Timeline - Hungary (All) PDF

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2 1992 - (ÁM) Chinese businessman Liŭzǐ Píng founds the Chinese Quarter in
4 1999 - (ÁM) Hungary becomes a full member of the European Community. The anticipated
economic upswing never materializes and, consequently, the government turns to
exporting energy and importing
5 waste to shore up the country's ailing economy.
7 2002 - (SH) Severe flooding of the Danube and Tisza rivers. Compounded with mounting
pollution, this destroys large swaths of arable land in the country.
9 2005 - (SH) Leaking of the Balla Files (Hungarian: Ballai akták), implicating a
large number of established political leaders in major corruption scandals that led
to mounting pollution.
10 Widespread civil unrest follows.
12 2009 - (ÁM) A gas leak causes a serious explosion in the low-end Budapest suburb of
Békásmegyer, leading to the collapse of two ten-story apartment buildings.
14 2010 - (SH) The VITAS epidemic strikes Hungary, claiming 1,5 million lives (15% of
the population). Civil unrest dies down.
16 2011 - (ÁM) Construction on the 13th reactor of the Paks nuclear power plant is
17 - (ÁM) Napkor municipality is closed off due to heavy environmental pollution.
18 - (ÁM) Ground water has been rendered impotable in 80% of the country.
20 2013 - (ÁM) Due to rampant pollution, there are now ten different exclusion zones
throughout the country.
21 - (ÁM) The militant Green movement carries out its first violent action by
kidnapping and later executing the Minister of the Environment.
23 2014 - (ÁM) Serb paramilitaries skirmish with Hungarian military forces in the
southern region of Baranya.
24 - (ÁM) Widereaching awakened paludification of the Hungarian Steppe,
essentially a return to its mediaeval state. Preventive measures fail as dams
breach and pumps break under the awakened pressure. Larger urban settlements
are spared by rerouting water via extensive dam-sewer complexes.
26 2017 - (ÁM) The Paks nuclear power plant suffers a serious meltdown and explodes. An
outdated security system fails to put out the fires, spreading radioactive fallout
over much of the Alföld.
27 - (ÁM) Government resigns.
29 2018 - (ÁM) Election year: The environmentalist Green Homeland (Hungarian: Zöld
Haza) party wins a landslide with 80% of the votes. Several other extremists of
various colours gain seats in the
30 parliament.
31 - (ÁM) The new government under Prime Minister Halmos Tivadar grants equal
rights to all species capable of speech.
32 - (ÁM) The following years sees the government institute ever more radical
reforms: prohibiting private ownership of vehicles; outlawing all non-renewable
energy sources; outlawing several chemicals.
34 2021 - (ÁM) The Green government inaugurates the Watchtower (Hungarian: Őrtorony)
building in central Budapest as the seat for the Ministry for the Environment, which
would become the Hungarian HQ of
35 Federated-Boeing.
37 2022 - (ÁM) Government policies have led to widespread corporate exodus. Most
Hungarian corporations either outsourced their operations or management or were
simply dissolved.
38 - (ÁM) General elections sees Green Homeland win yet another term, though
manages to form a majority government only together with a coalition of a few
other parties.
39 - (ÁM) Appearance of the dragon Kalamona.
40 - (SH) The Tisza river experiences an awakened flood, rendering much of the
surrounding countryside into swamp- and marshland.
42 2023 - (SR) The Parliament offers the Crown of St. Stephen to the then-current head
of House Habsburg, Karl von Habsburg, who politely declines.
43 - (ÁM) A chemical warehouse explodes on the outskirts of Miskolc, spreading
enormous amounts of pollutants into the air and soil.
45 2025 - (ÁM) Formation of the True Green Homeland (Hungarian: Igazi Zöld Haza)
terrorist group, which begins blowing up publicly owned vehicles. This group would
eventually go on to form the Clean
46 Homeland (Hungarian: Tiszta Haza) terrorist group.
48 2026 - (ÁM) Government suspends further elections, relying on the military and law
enforcement to retain their power.
