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Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits

in the Santa Formation, Central Peru


1 Introduction
Iscaycruz is the largest new mineral deposit of an important group of base metal
deposits in the Andes of central Peru (Bellido 1969; Samaniego and Amstutz
1979). The information presented in this chapter is based on the results of a re-
gional prospecting and detailed exploration program by the Instituto Geologico
Minero y Metalurgico of Peru and the Metal Mining Agency of Japan on the
Oyon zone, located 150 km north of Lima (Fig. 1). It is located in the western
Cordillera range at 4800 m above sea level.
The Iscaycruz deposit (Limpe area) is a massive stratabound zinc-lead deposit
situated within a sequence of calcareous sedimentary rocks. In this regard it bears
similarities to a variety of deposits, such as the Huanzahi Mine (see Carrascal and
Saez, this Vol.), central Peru. Ore reserves calculated on the Limpe sector are as
follows: 3 50000 mt with > 180Jo Zn, 2.6% Pb, 78 g/t Ag, 0.16% Cu, the geologic
potential of the entire area is unknown but must be over 1000000 mt.
In the 1950's, Chupa Mine, situated on the Iscaycruz area, was explored by
means of tunnels by the Cerro de Pasco Corporation. In 1968 under a joint IGS/
SGM program, electromagnetic prospecting was carried out in the area (Evans and
Greenwood 1968). Several anomalies were delineated along the Santa calcareous
Formation. In 1979, geologic and geochemical surveys were carried out in the Oyon
region, covering 860 km 2 as a first stage of regional prospecting (Fig. 1). Since
1980-1981, geophysical prospecting and preliminary drilling exploration and addi-
tional detailed geologic mapping have been carried out in the Iscaycruz area, con-
sidered as an important target where high grade lead-zinc mineralization was found.
A detailed exploration program was planned in the Limpe area (central part
of Iscaycruz), in order to confirm economic ore reserves, including a combination
of tunneling and underground drilling in addition to the surface drilling. This
program was performed from 1982 to 1984. In total, from 1980 to 1984, 2032 m
of tunneling and 6782 m of diamond drillings were developed.
In 1985-86 a pre-feasibility study was conducted. All evaluation programs,
from regional stage to pre-feasibility level were executed under Technical Interna-
tional Cooperation between the Governments of Japan and Peru, through the Ja-
pan International Cooperation Agency (Jica, the Metal Mining Agency of Japan
MMAJ, 1980, 1984), and the Peruvian Instituto Geologico Minero and Metal-
urgico (INGEMMET, Ponzoni 1980, Flores 1985).

1 Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico, Jr. Pablo Bermudez 211, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru

Stratabound Ore Deposits in the Andes

F. Fontbote, G. C. Amstutz, M. Cardozo,
E. Cedillo, J. Frutos (Eds.)
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1990
584 G. Flores

0 50 100

Fig. 1. Index map of Iscaycruz area

The recent discovery of the Iscaycruz ore deposit is a good example proving
that the combination of exploration tools is particularly important in discovering
blind orebodies.

2 Regional Geologic Setting

The Oyon region is situated in the Cretaceous sedimentary basin (Cobbing 1973)
and in the folding-thrusting zone (Wilson 1963) of the Western Andes. In this re-
gion, thick Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are widely distributed. The lower part
is composed mainly of clastic rocks including siliceous sandstones and shales, the
upper part of calcareous rocks with dolostones and shales, and the uppermost
part of red bed formation.
The clastic rocks are divided into the Oy6n, Chimu, Santa, Carhuaz, and Far-
rat Formations, the calcareous rocks into Pariahuanca, Chulec, Pariatambo,
Jumasha, Celendin, and the uppermost red bed Casapalca Formation (Table 1).
All these sequences are unconformably covered by the Calipuy volcanics of Ter-
Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits in the Santa Formation, Central Peru 585

