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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background to the Visioning Exercise................................................................................................1
1.2. Visioning as A concept for Development Planning............................................................................1
1.3. How visioning is incorporated into the Kwale County Spatial Planning process.............................1
1.4. Purpose of Visioning............................................................................................................................2
1.5. Goal and Objectives.............................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 : VISIONING APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY............................................................................3
2.1. How visioning exercise was undertaken...........................................................................................3
2.1.1. Planning stage..............................................................................................................................3
2.1.2. Actual Visioning Stage.................................................................................................................4
2.1.3. Post Visioning Stage....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 3 : WARD LEVEL VISIONING.............................................................................................................6
3.1. Mackinon Road Ward.........................................................................................................................6
3.1.1. Aspiration:....................................................................................................................................6
3.1.2. Sector Development Issues........................................................................................................6
3.1.3. Mackinon Road Ward Vision Map..............................................................................................11
3.2. Samburu/Chengoni............................................................................................................................12
3.2.1. Aspiration:...................................................................................................................................12
3.2.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................12
3.2.3. Samburu/Chengoni Ward Vision Map.......................................................................................20
3.3. Mwavumbo Ward..............................................................................................................................21
3.3.1. Aspiration:...................................................................................................................................21
3.3.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................21
3.3.3. Mwavumbo Ward Vision Map...................................................................................................27
3.4. Kasemeni Ward.................................................................................................................................28
3.4.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................28
3.4.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................28

3.4.3. Kasemeni Ward Vision Map.......................................................................................................32
3.5. Kinango Ward....................................................................................................................................33
3.5.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................33
3.5.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................33
3.5.3. Kinango ward Vision Map..........................................................................................................38
3.6. Puma Ward........................................................................................................................................39
3.6.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................39
3.6.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................39
3.6.3. Puma Ward Vision Map..............................................................................................................43
3.7. Ndavaya Ward...................................................................................................................................44
3.7.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................44
3.7.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................44
3.7.3. Ndavaya Ward Vision Map........................................................................................................50
3.8. Mkongani Ward..................................................................................................................................51
3.8.1. Aspiration:...................................................................................................................................51
3.8.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................51
3.8.3. Mkongani Ward Vision Map:.....................................................................................................56
3.9. Tsimba/Golini Ward...........................................................................................................................57
3.9.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................57
3.9.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................57
3.9.3. Tsimba/Golini Ward Vision Map................................................................................................63
3.10. Waa /Ng’ombeni Ward..................................................................................................................64
3.10.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................64
3.10.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................64
3.10.3. Waa/ Ng’ombeni Vision Map.....................................................................................................69
3.11. Tiwi Ward.......................................................................................................................................70
3.11.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................70
3.11.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................70
3.11.3. Tiwi Ward Vision Map................................................................................................................76
3.12. Gombato/Bongwe.........................................................................................................................77
3.12.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................77

3.12.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................77
3.12.3. Gombato/Bongwe Ward Vision Map.........................................................................................81
3.13. Ukunda Ward.................................................................................................................................82
3.13.1. Aspiration...................................................................................................................................82
3.13.2. Sector Development Issues.......................................................................................................82
3.13.3. Ukunda Ward Vision Map..........................................................................................................87
3.14. Kinondo Ward................................................................................................................................88
3.14.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................88
3.14.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................88
3.14.3. Kinondo Ward Vision Map.........................................................................................................94
3.15. Ramisi Ward...................................................................................................................................95
3.15.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................95
3.15.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................95
3.15.3. Ramisi Ward Vision Map...........................................................................................................102
3.16. Kubo South Ward.........................................................................................................................103
3.16.1. Aspiration:.................................................................................................................................103
3.16.2. Sector Development Issues.....................................................................................................103
3.16.3. Kubo South Ward Vision Map..................................................................................................109
3.17. Pongwe/ Kikoneni Ward...............................................................................................................110
3.17.1. Aspiration:.................................................................................................................................110
3.17.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................110
3.17.3. Pongwe/Kikoneni Ward Vision Map.........................................................................................116
3.18. Dzombo Ward...............................................................................................................................117
3.18.1. Aspiration:..................................................................................................................................117
3.18.2. Sector Development Issues......................................................................................................117
3.18.3. Dzombo Ward Vision Map........................................................................................................122
3.19. Mwereni Ward..............................................................................................................................123
3.19.1. Aspiration:.................................................................................................................................123
3.19.2. Sector Development Issues.....................................................................................................123
3.19.3. Mwereni Ward Vision Map.......................................................................................................129
3.20. Vanga Ward..................................................................................................................................130

3.20.1. Aspiration:.................................................................................................................................130
3.20.2. Sector Development Issues.....................................................................................................130
3.20.3. Vanga Ward Vision Map...........................................................................................................136
CHAPTER 4 : COUNTY LEVEL VISIONING.......................................................................................................137
4.1. Sectoral Aspirations.........................................................................................................................137
4.2. Sector Development Issues.............................................................................................................137
4.2.1. Economy....................................................................................................................................137
4.2.2. Transportation..........................................................................................................................140
4.2.3. Physical Infrastructure..............................................................................................................141
4.2.4. Social Infrastructure.................................................................................................................143
4.2.5. Human Settlements.................................................................................................................146
4.2.6. Land, Environment and Natural Resources............................................................................146
4.2.7. Governance...............................................................................................................................147
CHAPTER 5 : SYNTHESIS OF THE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASPIRATIONS................................................148
5.1. Areas of Development Potential....................................................................................................148
5.1.1. Mining.......................................................................................................................................148
5.1.2. Tourism.....................................................................................................................................148
5.1.3. Livestock...................................................................................................................................149
5.1.4. Industrialization........................................................................................................................149
5.1.5. Retail and wholesale trade and commerce............................................................................150
5.1.6. The blue economy....................................................................................................................150
5.1.7. Sustainable urban growth and development.........................................................................150
5.1.8. Infrastructural development...................................................................................................150
5.1.9. Agri-economy...........................................................................................................................150
5.1.10. Talent management.................................................................................................................150
5.1.11. Environmental conservation and forestry...............................................................................151
5.1.12. Service economy.......................................................................................................................151
CHAPTER 6 : HARNESSING THE COUNTY’S DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL...................................................152
CHAPTER 7 : ENVISIONED KWALE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ASPIRATIONS..............................................153
8.1. Kwale County common vision:........................................................................................................154
8.2. Kwale County Integrated Vision Map.............................................................................................155

CHAPTER 8 : CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................156

List of Maps
Map 3-1: Mackinon Road Ward Vision Map..................................................................................................................11
Map 3-2: Chengoni/Samburu Ward Vision Map............................................................................................................19
Map 3-3: Mwavumbo Ward Vision Map........................................................................................................................25
Map 3-4: Kasemeni Ward Vision Map............................................................................................................................29
Map 3-5: Kinango Ward Vision Map..............................................................................................................................34
Map 3-6: Puma Ward Vision Map..................................................................................................................................39
Map 3-7: Ndavaya Ward Vision Map.............................................................................................................................45
Map 3-8: Mkongani Ward Vision Map...........................................................................................................................51
Map 3-9: Tsimba Golini Ward Vision Map......................................................................................................................57
Map 3-10: Waa/Ng'ombeni Ward Vision Map...............................................................................................................62
Map 3-11: Tiwi Ward Vision Map...................................................................................................................................69
Map 3-12: Gombato Bongwe Ward Vision Map............................................................................................................75
Map 3-13: Ukunda Ward Vision Map.............................................................................................................................81
Map 3-14: Kinondo Ward Vision Map............................................................................................................................87
Map 3-15: Ramisi Ward Vision Map...............................................................................................................................94
Map 3-16: Kubo South Ward Vision Map.....................................................................................................................101
Map 3-17: Pongwe Kikoneni Ward Vision Map............................................................................................................107
Map 3-18: Dzombo Ward Vision Map..........................................................................................................................113
Map 3-19: Mwereni Ward Vision Map.........................................................................................................................119
Map 3-20: Vanga Ward Vision Map.............................................................................................................................125
Map 7-1: Kwale County Integrated Vision....................................................................................................................143

List of Figures
Figure 1-1: interrelationship of the CSP and the visioning process..................................................................................1

List of Plates
Plate 2-1: Group Discussion at Mackinon Road ward.......................................................................................................4
Plate 2-2: Visioning Presentation at Tsimba/Golini ward.................................................................................................4
Plate 2-3: Group Discussion at County level visioning workshop.....................................................................................4
Plate 2-5: Map illustration at Mkongani ward..................................................................................................................5
Plate 2-4: Group Presentation at Vanga ward..................................................................................................................5

List of Tables
Table 7-1 : Sector Visions.............................................................................................................................................141

Table 7-2: Summary of Ward Visions...........................................................................................................................141

CBO Community Based Organization
CECM County Executive Committee Member
CGK County Government of Kwale
CIDP County Integrated Development Plan
CSP County Spatial Plan
GIS Geographical Information System
KCSP Kwale County Spatial Plan
KEMFRI Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
KFS Kenya Forest Service
KISCOL Kwale International Sugar Company Limited
KNPHC Kenya National Population and Housing Census
KWS Kenya Wildlife Service
MCA Member of County Assembly
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NMT Non-Motorized Transport
PWDs People Living with Disabilities.
RIM Registry Index Map
SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative Society
TOR Terms of Reference
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

In the preparation of CSPs, visioning is used to
identify the views and the aspiration of the
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION people about how they want their county to
Background to the Visioning Exercise look like in ten years’ time. Visioning process is

P lans and Planning exercises always have

to be responsive to predetermined
development ambitions and aspirations
of the people and the places where they are
done. This is because good plans are based on
about taking people through a journey from
their current development status to the desired
end state of the county and its people.

How visioning is incorporated into the

the need and aspiration of the people with a Kwale County Spatial Planning process
specific locality and time period. Visioning is being used in the process of
preparation of the Kwale CSP to imagine a
County Spatial Plans are mandated to be desired future of development state of the
prepared to capture the desired future county in ten years’ time. The visions derived
development for a county within a period of ten from the visioning process shall get their
years. Such progress has to be envisioned to expression in the county Spatial Plan as
enable the county and its people design proper development models, strategies, projects, and
development strategies to achieve the desired programs.
state of development. This, therefore, makes
visioning part and parcel of the planning The interrelationship of the CSP and the
process. In fact, visioning comes fore before any visioning process is expressed in the model
other decisions are made. below.
Figure 1-1: interrelationship of the CSP and the visioning process

The visioning exercise for the preparation of the

Kwale county spatial plan was undertaken after


and in some cases together with sensitization

on the CSP.

Visioning as A concept for Development

Visioning is a concept and a process used in

planning to create a clear and succinct

illustration of the future outlook of a place and
its people after successful a implementation of
the laid down development strategies. It is an
expression by the people about what they want
end State

g their area to be after a given period of time. It

is about painting a picture for the preferred

Purpose of Visioning development challenges and
Visioning is one of the initial stages of the opportunities.
planning process of the Kwale County Spatial d) To enable citizens to propose and
Plan. It was intended to paint a picture of the identify development projects and
desired future state of development with programmes
reference to the existing situation. e) To come up with a commonly accepted
Ward development vision.
The Visioning exercise was employed to ensure f) To come up with a commonly accepted
public participation by the people of Kwale County development vision.
County in designing their own future. g) To build partnership and seek for
support in preparation of the CSP.
The exercise also sought to provide an insight
h) To collect preliminary data and
into where the people of Kwale County want to
information on development aspects of
be and why they are not there yet.
the County.
The visioning exercise was further intended to
create a platform for determining the course of
action in the development of the County.

The visioning exercise was used to guide the

process to avoid loss of track and to remain
focused on key development aspects of Kwale
County as identified by the people themselves.

Goal and Objectives

The overall intention of the visioning exercise
was to try to capture commonly accepted
development picture of the County as aspired
by the people themselves.


The objectives of the visioning workshop at

Ward Level were to:

a) Provide an opportunity for the citizens to

express their development aspirations.
b) To give chance to citizens of the County
to highlight their development challenge
and opportunities.
c) To accord the citizens of the county to
propose measures to address their

Planning stage
The planning stage entailed tools preparation,
logistical planning, and mobilization.
APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY i. Developing the visioning tools

T he approach employed for the visioning

process was a grass root approach
where visioning was done at both the
ward and the County levels. There were 20 ward
visioning sessions conducted in each of the
The planning team developed tools to be used
in the visioning exercise. The tools were;

A standard power point presentation - which

intended to explain the concept of visioning
respective wards and one County visioning simplified to establish the existing situation, the
session. The ward visioning was intended for aspired development direction and the existing
the citizens in the respective wards, while the impediments to the desired future state. The
county visioning targeted multi-disciplinary tool was structured in the form of the following
experts. questions:

The visioning exercise was undertaken by the  Where are we?

citizens, guided by the Planning team which  Where do we want to go?
comprised of experts from the County  What impedes us from getting there?
Government of Kwale, Geodev (K) Ltd, and  What do we have which can help us get
World Wide Fund for Nature. The role of the there?
County staff was to mobilize for the meetings,
Base maps for the wards and the County – the
manage and coordination of the meetings and
maps were printed to facilitate the engagement
offer technical support to the consultants who
with the stakeholders where citizens made
included sociologists, planners, GIS experts. The
input about desired development projects by
WWF team was composed of biodiversity and
drawing into the respective ward maps. The
conservation experts, an engineer, and a
same method was applied for the County maps.
Blank sheets of paper – the people listed their
In recognition of the magnitude of the task and
development challenges, opportunities and
expansiveness of the task, the team was split
recommended development projects. During
into two groups who were given the
the listing, an opportunity was given to
responsibility to handle 10 wards each.
highlight opportunities which were external to
Ultimately, the teams merged for the County
the specific wards.
visioning exercise.
ii. Identification of Visioning
How visioning exercise was undertaken Participants
The visioning process was undertaken in three
main stages. These include: The selection of participants was conducted in
such a manner as to ensure representation from
the following clusters and segments of society
and considered the aspects of; gender, age of the planners and a description on how the
cohorts, nature of institutional setup, economic visioning would be undertaken.
segmentation among others. This was done to
This was applied across all the wards and the
enhance inclusivity of all sectors and interests in
county level visioning.
development. The participants for the ward
level visioning were drawn from all village units ii. Thematic Groups
of the respective wards.
At the ward level visioning exercise, participants
iii. Mobilization of participants were randomly divided into smaller groups to
share views on specific thematic areas. The
Mobilization was undertaken by the ward
thematic areas included: Governance,
administrators and the village administrators
Agriculture, Human Settlement, Infrastructure,
through the sub-county administrators for the
Transport, Environment, Industrialization,
ward level visioning exercise. The ward level
Recreation, Health and Education, and Trade.
visioning exercise targeted a minimum of one
The grouping was however sensitive to village
hundred participants in every ward.
The mobilization for the county visioning
Plate 2-1: Group Discussion at Mackinon Road ward
exercise was done through the county physical
planning department. The exercise targeted
experts in government, non-governmental
organization and the private sector
practitioners and investors etc.

Actual Visioning Stage

The visioning meetings were structured in the
following format:

i. Presentation from the planning team

During the visioning exercise, a typical visioning Plate 2-2: Group Discussion at County level visioning workshop
meeting would entail an introduction, a brief
presentation on the visioning process, and the
Plate 2-3: Visioning Presentation at Tsimba/Golini ward
current development outlook in the perspective

Plate 2-5: Group Presentation at Vanga ward

Plate 2-4: Map illustration at Mkongani ward

The citizens were guided in how to identify The approach was applied at the ward and
development issues through documentation of county levels.
challenges and opportunities and making
recommendations for action. The participants iv. Adopting a shared vision
then illustrated their recommendations by
Each ward adopted a single shard development
drawing on the maps provided to produce
vision which was expressed through a single
vision maps.
At the county level, the ward level visioning
The visions at the county level were expressed
procedure was applied. However, there was a
through sector visions.
slight variation in thematic areas. The themes at
this level included: Land, Environment and Post Visioning Stage
Natural Resources, Human Settlement, Physical The post visioning activities included:
Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure,
Governance, Economy and Transportation. i. Grouping of issues

iii. Presentation by the various groups The issues identified were grouped in form of
challenges opportunities and
A representative from each thematic group recommendations. The issues were further,
gave a summary of the development issues aligned with the respective development
highlighted and mapped from their respective themes for synthesis.
groups. The presentation session gave room for
addition and validation of the raised issues that ii. Digitization of vision maps
would be adopted by all stakeholders.
All the ward visions were collated, scanned;
geo-referenced and digitized for further use in a
GIS environment.

iii. Synthesis of the ward and county


The wards and county visions were analyzed
with an aim of bringing forth and compilation of
key aspects of development.

iv. Deriving a shared vision for Kwale


A shared vision was derived from the synthesis

of the visions from the ward and county
meetings. The county vision was mapped to
reflect the desired development ambitions of
the county.

Mackinnon Road Ward

A planned ward that thrives on agriculture and trade in a well serviced, secured and planned environment

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Insecurity  Availability of land  Construction of public primary schools
 Low living standards  Construction of ECDEs schools
 Drug abuse  Establishment of public secondary schools
 High levels of illiteracy  Construction of linkage roads
 Lack of sewer systems in the existing town  Construction of police posts
centers  Connection of households to electricity
 Lack of clean water  Construction of polytechnic and
 Inter-boundary conflict universities
 High level of unemployment and poverty  Construction of sewer lines for effective
liquid waste disposal
 Construction of a stadium in Makamini
 Planned productive rural areas
 Hierarchy of competitive urban areas
 Planning ,design and implementation of
street lighting and flood lighting

Physical (Water And Sanitation, Dams And Water Water Supply
Pans, Water Supply, ICT And Communication Solid  Ensuring access to adequate safe water at
Waste, Sewer And Sanitation, Power Supply) point of use 
Water  Construction of water facilities e.g. intake
 Lack of piped water works, water pans, pipeline infrastructure,
 Inadequate water supply treatment works and water storage
Power facilities
 Low connection capacity of electricity to  Protection from encroachment
the villages Electricity
 Non exploitation of other alternative non-  Rural electrification
renewable sources of energy such solar,
biomass, wind and tidal energies Solar
Solid and liquid waste  Exploration of other alternative sources of
 Lack of solid waste land fill sites and solid energy (wind, solar, tidal, biomass etc.)
waste transfer facilities such as trucks and Social
litter bins in most trade centres  Construction of art galleries
Social (, Schools, Hospitals, Rehab, Social Halls,  Construction of more social halls and
Stadiums and playgrounds and parks) theatres with first class infrastructure
Education Education
 Understaffing  Employment of more and qualified
 Traditional and non-progressive cultural teachers
practices that has influenced early  Introduction of free school feeding
marriages of the girl child program
 Food insecurity  Promotion of girl child education
 Inadequate schools and supporting  Provision of more learning materials
facilities (books and desks)
 Drugs and substances abuse among school  Construction of more classrooms
going children  Construction of polytechnic
 Lack of tertiary institutions  Construction of more ECDs
Health Health
 Adequate medical healthcare facilities  Improving quality of services
 Understaffing  Improving efficiency and effectiveness of
 Shortage of medicines and drugs service delivery
 Long distance to access medical services  Ensure timely responsiveness to health
 Lack of emergencies response facilities needs of the population
such as ambulances  Construction of more healthcare facilities
such as dispensaries and health centres
 Allocation of modern supportive
infrastructures such as x-ray, stretcher
beds, MRI and dialysis machines
 Dilapidated roads  Construction of more tarmacked roads
 Inadequate roads  Muraming feeder roads
 Linking more areas to roads
Agriculture  Availability of land Agriculture
Livestock keeping  Availability of hard rocks Livestock keeping
 Lack of abattoirs  Availability of sand  Construction of livestock selling yards
 Lack of livestock selling centres  Availability of piped  Construction of abattoirs
 Absence of Agricultural extension officers water(Mzima spring)  Provision of Agricultural extension services
 No cattle dips  Presence of murram roads  Construction of communal dipping and
Fish Farming:  Availability of manpower spraying and vaccination centres
 No fish ponds  Availability of grazing land Fish Farming
 Lack of knowledge and insights in improved (Ranches)  Provision of fisheries extension services
fish farming techniques.  Geographical location along  Construction of fish ponds
Crop Cultivation Mombasa-Nairobi highway
 Inadequate supply of farm inputs  Presence of Standard Gauge Crop Cultivation
 In adequate water supply Railway  Construction of grain storage facilities
 Inadequate access to capital and finances.  Presence of sisal estate at  Availing of farm inputs such as certified seeds
Nyari. and fertilizers
 Construction of infrastructure to promote
 Availability of livestock agricultural production and marketing
 Availability of shrines and  Enhancing accessibility to affordable credit
sacred places and insurance packages for farmers
Trade and Commerce  Availability of minerals Trade and Commerce
 High license fees.  Diverse culture  Construction of modern markets
 Lack of fast market for Agricultural produces  Availability of timber  Reduction of license fees
 Delayed delivery of farm output to market  Availability of livestock  Improving the road conditions to facilitate
areas due to poor road conditions.  Presence of natural rivers and access to markets.
Industrialization streams Industrialization
 Absence of industries to add value to existing  Rich culture.  Establishment of industries.
resources and products.  Construction of roads to facilitate movement
 Poor infrastructures hindering investment in of raw materials and refined products
industries. `
 Uncontrolled exploration of minerals
 Limited investment in factories.
Tourism Tourism
 No identified and publicized tourism attraction  Protection of shrines to act as tourist
sites. destinations
 Promoting cultural tourism

 Inadequate number of administrators  Employment of more administrators
 Lack of administration offices  Construction of police stations
 No village elders  Community inclusion in projects
 No police posts
 Minimal levels of inclusion in projects.
 Threatened and limited conservation measures  Re-afforestation and agro-forestry
to water catchment areas  Building of gabions and terraces
 Deforestation  Protection and conservation of the water
 Soil erosion catchment areas

 Overgrazing leading to loss of vegetation
 Overstocking leading to additional strain on
 Climate change

Mackinon Road Ward Vision Map
Map 3-1: Mackinon Road Ward Vision Map


A ward that is self-sufficient.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned urban centers hindering utility service  Undeveloped land Hierarchy
provision. o Samburu
 Insecurity in urban centers o Silaloni
 Lack of activities and investments to spur the o Kinangoni
growth of urban Centers. o Maji ya Chumvi
o Chengoni
o Mwarophesa
o Chanzou
o Luanga
o Kazamoyo
o Mwandoni
 Planning of towns
 Establish industries in towns to spur their growth.
 Putting up public toilets in urban centers
 Enhancing security in towns
 Provision of health services in the existing centers.