50 2029 - (ÁM) The Great Crash wipes out all Internet-connected computer systems in
Hungary, causing serious damage to the economy and leading to the bankruptcy of many
smaller companies.
51 - (ÁM) The Great Hungarian Plain has been completely transformed into
marshland, rendering agriculture largely infeasible.
52 - (ÁM) Arrival of Mongolian-Tibetan shaman Jürchman Jubaatar in Hungary.
53 - (ÁM) Closure of the Hungarian National Museum in Budapest.
54 - (SH) Appearance of the free spirit known only as the Fairie King (Hungarian:
Tündérkirály), claiming the Balaton Uplands as his domain.
56 2030 - (ÁM/SH) Hungarian shamanism and neopaganism experience a surge in popularity.
58 2031 - (ÁM) Russia invades Poland, beginning the First Euro War. On their way
westward, Russian forces also launch invasions against Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia.
60 2032 - (SH) The waste disposal company Aether Solutions is founded by a group of
hermetic mages, neopagan shamans, and waste disposal technicians, disgruntled with
the meagre pay received from the
61 Hungarian state for cleaning up pollution in the countryside.
63 2033 - (ÁM) Extensive paludification has by now destroyed the last road connections
between Budapest and southern Hungary.
64 - (ÁM) The nazi group Turul Alliance (Hungarian: Turul Szövetség) seizes power
in a bloody coup d'état, storming and occupying the Parliament and executing
Halmos. The new nationalist government invalidates the citizenships of all
non-human inhabitants and voids their rights.
65 - (ÁM) In response, Kalamona claims the Western Borderlands (Hungarian: Nyugati
Mezsgye) as their sovereign realm.
66 - (ÁM) The Alliance for Allah begins their invasion of Central Europe.
68 2034 - (ÁM) Following succesful cooperation during the First Euro War, and a need
for mutual defence during the Second Euro War, Austria, Czechia, and Hungary form
the Danubian Union (Hungarian: Dunai
69 Unió), a.k.a. the Apostolic Empire of Austria (Hungarian: Osztrák Apostoli
70 - (ÁM) Following the discovery of significant deposits of orichalcum by local
dwarves, the Dwarven Kingdom of Baconia declares independence from Hungary,
claiming a mountainous stretch of land running diagonally from Esztergom in the
northeast to Keszthely in the southwest. Austria and Czechia withhold
recognition, but otherwise take no action against the separatists.
71 - (ÁM) The Yakuza are driven out of Hungary by the Iron Triangle triad.
73 2035 - (SR) Massive emigration of non-Hungarians and non-humans from Hungary,
primarily to Austria, Czechia, Germany, and other Western European countries. News
of nationalist atrocities
74 reaches the outside world, earning Hungary a long-lasting reputation as an
anti-metahuman country.
75 - (ÁM) Baconia and the Western Borderlands receive tens of thousands of
metahuman refugees, swelling their populations.
76 - (ÁM) The Central European Highway Corporation (CÉH) is founded by a
conglomeration of several C- and B-sized Hungarian companies in the city of
77 - (ÁM) Hungarian armed forces repurpose an abandoned Soviet airfield south of
Szeged for their needs.
78 - (ÁM) A collection of shamans, led by Jürchman, conduct a twelve-day ritual,
causing the Awakening of the Grass in eastern Hungary.
79 - (ÁM) The Free Enterprise (Hungarian: Szabad Vállalkozás) secret society and
terrorist group is founded.
81 2036 - (ÁM) The Awakening of the Grass has cleansed eastern Hungary of its chemical
and radiactive pollutants, but also swallowed up agriculture and irrigation,
rendering all of Transtisza into
82 uncultivable steppe. Jürchman has disappeared. In his stead, his shamanic
circle declare the affected area the Autonomous Region of Turania, instituting
a theocratic form of government.
83 - (ÁM) With the help of a number of awakened beings, the Iron Triangle triad
emerges victorious in the Second Tong War.
84 - (SH) The Turul Act grants wide-ranging autonomy to several neo-pagan
societies throughout the country, including Turania.