Table 1. Stratigraphy

Cretaceous sedimentary formations

Upper calcareous part

Calipuy Mainly andesitic lava, tuff breccia, and agglomerate; the thickness ranges from 900 to
Casapalca Red conglomerate, sandstone, shale, and limestone; thickness more than 1000 m
Celendin Yell ow to brown marlstone, carries thin limestone; thickness about 200 m
Jumasha Gray massive limestone and marlstone; thickness about 150m
Pariatambo Thin alternation of limestone, marlstone and shale; thickness about 150m
Chulec Consists of pale brownish marlstone; thickness about 200 m
Pariahuanca Massive limestone; thickness 80- 100 m
Lower clastic part
Farrat Light color siliceous sandstone in the lower part and calcareous sandstone in the upper
part; thickness 100- 120 m
Carhuaz Alternation of sandstone and shale and subordinate thin beds of limestone; thickness
500 to BOOm
Santa Fine stratified gray limestone associated with sandy limestone and marlstone,
dolostone, and nodules of chert; thickness 100 to 150m
Chimu White fine- to medium-grained siliceous sandstone, some intercalated sandy shale;
thickness 600 to 700 m
Oyon Dark gray sandstone, carries coal beds

tiary age and are intruded by tonalites, granodiorites, dacites, granite porphyry,
The investigated area is situated in a zone of folding and faulting whose main
trend is NNW-SSE; most of the folds are symmetric, dips are moderate, but in
some areas steep. The intensity of folding varies greatly within fairly short dis-
tances. The faulting is of two kinds: longitudinal faults of reverse type and trans-
verse wrench conjugates. All these structures were developed in the main period
of deformation, the "Incaic Phase", of the Andean orogeny.
Calipuy undivided volcanic rocks of the Tertiary cover unconformably the sedi-
mentary formations, and consist mainly of andesite, dacite, and rhyolite in the form
of lavas and pyroclastics. The lithology is not uniform, there are great variations
horizontally and vertically. Andesitic and dacitic tuffs and andesite lava are the
most abundant. The volcanic rocks are lightly folded, contrasting with the strongly
folded Cretaceous sediments. The apparent thickness may be near to 3000 m. The
isotopic age of andesitic lava measured by the K-Ar method is 17.9±0.9m.y.
Many igneous bodies from granite to diorite in composition in the form of
stocks and subvolcanic dykes intrude both Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic
Tertiary rocks. Stocks of tonalite intruding into the Cretaceous sediments occur
north and northeast of Churin. The tonalite is medium to coarse-grained,
holocrystalline, contains biotite and hornblende phenocrysts, and has a granular
texture. In the surrounding rocks marble, hornfels, and skarn have been formed.
The K-Ar isotopic age determined on the biotite, gives 10.6±0.5 and 10.9±5m.y.
in two individual samples. Tonalite porphyry intrudes the Cretaceous sediments
to the west of Chiuchin. This rock is fine- to medium-grained and has plagioclase
phenocrysts. Hornblende and biotite are also observed.
586 G. Flores

Igneous Activities Age


Pliocene 10
An desire lava
Miocene (17.9±0.9my) 20

Tertiary Oligocene 30
1 - -- -1 Volcanics group
of Cal i puy 40



Cretacerus ., 100

"'~" 120


... 160
Jurassic ·~

Fig. 2. a Schematic correlation of igneous activity sedimentary and volcanic rocks

Dacite porphyry occurs 1 km west of the Iscaycruz mineralized zone, and con-
sists of sets of dykes. The rocks have a porphyritic texture and carry phenocrysts
of prismatic plagioclase, prismatic hornblende, and biotite. The groundmass is
aphanitic with silicification and impregnations of pyrite. Weak silicification and
kaolinization are observed in the surrounding rocks. The K-Ar age is 31.3 ±
1.6 m.y. Outcrops of dykes of porphyry, dacite, rhyolite, and granite porphyry are
found. The porphyry and dacite bear phenocrysts of hornblende, both rocks are
distributed in the Iscaycruz and Tapu areas (Fig. 2 a shows schematic correlation
of igneous activity sedimentary and volcanic rocks).
Mineralization of the lscaycruz area extends discontinuously along 12 km dis-
tance. Mineralization in this area occurs in calcareous rocks of the Santa Forma-
tion, which constituted the west wing of an anticline whose axial part consists of
the Oy6n and Chimu arenaceous Formations (Fig. 3).
Surface signs of mineralization consist of black gossan containing Pb and Zn,
galena and sphalerite in massive pyrite bodies, sphalerite concentration within
skarn, and dissemination of galena and sphalerite in dolostone. Talus and glacial
Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits in the Santa Formation, Central Peru 587

