval [t0 , t]. Given sets X0 ⊆ Rn and P ⊆ Rq of initial
approximations of reachable sets for a continuous-time states and parameters, respectively, the reachable set of (1)
uncertain system. As opposed to monotonicity-based ap- at time t ≥ t0 is denoted as
proaches relying on the sign of the Jacobian matrices [16], R(t; t0 , X0 , P ) = {Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p) | x0 ∈ X0 , p ∈ P }. (2)

Funded in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CNS-

The sensitivity of the trajectories of (1) with respect to the
1446145 and Grant ECCS-1749357. initial conditions and parameters are defined as
1 P.-J. Meyer and M. Arcak are with the Department of Electrical
∂Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p)
Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, sx (t; t0 , x0 , p) = ∈ Rn×n , (3)
USA. {pjmeyer,arcak} ∂x0
2 S. Coogan is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
∂Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p)
and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia sp (t; t0 , x0 , p) = ∈ Rn×q . (4)
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. ∂p

Copyright ©2018 IEEE

The sensitivities defined in (3) and (4) thus represent the Remark 4. Lemma 3 requires computing the full successor
differential influence of the initial conditions and parameters, Φ of (1) for each pair (ξ i , π i ), (ξ , π i ) ∈ X0 ×P even though
respectively, on the successor of (1) at time t. th
only the i entry Φi is used in the over-approximation. More
Our objective is to compute an over-approximation of the than one entry of a successor Φ may be used when there ex-
reachable set (2) at time T ≥ t0 for intervals of initial ists less than 2n distinct pairs. The computational burden can
conditions X0 ⊆ Rn and of possible parameters P ⊆ Rq . thus go from at most 2n successors when all the above pairs
Problem 1. Given times t0 ∈ R and T ≥ t0 and intervals are distinct, to at least 2 successors when there exist x̃, x̂ ∈
X0 ∈ I n and P ∈ I q , find a set R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ⊆ Rn such X0 and p̃, p̂ ∈ P such that (ξ i , ξ , π i , π i ) = (x̃, x̂, p̃, p̂) or
that R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ⊆ R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ). (ξ i , ξ , π i , π i ) = (x̂, x̃, p̂, p̃) for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. The latter
case corresponds to continuous-time monotonicity of (1) with
respect to orthants, as described in [3].
In this section, we review the over-approximation ap-
proach presented in [18] with the aim of connecting it in Note also that the over-approximation obtained in
Section III-B to discrete-time mixed-monotonicity from [7]. Lemma 3 is tight in the sense that R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) is the
smallest interval in I n containing the reachable set.
A. Sensitivity-based reachability analysis
Corollary 5. For all X ∈ I n , if R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ⊆ X then
Reference [18] provides a method to obtain an interval
R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ⊆ X.
over-approximation of the reachable set for an autonomous
system ẋ = f (x) whose sensitivity matrix sx (T, x0 ) at time Proof. For all i ∈ {1, . . . , n} we have ξ i , ξ ∈ X0 and
T ≥ 0 is sign-stable over the set of initial states X0 . For π i , π i ∈ P from (5), thus leading to Φ(T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ) ∈
the purpose of the comparison in Section III-B, these results i
R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) and Φ(T ; t0 , ξ , π i ) ∈ R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ).