Physical  Existing water lines
Water Supply  Existing rivers and Water Supply
 Lack portable water streams  Extension of piped water coverage
 Land ownership for hindering construction of  Undeveloped land  Construction of dams at identified sites and setting
dams  Funding agencies up of storage tanks
 Limited access to piped water network.  Existing power lines  Sinking of boreholes.
 Shortage in water supply caused by power  System upgrading for  Encouraging the use of alternative sources of
interruptions at the pumping stations. billing power e.g solar and stand by generators to pump
Power Supply  Trained personnel water
 Power outages  Existing communication Power Supply
 Limited connection of electricity to households system and  Extension of power lines to uncovered areas
 High power bills infrastructure.  Stabilization of power sources
 Lack of qualified personnel to repair solar  Auditing of the billing system and evaluation of the
appliances same.
 Poorly lit streets  Installing and securing solar facilities
Sewer, Sanitation and solid waste  Training personnel on solar infrastructure repair
and maintenance.
 Lack of solid and liquid waste disposal system
 Installation of solar powered street lights.
in towns
Sewer, Sanitation and solid waste
 Construction of sewer systems.
 Poor communication network
 Identification of solid waste disposal sites.
 Low levels of education on ICT
 Lack of training facilities in ICT
 Enhancing the communication system and
 Establishment of ICT training facilities

Social (, Schools, Hospitals, Rehab, Social Halls,
Stadiums and playgrounds and parks)
 Establishment of village polytechnic
 Construction of more ECD centers in Gora, Imara,
 Lack of Vocational and technical training
Cheruka, Chamamba (Silaloi, Kinagoni),and
institutions. Shiringia
 Poor performance in primary and secondary  Provision of adequate capacities in terms of
schools facilities and support infrastructure
 Low transition rates to tertiary institutions  Establishment of a secondary school at Maji ya
 Inadequate secondary schools Chumvi
 Lack of Universities  Establishment of a university at Luanga and
Magamani (Munyuni)
 Establishment of special school at Munyuni,
Dambala (Chengoni)
 Installation of Solar panels in all schools (Samburu
Chengoni ward)
 Establishment of a girls’ school at Silaloni

 Construction of wards at Samburu health center
Health  Building of a modern outpatient department
 Inadequate space for Samburu Health center  Construction of staff houses at Chivahu
 There is no modern outpatient department in  Acquire more land for health facilities or build
Sabburu vertically.
 Inadequate staff houses  Establishment of laboratory in Kinagoni
 No laboratories in most of the health facilities. Dispensary.
 Poor quality service in Silaloni Dispensary  Upgrading of Kinagoini and Silaloni dispensaries to
 Long distances to access health services (in the health centers
following areas: Gora, Kazamoyo, and Mtulu)  New dispensary should be established in Gora,
 Understaffing Kazamoyo, Imara, Katsimbalwena and Mtulu
 Lack of special treatment to PWD  Adequate staffing
 Venturing into mobile clinics.
 Establishment of GBVRC at Samburu.
Recreation Recreation
 Lack of public parks  Establishment of a park at Kituoni, Mechoni,
 Lack of stadiums Silaloni, Okote

 Lack of art galleries and theater  Establishment of Art Gallery at Nyongoni
 Inadequate social halls  Establishment of a theater at Kibaoni along the
 Establishment of a stadium at Kwakadogo, Silaloni,
and Maji ya chumvi
 Putting up social halls in every village.
 Poor road conditions  Murram  There should be a ward representative in charge of
 Missing links in some areas roads
 Narrow roads  Murraming all roads
 Minimal benefit from railway by the community.  Construction of proper drifts, bridges, and
 Unsegregated trucks on bridges in some areas culverts.
which creates conflict.  Opening up roads to link up the area (luanga-
 Kwakidenge, and Mwangea-Chamaba-Kinangoni –
Gora roads)
 Construction of a Footbridge on Kinango- Samburu
 Establishment of a Railway station in Samburu
 Establishment of a bus stop in Samburu

Agriculture  Tourism opportunity Agriculture
Livestock keeping  Livestock Livestock keeping
 Livestock pest and diseases.  Land which is  Establishing of cattle dips within the ward
 Subsistence livestock keeping with minimal undeveloped  Provision of agricultural education and extension
economic gain.  Rich and diverse culture services
 Losses caused by death of livestock during dry  Building stones (zeras)  Establishment of hey collection center.
seasons.  Nairobi –Mombasa  Reservoir dams to be constructed in every village.
 Limited access to veterinary services. Highway
 Manpower Fish Farming
Fish Farming:  Increased access to fish food
 Lack of feeds for fish  Induct locals on treatment of fish diseases.
 Lack of specialized staff to educate the  Minerals such as
community on fish farming. calcium, oil, and coal Crop Cultivation
Crop Cultivation  Construction of dams to provide water for
 Lack of agricultural education and extension irrigation and domestic use.
services.  Establishment of a collection center at Samburu
 Over reliance on rain fed agriculture.  A demonstration farm is required in the ward to
 Inadequate and untimely supply of seeds by the educate the community.
 Subsidies such as tractors and pesticides and
herbicides are always delayed.
 Cultivation of some serials such as green grams
often brings low returns.
 Drought
 Lack of agricultural training institution within the
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Lack of livestock market structures  Putting up market structures in the centers
 Lack of designated areas for shows to encourage  Establishment of Sacco’s and cooperative
tourism societies.
 Lack of cooperative societies for proper  Increasing access to loans
marketing of products Industrialization
 Lack of cultural and art market  Promotion and marketing of existing rocks and
 Lack of SACCOs and Cooperatives. mineral resources such as building stones at Maji
Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base) ya Chumvi
 Lack of mining and quarrying facilities and  Training of entrepreneurs in the industrial sector.
infrastructure.  Establishment of juakali industries in: Samburu,
 Lack of factories and industries such as Juakali Maji ya Chumvi, Silaloni.
 Lack of a slaughter house.  Mechanization of quarrying
 Lack of capital and know how to exploit minerals  Establishment of industries to create jobs
such as coal, calcium, and oil.  Establish a slaughter house in Samburu and Silaloni
 Inviting the experts in mining sector
 Under exploitation of cultural tourism.
 Ignorance about the existing tourism resources in `Tourism
the area.  Identification and publicizing of tourism attraction
 Timely repair and maintenance of roads to
promote tourism.
 Promotion of ecotourism in Pungani and Silaloni
 Establishment of cultural village centers
 Establishment of curio shops along the highway.
 Insecurity (murder cases, rape, etc.)  Leaders  Improving security by establishing a police post
 Cattle rustling  Clan elders. at :Chengoni, Maji ya Chumvi(Katsambalwena,
 Limited access to administrative services due to Deri, Kinangoni, Mwandoni, Matope, Mwembeni,
long distances Luwanga
 Social services lacking( e.g. NSSF)  Formulation of Community Policing in all village
 Retrogressive cultural practices and gender units.
violence.  Creating awareness on security and safety from
 Ignorance of the youths about public participation sexual abuse.
 Low level of community involvement on  Further decentralization of services to the village
development meetings participation units.
 Establishment of youth friendly services in order to
engage them.
 Involving all members of the community in the
participation processes
 Construction of offices for village administrators.
 Youth training on various services. To keep them


 Soil erosion  Planting of trees-(indigenous seedlings).
 Deforestation Rocks and minerals such as  Forest conservation
 Drought building stones (zeras,  Construction of dams and water pans.
 Unexplored mineral resources calcium, oil, and coal)  Need for experts to explore and establish the
 Insecurity of tenure making land and land  Forests. existence of the various mineral resources.
based resources very sensitive.  Vast land.  Government to help in resolving land issues.
 Overgrazing (carrying capacity not observed)  Observing the carrying capacities and encouraging
 National government not implementing the zero grazing.
share of the minerals to the locals.  Conservation of forest resources (Mphorongoni
 forest)

Map 3-2: Chengoni/Samburu Ward Vision Map

Samburu/Chengoni Ward Vision Map

Mwavumbo Ward

Planned settlements with adequate access to infrastructural serviced, and a thriving economy that is based on a secure and
conserved environment.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned towns  Availability of land Hierarchy of settlement
 Political instability 1. Mkilo
 Low levels of literacy 2. Kalalani
 Insecurity 3. Mavirivirini
 No public toilets/latrines 4. Mwabila
 Lack of sewer system in the existing urban 5. Matumbi
centers 6. Makutano
7. Pemba
8. Kafuduni
9. Mgandini
10. Vitsakaviiri
11. Chigombero
12. Mbande
13. Gwasheni
14. Lutsangani

Physical  Existing piped water Water Supply
Water networks such as:  Expansion of Wanda-Matumbi piped water supply.
 Inadequate water supply in Mzima,,Pemba,  Construction of water pans at: Dzombo, Chidzipwa,
(Matuimbi/Mbande/Madikoni,Kalumeni/Dzombo Ngayeni, Mwata, Mwabila, Chigombero, Mavirivirini and Matumbi
/Luweni/Mwashanga)  Existing Jambo and  Connection of piped water to schools
 Receding water levels in dams especially in: Chigombero water  Construction of Pemba and Luweni check dams for
Dzombo water dam, Chidziwa, Mwabila, pans Mwache Dam
Chigombero, Mavirivirini and Matumbi  Matumbi centre  Piped water supply to Kisiwani
Power  Availability of land  Establishing more water tanks along the pipelines
 Limited access and connectivity to electric for the construction Power
power in: Chidziwa, Dzombo, Mwashaga, of supportive  Extension of electricity network to the villages
Mbande, Mlola, Kaluweni, and Luwen infrastructure
 Absence of street lights in: Mkilo, Kalalani,
Mshanda, liwanda, Mavirivirini, Matumbi and All
trading centres
Solid and liquid waste Solid and liquid waste
 Lack of proper solid and liquid waste  Defining solid waste disposal site
management infrastructure Social
Social Recreation
Recreation  Construction of parks and stadiums
 Lack of open parks and playground i.e. Stadiums  Establishment of art galleries and theatres
 Inadequate distribution of social halls  Construction of adequate social halls
 Lack of art galleries and cultural centers

Education Education
 Inadequate number of teachers  Adequate staffing.
 Insufficient educational facilities  Construction of more schools.
 Inadequate learning materials  Civic education on the importance of education
 Poor sanitation in some schools  Construction and maintenance of toilets in schools
 Addition of more libraries and laboratories in

 Construction of village polytechnic at Mlola B
 Construction of a university at Kalalani

Health  Providing staff quarters in the health sector.
 Lack of accommodation/staff houses  Employment of more doctors and nurses
 Insufficient doctors and drugs  Civic education on the negative effects of outdated
 Lack of ambulance cultural practices
 Cultural beliefs which inhibit seeking medical  Construction of mortuary at Mavirivirini
services in medical facilities.  Establishment of rehabilitation centres at
 Upgrading of pemba, Sega, Julani, Dzombo,
Chigombero and Mavirivirini dispensaries to health
 Poor road network  Availability of  Construction of tarmac roads ( or use of cabro) on the
 Lack of modern road infrastructure murram following roads: Gwasheni- Mwabila up to
 Lack of bridges at some points where they are  Availability of cheap Katsimbalwena, Mkilo - Kadhingo – Mtsansatifu,
necessary. sources of Kokotoni – Mavirivirini- Wanda, Gwasheni to Chilumani-
construction Mlula, Pemba - Maweu – Kokotoni-Vitsakaviri- Mwabila,
materials such as Vitsakabiri - Gobwe – Chidzipwa,Kifusini –Dzombo-
stones and sands Mtsansatifu, Kokotoni- Mwansan – Msandini, Wanda
 Availability of land Gwasheni junction - Gwasheni primary school, Kalalani
 Availability of labor – Mavirivirini- Mwashanga, and Ngeyeni-Lutsangani-
 Availability of Mbande
construction tools
and equipment

Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping  Availability of vast  digging of dams for irrigation purposes
 Livestock diseases tract of land  provision of market for the agricultural
 Inadequate access to agricultural education and  Availability of produce
extension services livestock  provision of pesticides and insecticides
 Poor quality breeds  Presence of rivers  employment of agricultural experts and
 Inadequate provision of subsidies and support and few dams more veterinary doctors
such as fertilizes, artificial insemination services  Availability of land  provision of fertilizers
 Poor marketing strategies Marketing  Digging of fish ponds
 A stalled and inadequate cattle dips.

Fish Farming:
 Inadequate information on proper fish farming Fish Farming:
techniques and marketing.  Provision of education in fish farming
 Construction of fish ponds
Crop Cultivation  Provision of refrigeration facilities such as
 Inadequate rainfall (over reliance on rain fed fridges and freezers
 Insufficient seeds Crop Cultivation
 Lack of proper knowledge on the best modern  Providing adequate seeds.
farming techniques  Adequate supply of pesticides and diseases
 Infestation by crop pest and diseases.  Provision of water for irrigation.
 Lack of market for agricultural products.  Provision of farming tools and equipment
 Drought  Construction of roads for faster transportation of
perishable farm products.
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Inadequate access to finances.  Construction of livestock auction centres at
 Lack of modern markets for selling goods. Mwabila Matumbi,Wanda,Nihutu
 Poor infrastructures in terms of roads and  Construction of open air markets at:
telecommunication networks. Kafiduni,Wanda,Pemba,Kalalani,Makutano

Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base) Industrialization
 Lack of industries  Construction of milk processing plant at
 Inadequate access to financial resources Mwanda/Ngoni
 Lack of unity and cooperation  Construction of industries
 Lack of proper education and technical skills  Provision of financial assistance from government,
NGOs and other stakeholders
 Construction of roads
Tourism `
 Poor infrastructures in terms of roads and Tourism
telecommunication networks  Establishment of by laws that will guide in the
 Lack of tourist sites promotion of traditional cultures
 Lack of financial resources  Construction of tourist attraction site are Mwanda
 Lack of information on tourism.  Establishment of viewpoints at Katsimbalwena

 Insecurity  Undeveloped land.  Mavirivirini administration to be opened
 Poor leadership  Construction of chief camp and Police station


 Drought and famine in: Kaldani, Mwabila,  Availability of vast
Matumbi, and Mwatate. land  Zoning of protected areas and formulation of laws
 Soil erosion  Availability of wild and policies to conserve and protect these areas
 Deforestation animals particularly in Mia Mwenga,Mongo
 Improper management of water ponds (Ngoni),Chimpebho,Chipopo,Vichindugi,Vuga,Chig
 Improper disposal of solid wastes ugumwe,Zidi,Muyango,Mwando
 Land degradation  Planting trees.
 Poaching  Planning of Towns in consideration of the
environmental guidelines and policies (EMCA)

Map 3-3: Mwavumbo Ward Vision Map
Mwavumbo Ward Vision Map

Kasemeni Ward

An agricultural ward that conserves the environment and has good infrastructure

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned towns  Availability of land  Planning of towns
 Lack of proper drainage system  Street lighting
 Insecurity  Beefing up security.
 Poorly lit towns  Proper solid waste disposal mechanisms.
 Inadequate water supply  Adequate water supply.
 Poor solid waste disposal mechanisms.  Establishment of proper drainage systems

Physical Infrastructure Land availability Physical Infrastructure
Water Supply Water Supply
 Insufficient water supply Large population of  Improving access to water
Solid waste children Solid waste
 Undesignated solid waste disposal site.  Establishing a designated waste disposal.

Social Infrastructure Social Infrastructure

Education Education
 Inadequate ECDE teaching staff.  Employment of more qualified ECDE teachers.
 Insufficient number ECDE centres  Establishment of technical and vocational
 Lack of Technical Training Institute training centers.
( Polytechnic)  Establishment of more E.C.D.E centres in the
Health County.
 Lack of health centres Health
 Inadequate equipment and facilities in health  Establishment of a new health Centre,
maternity wing and dispensary
centres  Provision of incentives to encourage
 Drug abuse investment in health sector.