~ Reverse Fault

..=t:r- Wref'lch Fault

.J...-.r Normal

---Transverse Faults

+ ... Microfolds

0 50 100 150 200

Fig. 2. b Limpe area. Structural map

materials are widely distributed, covering the surface where gossan outcrops are
exposed intermittently.

3 Local Geology
In the Limpe area, the Santa Formation consists of an intercalation of calcareni-
tes, shales, limestones, and bioclastic limestones. The measured thickness is 75 m,
it extends long and narrow in NNW-SSE direction in contact with a steep cliff of
Chimu quartzite Formation to the east and with Carhuaz thin beds of limestone
Formation to the west. The dip of the Santa Formation is almost vertical.
The mineralized Limpe area is located on the western flank of the anticline,
which is overturned to the west and plunges to the northwest (Fig. 2b). The area
is affected by a longitudinal reserve fault which strikes N 15 ° W and dips 80 ° east,
it changes to strike N 10 o E and N 30 o E. It is considered a reverse sinistral fault.
588 G. Flores

L EY E H 0 A

~ To lui
~ Ova ternary

~ Juma1.ha Format ion

~ PQr ia t a m bo Formation

~ C~ulec FormCltion

~ Pariohuanca Formation
[·.:.:.·.. ·.-,, Far rot For motion
1-=----..:-J Corhuat Formation
!j!·:·.'·.:J Santa Formation
~ Chimu Formation

Oyon Formation

CSJ Acidic lntru' i"e

Gossan outcrops, and mo5IS py


Zinc ore deposit

Fig. 3. Geologic map of Iscaycruz area (scale approx. 1/45000)

Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits in the Santa Formation, Central Peru 589

There are also other transverse wrench faults (sinistral), which strike N 80 o W,
other wrench dextral faults strike N20° E. On the Santa Formation there are two
structural zones: one of them situated north of Cumbre de Limpe, showing fold-
ing affected by transverse faults, the other, less deformed, situated south of Cum-
bre de Limpe.

4 Ore Occurrences

Surface manifestations of mineralization are exposed discontinuously for about

13 km along the Santa Formation, from the north, Cumbre de Iscaycruz, to the
south, Antapampa (Fig. 3).
_There are some differences between the ore occurrences: in the Cumbre de
Iscaycruz until Quellaycocha, there is massive gossan of black to dark brown col-
or mainly composed of quartz and limonite with minor amounts of goethite and
hematite and in some places network-type gossan and disseminations in
dolostone; there are also small bodies of massive pyrite. On the Cumbre de Ruan-
da (central part-Limpe) layers of gossan with oxidized sphalerite, some galena and
chalcopyrite, whereas south of Cumbre de Ruanda, massive fine-grained, com-
pact pyrite is found. In the Tinyag area, skarn alteration minerals, actinolite, gar-
net, epidote, and magnetite occur. Chupa Mine is a contact metasomatic deposit
in the Pariahuanca limestone, with high-grade Zn (> 150fo Zn), and finally at the
southernmost Antapampa, iron minerals, manganese, and quartz.

