Philosophy MELC 1 Lectures and LAS For Evaluation

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October 26-30, 2020

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person-Grade 12

Content Standard: The learner understands the meaning and process of doing philosophy
Performance Standard: The learner reflects on a concrete experience in a philosophical way.
Most Essential Learning Competency: Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Define philosophy
b. Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view
c. Appreciate the importance of knowing the difference between holistic and partial point of
view in doing philosophy

What I want to know?

Name:_________________________________ Date:______________________
Section:___________________ Score:_____________________
Test Yourself:
Identify the following statement if it is True or False. Write the answer in your notebook.
________1. One must have a degree in philosophy to be considered as philosophers.
________2. Children can philosophize.
________3. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the examination of existence
________4. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that delves into art
________5. Philosophy is also a science since it utilizes reason and logic
________6. Philosophy means love of wisdom.
________7. In holistic point of view, one clearly stated and admitted that the way he sees reality or
certain phenomenon is base on a single factor.
_______ 8. Learning philosophy requires learning to look into all available perspectives
_______ 9. Partial point of view only promote limited knowledge on the situations.
_______ 10. Before engaging in a philosophical inquiry, one must be able to distinguish between a
holistic and partial point of view.
_______11. Philosophy can also be defined as study of all things.
_______12. Philosophy is one dimensional or partial.
_______13. In attaining wisdom, there is a need for emptying.
_______14. Philosophy is also defined as science.
_______15. Wisdom is the goal of philosophy.

What is in?
Read and understand with a heart!
So now, let’s study the definition of philosophy, its origin, branches and the difference between
holistic perspective and partial point of view
Where did Philosophy originate?
Philosophy traces its roots in Ancient Greece in the 6th Century BCE. Traditions had it that the word
Philosophy was first coined by Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician. He used this term to classify
three classes of people who attended the ancient Olympic Games as lovers of gain, lovers of honor;
and lovers of knowledge or wisdom (Caraan 2016, 2). He favored the third class for not being driven
by profit nor honor. Instead, they sought ways to arrive at the truth. He then called these people as
philosophers. Among the ancient Greeks, philosophers became pioneers in history, biology,
medicine, mathematics, astronomy, and even physics.
What is Philosophy?
Many philosophers could not agree on the exact definition of the word philosophy. Despite its
varying definitions and lack of general agreement to it, it does not mean that the term cannot be
defined and characterized. Here are some popular definition of philosophy:
a. Etymological definition
The word philosophy is derived from philosophia which is a combination of the Greek terms philos
(love) and Sophia (wisdom). Thus, philosophy means love of wisdom.”
Philosophers, therefore, are the people who are “lovers of wisdom” (Amanze, et. Al.,2010)
Philosophy- the term means love of wisdom. In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people
undertake when they seek to understand the fundamental truth about themselves, the world in
which they live, and their relationships to the world and each other.
Philosophy- the study of the nature of reality and existence, of what it is possible to know, and of
right and wrong, or particular set of beliefs.
Rene Descartes is regardes as the founder of modern philosophy.
b. Technical definition
Philosophy can be best defined as the science of the first causes (Maritain, 2005). It seeks to know
and clarify the very source of which all the chain of causes ultimately all go back to it.
Philosophy is also a science since it utilizes reason and logic in an attempt to understand reality and
answer fundamental questions concerning knowledge, life, morality, and human nature.


Philosophy can be divided into four major branches namely:

What are the five branches of philosophy?

Metaphysics Study of Existence What's out there?

Epistemology Study of Knowledge How do I know about


Ethics Study of Action What should I do?

Politics Study of Force What actions are

Aesthetics Study of Art What can life be like?



How is holistic different from partial thinking?

In life, it is wise to adopt an all-inclusive perspective or view, which emphasizes on

the idea that every part of a system has a mutual relationship. The interrelationship among things
was first conceived by Aristotle. It can be best summarized by the line, “The whole is more than the
sum of its parts.” This means that all parts are all related to each other and that it cannot be
understood independently without considering the other factors (Gallinero and Estaris 2017, 25).
This view of taking all things as part of a system is espoused in the philosophical doctrine of Holism.
Adhering to the doctrine of Holism, holistic thinking advocates looking at the “big picture”
when analyzing s situation or problem. This would require one to be open-minded to get the general
sense or impression regarding an event. In this regard, therefore, all aspects in a given situation
must be considered. On the contrary, partial thinking adheres focusing on one factor in analyzing a
situation or a problem to understand it. This kind of view is very
limiting in nature.
Philosophy prefers holistic thinking to partial thinking. Developing a holistic
perspective is essential to man since his life is not influenced or governed by a single factor only. It
allows him to see the totality of life while putting him in a different vantage point when looking at
things. It also teaches critical thinking and cultivates a sense of understanding in dealing with others.
As changes are inevitable, one must cultivate open-mindedness to many
possibilities. In the same light, one must remember that every action one does create a ripple effect
that will influence many aspects of his life.

