PED001 - Activity 5

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Activity 5: Stay Fit Be a Hit!

Direction: Watch the video link provided below and in 2-3 paragraphs, share what lesson/s you can reflect
from the story.

Video Link:

The short video presentation really hits me because I'm fat. And it feels like I'm that girl, fat, ugly, hated by
everyone and I also hate myself. I don't exercise also, instead I skip my meals and but I eat junk foods as
snacks. I really want to exercise but I'm too lazy to wake up early because I've been busy answering my
modules until 3 in the morning. That fat girl was just like me. I've been bullied when I was in my elementary.
I was fat since my childhood days and until now. I don't have self-confidence or self esteem and I always
pitied myself when I see myself in the mirror because I have broad shoulders, saggy arms and fat body. I
already tried outdoor and indoor workout but I can't maintain it and it will only last 2 weeks. I easily temp on
eating sweet foods because I'm a stress-eater and snacks or foods makes me calm.

But I start to change now. I eat three meals a day but my rice is only one cup, sometimes I temp myself to
scoop some more but just a little bit. I always drink 1 glass of water every 30 minutes, sometimes every 1
hour. I drink carbonated drinks twice a week only. I still can't exercise outside because I sleep 3 in the morning.
But I manage to move my muscles everyday by cleaning the room or dancing to make myself sweat. I did a
lot of improvements to myself and I'm proud of it. My sister said to me that I lose weight and when I heard it,
it gives me motivation to improve myself more. It takes a lot of courage to change your habit. Exercise is
good to your physical health because you can see the difference that you did a progress by looking at yourself
and you're determined to made that happen. It also good to your mental and emotional health because you
have the confidence now to show that you're not that girl anymore whose ashamed to herself.

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