5 The Limpe Area

Drilling and tunneling have confirmed high-grade zinc-lead-pyrite orebodies con-

cealed widely in the Limpe area. High-grade zinc constitutes the main orebody
which is composed mainly of sphalerite, associated with quartz, chlorite and
siderite as gangue minerals. Sphalerite has replaced the brecciated wall rocks and
is found to have precipitated in spaces in an brecciated ore mass, associated with
pyrite and galena (Figs. 4, 5, 6).
The main ore minerals are coarse-grained sphalerite and subordinate, coarse-
grained galena. Some galena is included in pyrite. Copper minerals are
chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, enargite, stannite, and colusite. Argentite and can-
fieldite are also oberved. Further, arsenopyrite, hematite, and pyrrhotite from part
of the ore mineral association. Gangue minerals are quartz, calcite, dolomite, with
subordinate siderite, sericite, chlorite, and talc.
Two main ore types are recognized. The richest one (grade 40-50% Zn) con-
tains greenish dark gray sphalerite with chalcopyrite in exsolution lamellae. The
second ore type consists of dark brown sphalerite and dots and aggregates of py-
rite and galena. The ore grade reaches up to 30-40% Zn. In addition, yellow-pale
brown iron-poor sphalerite occurs in fine veinlets and disseminations. Pyrite is
commonly partly replaced by sphalerite, except in veinlets, where pyrite is
euhedral and occurs associated with sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and galena.
590 G. Flores

\ Chimu Formation
\Santo Formation
Corhuos Formation
\ .
. . ::·.·
. .
\ \ : .... ..
~·;\ c: \
<n ~\
\ \
\ \
\ \
\ \


Sh Shale Hiqh grade ore
Ss Sandstone ~ Low grade ore
Ml Marl / ......
Ls Limestone ~-~
Sheared zone
Do Dolostone •• Brecciated zone
Ry Rhyolite
~ Bedding
Gs Gossen

0 50 lOOm .

Fig.4. Limpe area. Geological section for D.D.H. 5 S70° W-N70° E (+Abbreviations - on fig.)
Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits in the Santa Formation, Central Peru 591

"'0 ..."'v_
0 "'0
.,<i 0

L-_ __ ___ __~_ _ _ __ ____._,___, a'aoa,Gao N

LEVEL 4690
0 50 Fig. 5. Limpe area. Underground
ME T ERS place map, level 4690

6 The lscaycruz Mineralized Zone -

Structures, Alteration and Mineralization
Mineralization in this area occurs in calcareous rocks of the Santa Formation.
This formation constitutes one wing of folded sedimentary rocks, the thickness
of which varies in the mining area from 40 to 80 m. Throughout the mineralized
zones in the Limpe area, Cunsha Punta area, and Chupa ore deposits, the host
formation is overturned, and the lower unit of the Chimu Formation is distribut-
ed in the apparent hanging wall side.
In the Iscaycruz area, shear faults and fractures are densely developed in ENE-
WSW direction, which is diagonal to the folding axis. Mineralization in the Chu-
pa ore deposit is strongly controlled by the diagonal fracture system. The fractures
are considered to be important as channel ways of the ore solution and also as
the place of precipitation of the ore minerals. The fracture, as well as NNE-SSE
faults, may affect extension of the mineralized zone.
Dacite porphyry intrudes as stock at about 1 km west of the Cumbre Iscaycruz.
This rock is weakly altered and the alteration in the surrounding limestone is also
592 G. Flores


A _ Limestone and shales

B - Rudites
C-E-0 - Limestone, dolomites, shales
F - Bioclastic limestone
I-H-G - Calcarenites, dolomites shales

Fig. 6. Limpe area. Cross-section illustrating the stratigraphic succession and position of the orebodies
(black) within the sequence (+Abbreviations - on fig.)