 Poor condition of roads surfaces.  Funding from  Improve the condition of existing roads
 Missing link County  Construction of new roads
Agriculture  Food production from Agriculture
Crop cultivation the agricultural sector. Crop cultivation
 Minimal financial support for farmers  Job opportunities in the  Establishing an irrigation scheme e.g. in
 Infertile land agricultural sector. Mabesheni
 Low quality of seeds  Adopting good farming practices such as
 Drought. crop rotation to avoid over exploitation of
 Poor marketing of crop produce mineral resources in soil
 Crop pest and diseases
 The County tractors and seeds have been subject to
favoritism- corruption.
 No Agricultural training Centre ( ATC) for farmers
Livestock farming
 Poor breeds of cattle leading to low milk Livestock farming
production  Provision of adequate farm extension
 Lack of Extension services services.
 Livestock pests and diseases.  Provision of subsidies on farm inputs
 Reduced access to pasture caused by drought  Putting up cattle dips in the ward e.g. in
Fish farming
 Lack of fingerlings
Fish farming
 Lack of training on good fish farming practices.
 Promoting aquaculture in both Mazeras and
Mwamdudu village units
Trade and commerce

 Lack of exploitation of business opportunities/ Trade and commerce Trade and commerce
Exposure and income  Under developed land
 Poor marketing of livestock and crop produce.  Manpower  Establishing shopping centres at Mazeras
Industrialization  Business opportunities/ and Mwamdudu Bonji units.
(such as exposure and  Marketing centres at mazeras and
Tourism income). mwamdudu units.
 Poor management of tourism sites ( Mnago na Tourism
Fingo, ( Chirimani-Gona)  Rich cultural diversity. Tourism
 Insecurity has affected the marketing of the area  Optimal utilization of the existing tourist
as a tourist attraction site. attraction sites. Such sites include:
 Manyu war caves in Mazeras units
 Chinduni tourist attraction site (Bonji units)
 Existence of an AP  Putting up of security lights
 Insecurity e.g. Gang groups existing in Bofu center. camp  Establishment of a police post
 Limited access to security services such as the police.  Devolution.  To put an office for the village administrator
 Bad governance  Availability of National  Putting up of Mabesheni assistant chief’s
 Corruption government officers like office
 Inaccessible to village administrators the chief.
 Public participation
Forests Forests Forests
 Drought  Firewood  Tree planting for both Mazeras and
 Deforestation caused by charcoal burning.  Natural forests and Mwamdudu village units and also generally
 Land sub-division has not been done to other resources
unproductive parcels. could be tourist
 Over grazing in forests attraction sites
 Uncontrolled quarrying activities.  The people’s urge
 Poverty leading to charcoal burning for tree planting
 Wild animals encroaching human settlement  Clean air
area.  Tourism

 Historical land injustices

Kasemeni Ward Vision Map

Map 3-4: Kasemeni Ward Vision Map

Kinango Ward

A ward with sustainable and diversified economy

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned towns  Issuing of title deeds is  Designation of garbage disposal points
 Insecurity of tenure possible  Construction of a sewerage system
 High population density per unit area  Enough land for expansion  Establishing service institutions in towns.
 Poor road condition and network of road networks  Enhancing the provision of health services in
 Poor connectivity to power, and power  Potential for better towns.
disruptions in some areas distribution of power  Adequate access to education.
 Inadequate water supply  There exists an office for  Establishing recreation facilities in towns
 Low living standards. the ward administrator
 There is the launching of a
Physical infrastructure Physical infrastructure Physical infrastructure
Water Water Water
 Lack of portable water  Salt water  Adequate water supply.
 Inadequate water supply.  Potential for dam  Planned and proper utilization of water pans.
 Poor utilization of water pans construction. Power supply
 Investing in alternative sources of power.
Power supply  Ensuring adequate water supply.
 Inadequate access to electricity supply
 Low level of investment in alternative sources  Technology Solid waste
of energy such as solar and wind energy.  Allocation of land to solid waste disposal
 Little information on modern solar energy
Sewerage and solid waste Communication
 Lack of sewer system  Ensuring efficiency in communication
 There are no designated garbage disposal
points ICT
 Investment in ICT.
ICT  Availability of land.
 Poor communication network. Social infrastructure
 Low levels of computer literacy. Health
 Adequate staffing of health facilities.
Social infrastructure  Ensuring adequate and quality service provision.
Health  High demand for leisure  Fully equipping the health facilities
 Inadequate number of medical doctors facilities. Education
 Inadequate number and equipment of health  Ensuring that there is access to quality
facilities. education.
 Kenya Medical Training College has no brunch in  Setting up a school for the disabled
the ward
 Inadequate distribution of schools. Recreation
 Understaffing  Establishing recreation facilities.
 Insufficient supply of learning materials and  Putting up of social halls in the village units.
equipment.  Limiting human animal conflict, i.e. Erecting a
 Limited access to higher education services. fence around Mwaluganje park to keep wildlife
within the park
 Lack of public parks
 Reducing forest cover due to deforestation
 Lack of social halls
 Limited access to recreation facilities.
 Poor condition of roads  The existing roads  Improving of road conditions
 Bridges are in a poor state  Availability of land for  Investing in other modes of transport such as
 Limited modal choices. i.e. lack of railway construction of more rail and air transport
 Poor drainage which results to destruction of roads.  Installation of road signage

roads.  Enhancing the competence of drivers on roads.
 Lack of signage on the roads
 Lack of traffic calming measures.
Agriculture  Good fertile soils Agriculture
Crop cultivation  A huge market for Crop cultivation
 Inadequate knowledge on best practices and vegetables  Investing in research to boost agriculture.
new technologies  A huge market for beef  Provision of more farm inputs
 Overreliance on rain fed agriculture. products  Provision of extension services in Kinango ward
 Limited access to quality seeds  Availability of land.  Adequate water supply for irrigation.
 Inadequate access to farm equipment  Adopting latest technology in farming e.g.
 Rocky soils limiting cultivation.  Potential tourism in areas green house farming.
such as Mangrove at
Tsunza, Kayas, and
Mwache valley act as
Livestock farming tourist attraction sites Livestock farming
 Livestock diseases  Availability of variety  Modernization of livestock rearing activities.
 Ignorance on best practices and new of raw materials. Fish farming
technologies  Existence of minerals  Adequate access to fishing facilities and
 Lack of extension services for farmers equipment.
Fish farming
 Limited value addition on fishing products. Trade and Commerce
 Establishing a good market structure for
Trade and Commerce agricultural products.
 Poorly developed market areas.  Promoting growth in the wholesale and retail
 Limited access to markets sector.
 Increasing access to banking and financial
Tourism services.
 Decline in number of tourists due to Tourism
insecurity.  Optimal exploitation and conservation of
 Unreliable transport system limiting tourism tourism attraction center such as Lutsangani.

activities.  Unlocking tourism potential in the area by
 Underutilized tourism potentials. investing in culture, hotel industry, and security.
Industries Industries
 Investment in industries has been hindered by  Provision of adequate and efficient
poor infrastructural development and infrastructure and utility services to attract
insufficient and inadequate utility service investment in industries.
provision such as water supply  Investing in agro and mineral based industries.
 Minimal investment in the industrial sector.  Consulting technical expertise on mineral
 Inadequate supply of skilled labour. prospects and exploration.
 Limited expertise and knowledge on mining
 There are inadequacies in administrative and  Devolution  Ensuring adequate capacities in governance and
governance services which have led to insecurity  Undeveloped land administrative institutions.
and limited access to information and services. which can be acquired  Further decentralization of service provision.
 Lack of further decentralization of public for construction of  Effective implementation of citizen participation
participation to village unit levels. administrative offices. in development agenda.
 Civic education on the new governance system is  Civic education on leadership roles,
lacking. governance, and importance of public
 Reducing river volumes.  Identification, protection, and conservation of
 Cultivation along river banks leading to siltation of  Forests which are environmentally sensitive areas.
rivers. potential tourist  Planting of trees
 Overstocking of livestock leading to strain on attraction sites.  Initiating erosion mitigation measures, e.g.
resources such as land and vegetation  Existing swamps construction of gabions, controlled grazing and
 Unplanned utilization and conservation of  Rivers stocking.
swamps  The existence of  Optimal exploitation and utilization of rocks and
 Deforestation institutions with mineral resources.
 Negligence of forest resources interest on the
 Soil erosion environment.

 Reduced productivity of soils due to activities
such as charcoal burning and repeated cultivation

Kinango ward Vision Map

Map 3-5: Kinango Ward Vision Map

Puma Ward

A healthy society that is well governed and supported by a robust economy in a conserved environment.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Poor communication network.  Maintenance of roads
 Insecurity  Enhancing security by establishment of
 Poor road network centers and availing facilities and also
 Poor road conditions. adequate deployment of police offers.
 Low living standards.  Provision of portable water for the residents
 Limited connection to electricity.  Extension of electric power supply network to
the villages.

Physical Water Supply
Water Supply  Provision of piped water to households
 Lack portable water  Provision of storage tanks to primary
Power supply schools
 Limited power connection and supply Power supply
 High cost of connection to electricity.  Connection of electricity to every
Solid Disposal household
 Lack of solid waste disposal facilities  Provision of other alternative sources of
and sites energy such as sun and wind

Recreation Social
 Inadequate distribution of social halls Recreation
 Absence of recreational facilities such  Establishment of recreation facilities such
as stadiums and playgrounds. as Parks, Social halls and stadiums.
 Understaffing Education
 Low enrolment rates  advocacy on the importance of education
 Inadequate distribution of primary  Establishing adequate distribution of
and secondary schools schools (primary and secondary school).
 Lack of higher learning institutions  Adequate staffing.
such polytechnics and universities  Provision of enough learning materials.
 Shortage of learning materials
 Inadequate distribution of healthcare
 Insufficient healthcare facilities and Health
medical equipment such stretcher  Adequate staffing of health facilities.
beds, drugs and ambulance  Provision of funeral services
 lack of mortuary  Provision of comprehensive health care.
 Equipping the health facilities with the
necessary support material infrastructure such
as dialysis and x-ray machines.
 Poor road network  Existing roads.  Increasing connectivity by opening up roads.
 Few all weather roads.  Improvement of the condition and
maintenance of road infrastructure.
Agriculture Tourism Livestock keeping
Livestock keeping  Unexploited tourist potential  Strengthen control of pest and diseases
 Limited number of extension service  Provision of subsidies.
staffs  Adopting modern livestock raring techniques
 Lack of abattoirs such as artificial insemination (A.I)
 Limited access of vaccines.  Investing in quality breeds of livestock.
 Lack of veterinary services
 High cost of quality breeds. Fish Farming
 High cost of inputs  Application of modern fishing
Fish Farming: technologies
 Limited access to input in aquaculture.  Provision of storage facilities such as
Crop Cultivation refrigerators.
 Destruction of crops by wildlife Crop Cultivation
animals such as elephants  Promotion of modern farming
 Inadequate access to farm inputs technologies such as farm mechanization
 Lack of readily available market for  Provision of adequate certified seeds,
the agricultural produce. fertilizers and crops
 Over reliance on rain fed agriculture.  Provision of drought tolerant and high
 Low adoption of modern farming maturity crops.
methods  Investing in irrigation agriculture.
 Inadequate supply of certified seeds  Increased access to funding.
and fertilizers  Access to pesticides and herbicides.
 Infestation by crop pests and diseases
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Limited to access credit services.  Provision low interest credit finance
 Limited entrepreneurial skills  Improvement of entrepreneurial skills
 Lack of market/auctioning areas for Industrialization
livestock.  Establishment of industrial sites so as to
Industrialization provide employment
 Minimal investment in industries  Allocation of money for establishment of
 Poor state of roads hindering industries
industrial growth.
 Land tenure issues hindering `Tourism
establishment of industries.  Promotion of cultural tourism
Tourism  Provision of security in the tourist sites
 Low marketing of tourism activities in the  Active marketing of tourism activities such as
area. cultural tourism, both locally and
 Insecurity in some tourism destinations. internationally.
 Insecurity  Intensification of security through active and

 Ineffective enforcement of law due to passive surveillance.
limited number of enforcement officers  Employment of enough security officers.
 Limited resources for the security  Equipping security forces adequately
personnel  Increase the number of police posts
 Inefficiency in the process of registration  Efficiency in the process of registration
of persons services especially in the provision of birth
certificates and identification cards.
 Deforestation caused by dependence on  Rehabilitation of degraded sites
wood as source of energy and building Minerals  Enforcement of environmental laws
materials Forests  Re-afforestation
 Encroachment of the protected areas. Undeveloped Land.  Construction of liquid wastes disposal sites
 Uncontrolled mining and quarrying  Protection of water catchment area
leading to environmental degradation.
 Pollution of land, air, and noise pollution.

Puma Ward Vision Map
Map 3-6: Puma Ward Vision Map

Ndavaya Ward

A sustained community with adequate access to services and infrastructure in a peaceful and prosperous environment

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Town boundaries not demarcated  Existing 17 urban centers.  Demarcation of town centres.
 Insecurity  Availability of land  Promoting growth of competitive urban areas
 Poor housing  Implementing of affordable housing schemes
 Lack of banking and financial services.  Establishing access to financial services such as
 Indiscriminate solid waste disposal banking.
 Low living standards  Putting up public toilets and post offices
 Lack of sanitation facilities e.g. public toilets  Planning of towns
 Lighting up towns by installing street lights and flood
 Improving road conditions in town
Physical Water Supply
Water Supply  Provision of piped water in: Murare, Mwachanda , and
 Inadequate water supply. Kuranze
 Underutilized opportunity in rain water  Construction of dam at Kuranze
harvesting.  Provision of water tanks in primary schools and
ECDs ,dispensaries and close homesteads to help in
harvesting of rain water and act as alternative water
storage facilities
Energy Energy
 Limited connection to power grid by  Extension of electric power connection to every
households. household unit.
 Overdependence of wood fuel as source of  Exploitation of alternative sources of energy such as
energy wind and sun
Solid and liquid waste Solid and liquid waste
 Lack of a designated solid waste disposal site.  Construction and maintenance of solid and liquid
 Lack of solid waste transfer facilities. waste disposal sites
 Inadequate no of social halls. Social  Expansion of Ndavaya social hall and construction of
 Lack of recreational areas and facilities.  Availability of social hall at every village unit
 Absence of a stadium. undeveloped land.  Increasing the capacity of Ndavaya stadium by
 Establishment of stadiums in each village unit
 Establishing a cultural center at Kigomeni
Education  Conservation of shrines to promote the as recreation
 Understaffing in schools. areas.
 Inadequate number of primary and Education
secondary schools  Employment of more teachers in the schools
 Shortage of learning materials such as  Addition of more primary and secondary schools
stationary  Construction of a teachers college
 Absence of tertiary institutions and  Establishment of a rehabilitation center
colleges such as teachers college  Provision of water tanks in the schools to store
 Lack of clean drinking water in the more water
institutions of learning  Construction special facilities for the physically
 Poor performance in schools impaired
Health  Establishment of resource center at Gulanze
 Inadequacies in staffing e.g. doctors, Health
nurses, and clinical officers.  Construction of maternity wings at Mbita,
 Absence of maternity wards and Mbwaleni and Mbuluni dispensaries
ambulances  Construction of dispensaries at Ndavaya, Gulanze
 Inadequate number of healthcare Mukangombe, Mbita and Mbuluni
facilities  Construction of staff house at Mbuluni

 Inadequate medical equipment dispensaries
 Establishment of laboratories in all the
dispensaries at :Ndavaya, Mkangombe .Gulanze,
Mbita, Mbusaleni, and Mbuluni
 Establishment of female/male and children ward
at Ndavaya dispensary.
 Poor road network  Availability of murram  Upgrading of roads such as: Kuranze-Mbita-
 Lack of bridges across river valleys.  Availability of land Mwandimu, Mbwaleni-Mafunduni, and Mkangombe-
 Poor soil structure hindering road  Man power Kawelu-Mwachanda roads.
development.  Availability of financial  Tarmacking of Kinango-Lunga Lunga road
 Lack of bus stations resources from the  Murraming of all feeder roads
 Poor road maintenance County Government  Establishment of stringent policies and guidelines
against encroachment of road reserves
 Establishing a bus station at every trading center
Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping Livestock keeping
 Attack by diseases  Construction of communal cattle dips at Gulanze
 Water scarcity dam and Kityongo center
 Scarcity of land for cultivation.  Increasing water supply by Sinking of boreholes,
 Shortage of pasture dams, and water pans.
 Limited extension services.  Growing of nutritious pastures e.g. Napier grass

Fish Farming: Fish Farming:

 Lack of fish ponds.  Digging of fish ponds
 Lack of storage facilities like refrigerators.  Provision of education on the best methods of
 Inadequate knowledge in aquaculture fish farming
 Provision of storage facilities such as refrigerators
Crop Cultivation Crop Cultivation
 Lack of active farmers’ cooperative societies  Establishment of irrigation schemes
 Provision of cereal storage facilities
and SACCOs  Increased access to and provision of certified
 Over reliance on rain fed agriculture. seeds
 Lack of storage facilities  Fencing of the farms to bar wild animals.
 Limited access to certified seeds  Use of modern farming techniques such as
 Destruction of crops by wild animals machines and tractors
 Poor farming methods  Provision of pesticides
 Prevalence of pests and diseases  Building of gabions
 Delayed delivery of products due to poor road  Provision of manure and fertilizers
condition.  Communal land ownership to reduce the cost of
 Employment of more Agricultural extension
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Poorly planned market areas.  Establishment of market centres
 Limited education in entrepreneurship skills  Provision of financial education
 Inadequate number of markets i.e. only two  Upgrading and maintenance of road from
open air markets (Ndavaya and Makije) Mwachando to Mbita-Kuranze
 Hindrance on access to market due to Poor  Introduction of county trade revolving fund
road network.  Proper marketing of the final products.
 Non-conducive business environment caused
by insecurity.
 Limited access to financial resources

Industrialization Industrialization
 Low investment in industries  Increased investment in industries.
 Lack of investors.  Provision of equipment and machineries in the
 Limited number of skilled labor to work in industrial sector.
industries.  Construction of roads and other modes of transport
 Poor and outdated methods of mining  Presence of minerals
to facilitate the movement of goods and services
 Lack of skills and knowledge in alternative  Provision of modern mining equipment and machines

methods of mining
Tourism  Presence of wild life and Tourism
 Insecurity forest  Protection and conservation of tourists attract e.g.
 No designated tourist sites Kuranze

 Insecurity in some areas.  Addition deployment of security officers to curb
 Limited number of police officers. insecurity.
 Unbalance representation in leadership.  Fair representation to the elective posts
 Improper delineation of the ward i.e. the  Splitting of Ndavaya ward into two (Ndavaya and
ward is so vast. Kifyonzo)
 Shortage of rains  Re-afforestation and agro-forestry
 Deforestation contributed to by charcoal  Tourism  Illegalizing charcoal burning
burning  Forests  Building of terraces to curb erosion.
 Soil erosion  Land.  Protection and conservation of river sources.
 Siltation of rivers caused by cultivation  Protection and conservation of the forested areas
along the river banks.  Protection and conservation of the environment
 Pollution (of :Land, Air, Water)  Conservation of shrines.
 Encroachment of forest land and riparian
reserves by human activates.
 Land degradation

Ndavaya Ward Vision Map
Map 3-7: Ndavaya Ward Vision Map

Mkongani Ward

A ward with improved living standard facilitated by sustainable use of resources

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned towns  Construction of ultramodern access roads to
 No designated waste disposal site facilitate transport of goods and services
 Absence of public toilets/latrines  Identification and establishment of a waste disposal
 Lack of street lights and flood lights site
 Limited access to clean water  Proper lighting of the villages and markets
 Insecurity  Provision of clean water
 Narrow streets in: Burani, Mbegani, Kirewe.  Expansion of Pubani and Tiribe centers so as to
Mkongani and Mtsanyani. reduce overcrowding in trading centres
 Construction of public toilets
Physical Water Supply
Water supply  Extension of services for the provision of clean
 Lack of portable water. piped water to whole of Mkongani ward residents
 Inadequate water supply.  Allocation of 10 hectares of land for the construction
 Long distance to access water. of water pans at Mihirini
 Lack of financial resources to invest in water  Sinking of wells at: Mbegoni, Mkomba, Deri,
infrastructure Mabanda, Mlafyemi, Kajiweni, and Ziwani.
Power Power
 Limited access and connectivity to electric power  Extension of electricity services to every household
in villages. in Mkongani ward
 Power interruptions and outages
 High rate of electricity charges

 Non exploitation of solar energy
 Lack of ICT facilities  Construction of ICT training institutions and
Solid and liquid waste provision of necessary infrastructures at: Burani,
 Lack of proper solid and liquid waste Mkongani, and Mbegani
management infrastructure
Social Social
Education Education
 Inadequate of ECDE schools.  Construction of public university at Mkongani
 Absence of tertiary institutions such as  Establishment of ECDs and Technical colleges
colleges and universities  Putting up special schools for the PWD.
 Lack of educational facilities for students with  Establishment of girls boarding school in the ward.
special needs  Establishment of teachers training college(TTC)
 Upgrading the infrastructure of the existing schools
 Putting up religious education facilities.
Health  Construction of teachers quarters in every institution
 There are no funeral homes. Health
 Inadequate healthcare facilities  Upgrading Mkongani health center to county referral
 Lack of theatre services. hospital.
 Inadequate facilities and capacities in health  Construction of more dispensary in reduce the
sector in terms of human resource and doctor patient ratio
support material  Upgrading Mwaluphamba dispensary to meet the
standard of a health center


 Poor road networks  Construction of tarmac road from: Kwale to Tiribe
 Rugged terrain making road development and also a foot bridge should be constructed at
expensive and difficult. Ramisi river, Kirewe to Kinango, Mkongoni corner to
 There is no airstrip in the ward. Ndawaya and Burani to Mwamtobo
 Construction of durable foot bridges
 Timely repair and maintenance of the available
murram roads
Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping: Livestock keeping:
 Livestock pests and diseases  Adequate provision of clean water
 Lack of cattle dips  Provision of high quality breeds of livestock.
 Inadequate access to agricultural education and  Construction of cattle dips.
extension services  Availing and increasing access to financial services
 Poor quality breeds ( Loans, grants)
 Inadequate provision of subsidies and support
such as veterinary services and artificial
insemination services

Fish Farming: Fish farming

 Inadequate information on proper fish farming  Provision of education and extension service
techniques and marketing.  Construction of fish ponds
 Lack of fish ponds  Provision of best breeds of fish species
 Inadequate water supply hindering investment in  Adequate water supply.
aquaculture. Crop farming
Crop Cultivation  Provision of seedlings and fertilizers
 Inadequate capital to run the farming activities  Provision of pesticides
 Poor marketing of farm produce.  Establishing of irrigation schemes and programs.
 Poor road condition limiting access to markets
 Crop pest and diseases lowering the quality of

Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Limited knowledge in agribusiness.  Construction of modern market at Maponda and
 Lack of ready market for their farm produce. othe areas.
 Establishment of livestock auction centers
Industrialization  Investing in international and intraregional trade.
 Poor transport network limiting industrial Industrialization
development.  Establishment of agro and mineral based industries
 Lack of slaughter house leading to limited value i.e fruit processing plant at Burani village, Mkongani,
addition. coconut oil industry at Tiribe, peanut processing
 Lack of technical knowledge plant at Kirewe, cassava milling factory at
 Lack of investors Mwaluphamba, milk processing plant at Deri.
 Lack of market Leather factory, of petroleum industry at: Mlafyeni
 Lack of raw materials (Kirazini), Mkomba, Swere and Mabanda.
 Establishment of a modern slaughterhouse in the
Tourism ward.
 Limited tourism opportunities.  Establishment of a quarry at Mlafyen and Deri
 Promotion of cultural tourism by building a cultural
center at the chief’s camp.
 Increase in crime rate  Establishment of police stations at Tiribe.
 Delay in the provision of services such as  Upgrading Burani police post to a police stations
processing of birth certificates, etc.  Initiating police patrol services in every village
 Long distances in accessing village administrative  Provision of security lights in every town centers
offices such as Burani, Mwaluphamba, Kirewe, Mkongani,
 Lack of inclusion in development agenda. Mafuntoni, Mkomba, Tiribe,Mbegani,Deri and
 Futher decentralization of service provision to ward
level, i.e. establishing Huduma Centers in the wards.
 Establishment of village administrator’s offices at
every village unit.