are reviewed here in a more general framework where the
Since components i of these reachable states define
system (1) depends on both time and an uncertain parameter.
R̄i (T ; t0 , X0 , P ) in Lemma 3, any interval X ∈ I n strictly
We assume that the sensitivity matrices defined in (3) and
contained in R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) cannot contain the whole reach-
(4) at time T are sign-stable over the sets X0 and P , i.e.
able set R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ).
their entries do not change sign when the initial state and
parameter vary in X0 and P . This is formalized as follows. B. Comparison with discrete-time mixed-monotonicity
Assumption 2. For all x0 , x̃0 ∈ X0 , p, p̃ ∈ P , i, j ∈ In this section, we show that the approach described
{1, . . . , n}, k ∈ {1, . . . , q}, we have in Section III-A for the over-approximation of continuous-
( time systems with sign-stable sensitivity is equivalent to the
sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p)sxij (T ; t0 , x̃0 , p̃) ≥ 0, method presented in [7] for discrete-time systems satisfying
spik (T ; t0 , x0 , p)spik (T ; t0 , x̃0 , p̃) ≥ 0. a mixed-monotonicity property. A mixed-monotone system
x+ = F (t, x, p) is one that is decomposable into its increas-
As X0 and P are intervals, let x0 , x0 ∈ Rn and p, p ∈ Rq
ing and decreasing components and can be characterized as
be such that X0 = [x0 , x0 ] and P = [p, p]. For each
i having sign-stable Jacobian matrices ∂F/∂x and ∂F/∂p.
i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, define states ξ i , ξ ∈ X0 (with, e.g., The reader is referred to [7] for the formal definition of a
ξ i = [ξ i1 ; . . . ; ξ in ]) and parameters π i , π i ∈ P as diagonally mixed-monotone system and its over-approximation method.
opposite vertices of X0 and P , respectively, where for each
i Theorem 6. Under Assumption 2 and given the discrete-time
j ∈ {1, . . . , n} (resp. k ∈ {1, . . . , q}), their entries ξ ij , ξ j
system x+ = F (t, x, p) with F (t, x, p) = Φ(T ; t, x, p), the
(resp. π ik , π ik ) are allocated to x0 j or x0j (resp. pk or pk ) over-approximations of R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) in Lemma 3 and of
based on the sign of the sensitivity sxij (resp. spik ): F (t0 , X0 , P ) in [7] are equivalent.
i i (x0 j , x0j ) if sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ≥ 0, Proof. The sign-stability in Assumption 2 implies that x+ =
(ξ j , ξ j ) = F (t, x, p) is mixed-monotone as in [7]. The equivalence
(x0j , x0 j ) if sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) < 0,
( (5) then follows from the facts that both methods result in
i i (pk , pk ) if spik (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ≥ 0, a tight interval over-approximation of the reachable set
(π k , π k ) =
(pk , pk ) if spik (T ; t0 , x0 , p) < 0. F (t0 , X0 , P ) = R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ([7, Proposition 2] and
Corollary 5) and such tight interval is uniquely defined.
From (5) and the sensitivity definitions in (3) and (4), the
successor Φ(T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ) (resp. Φ(T ; t0 , ξ , π i )) is guaran- IV. R EACHABILITY WITH BOUNDED SENSITIVITY
teed to define the lower bound (resp. upper bound) of the We now extend the over-approximation method described
reachable set R(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) on dimension i. in (5) and Lemma 3 after relaxing Assumption 2. The new
Lemma 3 ([18]). Under Assumption 2, an over- assumption (formalized below) is very mild as it now only