faint. Thus the post-ore intrusion may not be related to the mineralization. An
andesitic porphyry dyke is recognized in this area.
East of Cumbre de Cunsha Punta, in the Oy6n and Chimu Formations, more
than ten dykes of acidic composition are present. These dykes themselves and the
intruded wall rocks are both intensely altered hydrothermally. The alteration min-
erals are quartz, sericite, and pyrophyllite. Pyrite and limonite are disseminated
in the altered rocks. Brecciation is seen at margins of these dykes. Breccia dykes
or veins are formed in some places. The dykes are distributed sporadically in the
entire Iscaycruz area along the anticlinal axis, and in the Cumbre of Limpe area
they intrude the Santa Formation.
Host rocks of the known mineralized zones are limestones of the Santa Forma-
tion with tuffaceous siltstone and shale intercalations. The limestone in this area
appears to be clay-rich, as compared with limestone in the other areas. It is not
clear, however, if this character is due to the original impure nature or to later al-
teration such as silicification, dolomitization, and sideritization.
To the north of Cumbre de Cunsha Punta, skarn occurs with disseminated
chalcopyrite and sphalerite. In the massive sulfide orebody recognized to the
north of Cumbre de Limpe, a large amount of pyrite any pyrrhotite replaces lime-
stone. Surrounding wall rocks are silicified, sericitized, sideritized, and dolom-
Geology of Iscaycruz Ore Deposits in the Santa Formation, Central Peru 593

r -,
I '
\I \ ',lscay Cruz {Disoem inated deposits(gn·sf)
in manganiferous siderite

\ \ '
~ ~
I \
I \'\,

· r

&,_1 Outlloy_cocho
'e Lake
11 /~-,
, { Massi .. stra tabound <leposits
1\1 ' L i mpe of sf- gn; massiYI pyrite
\ \ with gn-sf disseminated II

\ I
' I
'~ lt-- Jinyag
'\ {Skarn deposits
Chupa ~ Ill \ Cun\sh punta Cpy, sf • mag, Py, Pyrr
\ II \
\ I
' 1\ I
.... _'((
' ', \ roisseminated dtpasits(gn-sf
', Antapampa'tin manganiferous siderite
\ I
0 2 Km ' .... _ ..../

Fig, 7. Iscaycruz area, mineral zonation

In the vicinity of Cumbre de lscaycruz, silicified siderite is seen widely and is

disseminated with galena and sphalerite. The surrounding rocks of shale and
madstone have disseminated pyrite. Brecciation of the host rocks is characteristic
in the high grade part. Prominent alterations related to the mineralization are
sideritization and silicification. Chemically, iron, manganese, and silica are add-
ed. This addition is considered to be due to hydrothermal alteration.
The mineralization tends to occur along the Santa Formation for about 12 km
in length, and concentration of the ore minerals is sporadic within this horizon.
However, an overall view indicates a regional zonation of the ore minerals. At the
north of Cumbre de Cunsha Punta, which is close to the center of acidic igneous
activities, skarn deposits are present (Chupa, Tinya) containing chalcopyrite,
sphalerite, magnetite, pyrite, and pyrrhotite. To the north and south flanks of this
mineralized zone, around Cumbre de Limpe and to the south of Cumbre de Cun-
sha Punta, massive sulfide orebodies were formed. These are massive ferriferous
sphalerite orebodies, and massive pyrite and pyrrhotite orebodies with galena and
disseminated sphalerite. At outer zones, such as Cumbre de Iscaycruz (north area)
and Antapampa (south area), only galena and sphalerite are disseminated in a
manganiferous siderite mass.
This lateral variation in mineralization and in kind of ore minerals is consid-
ered to be a result of a series of mineralizing solutions brought up from the acidic
igneous center. According to a ternary diagram of copper, lead, and zinc, the
594 G. Flores

Cumbre of Iscaycruz area constitutes a Pb-Zn-rich outer zone. The Limpe area
is a Zn-Pb-Cu intermediate zone, the Antapampa area and the Chupa Mine ap-
pear to be a transitional zone of the two zones mentioned above, and finally the
Cunsha Punta area including Tinyag is characterized by a high-copper inner zone.
This zonation of the ore metals may be attributed to evolution of the ore solution
and different physicochemical conditions than occurred in the Santa Formation
during formation of the minerals (Fig. 7).

Acknowledgments. This chapter is published with the permission of the management of the Instituto
Geologico Minero y Metahirgico. The material used in this paper was extracted from internal reports
extended by my own personal observations as a member of the exploration team. The manuscript has
profited from reviews by I. S. Parrish. Special thanks are due to L. M. Villanueva for manuscript typ-
ing and S. Sandoval for preparing drawings.

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