 Involving the community in development projects
 Establishment of a kadhi court at the ward
 Efficiency in service delivery.
 Deforestation  Planting of trees along rivers and in the water
 Cultivation along the river banks resulting to catchment areas
siltation of rivers  Reforestation in Mziahe
 Reducing water levels in rivers  Conservation and safeguarding the protected areas
 Initiating erosion mitigation mechanisms such as
building gabions and terraces.

Mkongani Ward Vision Map:

Map 3-8: Mkongani Ward Vision Map

Tsimba/Golini Ward

A secure and developed ward

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Human wildlife conflicts  Physical planning officers  Accountability of stakeholders
 Unplanned/traditional towns/centers  Devolution  Creating awareness about development to the
 Squatter settlement.  Institutions (KWS, Police, community
 Poor sanitation/hygiene KWASCO, Physical planning  Enhancing the community’s economic growth.
 Inadequate clean drinking water. department)  The community should be in the frontline in
 Limited access to information safeguarding natural resources and the
 Poor drainage system and waste disposal environment
Physical  Marere Water tower-source
Water Supply of fresh water Water Supply
 Insufficient water supply  Chombo water supply  Construction of dams across streams e.g. mteza
 Inadequate access to portable water.  Availability of land for and Mwaranyahi
infrastructural investment.  Extending water supply from Marere to other
 Availability of labor interior parts like Jorori, Golini,Mbuguni to
 An opportunity for production increase sufficient water supply.
Power of manure, fertilizer, charcoal  Installation of durable pipes to avoid leakages
 Insufficient electricity supply and biogas Power
 Extending electricity supply to interior areas such
as Mbuguni, Jironi, Lunguma.

Solid and liquid waste Solid and liquid waste

 Undesignated solid waste disposal sites.  Dumping of solid waste at specific areas
ICT  Recycling solid waste
 Distribution of litter bins
 Sewage treatment to get useful products such as
water, biogas, manure and fertilizer
Social Social
Education Education
 Inadequate number of ECDE centres  Improving the conditions of the existing learning
 Inadequate teachers in ECDE centres
 Inadequate distribution of secondary schools  Adequate staffing in schools.
 Lack of a University in Matuga sub-county  Increase the number of ECDE centres, primary
 Lack of technical and vocational training schools, secondary schools and centres of higher
institutions (e.g polytechnics). learning
Health  Availability of land Health
 Inefficiency in service delivery.  Trained personnel in health  Increase the number of medical staff for effective
 Inadequate and unequipped maternity wings sector. delivery of services
 Inadequate dispensaries  Installing more and equipping maternity wings- it
 Lack of accommodation for the staff. is recommended that, every dispensary to have
 No advanced equipment for testing in dispensaries one and should be well equipped.
 Inadequate drugs in the health facilities.  Establishing more dispensaries in areas not
 Spread of waterborne diseases e.g. Cholera, adequately served.
diarrhea, chikungunya  Establish accommodation for the staff.
 Installation medical labs in each medical facility
Recreation  Ensuring adequate supply of drugs.
Parks Recreation
 Lack of signage for the existing parks Parks
 Lack of shades  Construction of public toilets in the parks
 Inadequate seats  Installing signage.
 No waste receptacles in the parks.  Putting up shades
 No public toilets.  Ensuring there are adequate sitting facilities.
 Funding from the county
Stadium  Providing waste receptacles.
government and other
 No commercial stadium Stadium
Cultural centres  Construction of a commercial stadium
 Availability of space
 Insufficient number of cultural centres  Construction of an equipped play ground in
 Talented youths
each village unit
 Limited capacity i.e. cannot accommodate a large  Sports academy to be constructed
number of participants Cultural centres
 Lack of comfort  Upholding cultural values through cultural
 No identification education.
 No permanent public address system  Mainstreaming cultural activities in development.
 No alternative power source  Stable power supply in the cultural center.
 There are no instructors  Employing instructors in the cultural centers.
Social Halls  Establishing cultural centers in each village.
Inadequate distribution of social halls Social Halls
 Putting up social hall in
every village unit.
 Narrow roads.  Business opportunity  Expansion, repair and maintenance Kwale-
 Poor road surface condition  Existing road networks. Kombani- Kinango road;
 Poorly light roads.  Initiating traffic calming methods on roads.
 Lack of road signs  Lighting up kwale –Kombani road.
 Lack of traffic calming leading to accidents.  Installing road signs.
 Tarmaking of Tsimba- vyongwani- mbuguni-
Bombo to Check point road, Vuga- Mazuma Lume-
Msulwa road, Golini- Chimya- Lunguma- Mteza
road, and Mwamtsolwa- Magombani pimary-
Tingeti- Dima- Vukani roads.
Agriculture  Existing Cultural center-(for Agriculture
Livestock keeping tourism and trade promotion) Livestock keeping
 No access to cattle dip in some areas i.e.  Kayas  Putting up cattle dips in each village units with
Mazumalume and kundutsi  Water falls cattle.
 There is lack of education and extension.  Forests Fishing and fish farming
Crop Cultivation  Supply of fishing nets/boats marketing and
 There is no civic education on good farming  Availability of land for storage of fish.
methods. farming Crop Cultivation
 Inadequate provision of fertilizer  Tsimba/Golini hosts the  Provision of soil sampling/research and provision
 There is no soil sampling to establish the best of fertilizer

crops to cultivate. county government  Civic education and engagement on good farming
 Urban activities sprawling into agricultural headquarters practice
land.  Zoning of urban/trading centres and agricultural
Fishing and fish farming areas
 Lack of fishing facilities.  Minerals and rocks.  Provision of insecticides and finding mechanisms
 Favorable climatic conditions to curb pest infestation
for fruit farming (fruits like: 
Trade and Commerce mangoes, coconut and Trade and Commerce
 Lack of market areas for agricultural output. oranges)  Establishment of a centralized market centre
 Poor prices of sand, ballast and building stone core  Formation of cooperatives to ensure structured
 Lack of training on business and entrepreneurial pricing of quarrying output.
skills.  Construction of slaughterhouses in each village
units in areas where animal husbandry is
Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base) dominant.
 Lack of industries Industrialization
 Limited mineral exploration initiatives.  Establishment of fruit industries
 Lack of a slaughter house.  Mineral exploration
Tourism  Construction of fruit processing factories at
 Lack of a tourism institute Mwambara and Jaruri
 Ignorance on the importance of conserving forests `Tourism
 Some tourist attraction sites have not been  Improvement of roads
gazetted  gazzettment and improvement of tourist
 Lack of fruit processing industries attraction sites
  Establishment of a tourist institute at Mbuguni
 Sensitization on the importance of forest
 Educating the locals on business skills
 Provision of markets of products
 Mwaluganje Elephant Tourist Dam, Hotel,
Restaurant should be made a sanctuary
 High rate of drug abuse leading to insecurity  Devol  Establishment of rehabilitation centres within the
 Lack of police post ution ward.
 Insecurity in the villages  Lead  Establishing more police posts in the areas not
 Limited access to information by the citizens. ers served.
 Ignorance of majority of the citizens about County (admi  Provision of flood lights in all markets
Governance nistra  Using electric fence to seal off the wild animals.
 No village tive,  Intervention of KWS to eliminate human animal
p conflict.
 Existi  Beefing up security by frequent and regular police
ng patrol.
instit  Information centres to be setup in village units
ution  Holding forums to educate the community on
s. county Government activities
 Building offices for village administrators.
 Deforestation  Job opportunities.  Unity of Kaya elders to give guidance on forest
 Lack of forest management plans  Tourism opportunity in Shimba conservation.
 Environmental pollution Hills , Mwaluganje sactuaties,  Supporting forest products
 Human animal conflict Forests and the sactuaries such  Planting of trees along rivers
 Forest fires as the Kayas  Create awareness on sustainable use of natural
 Neglect of shrines (Kaya) leading to  Institutions dealing with resources such as wetlands, rivers and forests.
destruction of forests environment e.g KFS/CFA,  Educating the locals on the importance of
 Degeneration of rivers (e.g. River Manalo is NEMA resource conservation
not well protected)
 Flooding
 Cultivation along river banks leading to
 Cultivation on wetlands

Tsimba/Golini Ward Vision Map

Waa /Ng’ombeni Ward

A ward that is well governed economically empowered and utilizes its resources sustainably.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Lack of solid waste management and disposal  Improvement of water supply services and
facilities. access to water.
 Inadequate public toilets  Planning for and expansion of the drainage
 Inadequate water supply system
 Lack of a fire station  Opening up and improving the condition of
 Lack of foot bridges across the busy highways. feeder roads.
 Limited investment in hotels industry.  Installation of streetlights across all words.
 Lack of a bus park  Setting up of ICT infrastructure
 Missing links which would serve as feeder roads  Putting up of a stuff residence, to house
 Poor road conditions. various stuff
 Insecurity of tenure  Tenure regularization and issuance of titles
Recommended hierarchy of towns:
 1. Waa
 2. Ngombeni
 3. Matuga
`Physical infrastructure Physical and social infrastructure Physical infrastructure
Water Supply  Availability of land for Water
 Inadequate water supply infrastructure infrastructural development.  Expansion of water supply network.
Sewer and sanitation  Government funding. Sewer and sanitation
 Lack of sewer system.  Establishment of a sewer system in towns.
 Lack of a waste recycling plant  Putting up of a waste recycling plant
Power supply Power supply
 Poorly lit hinterland.  Lighting up the rural areas by introducing
street and flood lights in remote areas.

Social infrastructure Social Infrastructure

Health Health
 Inadequate distribution of rehabilitation centers  Enhancing access to health services by
 Inadequate distribution and capacities of health putting up more health facilities and equip
facilities existing health facilities adequately.
Education Recreation Education
 Inadequate distribution of education facilities  Local talent.  Adequate staffing of educational facilities
 Lack of tertiary education centers.  Local culture.  Improving the conditions existing education
Recreation  Tourism potential. facilities.
 Lack of facilities and areas set aside for  Ocean front. Recreation
promotion of talent, and conservation of history  Providing variety of recreational facilities and
in order to promote recreation and leisure grounds by: establishing an art and cultural
spending. center, a historical center, build a stadium,
 Lack of an art school establish a recreational park and a public
 Lack of recreational grounds such as: stadiums, beach.
public beaches, and parks.
 Lack of resource centers

 Poor road surface conditions  Government funding  Repair and maintenance of poor roads
 Inadequate terminal facilities.  Donor support  Tarmacking of earth roads
 Under exploitation of water transport.  The ocean an opportunity for  Upgrading existing terminal facilities
cheaper mode of transport- water (Kombani, Waa and Ng’ombeni stages)
transport.  Provision of water transport facilities such as
boats in Waa and Ng’ombeni
Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture
Crop cultivation  Fertile soils Crop cultivation
 Reliance on traditional methods of production  Availability of labour  Provision of subsidies to the farmers, i.e.
(lack of mechanization)  Fish ponds supplying fertilizer and certified seeds.
 Inadequate technical capacity  Underground water potential  Government support in irrigation farming.
 Limited access to and application of modern
farming equipment
 Insufficient supply of quality seeds and
 Limited irrigation activities.
Livestock farming Livestock cultivation
 Lack of extension services  Provision of extension services to farmers
 Limited knowledge on how to increase  Enhancing access to technical support to the
productivity. farmers.
 Limited access to modern farming equipment.  Establishment of market for produce.
 Poor quality breeds of livestock.
Fish farming Fish farming
 Inadequate access to fishing equipment  Increasing access to input such as fish food
 Limited knowledge on improved fishing and fish ponds.
techniques.  Enhanced access to modern fishing
 Limited education on aquaculture. equipment
 Insufficient funds.  Capacity building on the best fishing
Trade and commerce
 Inadequate access to investment capital
Trade and commerce Trade and commerce
 Limited supply of offices and business
 Existing CBOs  Enhancing security to create an enabling
 The blue economy. trading environment.
 Insufficient market for agricultural products
 Poor prizing of products
Local culture  Set up a market in Ng’ombeni center.
 Establishment of cooperatives to strengthen
Industry trade and commerce.

 Huge capital requirement limiting investment
in the industrial sector. Industry
 Inadequate infrastructural capacities and  Existing cooperatives Industry
development hindering investment in the  Availability investors.  Repossessing irregularly acquired industrial
industrial sector.  Availability of skilled and unskilled land
 Insecurity of land tenure limiting access and labour.  Improving the infrastructural condition and
acquisition of land for industrial investment. development to attract industrial investment.
 Lack of industries in the area.
 Insecurity Tourism Tourism
 Inaccessibility to the beach  The forests and Kayas  Increased investment in tourist hotels
 Ocean.  Improved access to the beach to boost local
 Diverse culture tourism.
 Insecurity  Local funding  .Enhancing security by establishing adequate
 Minimal citizen participation.  Citizen empowerment distribution of police posts and capacities.
 Perceived favoritism in mobilization and  Village administration  Civic education on the role of citizen
participation.  Devolution participation in governance.
 County budget  Involving the citizens in project conception,
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
 Improper utilization if wetland for example Ziwa  Forest/trees  Conservation of forests and shrines.(namely
la Pungu  Rivers Waa, Similani, Kihoto)
 Encroachment on riparian reserves  Wetlands  Ensuring proper and sustainable utilization of
 Siltation in wetlands. natural resources such as Ziwa la Pungu
 Lack of knowledge in mineral  Dredging of Ziwa la Mwanunje
potential(limestone, oil)  Rehabilitation of quarries and

Waa/ Map 3-9: Waa/Ng'ombeni Ward Vision Map Ng’ombeni
Vision Map

Tiwi Ward

An economically and socially empowered ward, with adequate access to infrastructure in an industrialized and secure environment

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations

 An opportunity for 1. SOKONI TOWN
 Poor road surface condition industrialization.  Construction of public toilets
 Lack drainage systems  Existing Health facilities.  Construction of a stadium
 Poor medical services  Existence of School and  Increasing access of financial services
 Lack of markets colleges  Improving drainage system in the area
 Lack of a stadium  Undeveloped land  Construction of a modern social hall
 Insecurity  Existing road network  Establishment of hospitals
 Lack of financial institutions  Construction, repair and maintenance of roads
 Poor access waste disposal sites  Adequate water supply (drilling of more boreholes)
 Construction of police stations and post to improve
 Adequate water supply by sinking more boreholes
 Establishing, equipping and staffing health facilities
 Establishment of schools and colleges
 Improving the standards of roads
 Improving tourist markets
 Improving drainage system within the area
 Establishment of new dumping sites
 Adequate water supply by sinking more boreholes
 Establishment of a maize milling factory
 Establishment, equipping and staffing health
 Construction of a fish markets
 Construction of public toilets
 Establishment of new health facilities.
 Equipping and staffing health facilities
 Construction of a marine schools

Physical  Boreholes Physical
Water  Land undeveloped land. Water Supply
 Lack of a proper storm water drainage system  Huge solar potential.  Construction of storm water drainage systems.
which leads to destruction of farms.  Adequate water supply.
 Hilly terrain hindering water infrastructure
development in the Northern part of Tiwi.
 Unreliable water and electricity supply
Power   Adequate connection to power
 Limited access and connection to electricity
power grid.

Solid and liquid waste  Solid and liquid waste

 Poor access to dumpsites.  Identification of waste disposal sites in the area
Social (, Schools, Hospitals, Rehab, Social Halls,  Social
Stadiums and playgrounds and parks) Education
 Lack of school playground in Tiwi boys.  Providing security in schools.
 Lack of enough classrooms  Construction of more classrooms
 Inadequate food supply in boarding schools e.g.  Introduction of feeding programs in primary
in Tiwi Boys. schools
 Insecurity in schools e.g in Tiwi Boys  Provision of adequate learning materials
 Shortage of learning materials such books and  Construction of laboratories and libraries with
laboratory apparatus adequate capacities and facilities.
 Lack of a library in Tiwi Girls school
 Shortage of teachers
 Lack of stand by generator hindering learning
processes during power outages.
 Narrow road leading Mwasambeyu Girls.
 Inadequate dormitories in Msambeyu Girls.