approximation R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ∈ I n of the reachable set requires each entry of the sensitivity matrices at time T to
is given in each dimension i ∈ {1, . . . , n} by lie in a bounded interval when the initial state and parameter
vary in X0 and P . Unlike Assumption 2, each of these
R̄i (T ; t0 , X0 , P ) = [Φi (T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ), Φi (T ; t0 , ξ , π i )] ∈ I. intervals is allowed to contain the value 0 in its interior. This
modification is motivated by an extension of the definition Proof. Consider an auxiliary system whose trajectories Φ̂
of mixed-monotonicity for continuous-time systems in [19]. are such that for all x0 ∈ X0 , p ∈ P and i ∈ {1, . . . , n}
we have Φ̂i (T ; t0 , x0 , p) = Φi (T ; t0 , x0 , p) − ci x0 − di p.
Assumption 7. For all i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, k ∈ {1, . . . , q},
Then, from the sensitivity bounds in Assumption 7 and the
there exist sxij , sxij , spik , spik ∈ R such that for all x0 ∈
definition of ci and di in (7), the sensitivities ŝx (T ; t0 , x0 , p)
X0 , p ∈ P we have sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈ [sxij , sxij ] and and ŝp (T ; t0 , x0 , p) of this auxiliary system are sign-stable
spik (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈ [spik , spik ]. over the sets X0 and P , i.e. for all x0 ∈ X0 and p ∈ P ,
ŝxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) = sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) − cij ≥ 0 (resp. ≤ 0)
Since X0 and P are bounded sets, Assumption 7 is
if sx∗ ij ≥ 0 (resp. ≤ 0), with similar results for ŝ . Since
naturally satisfied by any system whose trajectory function Φ x x∗
ŝij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) and sij have the same sign (and similarly
is continuously differentiable in its initial state and parameter.
for ŝpij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) and sp∗ij ), this also guarantees that the
Denoting the center of [sxij , sxij ] and [spik , spik ] as sx∗
ij and i
states ξ i , ξ ∈ X0 and parameters π i , π i ∈ P obtained in
ik , respectively, we update the definition of the states
i i i i
(6) are the same as their hatted counterparts that would be
ξ , ξ ∈ X0 and parameters π , π ∈ P in (5) by replacing the obtained in (5) for the auxiliary system. Applying Lemma 3
right-hand side conditions on the sign of the sensitivity by to Φ̂ implies that for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, x0 ∈ X0 and p ∈ P ,
the same conditions on the center of the sensitivity bounds:
( Φi (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈
i i (x0 j , x0j ) if sx∗
ij ≥ 0,
(ξ j , ξ j ) = [Φi (T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ) + ci (x0 − ξ i ) + di (p − π i ),
(x0j , x0 j ) if sx∗
ij < 0, i i
( (6) Φi (T ; t0 , ξ , π i ) + ci (x0 − ξ ) + di (p − π i )].
i i (pk , pk ) if sp∗ik ≥ 0,
(π k , π k ) = From (7), cij ≤ 0 (resp. ≥ 0) if sx∗
(pk , pk ) if sp∗ ij ≥ 0 (resp. ≤ 0). Then
ik < 0. i
for all x0 ∈ [x0 , x0 ], we have ci ξ ≤ ci x0 ≤ ci ξ i , with
Note that the condition sx∗ ij ≥ 0 in the first line of (6) covers i
ξ i , ξ ∈ X0 defined as in (6). We similarly obtain di π i ≤
both cases where the whole interval [sxij , sxij ] is positive (as
di p ≤ di π i for all p ∈ [p, p], which finally leads to the
in (5)) and where it is mostly positive (sxij ≤ 0 ≤ sx∗ x
ij ≤ sij ). over-approximation in the theorem statement.
To account for the deviations from the sign-stable cases
of (5) that may arise through the mostly positive and mostly Remark 9. Unlike the sign-stable case (Lemma 3, Corol-
