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ee tene Wey Mg Scy (es MANAGEMENT Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: 1. Identify the steps in creating a behaviorilifestyle management plan; 2. Discuss how these steps will be of help in changing an unhealthy behavior/lifestyle into a wellness-related behavior; and 3. Recognize the importance of lifestyle management through making a behavior change plan/program in reaching wellness. Activity No. 3: Lifestyle Check Direction: How does your current lifestyle compare with the lifestyle recommended for wellness? For each statement, choose the answer that best describes your behavior by encircling the number. Remember that there is no wrong answer in this activity but being honest in responding to each item is very important. After that, add up and write your score for each section. Exercise/Fitness Almost Always | Sometimes Never 1. | engage in moderate exercise, such as brisk 4 ® 0 walking or swimming, for 20-60 minutes, three to five times a week. 2. Ido exercises to develop muscular strength and 2 1 © endurance at least twice a week. 3. | spend some of my leisure time participating in 2 1 @) individual, family, or team activities, such as gardening, bowling, or softball. 4. | maintain a healthy body weight, avoiding 2 1 () overweight and underweight. Score: Nutrition 1. Teat a variety of foods each day, including seven or more servings of fruits and/or vegetables. 2. | limit the amount of total fat and saturated and trans fat in my diet. 3. lavoid skipping meals. 4. [limit the amount of salt and sugar | eat. Score: Tobacco Use If you never or no longer use tobacco, enter a score of 10 for this section and go to the next section 1. lavoid using tobacco 2. | smoke only a pipe or cigars, or | use smokeless tobacco. Score: Alcohol and Drugs 1. | avoid alcohol, or I drink no more than one (women) or two (men) drinks a day. 2. | avoid using alcohol or other drugs as a way of handling stressful situations or the problems in my life 3. | am careful not to drink alcohol when taking medications (such as cold or allergy medications) or when pregnant. 4, [read and follow the label directions when using] prescribed and over-the-counter drugs. Score: Emotional Health 1. | enjoy being a student, and | have a job or do other work that | enjoy. 2. | find it easy to relax and express my feelings: freely. 3. Imanage stress well Almost Always Sometimes Never > ae 4 @® 2 + (a) PaO 1 Almost Always Sometimes Never 2 1 0 2 1 oO 10 Almost Always Sometimes Never 4 oO PG LOMO) Almost Always Sometimes Never 1 0 @ ® 1 0 4. [have close friends, relatives, or others whom | can talk to about personal matters and call on for help when needed. Be © © 5. | participate in group activities (such as community or church organizations) or hobbies that Lenjoy. Score: Disease Prevention Almost Always Sometimes Never 1. I know the warning signs of cancer, heart attack, @) 1 0 and stroke. 2. | avoid overexposure to the sun and use| ® 1 0 sunscreen. 3. | get recommended medical screening tests 2 1 @) (such as blood pressure and cholesterol checks and Pap tests), immunizations, and booster shots. 4. I practice monthly skin and breastitesticle’ selfexams. 5. | am not sexually active, or | have sex with only one mutually faithful, uninfected partner, or | always engage in safer sex (using condoms), and | do not share needles to inject drugs. O® Score: 8 Scores of 9 and 10 Excellent! Your answers show that you are aware of the importance lof this area to your health. More important, you are putting your knowledge to work for }you by practicing good health habits. As long as you continue to do so, this area should not pose a serious health risk Scores of 6 to 8 Your health practices in this area are good, but there is room for improvement. Scores of 3 to 5 Your health risks are showing. Scores of 0 to 2 You may be taking serious and unnecessary risks with your health.

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