 Inadequate number of doctors in Magadzini  Build hospital at Moweni
and Tiwi health facilities.  Employment of more doctors and nurses
 Shortage of medical facilities such as drugs,  Provision of modern medical facilities.
maternity wards, and emergency service
ambulances in Magodzoni dispensary.
 Lack of necessary equipment such as X-rays
machine in Tiwi health center
 There is no of mortuary services in the health
 Regular power outages.
 Insufficient laboratory equipment
Recreation  Adequate land resource Recreation
 Inadequacies in the establishment of cultural for construction of  Allocation of land and construction of more
centres. stadium. playgrounds.
 There is no stadium in the ward.  Establishment of cultural centres.
 Inadequate distribution of social halls.  Construction of more social halls.
 Poor condition of road surface in the following  Construction of roads
areas:- Mabu river road, Sports-Beach, Sokoni-  Tarmacking of all roads in the ward
Vinuni, Magodzini- Ukunda, Magodzini- Tingeti,  Traffic calming on the main road from Mombasa to
Sokoni- Muungano, Kitsanga- Manunduni, Lunga-Lunga and Mabriva-Sport-Bixa-Sokoni-
Simkumbe- Chwola, Mwachima-Debwe, Kitsanga- Mwachema
Mwachema- Pwani, Sokoni-Beach
 Lack of traffic calming measures on Mombasa-
Lunga Lunga road
 Lack of road signs on roads.
Agriculture  Available of farming Agriculture
Crop Cultivation land  Increasing the number of tractors in the ward to 6
 There is limited access to farming implements  Availability of livestock  Supply of adequate certified seeds and fertilizer
such as tractors, ox-ploughs, and harrow. and favorable climate  Reserved areas for grazing
 Inadequate supply of certified seeds for livestock keeping  Establishment of fruit factories
 Lack limited access to fertilizer and insecticides.  Adequate man power.  Increasing the number of veterinary and
 Lack of civic education on good farming  Numerous business agricultural extension officers
practices. opportunities  Encouraging irrigation
 Wildlife invasion leading to destruction of crops.  Availability of fruits  Lands whose lease has expired should be sub-
 bananas, oranges, mangoes such as mangoes and divided to the locals
 Over reliance on rain fed agriculture. oranges.
Trade and Commerce  Internal and external Trade and Commerce
Poor marketing strategies for farm products e.g. markets for products  Proceeds of tourists should be reinvested back to
the community
 Beaches/hotels  Improvement of road surfaces
 Increases public participation
 Tourist sites have curios for locals to sell their
products such as fish
 Insecurity Industrialization
 Limited investment in industries to exploit most  Establishment of agro-based industries to add value
resources. to: Maize, coconut, Milk, Cashew nut.
 Poor road conditions inhibiting growth of  Establishment of fish canning factory
 Lack of skilled labour
 Lack of investors
 High cost of production
 Inadequate supply of raw materials.
 Insufficient of Hydroelectric power supply to
sustain industries
 Industrialization is not prioritized. `Tourism
Tourism  Improving tourism
 Cultural shows
 Ignorance among the people on the importance
 Encouraging domestic and local tourism in the
of tourism
identified tourism destination.
 Few people in the society benefit from tourism
 Lack of tourism facilities within the attraction

 Insecurity  Construction of chief camps and Sub County
 Lack of public participation offices at Tiwi
 Poor delivery of services  Construction of a police post to enhance
 Deforestation  Availability of land for  Tree planting
 Lack of civic education on the importance of forestry activities as  Provision of tree seedlings
forests. well as existing forests.  Civic education on importance of forests
 Destruction of cultural sites within the forests.  Availability of Kayas  Conservation of Kayas and forests through fencing
 Quarrying leading to environmental degradation. which are potential  Formulation of legislations to regulate quarrying
 Mining in rivers leading to increased erosion. tourist destinations  Restricting sand harvesting on rivers.
 Some rivers are seasonal leading to shortage in  The permanent and  Restricting farming along river banks
water supply. seasonal revers rivers.  Exploration and exploitation of oil deposits.
 Receding water levels in wetlands-some are  Wetlands are
drying up. opportunities for
 Mining in wetland wet paddy

Tiwi Ward Vision Map
Map 3-10: Tiwi Ward Vision Map


A robust and thriving economy that is supported by efficient transport system and adequate infrastructural development, on a safe
and secure environment Kasemeni Ward

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Land adjudication and tenure insecurity  Under developed land  Investing in agro-based
 Inadequate housing supply.  Potential for industrialization. industries. i.e. focusing on fruit
 Land use conflict i.e. Encroachment of  Potential for increased production. processing.
residential space by industries  Existing roads.  Provision of an enabling
 Limited connectivity to electricity  Availability of government land environment for investment in
 Lack of portable water  Youthful labour supply the housing sector.
 Low literacy levels  Providing adequate, decent, and
 Poor road conditions. affordable housing.
 Unplanned urban centers.  Availing shopping facilities
especially in Mavumoni.
 Insufficient health services delivery.
 Beefing up security i.e. especially
 Lack of market areas and market facilities.
in Mungu, Nipa and Mwakanga.
 Lack of flood lights for security
 Timely repair and maintenance
of roads.
 Land adjudication and titling.
 Improving health services.
 Lighting up the settlements.
Physical infrastructure Physical infrastructure
Water Supply Water Supply
 Unreserved runoff and river water, i.e. all  Existing rivers  Increasing access to water
the water goes to the ocean.  Good gorges where dams can be through construction of dams
Social infrastructure constructed. and water pans.
Social infrastructure
 Health  Undeveloped land.  Health
 Inadequate equipment and support  Putting up modern hospitals e.g.
infrastructure.  Trained medical practitioners. in Diani
 Understaffing.  Establishing rehabilitation
 Lack of rehabilitation centres  Existence of trained teachers who are centres
 Lack of a funeral home unemployed.  Adequate staffing..
 Retrogressive cultural practices that bar 
believers from seeking medical services.  External and internal funding.
 Rich and diverse culture.
 Tourism opportunity in the recreation sites.
 Inadequate number of teachers
 Inadequate number of schools. Education
 Putting up more schools
 Shortage facilities such as desks.
primary, secondary, higher
 Limited space for play grounds
education institutions and
 Few technical training institutes
special schools for the disabled.
 Few schools for the disabled
 Establishment special schools
for PWDs
 Lack of stadium
 Availing land for playing fields in
 Neglect of cultural and heritage sites such
as the Kayas and Tsikitsi dance.
 Lack of recreational parks in the ward
 Establishment of stadium in the
 Conservation of Kayas
 Mainstreaming culture into
 Establishing recreational.
 Optimal utilization of the
existing recreational
opportunities such Islamic
recreational Centre at Bongwe.
 Poor conditions of road surface.  Availability of funding for road development.  Improving the roads condition
 Missing links.  The existing road network which only need by tarmaking, expansion.
 Lack of traffic culming measures. improvement.  Increasing access by opening up
 Encroachment on road reserves. roads in the areas that have no
roads e.g . from chepe to the
 Planning for parking.
Crop cultivation Crop cultivation
 Lack of storage facilities for farm output such  Investing in storage facilities.
as cereals.  There exists a market e.g Whitehouse  Proper timing the planting seasons.
 High prices of seeds ( soko kubwa ) and t shamu  Farm mechanization
 Incompatible crop breeds with the  The existence of landing sites for  Increasing area under agriculture
environment fishermen 
 Lack of modern farm inputs and equipment  Employment opportunity in the various
 Lack of knowledge on modern farm practices sectors of the economy.
 Existing internal and external market.
Livestock farming  The availability of subsidies such as
 Incompatible livestock breeds with the fertilizer and tractors.
environment  Availability of funding inform of loans
 Lack of extension services such as training of and grants.
farmers, veterinary services and Artificial Livestock farming
Insemination services.  The gift of art and craft such as basket  Provision of extension services
 Lack of a livestock market waving which is an opportunity for urban  Operationalization of dysfunctional
based industries such as juakali. cattle dips
Fishing and Fish farming  Availability of sandy soils which is an  Provision of extension services
Lack of fish farming facilities. opportunity for development in the
construction industry. Fishing
Industrialization  Existence of minerals such as: oil and gas  Introduction of more fish ponds
 Limited number of skilled labour to work in in areas of Conjo Beach and River
industries. Mwachemo Industries
 Minimal investment in the industrial sector.  The unexploited blue economy.  Investing in Skill development to
 Little knowledge on industrialization and increase the supply of skilled labour
its benefits. for industries.
 Low productivity contributed to by the  Setting up Jua kali sheds and
limited skills. workshops in Bongwe and Gomba.
 Encourage investment in the
industrial sector through provision
of subsidies.
Trade and Commerce  Exploiting the blue economy to
 Non-existence of a free market boost the industrial sector.
 Traders lack adequate space for operation  Provision of loans and other aid to
 Poor implementation of the existing trade farmers in Bongwe Anmurenja
Trade and Commerce
Tourism  The county government should take
Under exploitation of tourism opportunities steps to improve on trade and
 Establishment of active cooperatives
for the farmers
 Proper marketing of produce in all
 Exploitation of tourism potential
at Mvumoni unit.
 Cases of insecurity  The Nyumba Kumi initiative is an  Proper coordination in security
 Poor information dissemination. opportunity to enhance security. issues
 Irregular acquisition of land set of  Devolution.  Beefing up security in the ward.
development projects.  Setting up of an information
 center
 Proper remuneration of village

 Recovery of irregularly acquired
 Deforestation which is as a result of charcoal  Sensitization on alternative sources
burning and wood fuel.  Solar power from the sun. of energy
 Siltation of the rivers  Kaya Elders who are the protectors of  Effective implementation of laws
the forests. regulating utilization of forest
 Rivers. resources.
 Planting of trees to reduce soil
 Putting in siltation mitigation
measures such as planting of trees.

Gombato/Bongwe Ward Vision Map

Map 3-11: Gombato Bongwe Ward Vision Map

Ukunda Ward

An educated, prosperous, safe and with sustained environment

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Unplanned towns  Existing settlements  Planning of towns
 Lack of recreation areas in towns  Beefing up security in the settlements
 Insecurity in towns  Zoning out market areas
 Poor condition of access roads  Land adjudication in urban areas e.g. Ukunda
 Lack of market areas in towns  Improving utility services in towns.
 Worn out vehicles and tuktuks are poorly  Establish cemetery in human settlements.
disposed.  Enhance the road conditions in towns.
 Missing links in some areas
 Lack of designated burial sites in towns.
 Inadequate utility infrastructure and services
Physical (Water And Sanitation, Dams And Water Availability of Land  Establishment of a sewer treatment plant and
Pans, Water Supply, Ict And Communication Solid sewer system
Waste, Sewer And Sanitation, Power Supply)  Installation of fresh water reservoir tanks in the
 Lack of sewer system in the area. villages
 Lack of access to fresh water.  Establishment of solar energy production plant
 Dysfunctional water kiosks.
 Lack of investment in solar energy infrastructure.
 High cost of power.
 Poor solid waste management and lack of Social
designated disposal sites. Education

Social (, Schools, Hospitals, Rehab, Social Halls,  Road construction, repair, and maintenance from
Stadiums and playgrounds and parks) isipe corner-Mabaokoni Primary –Sham
Education University- Dola-Mkwakwani primary- Ibisa-
 Poor access roads to schools. Bongwe-Malalani Primary.
 Lack of Teachers Training School  Establishment of a Teachers Training College in:
 Lack of Muslim schools Malalni and Mvindeni.
 Inadequate capacities in terms human capital and  Establishment of muslim schools in the ward.
facilities  Increase the capacities of schools interms of
support material infrastructure like desks in
schools such as Mvindeni Secondary School.
Health Health
 Limited access to hospitals due to poor road  Upgrading Mvindeni Hospital to a higher level.
conditions  Establish a medical training center in the ward.
 Lack of a high-level hospital (referrals).  Improving the conditions of access roads to
 Inadequate capacities in terms human capital and health facilities.
 Lack of a medical training institution. Recreation
Recreation  Establishment of a public park in each of the
 Lack of stadium three villages
 Establishment of a stadium in the ward with a
 Inadequate social halls in the village units
capacity of 10,000persons.
 There are no parks in the area.
Construct two more social halls in the two more
 There is no art gallery in the area.
villages with a capacity of 500 persons.(at
Bamburi and Mbuguyani
 Lack of access road from main road to the beach   There is need to use the 1977 PDP in construction
 Narrow and limited access-Sakwa to the beach of roads.
 No bus park  The roads should be expanded (from Diani Resort
 Non- optimal utilization of the Ukunda airstrip. to Sakwa, Kilolapwa to Diani Babla).
 Regularize tuktuk transport within Ukunda.
 Demarcate bus tops in Ukunda.
 Street naming in Ukunda.
 There is need for railway line for village tour.
 Upgrade the Ukunda airstrip to international
Agriculture  Congestion at Ibisa Agriculture
Livestock keeping Market Livestock keeping
 Infestation by livestock pests and diseases.  .  Investing in exotic breeds especially the dairy
 Limited access to agricultural extension services animals (chicken, cattle, and goat).
 Low quality breeds. Fishing and Fish Farming
Fishing and Fish Farming  The ocean  Modernization of fishing and education on fishing
 Lack of market structures and market for fishing techniques.
products  There is need for the community to freely control
 Limited of education on fishing and expertise on the utilization of the ocean
fishing techniques.
 Lack of proper fish storage facilities.
 Underutilization of the ocean as a resource. 

Crop Cultivation Crop Cultivation

 Limited opportunity for cultivation due to stony  Creating an electric fence to bar the wild animals
nature of the land in the area. from interfering with the community’s activities.
 Crop pest and disease infestation.  Specialization in agre-business.
 Limited access to agricultural extension services  Population (market)
 Limited access to pesticides and herbicides.  Tourism opportunity.
 Lack of storage facilities for agricultural output.
 Destruction of crops by wild animals like the
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Congestion at Ibisa Market  Proper planning of markets and modernization of
 Lack of market stalls. the same.
 Poor road condition and network, thus limiting  Establishment of a market at Mvindeni.
trade.  Lighting up the access roads.
 Minimal tourism attraction activities  Pave the roads using cabro.
 Underutilization of talent  Building stones  Community policing personnel to be trained.
 Poor management and protection of landing  The ocean which is a Industrialization
sites. source of fish.  Establishment of a fish processing plant in the ward.
 Insecurity which is a threat to trade  Establishment of two quarries in the ward
Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base)  Establishment of an industrial area at Bill house
 Lack of fish factories land.
 Under investment in agro-based industries `Tourism
Tourism  Identification and publicizing of tourism attraction
 Stakeholder’s views neglected by the tourism sites
office.  Timely repair and maintenance of roads
 Limited access to the beach due to private  Mainstreaming talent nurturing and culture into
development. development.
 Underutilization of talent  The need for the county tourism office to work with
 Minimal tourism attraction activities. stakeholders
 Insecurity which is a threat to tourism.  Lighting up the streets.
 Under exploitation, unidentified and publicized  Exploit tourism attraction sites such as Maji moto,
of tourist attraction sites. skeleton pillars- Gazi, Mwalugaje elephant
 Establish a tourist information center near the
Security  CDF Funds  Establishment of police posts in Mwelu and
 Insecurity  Existing security Bemba.
 Inadequate security personnel e.g. the police institutions and  Increasing the number of police officers
 Limited information from the county Gov’t personnel  Establishment of public access information
about tenders and job opportunities. center i.e. public notice board in village units.
 Corruption  Frequent update of news and information on the
 Minimal involvement of citizens in the official county website.
participatory processes.  Uphold transparency and rule of law
 Limited information about public  All participatory processes should be free for all
participation activities. citizens
 CDF projects are not participatory.  There is need for awareness on public
participation process.
 There should be public participation in the CDF

 Destruction of forests and Kayas, leading to  Fencing of all the Kayas
erosion of culture and heritage Forest  Removal of all illegal developments on
 Irregular acquisition forest land Beaches fishermen’s landing sites.
 Illegal development on fishermen landing Ocean  A waste management regulation is
sites Sandy soils control pollution.
 Dumping of waste in the beach  Identification of a waste disposal site and
 Land degradation contributed to by sand gazattement of the same
harvesting e.g at Mkwakiani.  Planning and regulating sand harvesting.
 Encroachment of forests  Kaya cultural activities should be revived.
 Human Wildlife conflict.  Protection of Forests.

Ukunda Ward Vision Map
Map 3-12: Ukunda Ward Vision Map

Kinondo Ward

A thriving economy that is facilitated by adequate access to infrastructure and service delivery in a safe and sustained

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Insecurity Inadequate water supply  Availability of land.  Enhancing security by establishing police posts
 Poor sanitation in towns, i.e. there is lack of  Demand for quality and investing in rehabilitation initiatives as a way
public toilets. housing of fighting insecurity.
 Unplanned centers and towns which has led  Planning of town to ensure adequate and
to limited access to basic and efficient service delivery.
complementary services and facilities such  Enhancing sanitation.
as markets.  Special provision for PWDs.
 No provision of P.W.D centers.  Installation of street lights
 Poor road network especially in:- Kinondo,  Land adjudication and titling.
Mwabungu, Gazi, Magaani, Muhaka 
Mwangalifu and Chale Island
 Poorly lit settlements and streets.
 Unemployment.
Physical infrastructure  Rivers which are potential Physical infrastructure
Water supply source of water supply. Water Supply
 Inadequate water supply.  Institutions dealing with  Reviving of existing water supply sources
 Lack of portable water. various infrastructural  Construction of dams to increase access and
services supply of water e.g. at Muhaka.
Solid Waste  Availability of land for  Ensuring access to portable water.
 Poor solid waste disposal posing health infrastructural Solid waste.

risks. development. land  Securing solid waste disposal sites.
 Devolved system of  Recycling of solid waste.
ICT governance is an ICT
Poor communication network coverage in some opportunity for  Improving of communication.
areas. infrastructural delivery  Introduction of training on ICT.
 Availability of natural Electricity
Power supply recreation sites such as the  Extension of electricity connection to every
 Inadequate access and connection to Kayas household
Social infrastructure
Social infrastructure  Provision of adequate health services across
Health board.
 Inadequate provision of health services, i.e.
there is lack of health facilities for the
mentally ill and rehabilitation facilities
 Drug abuse.
 Lack of health facilities in Port Reitz.
 Prevalence of waterborne diseases.

 High rate of school dropout. Recreation
 Investing in recreational facilities.
Recreation  Investing in opportunities that exist in recreation
 Irregular acquisition of land set aside for e.g. Construction of a mangrove board walk from
recreation use. Gazi to Chale and promoting recreation in the
 Little knowledge or awareness on the natural areas such as forests and cultural sites.
importance of recreational facilities by both
leader and citizens.

 Dilapidated roads  Existing road network  Improving roads condition to facilitate
 Narrow roads which only need to be efficient transportation.
 Lack of bridges across river valleys improved.  Initiating traffic calming methods to reduce
limiting transportation at some points. the rate of accidents.
 Rampant accidents.

Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture
Crop cultivation Crop cultivation Crop cultivation
 Delay in supply of certified seeds  Fertile soils  Timely and adequate supply of subsidies.
 Inadequate access to farm inputs and  Favorable climatic  Putting up of modern markets and industries for
equipment. conditions produce e.g. mangoes, sugarcane, coconuts
 Little knowledge on new farm practices  Availability of labour  Adopting modern and best farming practice and
 Reduced productivity of land due to over  The available rivers which techniques.
subdivision of land. create opportunity for  Proper storage of farm produce.
 High cost of farm inputs irrigation farming  Investing in irrigation agriculture.
 Destruction of crops by wild animals. Fishing farming  Reducing human wildlife conflict by fencing of
 Fishing opportunity in the parks to protect wildlife and prevent.
Fish farming ocean Fish farming
 Inadequacy in modern fishing equipment  Putting up of modern markets and industries for
 Little information and knowledge on best Trade and commerce fish produce
fishing practices.  Availability of internal and
 Irregular acquisition of fishing landing sites external market.
by private individuals.  Availability of
Trade and commerce entrepreneurs Trade and commerce
 Inadequate storage facilities  Designation of market areas and spaces.
 Poor marketing of agricultural products  Increasing access to financial services such as
 Limited access to market due to poor road loans.

conditions.  Tourism opportunity  Proper marketing structure for agricultural
 Limited access to capital for businesses supported by tourism products.
activities. attraction sites such as:  Boosting trade and commerce through structural
 Knowledge gaps in business activities Kaya(shrines) adjustment programs such as training of
Industries entrepreneurs and offering technical business
 The existence of ports advice.
 Availability of raw  Improving road condition to facilitate trade and
Tourism materials i.e. agricultural, commerce.
 Limited access to some tourism sites due to fishing products.
poor road conditions.  Availability of Tourism
 Lack of areas of conservation of material Entrepreneurs.  Optimizing the utilization of tourism
artifacts. opportunities and resources.
 Low level of industrialization. Industries
 Inadequate infrastructural provision  Investing in the industrial sector to enhance
discouraging investment in the industrial value chain and to create jobs.
sector.  Creating an enabling environment for investment
in industries by: improving road conditions
among other initiatives.

 Rampant cases of  Availability of land  Enhancing access to administrative and
insecurity.  Devolution. governance services.
 Limited access to  Enhancing security i.e. by Putting up of a police
administrative and posts at: Kinondo and Magaoni and Deployment
governance of security personnel within the dump sites.
services due to:  Setting up of a police training College in the ward
long distances, and at Masindeni.
delayed service

 Court services are
sub-standard and
 Deforestation (Logging and Charcoal  Existence of the Kayas  Re-afforestation
burning). which are potential tourist  Reducing human wildlife conflict by establishing
 Human wildlife conflict caused by wildlife attraction sites. a KWS station at Fihoni
such as monkeys, baboons, and wild pigs.  Natural medicine forests.  Conservation of environmental hotspots.
 A wide variety of wildlife  Enhancing security at the beaches.
 Occurrence of floods species  Sensitization on the importance of the
 Pollution of rivers  Sandy beaches for conservation of the environment and resources
 Deaths by drowning recreation. such as forests and the Kayas.
 Insecurity  Great employment
 Quarrying causing too much displacement opportunities in the blue
 Soil erosion economy-the ocean.
 Existence of environmental
conservation institutions.