negative cases in (6), we introduce two row vectors ci = lary 5), tightness of the over-approximation R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P )
[ci1 , . . . , cin ] ∈ Rn and di = [di1 , . . . , diq ] ∈ Rq for each i ∈ cannot be guaranteed in the general case of Theorem 8 due
{1, . . . , n} defined by, for all j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, k ∈ {1, . . . , q}, to the additional terms ±ci (ξ i − ξ ) and ±di (π i − π i ).
( Following the comparison with discrete-time mixed-
min(0, sxij ) if sx∗ij ≥ 0,
cj = monotonicity in Section III-B, a side product of Theorem 8 is
max(0, sij ) if sx∗
ij < 0, a new over-approximation method for discrete-time systems
( (7)
i min(0, spik ) if sp∗
ik ≥ 0,
generalizing the approach from [7].
dk =
max(0, spik ) if sp∗ ik < 0. Corollary 10. Let x+ = F (t, x, p) have bounded Jacobian
matrices ∂F (t,x,p)
∂x ∈ I n×n and ∂F (t,x,p)
∂p ∈ I n×q over
Equation (7) means that cij = 0 in the sign-stable cases, all states x ∈ [x0 , x0 ] and parameters p ∈ [p, p]. Then
cij = sxij ≤ 0 in the mostly positive case and cij = sxij ≥ 0 the reachable set F (t, X0 , P ) after one step can be over-
in the mostly negative case. approximated as follows in each dimension i ∈ {1, . . . , n}:
Without the sign-stability from Assumption 2, the succes-
i i
sors Φi (T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ) and Φi (T ; t0 , ξ , π i ) are not guaranteed Fi (t, X0 , P ) ⊆ [Fi (t, ξ i , π i )−ci (ξ i −ξ )−di (π i −π i ),
to over-approximate dimension i of the reachable set. To i i
Fi (t, ξ , π i ) + ci (ξ i − ξ ) + di (π i − π i )],
compute an interval that is guaranteed to over-approximate
the reachable set, the generalization of Lemma 3 thus re- where ξ i , ξ , π i , π i and ci , di are defined as in (6) and (7)
quires the addition of compensation terms as in the result using the bounds of the Jacobian matrices.
below, where ξ i , ξ ∈ Rn and π i , π i ∈ Rq are column vectors
and ci ∈ Rn and di ∈ Rq are row vectors.
The approach presented above relies on the trajectory
Theorem 8. Under Assumption 7, an over-approximation Φ(·; t0 , x0 , p) : [t0 , +∞) → X evaluated at time T ≥ t0 ,
R̄(T ; t0 , X0 , P ) ∈ I n is given in each dimension i ∈ which is rarely known explicitly. Although the successors
{1, . . . , n} by: Φ(T ; t0 , x0 , p) can be computed through numerical integra-
tion of the system ẋ = f (t, x, p), the main challenge is
R̄i (T ; t0 , X0 , P ) = the computation of the sensitivity matrices sx (T ; t0 , x0 , p)
[Φi (T ; t0 , ξ i , π i ) − ci (ξ i − ξ ) − di (π i − π i ), in (3) and sp (T ; t0 , x0 , p) in (4) for all x0 ∈ X0 and
i i p ∈ P to evaluate the sign-stability or boundedness of these
Φi (T ; t0 , ξ , π i ) + ci (ξ i − ξ ) + di (π i − π i )]. sensitivities as in Assumptions 2 and 7, respectively.
A. Sampling and falsification system as presented in [1]. For the purpose of comparison
In this section, we propose a simulation-based approach with the method in Section V-A on the numerical examples of
where we first evaluate the sensitivity bounds from a few Section VI, we give an overview of how the results described
samples in X0 × P and then use a falsification method to in [1] can be applied to the sensitivity systems (8) and
iteratively enlarge these bounds by looking for other pairs in (9) to obtain guaranteed bounds on the sensitivity matrices.
X0 × P whose sensitivity does not belong to these bounds. We start from the assumption that bounds on the Jacobian
From the definition of sx in (3), we can use the chain rule matrices Dfx (t, x, p) = ∂f (t,x,p)
∂x and Dfp (t, x, p) = ∂f (t,x,p)
to define the time-varying linear system of (1) are known or can be computed.

