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Ego State Inventory

Show how frequently you do each of the following behaviors by placing a check in the
proper column opposite each item.

The way I behave in most of the Frequency

situations Almost Rarely Sometimes Frequently Very
Never Frequently
1. I give people reasons why my work X
isn’t done
2. I feel bad about something (about X
what someone did or said to me, or
about something I did or said).
3. I expect people to do what I say. X
4. I carefully collect needed X
information from various people
5. I do what people around me say to X
do even when it’s difficult.
6. I feel guilty about something (not X
getting a job done on time, coming in
late, working too hard, and so on).
7. I play a hunch without bothering to X
gather factual data.
8. I smile at other people (co-workers, X
subordinates, customers, superiors, and
so on).
9. I suggest that an ill person see the X
nurse or take the rest of the day off.
10. I insist that things be done my way. X
11. I hear a voice in my head saying X
something like: “Those people
12. When I know something won’t be X
ready when I want it, I repeatedly ask
if it might possibly be ready ahead of
13. I find ways to make a boring task X
14. I attend classes, programs, X
seminars, and so on, to improve my job
15. I have a feeling that something X
unusual is about to happen before it

16. I plan ways to do things that might X

be considered harmful, illegal, or
17. I say (or think) things like: “What X
would you do without me?”
The way I behave in most of the Almost Rarely Sometimes Frequently Very
situations Never Frequently
18. I do a little dance step when X
walking into a friend’s office or work
19. I correct friends or people around X
me when they fail to perform up to
20. I cleverly figure out how to get my X
own way at someone else’s expense.
21. I keep calm when in an emotionally X
charged atmosphere.
22. I help people around me by going a X
little out of my way to do something
for them.
23. I feel hurt and go off somewhere to X
be by myself.
24. I put people down without X
25. I take a stretch break and really X
enjoy the feeling of loosening up my
muscles and relaxing.
26. I say “please” and “thank you.” X
27. I say or think things like: “I’ll do it X
for them; they can’t be expected to
handle it.”
28. I talk about facts when another X
person is in need of comfort.
29. I take the last one of the doughnuts X
or other goodies someone brought for
coffee break.
30. I gather necessary information and X
then use my sixth sense to make an
accurate interpretation.
31. I help out a people around me in an X
32. I insist that others take care of X
themselves-for example, that they wear
a coat on a windy day or carry an
umbrella if it looks like rain.
33. I answer the phone in a well- X
modulated voice, giving my name.

34. I slyly work out a way to avoid X

doing a job that’s been assigned to me.
35. I set people straight when they X
aren’t doing their job properly.
36. I set standards for proper X
Now that you've filled out the questionnaire, let's score
it. Here's how to do it
1. Give yourself a score for each question, using this n Ego State
formula: No. P P A C P C
1      1      
4 points for "very frequently" 2            2
3 points for "frequently" 3  2          
2 points for "sometime" 4      3      
1 point for "rarely" 5           3 
0 points for "almost never" 6           3 
7         1   
2. Write your scores in the proper boxes in the chart. 8        2    
For example, if you answered question 1 with
"sometimes", 9    4        
you would put a "2" in the box indicated for question 1. 10        0    
If you answered "very frequently" for question 2, you
would 11  2          
put a "4" in the box designated for question 2, and so
on. 12        0    
13          2  
3. And the numbers in each column and enter the totals 14      2      
in the spaces provided.. 15          2  
16      0      
The total for the first column is your score for your CP 17    0        
Controlling Parent). The total for the column labeled 18          0  
NP is your score for your Nurturing Parent, and so on. 19  2          
20          0  
CP = Controlling Parent 21      3      
NP = Nurturing Parent 22    3        
A = Adult 23            2
NC = Natural Child 24  0          
LP = Little Professor 25        2    
AC = Adapted Child 26            3
27    2        
28      2      
29        0    
30          2  
31    3        
32    3        
33            2
34          0  
35  2          
36  2          
  10         7 5
 1  1
Totals   5 1  4    
  P P A C P C

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