Kinondo Ward Vision Map
Map 3-13: Kinondo Ward Vision Map

Ramisi Ward

A prosperous and self-sufficient ward with sustained development

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Small and overcrowded urban Centre’s e.g. Mafisini  Expansion of town centres to accommodate more
 Lack of market at Fahamuni economic activities
 Hampered growth of urban centers e.g. Fahamini  Planning of settlements to set aside land for
center whose growth has been hindered by residential land use, economic and commercial
KISCOL. zones.
 Lack of a proper understanding between industrial  Establishment of hierarchy of centers as follows:
investors (KISCOL -Nyumba sita) and county 1. Msambweni
officials. 2. Mivumuni
3. Ramisi


Water Supply Water Supply
 Limited access to water due to limited number of  Land for  Establishment of piped water infrastructures to
wells and boreholes infrastructural serve the residents through taps.
 Lack of portable water development.  Increasing water supply by sinking more shallow
 wells, boreholes, and construction of water pans
and dams.
 Pumping of water from the dams and water pans
Power Supply by employing the use of solar pumps.
 Limited power connection to households. Power Supply
 Non exploitation of other sources of energy e.g.  Extension of electric power connection to the
Solar, wind, tidal and biomass villages
Sewer and sanitation Solid and liquid waste
 Lack of solid waste disposal and management sites  Identification ,establishment and management of
solid waste disposal sites
 Investing in solar energy.

Social Social
Recreation Recreation
 Lack of open parks  Development of one park in every village unit
 Lack of sports facilities such as stadiums.  Construction of modern sport stadium with
 Lack of theaters and auditoriums modern facilities at every village unit
 Construction of social halls in every village unit
 Establishment of art galleries/theatres for
performing arts e.g. dance/drama, creative arts
and studios for recording.

Education Education

 Understaffing  Construction of more primary and secondary
 Insufficient supply of learning materials such as schools in the ratio of 1 secondary school to every
stationaries and desks 5 primary school
 Dilapidated ECDs facilities  Employing more qualified teachers
 Lack of tertiary institutions  Establishing one technical schools and provision
 Inadequate number of primary and secondary of necessary infrastructure to ease learning.
schools.  Improvement of the old and dilapidated ECDs and
construction of more.
Health  Construction of health Centre at Mwangulu
 Shortage of doctors and nurses  Employment of more professional- doctors and
 Inadequate healthcare facilities nurses.
 Absence of ambulance  Construction of maternity ward and laboratory
 Lack of health Centre at Ramisi  Improving quality of healthcare services by
provision of more and affordable drugs
 Lack of all-weather and durable roads. Existing road  Construction of all-weather and durable roads to
 Missing link from Bodo to Funzi islands Infrastructure connect Gontora to Bomani Dzibwage
 Absence of airstrips  Improving road connectivity by construction of
the following roads: Mafisini dispensary
-Msambweni referral hospital, Milalani road -
Funzi island
 Extension of ferry service to serve the areas of
Bodo to Funzi
 Establishment of an airstrip at Tumbe (KMTC)
Agriculture Favorable climatic Agriculture
Livestock keeping conditions. Livestock keeping
 Lack of livestock auctioning center. Underexploited  Construction of cattle dips
 Lack of drought tolerant breed of livestock internal and  Establishment of livestock markets and show

 Lack of dipping and vaccination facilities external market. grounds at Maledi, Kasemeni, Dzihirini, and
Fish Farming: Fish Farming:
 Lack of fish ponds in the whole ward  Increased access to input and facilities such as fish
 Insufficient knowledge and skills in fish ponds.
aquaculture.  establishment of fish markets in the ward
 Lack of storage facilities such as refrigerators  Provision of education on how to best practice
 Lack of markets for selling the fish and their fish farming
products  Provision of refrigerating facilities for fish

Crop Cultivation
Crop Cultivation  Provision of subsidies such as certified seeds and
 inadequate supply of certified seeds fertilizers.
 Lack of fertilizers  Employing the use of insecticides and pesticides
 Lack of insecticides and pesticides to control crop pest and diseases.
 Absence of dry storage facilities  Construction of cereal storage facilities.

Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce

 There is inadequate market facility in Ramisi  Establishment of modern markets within
 Lack of storage facilities such as warehouse. Ramisi ward in Bomani village.
 Long distances in accessing trading facilities.  Establishment of market areas in towns.
 Lack of modern markets  Developing proper marketing structures for
fishing, aquaculture, and agricultural
Industrialization products.
 Lack of unemployment in the mining sites
 Over exploitation of minerals such as glass. Industrialization
 Limited investment in agro-based industries such as  The established industries should employ 80% of
slaughter house and fruit processing. the local residents.

 Corruption  Establishment of glass factory in Ramisi ward
 Poor administration in industries such as KISCOL (vidungeni village)
 Poor remunerations in industries.  Establishment of agro-based industries i.e. fruit
 Lack of a proper understanding industrial investors processing factories in: Mivumoni (mango and
(KISCOL -Nyumba sita) and county officials. orange factory), Milalani (coconut factory) and a
 Inappropriate means of fishing in the ocean. fish processing plant.
 Increases access to modern fishing equipment.
 Provision of security to the small scale fishermen
Tourism in the ocean.
 There are no identified and publicized tourist `Tourism
attraction sites in the ward.  Identification, securing and publicizing all
 No cultural centres within Ramisi ward. tourist attraction sites within ramisi ward e.g.:
Tumbe, Funzo, Gombe Island, Mpunga, Munje
 Building of a cultural Centre at Fahamuni
 Insecurity in some areas of the ward. Devolution  Encancing access to governance and
 Delayed access to administrative and governance administrative services by:
services due to long distances to access the offices. -establishing police posts at Miumoni and
 Few and unreliable administrators Eshu, and Fahamuni.
 Lack of proper/systematic channel of - provision for vehicles for patrol
communication within the ward leading to delayed -establish offices for village administrators
delivery of information. -division of larger Ramisi ward into two wards
 Little representation from elected leaders. (Ramisi, Mivumoni).
-subdivision of mivumoni village unit into
three units namely (Mivumoni, Mafisiwi, Eshu)
-subdivision of Funzi/Shirazi into two units
namely (Funzi, Shirazi)
 Dissemination of information through village

meetings and barazas.
 Embracing the use of technology in conveying
information e.g. use of whatsapp and print media.


 Water pollution caused by waste disposal in  Eliminating pollution in water sources
river Mkivumuduzi.  Mineral, Rock  Putting up an hospital for the mine workers
 Reducing water levels in rivers. and Soils such  Construction of water pan at Mrongotoni
 Siltation of River Ramisi due to disposal of as sand. and Nimbodze
industrial effluent from KISCOL and soil  Forests.  Re-afforestation
erosion.  Rivers.  Building of gabions to prevent soil erosion
 Deforestation
 Limited benefit from quarrying activities in the
ward, i.e. Sand harvesting in the area only
benefit outsiders

Ramisi Ward Vision Map
Map 3-14: Ramisi Ward Vision Map

Kubo South Ward

A thriving economy based on improved Agriculture, trade, industry and tourism facilitated by efficient transport system.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Lack of adequate, clean and safe water  Adequate water supply.
 Lack of enough electricity  Up scaling security
 Poor condition of access roads.  Proper lighting of towns and markets
 Lack of proper sanitation  Construction of modern public toilets
 Insecurity in some towns  Improving the condition of feeder roads
 Inefficiency in communication network.  Connection of electricity to households
 Sinking of wells and boreholes.
 Provision proper of drainage channels.
Water Supply Water Supply
 Lack of water in: Lukore, Kichakatsimba,  Extension of piped water supply to Lukore
Makobe,Mugundi,Salagato,Mwapala,Mwalw market, kitchatsimba ,mwaluwana,
anga,Boyani,Majimboi, and Msuwa mkurudzi,shimba hills,makobe
Power ,kidongo,mwaluvanga, msulwa dispensary
 Limited access and connection of electricity through Tangim, mkurumudzi to boyani via
in Makobe and Kibambani makwangami
 Minimal exploitation of other sources of  Drilling of boreholes in the following areas:
energy such as solar power and wind mills. Kipambani, Boyani, Mwakio, and Mkundi
Solid and liquid waste Power
 Lack of sewage and waste disposal  Connection of urban centres to electricity.
facilities  Exploitation of other alternative sources of

Social energy such as solar energy and wind mills
 Inadequate education facilities such as Education
classrooms, toilets and desks  Construction of primary schools in :Mkunguni,
 Shortage of teachers and mentors Kidiyani, Kitulu and Maloloni
 Insufficient learning materials such as  Employment of more qualified teachers
stationeries  Provision of adequate learning facilities and
 Absence of higher learning institutions materials.
such as colleges and universities.  Introduction of free school feeding program.
  Establishment of two polytechnics at every
village unit
 Employment of qualified and experienced
Health lecturers and tutors to the institutions.
 Inadequate health facilities  Fairness in recruitment of lectures
 Shortage of drugs Health
 Long distance to access medical services  Addition of more hospitals in Mangawani
 Shortage of medical and laboratory (Simanga) and Mwaluvanga (Kidiani)
equipment  Improving the conditions of the existing
 Lack of staff accommodation/quarters. medical facilities such as Shimba hills referral ,
 Lack of rehabilitation Centre’s Lukore, Kibayuni health centers
 Employment of more doctors to improve the
delivery of services
 Provision of adequate drugs in hospitals
 Provision of supporting infrastructure and
facilities such as beds and laboratories.
 Poor road condition in: Majimboni to Shimba  Tarmacking of roads from Majimboni to
hills up to Manyabo, Shimba hills to Mwebeni Mnyalatsoni
Kichakasimba to Lukore up to Mawia  Muramming of the roads from Mwebeni to

 There are no airstrips Kichakasimba, Lukore and Mawia
 Expansion of existing narrow roads
 Construction of bridges and culverts
 Opening up and construction of new roads from :
Chumbuu-Kichaka Samba, Mazola to join the
check points in Makwangwani
 Establishment of an airstrip in Kubo-south ward.

Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping Livestock keeping
 Lack of ready market for livestock  Construction of livestock auction centers
 Infestation by livestock pest and diseases  Construction of cattle dips
 Lack of knowledge on the best livestock  Fencing of the wildlife zones to prevent attack
 Inadequate pastures contributed to by Fish Farming
drought  Support in construction of fish ponds
Fish Farming:  Provision of education on the best fishing
 Lack of inputs such as fish ponds. skills
 Insufficient water supply.  Adequate water supply.
 Lack of skills in fish farming. Crop Cultivation
Crop Cultivation  Provision of farm fertilizers
 Unreliable rainfall (over dependency on rain  Construction of roads to ease transportation
fed agriculture). of goods to the market.
 Destruction of crops by wild animals e.g.  Provision of pesticides and insecticides
elephants, monkeys, Baboons etc.  Building of gabions and terraces
 Little profit from farm output.
 Insufficient supply of water
 Soil erosion

 Poor farming methods
 Low yields.
 Infertile soils
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Poor road condition limiting trade and  Establishment of open air market
commerce.  Construction of modern markets in every village
 Lack of open air market unit.
 Lack of market for the products  Construction of storage facilities e.g. silos
 Limited access to finances and financial  Connection of electricity in the market centers
services.  Tarmacking of roads to enhance efficiency in
 Poor storage facilities transportation.
 Poor trade policies  Provision of financial assistance through loans and
 Unreliable (and lack of in some areas) power grants
supply. Industrialization
 Unemployment  Establishment of processing plants for different
Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base) fruits such as mangoes, passion fruit, Orange,
 Minimal investment in industries-both agro citrus etc.
and mineral based.  Establishment of storage facilities such as
 Lack of storage facilities e.g. refrigerators refrigerators in every village unit.
 Shortage of financial resources  Putting up more industries in: Masimboni, Lukare,
 There no petrol station Mtsangawara,
 Fraud in the processing of coconut oil  Partnership between the government and other
 Minimal employment in the existing stakeholders in the mining processes.
industries.  Establishment of a juakali industry in Shimba and
 Establishment of pepper processing industry
 Poor road conditions hindering tourism
 Construction of tourist hotels
 Improving the conditions of tourism attraction
 Lack of electricity connection in the tourist

sites sites.
 Poaching.  Equipping tourism center with the necessary
facilities to attract more tourists both locally and
 Effective implementation of laws that protect wild
 Opening of Kidongo gate so as to be officially
used as the main entrance to the tourists site
 Creating employment opportunities in attraction

 Lack of office for the village admin 
Construction of village administration offices in all
 Absence of village Council and elders. village units
 Lack of police posts leading to insecurity at  Employment of village council members to assist
some instances. village administrators
 Inadequate distribution of social halls  Establishment of a police post
 Provision of security lights in every market centers
in all village units to reduce insecurity..
 Putting up social halls in every village unit
 Training of village elders
 Reducing water levels in Mkanda, Ramisi,  All waterfalls and hot springs to act as tourist
Lovu, and Tsalatsala Rivers. sites
 Deforestation  Planting of trees along rivers –especially on
 Poaching Rivers Ramisi, Luvu and Tseletsele.
 Soil erosion  Electric Fence along the forest.

 Overexploitation of natural resources  Building gabions along the rivers to prevent
such as rocks and minerals. soil erosion
 Human-Wildlife conflict.  Constructing proper drainage systems
 Unplanned quarrying leading to  Delineating environmental hotspots as
environmental degradation. protected areas.
 Reforestation
 Planned exploitation of rock and mineral

Kubo South Ward Vision Map
Map 3-15: Kubo South Ward Vision Map

Pongwe/ Kikoneni Ward

A healthy and educated population with adequate access to utility services and infrastructure

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Limestone  Tenure security is to be upheld by provision of land
 Land disputes ownership titles.
 Lack of titles for the beach land  Planning is necessary in the existing centers.
 Unplanned centers.  The roads in towns should be constructed, repaired,
 Lack of police post in Kikoneni and maintained.
 No designated waste disposal site in  Putting up public toilets in the urban areas.
Kikoneni town.  Power distribution should be adequate in towns
 Public toilets lack in urban centers.  Sinking of boreholes in to increase access to clean
 Fire in breakout is common in Kikoneni. piped water.
 Inadequate water supply in urban centers.  Establishment of a police post in the centers that lack.
 The hierarchy of towns is as follows: Shimoni, Kanana,


Water Supply Water Supply
 Lack of portable water.  There is need for portable water.
Power Power
 Inadequacies in power supply.  Extension of electricity power network to areas that
 Underutilization of solar potential. lack e.g. Kirama area.
Solid and liquid waste  There is need to invest in solar energy.

 No designated waste collection and disposal
sites. ICT
ICT There is need for an ICT center in the ward.
Poor communication network on Airtel service
providers-especially in Shimoni area
Social  Social
Education Education
 Inadequate capacities in terms of support  Adequate staffing of schools and health facilities
material infrastructure.  Establishment of technical and vocational training
 Understaffing in education sector e.g. centers in the ward.
Mvuandao secondary school Health
 Technical schools are lacking in the ward  Adequate staffing of health facilities.
Health  Establishment more health centers e.g. at Kanana
 Understaffing in health sector.
 Inadequate capacities of support material
 Art and culture not appreciated Recreation
 Inadequate distribution of social halls  Construction of social halls in each village.
 Limited number of playing grounds and are  Construction of an art gallery center.
in poor condition.  Increasing the supply of open grounds and
 No designated and defined playing grounds enhancement of their quality.
 Insecurity in some areas which would serve  Identification and putting in public domain the tourist
as recreation grounds. attraction sites.
 Recreational grounds to be established in every
 Beef up security in the area.

 Poor road conditions   Revival of the Wasini airstrip
 Clogged culverts  Building bridges across rivers
 Non- functional airstrip at Warini  Tarmaking of Kikioneni- Mwachande, Kanana-Shimoni
 Underutilization of water transport despite Roads.
the opportunities  Expansion of Shimoni Port
 Limiting capacity of Shimoni port.  Timely repair and maintenance of roads.
 Lack of proper bridges across rivers.  Upgrading all roads to murram roads.
 Difficulty in movement during rainy seasons

Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping Livestock keeping
 Poor quality seeds and breeds of livestock  Establishment of modern livestock market in Kanana.
 Lack of agricultural education and extension  Establishment of agricultural product market in
services. Kikoneni.
 Limited access to veterinary services  Establishment of a fruit processing plant in Kikoneni.
 Support the community to invest in exotic breeds of
Fishing and Fish Farming Fishing and Fish Farming
 Lack of training institution and education on  Increasing access to education on fishing and fish
fishing farming techniques by establishing a fishing training
 Poor fish marketing Labour from the existing institution
 No rescue services. population.  Establishment of a fish processing plant
 Poor quality and inadequate fishing Ocean  Modernization of the fishing industry.
Fertile soils
equipment.  A proper fish market should be established.
 Conservation of fish breeding grounds.
Crop Cultivation  Enhance of safety, security and patrol in the ocean
 Lack of market for agricultural products
 Poor quality seeds and breeds of livestock

 Lack of subsidies
 Negligible value addition to the agricultural
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Large market areas lacking.  Building stones  Establishment of a market at Kanana.
 Fruits  Formulation of SACCOs/Cooperatives to enhance
Industrialization (Mineral, Agro and Urban base)  Minerals stone exploitation.
 Land disputes  Counties should support the cooperatives with
 Poor implementation of the percentage modern machinery in exploitation.(cutting)
share to the community. 
 No cooperation in mines Industrialization
 Poor technology in exploitation.  Establishment of agro-processing factories for value
 Lack of fruit processing industries. addition e.g. fruit processing factory in Kanana, large
 Large scale flour milling lacking. scale flour mill and milk processing plant in Kanana.
 Fish processing plant lacking.  Formulation of community organization to solve land
 Lack of processing industries for agricultural disputes.
products.  Establishment of a cement factory Fikirini and
 Lack of fish processing plant Kibuyuni
  Involvement of land owners in the compensation
 Establishment of a fish processing plant.
Tourism `Tourism
 Training institutions on hospitality and  Establish a tourism training institution at Shimoni.
tourism lacking.  Optimization and exploitation of tourist attraction
 Underutilized culture to boost tourism. sites like Maji Moto, Meremere, Vikwani vya
 Unpublicized tourism destinations. mwejereni.
 Receding number of tourists.  Mainstreaming culture and art into development.
 Inadequate security centers-Police posts  Devolution  Establishment of police posts in kikoneni, Majirani,
 Irresponsibility of leaders Mzizima and Wasini.