ṡx (t; t0 , x0 , p) = Dfx |Φ sx (t; t0 , x0 , p), (8) Assumption 12. Given an invariant set X ⊆ Rn of (1), there
exist interval matrices A ∈ I n×n and B ∈ I n×q such that
where Dfx |Φ = Dfx (t, Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p), p) denotes the Jaco- for all t ∈ [t0 , +∞), x ∈ X, p ∈ P , we have Dfx (t, x, p) ∈ A
bian Dfx (t, x, p) = ∂f (t,x,p)
∂x evaluated along the trajectory and Dfp (t, x, p) ∈ B.
Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p). System (8) is initialized with the identity
We can then rewrite (8) and (9) as the set-valued systems
matrix sx (t0 ; t0 , x0 , p) = In ∈ Rn×n [8]. A similar time-
varying affine system can be found for the sensitivity sp : ṡx (t) ∈ Asx (t), sx (t0 ) = In , (10)
p p p
ṡ (t; t0 , x0 , p) = Dfx |Φ sp (t; t0 , x0 , p) + Dfp |Φ , (9) ṡ (t) ∈ As (t) + B, s (t0 ) = 0n×q . (11)

where Dfp |Φ is the evaluation of Dfp (t, x, p) = ∂f (t,x,p) The solution of these systems at time T is over-approximated
along the trajectory Φ(t; t0 , x0 , p) and (9) is initialized with using interval arithmetics and a truncated Taylor series of the
the zero matrix sp (t0 ; t0 , x0 , p) = 0n×q ∈ Rn×q [12]. interval matrix exponential eA(T −t0 ) ∈ I n×n , detailed in [1].
For a given time T ≥ t0 , we first compute the sensitivity Lemma 13 ([1]). Under Assumption 12, there exist functions
matrices sx (T ; t0 , x0 , p) and sp (T ; t0 , x0 , p) through the m : [0, +∞) → N and E : [0, +∞) → I n×n defined in [1]
numerical integration of the systems (8) and (9) for at least such that for all T ≥ t0 , we have
one pair (x0 , p) ∈ X0 ×P to obtain initial sensitivity bounds
m(T −t0 )
denoted as [sx , sx ] ∈ I n×n and [sp , sp ] ∈ I n×q . More X (A(T − t0 ))i
than one pair (x0 , p) can be obtained through either random sx (T ) ∈ + E(T − t0 ),
sampling or a gridded discretization of X0 × P .  
m(T −t0 )
The second step aims to falsify these bounds [11] through X (A(T − t0 ))i
an optimization problem, i.e. to find x0 ∈ X0 and p ∈ P such sp (T ) ∈  + E(T − t0 ) (T − t0 )B.
(i + 1)!
that either sx (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈
/ [sx , sx ] or sp (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈/ i=0
p p
[s , s ]. Focusing on the sensitivity with respect to the initial Remark 14. Unlike the sampling-based method in Section V-
state, we want to solve the following optimization problem A, Lemma 13 provides guaranteed over-approximations for
sxij − sxij the sensitivities but risks being overly conservative since
x x∗

min min − sij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) − sij
, interval arithmetics cannot provide exact set computation
x0 ∈X0 i,j 2
p∈P when more than two interval matrices are multiplied [10].
where for each pair (i, j) we consider a negative absolute Remark 15. The minimal Taylor order m(T − t0 ) for
value function centered on sx∗ ij and translated such that the Lemma 13 to hold is a linearly increasing function of the
global cost function is negative if and only if there exist time step T −t0 [1]. This approach might thus be practically
i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n} such that sxij (T ; t0 , x0 , p) ∈
/ [sxij , sxij ]. If the infeasible when the desired time step T − t0 is too large.
obtained local minimum is negative and the corresponding
arguments are denoted as x∗0 ∈ X0 and p∗ ∈ P , the sensitiv- VI. N UMERICAL EXAMPLES
ity bounds are updated as: sx ← min(sx , sx (T ; t0 , x∗0 , p∗ )), All computations are run with Matlab on a laptop with a
sx ← max(sx , sx (T ; t0 , x∗0 , p∗ )), using elementwise min 1.7GHz CPU and 4GB of RAM.
and max operators. This process is repeated with the new
bounds until a positive minimum is obtained. A similar A. Traffic network
approach is applied to [sp , sp ]. Consider the 3-link traffic network describing a diverge
Remark 11. While this approach is likely to result in an junction (the vehicles in link 1 divide evenly among the
accurate approximation of the actual sensitivity bounds, it outgoing links 2 and 3) inspired by [6]:
is not guaranteed to over-approximate the set of all possible
 