Holistic Perspective
Before engaging in a philosophical inquiry, one must be able to distinguish between a
holistic and partial point of view. This is critical for everyone doing philosophy because it sets a limit
in coming up with conclusion about a given situation.
Holism comes from the Greek word holos which literally means all, entire, totality.
Holistic Perspective looks at all of the aspects of the given problem or situation.
All aspects are given importance in making conclusions.
All aspects are tied in together to form a general overview of the problem or situation.
Example : The teacher listens first to both stories of her two arguing students before making any
conclusion about the issue.
Partial Point of View
In philosophy, a point of view is defined as way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or
a phenomenon. Therefore, when one says a partial point of view, he has clearly stated and admitted
that the way he sees reality or certain phenomenon is base on a single factor or causal agency. A
partial point of view then is a perspective that is based on one of the component parts of a
whole.Looks at only a limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation.Conclusions are
made based on considering some, but not all, sides of the problem or situation.
A teacher scolds Student A after Student B accused him of stealing her pencil case. However, the
teacher only listened to the story of Student B, and not to Student A before deciding to scold the
Looking at the characteristics of holistic and partial point if view, it can be concluded that
using a holistic perspective is more desirable in doing philosophy than using a partial point of view.
Partial point of view only promote limited knowledge on the situations. This leads to wrong
Learning philosophy requires learning to look into all available perspectives and work on their
relationship to come up with sound, logical and valid conclusions. In the process, doing philosophy
helps one to develop the skill of broadly looking at the situation first before conclude anything.

Activity 2
What I can do?
Name:___________________________ Date:______________________
Section:___________________ Score:_____________________
Make an interview to your parents (either your father or mother or both). Ask the following
question. Write your answer in your notebook.

Give me a situation in your life/lives that you had misunderstanding with tatay/nanay and got mad
at him/her?
What happen when you did not tried to understand his/her situation or what he/she is trying to
explain to you?

What were the results of your actions?


In this situation, how did they apply the love of wisdom? Which one is being applied in order to solve
the problem? Holistic perspective or partial point of view? Defend your answer.


What else I can do?

Activity 3

Name:___________________________ Date:______________________
Section:___________________ Score:_____________________

Philosophy literally means love of wisdom. Learning philosophy requires to look on available
perspectives. Now, let us check if you apply your love for wisdom on the following actions.

Complete the table below.

ACTIONS What must be done before action

Deciding where to study in Senior High
Playing computer games
Helping a stranger

Watching movies that are not allowed in

your age
Confronting a person who verbally hurt you

Buying a new gadget

Posting your opinions and feeling on social

What I can achieve?

Activity 4

Name:___________________________ Date:______________________
Section:___________________ Score:_____________________
Directions: Read and identify the following statements. Write your answers on the space provided.
_____________1. It means love of wisdom
_____________2. It looks at all of the aspects of the given problem or situation.
_____________3. One of the major branches that answers the question, ‘How do we know?
_____________4.One of the main branches branch of philosophy that deals with the examination
of existence
____________ 5. It comes from the Greek word holos which literally means all, entire, totality.
___________ 6.It is defined as way or a method how one sees or perceives the reality or a
__________ 7. It is a perspective that is based on one of the component parts of a whole
____________ 8. A branch of philosophy that answers “What can life be like?”
____________ 9. These are made based on considering some, but not all, sides of the problem or
____________ 10. One of the branches of philosophy that answer the question “What actions are

What I have learned?



IMPORTANT POINTS TO PONDER Direction: Complete the statements below: I learned that

Philosophy is_______________________________________________________
My Philosophy in life is
I feel that Philosophy is important because________________________________________
I commit to apply Philosophy in __________________________________________________

Note: References Books Abella, Roberto. . Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.
Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016, 10-14. Caraan, Aleli. Introduction to the Philosophy of the
Human Person. Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems Inc., 2016, 2. Winston Gallinero and Richard
Juanito Estaris. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Malabon: Mutya Publishing
House, Inc., 2017, 6-9, 21-29.

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