 Minimal sensitization of the community  A proper coordination between the leaders at
members. higher levels the citizens.
 Lack of offices and service provision at the  Sensitization and further decentralized to the
village level village level
 Council of elders missing in action.  The village units to have council of elders.
 Insecurity caused by wild animals  Limestone and  Delineation of tourist attraction sites.
especially crocodile at Kiwambale building rocks  Planting of trees and mangroves and safeguarding
/Mwambao.  Tourism them.
 Deforestation both terrestrial and aquatic  Reforestation
forest resources.  Construction of a seawall Mkwiro
 Soil erosion (common in) Mkwiro beach  Optimal exploitation of the existing minerals.
 Land degradation due to quarrying  Proper solid waste management and delineation
 Pollution by solid waste in urban areas of dumping sites.
 Encroachment of forests by human

Pongwe/Kikoneni Ward Vision Map
Map 3-16: Pongwe Kikoneni Ward Vision Map

Dzombo Ward

An accessible, secure, and self-sufficient ward

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Lack of public land for town  Existence of a police  Proper town planning to be done
development post in some towns  Provision of adequate and reliable
 Insecurity  Interlinking roads access.
 Poor access exist connecting all  Identify all government land
 Low living standards the towns through county physical planning
 Unplanned towns  Existence of department, and develop them.
 Lack of portable water electricity  Proper lighting for towns/markets
 No permanent markets  Existence of weekly  Develop small industries to improve
 No designated waste disposal market days in all products value addition
site towns.  Improving the condition of existing
 No public toilets/latrines  Undeveloped land police post
 Lack of sewer system in the in towns
existing urban centers.
Physical (Water And Sanitation,  The existence of Water Supply
Dams And Water Pans, Water County Government  Expansion of existing and
Supply, Ict And Communication Land construction of new dams
Solid Waste, Sewer And  Existing urban  Damming of seasonal rivers
Sanitation, Power Supply) centers  Desalination of water
Water  Sunshine almost 8  Extension of piped water network
 Lack of portable water months per annum to villages
 Inadequate water supply  Existence of dams Electricity
 Long distance to access water and rivers  Extension of electricity network to
Power  Bimodal rainfall the villages.
 Limited access and regime Solar
connectivity to electric power  The ocean  Investment on solar pumps to
in villages.  Rich culture and address water supply from dams
 Power interruptions and heritage ( including and boreholes.
outages dances Sengenya,  Consistent and stable power supply
 Non exploitation of solar such as Goma) in schools and hospitals
energy  Experience and  Establishment of a proper waste
Solid and liquid waste Skills in arts; management system.
 Lack of proper solid and liquid including wood 

waste management carving Social
infrastructure  Youths Skilled in  Building of recreational parks at
Social sports Matungoni and Maar/ Mamba
 Lack of open parks and  Establishing cultural centres at
playground i.e Stadiums Menzamwenye and Marenje
 Inadequate distribution of Education  Putting up social halls at
social halls  Availability of Mwanyamala and Vitsangalaiveni/
 Lack of art galleries and trained personnel Mrima
cultural centers and professionals in  Establishing stadiums at Benga and
Education the county which Duguni
 Undefined school boundaries. includes but not  Establishing an Arts & Gallery center
 Lack of title deeds in most limited to. E.C.D.E at Majimoto
schools teachers, P1,
 Inadequate education facilities Graduates, Education
e.g. Classrooms, toilets and diplomas,  Adjudication and issuance of titles to
desks vocational trainers schools.
 Insufficient staffing and instructors. etc.  Putting up more schools
 Lack of special (PWD) schools  Availability of land  The putting up of a rescue Centre
in Dzombo where schools for orphans and vulnerable children.
would be  Adequate stuffing in schools.
 Adequate supply of health facilities
and capacities e.g. in Gandini
 Adequate staffing of health facilities-
Health (Nurses/C.O.s and P.H.Ts)
 Inadequate facilities and  Upgrading dispensary to health
capacities in health sector in Health Centres
terms of human resource and  Undeveloped
support material land
infrastructure.  Skilled
personnel in
health sector
 Dilapidated roads  Existing road  Construction of roads
 Missing links network  Tarmacking of roads
 Narrow roads  Murraming of earth roads
 Lack of bridges and culverts in  Construction of bridges for roads
some sections of road passing in areas with water flow.
rendering them impassible  Expansion of narrow roads
during rainy seasons.  Elimination of the railway and

Agriculture  Availability of Land Agriculture
Livestock keeping for cultivation and  Provision of education and
 Livestock diseases grazing extension services
 Inadequate access to  Plenty of Raw  Provision of correct information on
agricultural education and Materials from livestock health, production, and
extension services agricultural output. marketing.
 Poor quality breeds  Existing rocks and  Devising modern methods of pest
 Inadequate provision of mineral resources. and disease control.
subsidies and support such as  Availability of  Construction of roads, repair and
fertilizes, artificial Labour maintenance to facilitate access to
insemination services  Availability of markets
 Poor marketing strategies Security  Improving the condition of the
Marketing ( Mamba Police existing infrastructure and social
 A stalled and inadequate Station) amenities
cattle dips.  Existing  Availing and increasing access to
Fish Farming: Enterpreneual skills funds ( Loans, grants)
 Inadequate information on  Existing financial  Price control for agricultural
proper fish farming techniques institutions and products.
and marketing. findings
 Existence of
Crop Cultivation Livestock
 Inadequate capital to run the  Availability of local
farming activities labour
 Lack of Agribusiness
 Poor marketing of farm
 Poor road condition limiting
access to markets
 Crop pest and diseases
lowering the quality of
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Lack of market stalls  Building Stalls at Market places e.g.
 Poor and limited access to Mwamba and Mwanguda.
market areas due to poor road  Opening of existing public toilets
conditions and constructing new ones where
 Lack of access to Trade there have not been constructed.
Revolving Fund.  Re-instituting TRF to aid small
 Discrimination in loan

dissemination & allocation business enterprises
 Equal disbursement (allocation) of
funds. (TRF)
 Timely maintenance and repair of
roads & communication network.
 Rock and Mineral
Industrialization endowment
Mining  Adequate resources Industrialization
 Exposure to hazardous e.g. Land  Introduction of the shareholding
condition which poses health  Adequate man system in the mining industries
risks power  Government intervention on public
 Unjust compensation  Adequate raw welfare in investment in heavy
 Displacement of people in the materials industries.
effort to exploit the minerals.  Favorable resettlement
 Lack of capacities to exploit arrangement by government
the existing rocks and mineral  Creating awareness on the
resources. importance of industries
Factories  Establishment of agro-based
 Lack of agro-based industries industries e.g. Coconut processing,
 Land degradation as a result of maize milling (in Gandini) and fruit
mining and quarrying e.g. in processing
areas such as Mamba quarry  Securing of quarries and screening
and Menzamwenye which are them of from the general public
risky to the community.  Proper planning and balancing of
Tourism resource utilization
 Poor road condition limiting
access to some tourism `Tourism
destinations  Identification and publicizing of
 Unidentified and unpublicized tourism attraction sites
tourism attraction sites such  Timely repair and maintenance of
as Majimoto, majimoto roads
Marenje, Kayas ( Dzombo ,
Mrima )
 Insecurity  Undeveloped  Lighting up the villages and
 Delayed responses by the land for towns
police establishment  Providing adequate capacities in
 Inadequate capacities in of offices and terms of support material
terms of infrastructure and institutions infrastructure and human
personnel  Devolution resource.
 The existing  Upgrading of police posts to

 Limited accessibility and road network is police stations
mobility due to poor road an opportunity  Special branch be availed in
conditions which should be police stations
 Ignorance about the tapped to  Road expansion, repair, and
benefits of participation by enhance maintenance.
the citizens. efficiency in  Further decentralization of
 Long distance to central movement services and engagements to
places hindering village unit level.
participation.  Proper stakeholders
 Long distances to access engagement and participation
services in some areas
 Deforestation which has Forests – marenje,  Opportunity to exploit the
resulted from logging, Dzombo, and Mrima medicinal trees for treatment
charcoal burning and other Kaya – Mrima, Dzombo,  Planting more trees
uses of trees. Majimoto, Dziwen, and  Recognition of Kayas as national
 Neglecting of the shrines Marenje heritage and giving the leaders
(Kayas) which preserves Rivers – Chamunyu , the mandate to protect them.
the Mijikenda’s cultural Kombe , Maaro,  Availing seedlings ( indigenous
and heritage. Ngodzo, Mwamkuch, species such as Misanduku,
 Cultivation along the river Ramisi , and Kuranze Bolligams) to be planted in areas
banks resulting to siltation Wetlands : Maaro, prone to erosion
of rivers. Kiyugamoyo,
Mwavunde , Bebwa,

Dzombo Ward Vision Map
Map 3-17: Dzombo Ward Vision Map

Mwereni Ward

A ward with resolved land issues, adequate utility and infrastructure, a robust and thriving economy in a conserved

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Lack of portable water  Availability of land  Proper land use planning in towns
 Unplanned towns  Repair and improving the condition of the
 Dilapidated roads following roads: Mwangulu-Mliza-Kasemeni-
 The area is mostly semi-arid making living conditions Chindite, Mwereni-Petulami-Magomba-Mbita,
difficult and Umoja-Kwa nyonje-Chind roads.
 Inadequate healthcare facilities  Creation of employment opportunities.
 Insufficient ECD facilities and are located far from  Land adjudication
the homesteads  Sinking of shallow wells
 Inadequate security facilities  Beefing up security in the area.
 Lack of proper sanitation facilities e.g. Toilet rooms  Beautification of the towns (Urban and
 No sewer systems Landscape design)


Physical Water Supply
Water  Adequate supply of clean water through sinking
 Inadequate water supply in the following areas: of shallow wells
Kalwembe, Kangera, Mabambarani, Mtimbwani,
Mpakani, Mwena, Mwangulu, Malendi and Mtsunga Power
Power  Connection of each household unit to electricity
 Limited access and connectivity to electric power in:  Exploitation of solar energy.
Pangani, Mtimbwani, Mwenamagomeni,
Kalwembe, Patanani and Timboni Solid and liquid waste
 Designation of a waste disposal site
Solid and liquid waste
 Lack of waste disposal sites and facilities such as
litter bins and trucks. Social
Recreational facilities
Social  Establishment of stadiums at: Kasemeni,
Recreational facilities Kilimangondo
 Inadequate distribution of social halls  Construction of social halls at: Pangani
 Lack of theatres and facilities to showcase (Kasemeni), Magombani and Manda
talents  Construction of theatres and auditoriums at:
 Lack of sport grounds and stadiums Umoja (Kasemeni), Kilimangodo and Mwena.
Education Education
 Shortage of qualified teachers  Putting up more primary schools, secondary,
 Most of the available ECDs are in dilapidated state. ECDs and polytechnics.
 Inadequate learning materials  Employment of more primary and secondary
 Lack of proper sanitation ( toilets) school teachers
 Renovation of the old ECDs.
 Establishment of vocational and technical
training institutions.
 Construction of one secondary school in every
five primary schools built

Health Health
 Sub-standard service delivery.  Employment of more doctors and nurses.
 Shortage of doctors.  Provision of more drugs and medical equipment
 Shortage of drugs.  Putting up more hospitals and provision of
 Absence of ambulance for emergency responses. necessary facilities to improve the delivery of
 Inadequate number hospitals services
 Construction of maternity wings and laboratories
at Pangani, Minereni, Mtsungwa, Mtumwa and
Mwena dispensaries
 Construction of health centres at Mwangulu
 Poor road surface condition on: Magombeni-  Tarmacking the following roads: Magombeni -
Mtsunga, Mwangulu- Mwanakala, Mwena – Pangani, Mtsunga, Mwangulu –Mwanakala, Mwena –
Kisasi- Jinani, Pangani – Kasemeni, Kasembwe – Pangani, Pangani – Kasemeni, Kalembwe –
Mabambazani, Kalasembwe - Umoja, Mapichani – Umoja, Pehoni – Chindi, Chini to Makina,
Kasembwe, Chindi – Pehoni. Kilimangando - Mwangulu -Patanani-Mwanguda, Kalembwe –
Mwakalanga – Mtumwa, Mwakalanga – Mtsungu, Mabambazini and Chindi- Kasemeni
and Mtumwa - Ada  Establishment of an airstrip.
 There is no airstrip in the area.
Agriculture Agriculture
Livestock keeping Livestock keeping
 Livestock diseases  Construction of cattle dips at Maledi,
 Inadequate access to agricultural education and Kajemeni, Dzihirini and Mwena.
extension services  Provision of drought resilience breed of
 Poor quality breeds livestock
 Inadequate provision of subsidies and support such Fish Farming:
as artificial insemination services  Construction of storage facilities
 A stalled and inadequate cattle dips.  Investing in aquaculture.
 Provision of education on the best
Fish Farming: aquaculture practices

 Inadequate information on proper fish farming Crop Cultivation
techniques and marketing.  Provision of adequate seeds
 There are no fish ponds.  Provision of fertilizers
 Lack of storage facilities such as refrigerators  Enhancing access to insecticides and
Crop Cultivation
 Inadequate capital to run the farming activities
 Lack of Agribusiness knowledge
 Poor marketing of farm produce.
 Poor road condition limiting access to markets
 Crop pest and diseases lowering the quality of
 Lack of storage facilities for farm produce.
Trade and Commerce Trade and Commerce
 Lack of market structures e.g. market space and  Provision of financial resources in form of
stalls. loans and grants.
 Markets are located far from the residents  Construction of livestock auction centers.
 Poor marketing strategies for agricultural products.  Facilitation of financial education for
economic development.
 Construction of storage facilities..
 Construction of modern markets.

Industrialization Industrialization
 There are no industries in the whole of Mwereni  Establishment of a milk processing plant at
ward Magombani
 Lack of knowledge in the oil and petroleum industry  Construction of an oil refinery at Kilimangodo
 Poor road networks hindering industrial growth.  Establishing a fruit processing plant at Manda
 Inadequate water supply limiting investment in  Construction of modern slaughterhouse in
industries Mwereni
 Low profit in mining since there are no readily  Enhancing quarrying activities in Mwereni
available markets for the products e.g. base titanium  Exploring and exploiting minerals in Kuranze.

 Lack of slaughterhouse `
Tourism  Protection and conservation of tourist
 Lack of a wildlife conservancy in the whole ward. attraction sites such as: Huu Mguu wa
Mungu at Lwayoni, and Luvundoni park
 There is insecurity in the following areas kasemeni,  Devolution.  Construction of police station at the border
kingodo, Magonjoni, Mwangulu, Mwena  Funding. between Kwa Dzombo and Kasemeni
 Poor delivery of services  Expansion of police stations at Mwangulu,
 Limited public participation in development projects. Kingodo-Magonjoni, Mwena and Bidinimole
 Establishment of chief camp at: Mabambanani,
Kasemeni, Kingodo
 Expansion of chief camp at Mwangulu
 Involving


 Deforestation which has resulted from logging,  Planting of trees
charcoal burning and other uses of trees.  Securing environmental hotspots by fencing
 Cultivation along the river banks resulting to of the protected areas
siltation of rivers.  Building of terraces and gabions
 Soil erosion due to extensive quarrying and

Mwereni Ward Vision Map
Map 3-18: Mwereni Ward Vision Map

Vanga Ward

A well governed ward to set pace in industrialization, agriculture, and education.

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations
 Insecurity  Rivers which are potential fresh  Enhancing security by establishing police
 Unplanned towns. water source. stations near settlements.
 Insufficient parking spaces  Availability of investors  Planning of towns to facilitate adequate
 Inadequate market spaces  Availability of undeveloped land. provision of services and facilities such as
 Insecurity of tenure. parking and market infrastructure.
 Poverty  Increasing access to water by drilling more
 Issuing out of title deeds
Physical infrastructure Physical infrastructure Physical infrastructure
Water Supply.  Availability of land for Water Supply.
 Inadequate water supply infrastructure infrastructural development.  Increasing water supply by sinking more
 High water costs  Government funding boreholes and expanding piped water
 Rives which provide opportunity reticulation network.
for water supply.  Subsidizing water bills
 Regular maintenance of water infrastructure.
Power supply  Existing social hall (Vanga)
 Limited access to electricity supply in Power supply
the hinterlands.  Subsidizing electricity bills.
 High electricity bills  Increasing access to electricity by extending

power infrastructure to the hinterland.
 Conducting regular maintenance of power
Sewer and sanitation infrastructure.
 Lack of trunk sewer connection and  Investing in solar energy through installation of
sewer system. solar panel at Mabambani .
 Inadequate public sanitary facilities e.g.
public toilets Sewer and Sanitation
Solid waste  Provision of more public toilets
 Lack of solid designated waste disposal  Proper maintenance of sewer infrastructure
and management site  Establishing a water and sewerage network.
Solid waste
 Allocation of space for the establishment of land
fill site in Vanga
Social infrastructure
 Lack of mortuary in Lunga lunga
 Inadequate cemeteries Social infrastructure
 Inadequate supply of medical Health
equipment such x-ray machines, dialysis  Establishing a mortuary in Lunga Lunga
and MRI machines  Providing adequate space for more cemeteries.
 Establishing of a health center in Tsuini
Education  Provision of adequate medical equipment.
 Lack of secondary school in Kidomaya Education
 Inadequate distribution of educational  Establishing a vocational training center
facilities  Upgrading Lung Lunga health facility to a higher
 Lack of a Higher learning institution in level hospital
Lunga Lunga  Establishing clinics offering alternative medical
 Inadequate teaching staff in schools services.
 Adequate staffing in schools.

 Inadequate access to recreational Recreation
facilities and infrastructure.  Establishment of cultural centers in Chikoyo,
Mpakani, Tsuini, Perani and Mahuruni.
 Establishment of an historical center.
 Building of stadia in Lunga Lunga and Kidomayo
 Renovation of the stadium at Kiwengu
 Establishment of recreational parks in Lunga
lunga and Godo.
 Establishment of a social hall in Lunga Lunga,
Mgombezi, Makwenyeni, Mpakani and Jego.
 Renovation of Vanga social hall

 Poor road condition.  Government funding  Improving road condition to all-weather roads
 Missing links to rural areas.  Donor funding support  Expansion of road networks into the remote
 Underutilization of air transport  rural areas with limited access due to missing
 Underutilization of rail transport links.
 Expansion of the airstrip at Kibaoni
 Linking Vanga and Mombasa through Rail

Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture
Crop cultivation Crop cultivation Crop cultivation
 Inadequate market area spaces  Proximity to Indian Ocean  Modernization of farming
 Inadequate knowledge of modern  Fertile soils  Improving cultivation through training
farming skills  Skilled and unskilled workshops and seminars.
 Limited access to modern farming manpower  Provision of extension services
equipment. Fish farming
 Inadequate supply of certified seeds  Existence of Fish ponds

and fertilizers  The ocean
 Limited access to irrigation services Livestock farming
 Introduction of better livestock breeds
 Livestock farming Tourism  Organizing seminars to educate farmer
 Inadequate knowledge of modern  Historical significance of on livestock raring.
Livestock breeding skills Vanga town  Pest control through construction of
 Inadequate access to capital to  Sea front cattle dips.
invest in livestock raring.  Provision of extension services
Trade and commerce
Fish farming  Trading centers ( e.g. Vanga , Fish farming
 Lack of fish markets Jimbo and Jasini )  Establishment of fish market in Vanga
 Limited education on the best fish  International linkages with  Educating farmers on better fish farming
farming methods. Tanzania towards the South methods.
 Inadequate access to fishing coast opportunity to exploit  Adequate access fishing equipment and
equipment regional market. facilities.
 Lack of refrigeration facilities   Increased access to capital for fish
limiting storage. farming
Trade and commerce
Trade and commerce  Establishment of livestock market at
 Inadequate marketing strategy for Makwenyeni.
the farm output.  Increasing access to market by
 Limited access to market due to improving road conditions,
poor road condition.  Conservation and rehabilitation of Jasini
historical sites (Vumba Kuu)

Industrialization Industrialization. Industrialization.

 Low investment in the agro-based  Availability of undeveloped  Investing in industries i.e. e.g. fruit
industries. land. processing industries in Kiwengu and
 Availability of labour.

 Tenure insecurity hindering access  Electric power availability Lunga Lunga, coconut processing firm at
to land for industrial development.  Water availability JuaKali (Ngathini), rice processing Lunga
 Inadequate public awareness on  Adequate solar power Lunga, fish processing factory at Vanga,
resource potential.  Availability of raw materials cashew nut factory at Mahuruni and a
 Poor infrastructural support (road,  Availability of industrial meat processing industry at Gode
water and electricity) experts  Damming of rivers: Mtsongo, Umba and
 Insufficient local market for  Proximity to Tanzania which Mtomwe
products creates a market opportunity  na to supply water to industries
 Low financial empowerment for industrial products.  Optimal exploitation of sand in Godo,
 Insufficient skilled labour Lunga lunga and Makwenyeni
Tourism Tourism
 Underutilized tourism opportunities  Delineating space for public beach to
such as historical sites boost domestic tourism
 Lack of public beach.  Conservation and rehabilitation of Jasini
historical sites (Vumba Kuu)
 Limited public participation  Devolution.  Enhancing access to administrative and
 Lack of accountability in leadership governance services by increasing the number
 Lack of a court of law of police stations
 Establishing effective communication channels
between the public and the administration.
 Setting up a court of law in the area.
 Poor environmental management  Availability of forests- Mangrove,  Creating awareness on importance
 Deforestation Gonga forest, and Kaya Sega environmental of management and
 Natural disasters such as frequent  Rivers such as Umba conservation.
drought and floods  Dams  Encouraging reforestation
 Drying up of wetlands.  Conserve wetlands
 Conserve water towers
 Reclaiming of abandoned quarries.