p − g(x)
sensitivity values over X0 ×P since the falsification relies on 1
ẋ = g(x)/2 − min(c, vx2 ) , (12)
an optimization problem only able to provide local minima. T
g(x)/2 − min(c, vx3 )
B. Interval arithmetics where g(x) = min(c, vx1 , 2w(x̄ − x2 ), 2w(x̄ − x3 )), x ∈ R3
An alternative approach recommended in [18] is based on is the vehicle density on the three links, p ∈ P = [40, 60] is
the use of interval arithmetics to solve an affine time-varying the constant but uncertain vehicle inflow to link 1, T = 30
seconds and c = 40, v = 0.5, x̄ = 320, w = 1/6 are known
parameters of the network detailed in [6]. 80

In addition to the uncertain disturbance input p ∈ P =

[40, 60], we consider a set X0 ⊆ I 3 of initial conditions
such that X0 = [150, 200] × [250, 320] × [50, 100], meaning 40

that link 2 is close to its maximal capacity x̄ = 320 while 20

link 3 has more availability. Figure 1 presents the projection 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280

in the (x1 , x3 ) plane of the initial interval X0 (dashed black), x1

the reachable set {Φ(T ; x0 , p) | x0 ∈ X0 , p ∈ P } (hatched Fig. 1. (x1 , x3 )-projection of the reachable set (hatched black) of (12)
black) of (12) after time T = 30 seconds and two interval from the initial interval (dashed black) and its over-approximations using
over-approximations of this set obtained as described below. sampling-based sensitivity bounds (red) and interval arithmetics (green).
Using the simulation-based approach in Section V-A, we
get a first approximation of the sensitivity bounds of (12)
from a grid of 16 samples in X0 × P (2 samples per number of links in the network, and we take β = 43 (1 − β is
dimension) computed in 0.98s, which is then refined in 15.8s the fraction of vehicles exiting the network after each link).
through falsification, stopping after 6 iterations. From these For i ∈ {n−1, n}, the term w β (x̄−xi+2 ) is excluded from the
times, it is thus advised to use a finer sampling of X0 × P minimization in h. Considering a 11-link network with X0 =
to obtain a good initial estimation of the sensitivity bounds [20, 300]11 , we apply the same methods as for the previous
so that the number of falsification runs is reduced. The 3-link case. The sensitivity bounds are first evaluated from a
numerical computations indicate that the sensitivity bounds grid of 4096 samples of X0 ×P (2 samples per dimension) in
for (12) are sign-stable, thus leading to the tight red over- 862s, followed by 3 iterations of falsification in 21s, resulting
approximation in Figure 1 obtained after applying Lemma 3. in sign-stable bounds. Another set of bounds is computed
The second over-approximation in green is computed from in 0.54s through interval arithmetics with a Taylor order
sensitivity bounds obtained with the interval arithmetics m = 15, resulting in bounds which are not sign-stable.
approach in Lemma 13, where the Jacobian bounds as in The over-approximations in the state space (from Lemma 3
Assumption 12 are obtained analytically from the dynamics and Theorem 8) using both sets of sensitivity bounds are
(12). We pick a Taylor order m = 7 (empirically, we see computed in 0.25s. From the sign-stability assumption, the
no improvement on the sensitivity bounds for larger values) first interval over-approximation is guaranteed to be tight to
which is greater than the minimal value m(T ) = 0 for the actual reachable set (Corollary 5). On the other hand,
Lemma 13 to hold. The sensitivity bounds are computed in the over-approximation obtained from interval arithmetics
14ms, but as predicted in Remark 14 they are much more is not tight and has 68 times the volume of the first
conservative than the one obtained in the first approach and over-approximation, making it too loose for practical use.
they do not satisfy Assumption 2. The over-approximation From the computation times for both the 3-link and 11-link
in green is thus obtained from the generalized result in models, we note that the approach scales well with the state
Theorem 8 and is much larger than the red one, firstly dimension apart from the main bottleneck in the sampling
because Theorem 8 is known not to be tight (Remark 9), approach, whose complexity grows exponentially with n for
but also because it tries to compensate for the sensitivity a gridded sampling.
elements believed not to be sign-stable while their real B. Satellite orbit
values are actually sign-stable according to the sampling-
based estimation above. Consider the non-linear system describing a satellite or-
The computation of both red and green over- biting a celestial body from [17]:
 