85 - (SH) The Neopagan Society (Hungarian: Újpogány Egyesület), Hungary's single
largest organized group of Hungarian neopagan adherents, reorganizes and
renames itself the Seven Tribes
86 (Hungarian: Hét Törzs).
88 2037 - (ÁM) The Alliance for Allah launches a massive offensive against the Danubian
Union. Despite repeated requests for increased aid from the Hungarian government,
Austrian and Czech authorities
89 send only limited assistance. Hungarian forces fare badly against the islamist
90 - (ÁM) Following mounting unpopularity due to racist atrocities and poor
defence against the islamists, the nationalist government is overthrown in a
coup d'état by a wide coalition of military and political interest groups.
Lónyai István is sworn in as interim Prime Minister under the (SH) National
Council for Peace and Order (Hungarian: Nemzeti tanács a rend és békéért).
92 2038 - (ÁM) Lónyai seeks military support from the UN, EU, and NATO, who all decline
to send troops. Finally, Lónyai secures military relief from the Corporate Council
(Hungarian: Társasági Tanács), a
93 coalition of megacorporations with vested interests in Hungary. Within 12 hours
of the conclusion of the Treaty of Economic Cooperation, the islamist armies
are completely wiped out by the
94 megacorporate forces.
95 - (ÁM) In an act of self-preservation, Baconia and the Western Borderlands
officially recognize the authority of the Hungarian central government,
although retain de facto independence.
96 - (ÁM) Disappearance of the Holy Crown of Hungary, aka. Crown of Saint Stephen.
98 2039 - (ÁM) A corporation, the Transzkontinentális Teherforgalmi Repülőtér (TTR), is
founded by the city of Szeged to develop the military airfield into a commercial
airport, and is granted
99 extraterritoriality within its premises.
101 2040 - (ÁM) Constitution is changed to limit the voting franchise to people above a
certain yearly income, effectively turning the country into a plutocracy of the
ultra-rich. (SH) New elections
102 (ÁM) herald the collapse of Hungarian democracy.
104 2041 - (SR) The Danubian Union is officially dissolved and replaced with the
Community of Free Austrian Lands (Hungarian: Szabad Osztrák Országok Közössége),
which practically exists in name only.
106 2042 - (ÁM) While MPs are once again selected based on yearly income, in the
municipal elections, where the voting franchise remained unchanged from
pre-nationalist laws, Green Homeland won most of
107 the seats.
108 - (ÁM) The city of Szeged reaches an agreement with the Muslim remnants of the
Second Euro War, granting them autonomy within a triangular neighbourhood,
dubbed Fejszalabad.
110 2044 - (ÁM) A group of Welsh druids move into a forest in the Western Borderlands,
revitalizing the area and increasing the flow of mana. Kalamona declares Celtic
druidism the official faith and
111 tradition of the nation, and renames the country Tír Nathair (Land of the
112 - (SH) The government (read: Corporate Council) abandons its efforts to reclaim
awakened wilderness areas, leaving Aether Solutions and the Seven Tribes as the
only active forces in that area.
114 2045 - (ÁM) The CÉH buys out the Szegedi Házgyar, an old Soviet-Hungarian housing
factory dating from 1972, and local company and manufacturer of prefab housing
materials. The acquisition
115 significantly speeds up the CÉH's construction schedules.
116 - (ÁM) Citizens of the countries of the Arab League are officially forbidden
from entering Hungary.
118 2046 - (ÁM) The Corporate Council sends 500-man strong special forces unit to scout
the awakened wilderness in the southwestern region of Zala. All go missing. Soon
thereafter, an enigmatic spirit,
119 known only as Lúdvérc, announces themselves as the ruler of the area, claiming
it as their "ancient property".
121 2047 - (ÁM) The city of Pécs is seized by anarchist paramilitaries.
122 - (ÁM) After a two-year renovation project, the Persian elf, hashashin and
ex-Muslim Abu Sa'ad al-Harawi turns the castle of Boldogkővár into his personal
fortress, having acquired it under fake credentials two years prior.
124 2048 - (ÁM) The southern city of Szeged is struck by devastating floods, destroying
much of the cityscape.