Vanga Ward Vision Map
Map 3-19: Vanga Ward Vision Map

Sectoral Aspirations
Economy:  To be a prosperous investor friendly county that provide high quality
of life for its citizens
Transportation:  To have a seamless and sustainable transport network by the year
2030 in Kwale County
Physical Infrastructure:  A competitive county with an efficient, equitable and sustainable
physical infrastructure
Social Infrastructure:  To have adequate and fully equipped social infrastructure

Human Settlements:  Evenly spread and functional urban centers attractive to human
Land, Environment and Natural Resources:  Develop a healthy marine and terrestrial environment for sustainable
 Providing alternative sources of livelihood, that will eradicate
poverty in the community
Governance:  To be a Responsive, Effective and Efficient in Service Delivery

Sector Development Issues

Challenges Opportunities Recommendation Priorities
 High cost of farm  Availability of arable land for crop  Formation of farmers  Improvement of feeder
inputs production at: cooperatives roads in the green
 Attack by pests Patanani, Kikomeni, Dzombo,  Emphasis on drought resistant growing areas
and diseases Mrima and Shimba hills crops  Establishment of extra

 Inadequate  Availability of ready market for  Adaption of irrigation methods of storage facilities
rainfall caused by consumption of cereals farming  Capacity building
climate change  Support and goodwill form Kwale  Improvement of feeder roads
 Poor road county government e.g. machingi  Development of enough storage
network seeds facilities
 Inadequate dry  Entry of Kenya Breweries into Kwale  Provision of Agricultural
storage facilities (Msambweni and Lunga Lunga sub education to enhance capacity
 Lack of adequate counties) to support sorghum building
knowledge growing farmers  Development of a seed
among farmers  Potential of growing green grams, production and certification
on the best beans and cow peas in some parts of center
modern farming the county
 Poor  Availability of large group ranches e.g.  Regularize registration of group
management of Lunga Lunga and Mwereni ranches
group ranches  Holding elections of the
 Lack of proper management committee

 Insecurity  Presence of wildlife at Shimba  Development of a beach zoning  Formation of beach
 Negative publicity Hills,Kisite Marine Reserve, Tiwi, Diani, and management plan management bill
 Uncontrolled Chale  Positive public awareness  Development of a
beach  Rich mijikenda culture campaign beach management
development  Massive infrastructural development  Proper waste management plan
 Poor waste e.g. strategies i.e. sewerage and solid  Developing the
management Samburu-Kinango-Kwale, waste untapped tourism
practices upgrading of Ukunda airstrip and  Setting aside funds for the attraction sites

 Lack of beach the Dungu by-pass development of the untapped  Deployment of
management  Support from both county and tourist attraction sites adequate security
laws national government e.g. beach  Enactment and enforcement of personnel and facilities
access roads beach management laws
 Unexplored tourism potential
e.g.Majimoto Chitsanze falls and
Shimoni caves
 Unreliable power  Earmarked special economic zones  Provision of enough power  Creation of an enabling
supply  Availability of agricultural products through other sources such as environment for
 Unreliable water such as coconut, milk, honey and solar investors e.g. providing
supply meat  Connection of adequate water incentives
 Poor road  Presences of minerals in Kwale through construction of dams  Use of green energy
network  Development of road network
 Excessive  Creation of an investor friendly
taxation environment
 Lack of
willingness to
invest in Kwale by


 Lack of  Strategic location of the county  Capacity building  Capacity building of
entrepreneurial  Support from the county government  Development of co-operative entrepreneurial skills
skills  Availability of county revolving fund societies
 Lack of solid  Partnership with the National
assets for load Government to implement the big
acquisition four agenda by establishing a fruit
processing plant at Kubo

 Infrastructure development (Roads)
 Development of Shimoni port
 County tenders

Challenges Opportunities Recommendation Priorities
 Inadequate land for  Air transport exists  Relocation or acquisition  Acquisition of land for
expansion  Centrally located  Enforcement of existing expansion
 Safety and security issues  Good will from stakeholders policy  New terminal building
 Capital intensive  Market opportunity  Awareness and /or  Expand runway and assorted
 Encroachment on airport  Rich culture community sensitization works
land  Priority investments  Relocate school
 Cultural practices  Sensitization
 Community engagement
 Encroachment  Existence of class A roads  Awareness / sensitization
 Compensation  Road networks exists  Enforcement of policy
 Capital investment / heavy  Available natural resource
borrowing  County involvement to open
 Sub-standard work /integrity up areas
issues  Dongo-Kundu by-pass
 Lack of marine spatial  Inadequate ocean  Engage marine experts and  Marine spatial planning
planning  Maritime-Rules /Regulations policy makers
 Lack of adequate rescue  BMU-Devolutions  Engage/train local
team  Availability of vessels community as sea/ocean
 Marine boundary issues  Skilled manpower rescue teams
 Encroachment

Physical Infrastructure
Challenges Opportunities Recommendations Priorities
 Inadequate water supply –  Mzima Water Pipeline –  Lobby for more allocation of  Provision of clean and
most of the water is passing through the account water supply/volumes adequate portable water to
channeled to Mombasa. along the Mombasa Nairobi  Sensitization Kwale residents
Limited Distribution Highway  Law enforcement
 Vandalisms of water pipes  Tiwi Boreholes – ground  Regular monitoring of the
and taps water aquifers river
 Illegal connection by water  Marere springs  Increase water
cartels  Proposed Mwache Dam pans/dams/catchment to
 Poor management  Umba River improve volumes captured.
 Sea water inclusion –  High water table  Compliance to existing
excessing bore holing hence  Rain water harvesting legal/regulatory
reducing water levels. potential requirements before drilling
 Deforestation of forested  Ocean - desalination bore holes.
areas that act as water  Mukumunzi River
catchment areas to water
sources such as Mzima
 Roofs made of makuti and
grass made it difficult to
harvest rain water
 Low number of water pans
 frequent power blackouts  Presence of national grid line  Development of electric  Lighting up Kwale county by
 High monthly and weekly  Long hours of sunlight power substation in Kwale connecting electric power to
electricity Bills  Biogas exploration potential  Exploration of other majority of Kwale residents

 Vandalism of transformers alternative sources of energy
and power cables such as wind, sun and biogas
 Over dependence on wood
as major source of lighting
and cooking
 Inappropriate disposal of  Establishment of incinerators  Establishment of waste
plastic bags by residents and for burning of solid wastes disposal sites in urban
moving cars  Construction of toilets areas
 There is no sorting of waste,  Enactment of strict rules on
Frequency of garbage plastic bags disposal
 Use of open defecation
 There lacks a main sewer There is space for sewerage Provision of a functional sewer First – sewer system in Ukunda
system that individuals can system especially in the urban system. and Kwale.
connect. areas.
 Pit latrines + Bore holes –
water contamination leading
to water borne disease

Social Infrastructure
Challenges Opportunities Recommendations Priorities
 Inadequate health care  Upgrading of Kwale District
facilities hospital to level 5
 Retrogressive cultures such  Upgrading of Samburu and
as dependence on traditional Lunga-Lunga hospitals to
healing vis-à-vis modern level 4
methods  Construction of health
 Inadequate facilities at level centers and dispensaries
4 and 5 hospitals (x-ray that are fully equipped with
machines, dialysis machines, modern facilities
MRI and ambulances)
 Inadequate teaching
institutions such medical
training colleges
 Absence of fully fledged  Upgrading of Technical
university University of Mombasa to
 Lack of adequate ECDE Kwale University (Fully
facilities fledged)
 lack of institutions for the  Identification and upgrading
physically impaired of sub-County schools to
National schools or County
 Establishment of institute of
special education that is fully

 Construction of more ECDs
institutions and provision of
supporting facilities such as
desks and books
 Establishment of community
libraries/Digital plays
 Inadequate recreational  Construction of sports
facilities stadium in Kwale
 Absence of social halls  Establishment of all-weather
pitches and sports grounds
 Provision of changing rooms,
toilets, benches, fencing and
playing fields
 Establishment of functional
parks with playing fields,
toilets 8and playing areas for
 Establishment of indoor
sports facilities
 Construction of social halls
 Delay in processing of valid  Establishment of Huduma
certificates such birth Centers at Lunga Lunga,
certificates and identification Kinango, Samburu and
cards Msambweni

Human Settlements
Challenges Opportunities Recommendations Priorities
 Congestion (mushrooming  Land tenure  Adjudication of land  Adjudication
towns)  Availability of land  Developing of rural areas  Enforcement
 Inadequate housing  Availability of affordable  Enforcement of town plans  Decongestion
 No designated land for  building materials and labor  Putting up cheaper housing  Cheaper housing units
development  Availability of investors units and social housing
 Absentee land lords
 Lack of essential services

Land, Environment and Natural Resources

Challenges Opportunities Recommendations Priorities
 Ungazetted forests  Land  Sustainable forest  Regulating development,
 Deforestation  Blue economy management waste disposal and access to
 Siltation  Conservation and tourism  Compatible land use the shoreline
 Poaching  Farm forestry  Identification of wildlife  Gazettement of all
 Gradual loss of corridors  Goodwill of both private and migratory corridors ungazetted forests and
 Land use change e.g. public stakeholders  Multi-sectorial approach be active management of
clearing of mangrove along  Demarcation of all marine well coordinated gazetted areas
the shores zones i.e. Diani –Chale  Developing county policy on  Gazettement of marine
 Human – wildlife conflict  Gazettement of all maritime boundaries and boundaries and spatial
 Degrading marine habitats ungazetted forests and spatial planning planning (including
and resources Kayas e.g. Mt. Kilibasi and  Law enforcement on existing ecosystems)
 Inappropriate waste disposal Kiruku hills rules and regulations  Developing a database for
 Shoreline erosion  Designated disposal assisting in all environmental
 Poverty appropriate areas and land issues in decision
 Inadequate allocation of


Challenges Opportunities Recommendations Priorities
 Boundary conflict with Taita  Presence of a well-structured  Resolution of the boundary  Security
Taveta county county and national conflict by the IEBC  Education
 Insecurity in Mackinnon administration  National government to  Infrastructure Development
road,Kuranze and along the  Presence of several review its structure and put  Human Resource
coastal strip departmental staffs to ward up more security posts Development
 Political indifferences level  Coming together of all  Proper exploitation of
 Vast administrative areas e.g.  Presence of security posts coastal leaders in the effort existing resources (Natural)
Kinango sub county along major highways of ensuring that there is
(Ndavaya ward)  Constitution of Kenya 2010 peace and stability
 Poor infrastructural  Well planned public  Sensitization of both level of
development (Road and participation structure government staffs on their
Mobile communication)  Existence of CSOs-For roles
 High poverty levels oversight  Human resource
 Retrogressive cultural beliefs  The county assembly office development
and practices as an oversight body  Sustainable exploitation of
 Inadequate departmental resources
staffs  Creation of awareness
 corruption

The synthesis was as a result of objective analysis of the common development issues raised
at all levels of the visioning process. Some of these aspects were depict during the
sensitization engagements. The synthesis was based on the foundations of the aspirations
of the people, the challenges identified and the opportunities that came out during the
engagements with the people both at the ward and at the County level. The intention was
also to highlight the County’s development potential in all the respective sectors and
identify a solid foundation on which future development of the County would be anchored
upon to ensure that the full potential of the County is realized in response to the people’s
development objectives and ambitions.

From the synthesis, aspired common County development models were derived.

Areas of Development Potential

It was observed during the visioning cycle that the County has adequate potential to build its
development around the following areas:

The County is endowed with a variety of mineral resources. Such as; silica sand in areas of
Msambweni, coral bed along the coastline of the County, titanium whose extraction
activities are already being undertaken and further exploration is in process in areas of
Msambweni and Lunga Lunga sub-counties, niobium and other rare earth minerals at Mrima
hills in Dzombo, gemstones found in Kuranze, coal belt at Tsimba and Samburu, iron ore in
Samburu, the “Mazeras” sandstone within Kinango Sub-County, limestone at Magandia area
are just some of the identified minerals within the County while others are still to be
explored. This presents a big opportunity to structure the development of the county
around the mining activities.

The County has numerous tourist attraction facilities and assets. The magnificent world
renowned sandy beaches coupled with historical sites and other natural environmental
resources such as natural forests like the Shimba Hills National reserve and other natural bio-
diversity areas. Culture and traditions of the people of Kwale, also presents an opportunity
for community tourism as an alternative package to contemporary resort tourism.

The Indian Ocean itself, which is a massive untapped marine resource containing unique
marine bio-diversity sites, is an opportunity for cruise and water sports tourism. The Tsunza

bay, is one of the places where such potential can be enhanced. Boat rides and cruising
between Mombasa Island, Diani, Shimoni and the islands of Kisite Mpunguti, Wasini and to
the Tanzanian islands of Unguja and Pemba are activities that can be used to further the
tourism potential.

Research and education tourism is also a possibility in the County due to upcoming research
institutions as well as the existence of biodiversity areas.

Meetings Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) model of tourism due to existence
of good facilities in the region.

Eco-tourism is also a tourism model that can enhance and strengthen the performance of
tourism in the area. These areas include; the Mwaluganje elephant sanctuary, Gazi historical
village, Kongo mosque, Shimoni slave caves, Kayas, Mangrove forests, Shimba Hills national
Park, Wasini and Gazi boardwalks and trails, the footprint in Funzi, Komboza cave in Diani,
Majimoto springs in Nguluku, Mkongani springs are just some of the ecological sites that can
be used to enhance eco-tourism in the County.

Some of these assets are unique to the place and give the County an edge to be a world
referral tourist destination.

There are massive ranches in Lunga Lunga and Kinango Sub-counties, some of whose leases
are nearing expiry, present an opportunity for livestock rearing for purposes of beef, dairy,
as well as hides and skin processing. Already existing livestock markets in Mwangulu,
Mwakijembe and Kinango further strengthen the potential for meat and dairy production
and processing.

The potential in industrialization is both in manufacturing and value addition due to the
availability of agricultural raw materials such as cotton, coconut, fruits, Bixa, cashew nuts,
honey and animal products. Value addition can also be done with minerals and mineral
products, for instance, the “mazeras” sandstone maybe added value and turned into world-
class tiles. The recent launch of the cotton ginnery at Kinondo ward is an opportunity for
industrialization and value addition of the cotton.

The already earmarked special economic zones at Kiteje which is part of the Dongo Kundu
SEZ and Samburu, upcoming Export Processing Zones such as Kutoka Ardhini EPZ at Kiwegu
in Vanga, Asante EPZ at Ukunda, and other EPZs at Samburu is a demonstration of the great
potential for industrialization.

Retail and wholesale trade and commerce
There is a potential for a Small and Medium Enterprise development demonstrated by the
spread of small and medium scale buying and selling activities, especially within the major
urban centers. The community banking system which has been successful with Kaya
Kinondo Village Bank is a demonstration of their capacity to build on Small and Medium

The blue economy

The Indian Ocean is one of the biggest resources in the County and presents an opportunity
for building a blue economy through the exploitation of maritime and marine resources – for
example through shipping , fisheries and aquaculture, maritime transport and logistics
services, extractive industries, culture, tourism, leisure and lifestyle, as well as the
exploitation of the oil and gas industry.

Sustainable urban growth and development

The County has generally maintained a rural character presenting a unique opportunity for
sustainable urban planning and development.

Infrastructural development
Major infrastructural and development projects such as the Mombasa Southern by-pass
(Dongo Kundu), the Standard Gauge Railway and SGR stations, the proposed Shimoni
seaport, the Mariakani-Kinango-Lunga Lunga highway, expansion and upgrading of the Diani
airstrip, expansion of the international link roads (Mombasa-Tanzania and Mombasa-Nairobi
highways), the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone, Samburu-Kinango-Kwale link road,
Mwache multi-purpose Dam and Nyalani Dam present a unique opportunity to build
development around such infrastructure.

Production of agricultural products including: fruits such as mangoes, oranges, tangerine,
lime and lemons, jerk fruit, pumpkins, guavas, tamarind, yellow passion, banana, pineapples,
watermelon; cereals such as cowpeas, maize, , green grams, pigeon peas, sorghum, millet,
rice; nuts such as coconut, cashew nuts, groundnuts; tubers such as cassava, sweet
potatoes, ginger, arrowroots; cotton, Bixa, beekeeping and sugarcane present a big
opportunity for agro-business and value addition industries.

Talent management
The population of Kwale is comprised of people endowed with a varied natural ability which
need to be nurtured, promoted and marketed for social economic progression of the

county. This can be achieved through sustained commercialization of talents by establishing
special academies for sports such as football academy; arts and crafts such as poetry,
handicraft, dancing, pottery and acrobatics as well as knowledge, research, and innovation.

Environmental conservation and forestry

Borrowing from the successes of Mikoko Pamoja, mangrove conservation project,
development can be based on enhancing environmental conservation through further
conservation efforts like an expansion of forest plantations for further carbon credits as well
as an exploration of the lumber industry out of forest products. Apiculture may also be
explored as a conservation development model.

Environmental conservation will also take care of bio-diversity enhancement and protection
of the natural environment including riparian areas and wetlands, rivers and water
catchment areas, natural forests and ensure getting the best output out of the natural
environment with minimum interference with the natural systems.

Service economy
The county has potential to build on upcoming service infrastructure including human
resource capital development institutions such as new university campuses, technical
colleges; investment in health infrastructure, for instance, the upgrading of the referral
hospital; diversity of cultural and heritage services; Huduma centres as well as hospitality
services to trigger further investment and development.

The harnessing of the highlighted potential would be realized fully if the development of the
county would be anchored on the following eight key development pillars.

1. Enhance agricultural productivity for food security

2. Environmental conservation and sustainable development
3. Industrialization and value addition
4. Optimizing the potential of marine resources and the blue economy
5. Enhance the quality of life through effective service delivery
6. Create a system for livable human settlements and urban development
7. To strengthen linkages through transport and infrastructure development
8. Optimization of potential through good governance

From the above synthesis, it is clear that Kwale County aspires to be an industrious self-
sufficient people in a livable environment. The deduction of this vision was derived from the
individual ward and sector aspirations which were summarized as below;
Table 7-1 : Sector Visions


Economy:  To be a prosperous investor friendly county that

provide high quality of life for its citizens

Transportation:  To have a seamless and sustainable transport

network by the year 2030 in Kwale County

Physical Infrastructure:  A competitive county with an efficient, equitable

and sustainable physical infrastructure

Social Infrastructure:  To have adequate and fully equipped social


Human Settlements:  Evenly spread and functional urban centers

attractive to human settlement

Land, Environment and Natural  Develop a healthy marine and terrestrial

Resources: environment for sustainable development
 Providing alternative sources of livelihood, that will
eradicate poverty in the community

Governance  To be a Responsive, Effective and Efficient in

Service Delivery

Table 7-2: Summary of Ward Visions

Ward Shared Vision Statement

Bongwe /Gombato A robust and thriving economy that is supported by efficient transport
system and adequate infrastructural development, on a safe and
secure environment.
Dzombo An accessible, secure, and self-sufficient ward.
Kasemeni An agricultural ward that conserves the environment and has good

Kinango A ward with sustainable and diversified economy.
Kinondo A thriving economy that is facilitated by adequate access to
infrastructure and service delivery in a safe and sustained environment
Kumbo South A thriving economy based on improved Agriculture, trade, industry
and tourism facilitated by efficient transport system.
Mackinnoi Road A planned ward that thrives on agriculture and trade in a well serviced,
secured and planned environment.
Mkongani A ward with improved living standard facilitated by sustainable use of
Mwavumbo Planned settlements with adequate access to infrastructural serviced,
and a thriving economy that is based on a secure and conserved
Mwereni A ward with resolved land issues, adequate utility and infrastructure, a
robust and thriving economy in a conserved environment.
Ndavaya A sustained community with adequate access to services and
infrastructure in a peaceful and prosperous environment.
Pongwe Kikoneni A healthy and educated population with adequate access to utility
services and infrastructure.
Puma A healthy society that is well governed and supported by a robust
economy in a conserved environment.
Ramisi Ward A prosperous and self-sufficient ward with sustained development.
Samburu /Chengoni A ward that is self-sufficient.
Tiwi An economically and socially empowered ward, with adequate access
to infrastructure in an industrialized and secure environment.
Tsimba Golini A secure and developed ward
Ukunda An educated, prosperous, safe and with sustained environment.
Vanga A well governed ward to set pace in industrialization, agriculture, and
Waa Ng’ombeni W ward is well governed, economically empowered and utilizes its
resources sustainably.

Kwale County common vision:

An Industrious self-sufficient people in a livable environment

Kwale County Integrated Vision Map
Map 7-20: Kwale County Integrated Vision

Chapter 8 : CONCLUSION
The visioning process unveiled that Kwale County is one of, if not the most
prospective County in the whole country to prosper based on potential and
opportunities available to her. For the County to harness the potential for
prosperity of her people, then all development strategies and efforts should be
aligned to realizing the vision.


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