approximations (from Lemma 3 and Theorem 8) is 
 R + 400
done in 60ms. The volumes of the red and green over- − xp2 + x1 x24   0 
ẋ =   , x(0) =   , (15)

approximations are respectively 1.7 and 5.1 times the  x4  q 0

volume of the true reachable set. − 2xx21x4
To study the scalability of the approach, we now extend
this three link example by adding links downstream of the where x1 is the distance of the satellite to the center of the
diverging junction so that traffic on link 2 flows to link 4 body, x3 its angular position and x2 and x4 their respective
then to link 6, etc., and, likewise, traffic flows from link 3 derivatives. The parameter p ∈ R is defined as p = GM ,
to 5 to 7, etc. The modified dynamics are where G is the gravitational constant and M the mass of the
1 body. The initial conditions of (15) are chosen to obtain a
fi (x, p) = (g(x)/2 − h(xi , xi+2 )), i ∈ {2, 3} (13) circular orbit at 400km above the body’s surface (radius R).
1 Assuming uncertain values (around Earth’s known values)
fi (x, p) = (βh(xi−2 , xi ) − h(xi , xi+2 )), i ∈ {4, . . . , n} for both the parameter p ∈ [3.9779, 3.9938] · 105 km3 /s2
(14) and the desired orbit radius R + 400 ∈ [6.7718, 6.7845] · 103
  km, we obtain uncertainty bounds denoted as p ∈ P ⊆ R
where h(η, ζ) = min c, vη, w β (x̄ − ζ) , n is the total and x(0) ∈ X0 ∈ I × {0} × {0} × I ⊆ R4 .
We want to study the effect of these uncertainties on on sampling and falsification and provides more reliable
the reachable set of (15) at time T = 92 minutes (after values for the sensitivity bounds although without formal
approximately one whole revolution around the Earth). As guarantees, which may present a risk for safety-critical
expected from Remark 15, the interval arithmetics result applications. The sampling-based approach is currently the
from Lemma 13 is not applicable to (15) since the choice of main computational bottleneck, since the suggested number
T = 5520s requires a minimum Taylor order m(T ) = 88883, of samples to obtain a good first estimate of the sensitivity
which cannot be computed in reasonable time. We thus rely bounds (in order to minimize the number of falsification
on the sampling-based approach from Section V-A by first iterations) grows exponentially with the state dimension.
evaluating the sensitivity bounds for 100 random samples in Future work will aim to exploit these results for
X0 × P , obtained in 68s. A single iteration of falsification is abstraction-based synthesis (see e.g. [7]), where a control
then run in 5s, meaning that the sampling-based approxima- problem on a differential equation is instead solved on a
tion of the bounds already covered all sensitivity values that finite transition system abstracting the continuous dynamics.
could be found from the optimization problem solved in the In such approaches, reachability analysis plays a central role
falsification. The obtained sensitivity bounds [sx , sx ] ∈ I 4×4 in the creation of the abstraction and intervals are commonly
and [sp , sp ] ∈ I 4 do not satisfy the sign-stability condition used for their implementation benefits (low memory require-
in Assumption 2 on 9 of their 20 entries, thus requiring the ment, easy to check intersection with other intervals).
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