125 - (ÁM) Lúdvérc forms a council from among their most trusted subjects.
127 2049 - (ÁM) The Central European Highway, aka. the Sztráda, is inaugurated,
reconnecting northern and southern Hungary as well as Western and Central Europe,
with two sections running Budapest-Szeged
128 (MH1) and Vienna-Budapest (MH2) respectively. The highway becomes the
exclusive, extraterritorial property of the CÉH.
129 - (ÁM) Reconstruction efforts in Szeged are finished according to the plans of
one Mayor Pálffy Henrik, who renames the city "Asteropolis".
131 2051 - (ÁM) Elves are forbidden from entering Turania on pain of death.
132 - First appearance of the Hungary-based Hashashin sect, Batini, as a member
murders Johnathan Walkingross, CEO of United Okanomi Steel, on live camera.
134 2052 - (ÁM) The CÉH finishes construction on the Szeged-Osijek-Sarajevo (MH4)
section of the Sztráda.
136 2053 - (ÁM) The troll warlord, Bocskai István, announces his aims and plans for
rebuilding Hungary on national trideo.
137 - (ÁM) The CÉH finishes construction on the
Szeged-Belgrade-Sofia-Constantinople (MH3) section of the Sztráda. The Central
European Highway Corporation become an A-rated corporation.
139 2054 - (ÁM) A hashashin commando squad of the Batini sect exterminates the entire
board of directors of the United Virtualities corporation.
141 2055 - (ÁM) The CÉH finishes construction of the Kecskemét-Nyíregyháza-Lviv-Kiev
(MH5) section of the Sztráda.
143 2056 - (Nb) Bocskai initiates his military campaign to retake most of Hungary, with
aid from Ukraine.
145 2057 - (Nb) Bocskai reaches an agreement with the Shamanic Council (Hungarian:
Táltostanács) of Turania, receiving military support and fealty in exchange for
granting the region full autonomy.
147 2058 - (SH) Where able, Aether Solutions has converted reclaimed land into grains
and vegetable farms, and bought up still working farms to produce food, selling it
within Hungary. Using the capital
148 gained from the agriculture and retail market, alongside its successful cleanup
contracts, the company explands its retail operations into neighbouring
countries. Aether Solutions becomes a A-rated corporation.
150 2059 - (Nb) Bocskai's forces seize Budapest, establishing a provisional government
until the rest of the country can be recovered.
152 2060 - (Nb) Bocskai's negotiations to reintegrate Baconia and Tír Nathair into
Hungary proper fail, as does his subsequent military campaign due to stiff
resistance from both countries. Baconia and
153 Tír Nathair consequently declare full independence from Hungary. The Corporate
Council ignores the situation, its members recognizing the two states, and
Bocskai abandons his ambitions for northwestern Hungary.
155 2061 - (Nb) Year of the Comet. The awakened grasses of Turania begin spreading
across the border into Ukrainian Moldavia. Meagre efforts by Turanian and Ukrainian
authorities fail to halt the
156 spread. The Shamanic Council portrays it as an endeavour to regain ancestral
Hungarian lands, when in fact they have no control over its spread.
157 - (SH) Lake Hévíz is discovered to have healing properties. The Corporate
Council lay claim to the site, converting it into a restricted resort for the
high nobility and corporate elite.
159 2062 - (Nb) Crash 2.0. Hungarian infrastructure mildly affected due to extensive use
of throwback electronics by Hungarian government and corporate authorities, along
with the relative lack of
160 development due to years of internal turmoil. Corporate Council members
(besides the CÉH) significantly severely hit by its negative consequences.
161 - (Nb) Halley's Comet makes its second flyby of Earth, ending the Year of the
Comet. By now, the awakened grass has reached far into Transylvania, encircling
the city of Cluj-Napoca.
163 2063 - (Nb) Bocskai has successfully reconquered most of southern Hungary, including
Pécs from the anarchists and Kaposvár from the nazis. Bocskai reaches an agreement
with Pálffy of Asteropolis,
164 leading to the latter's reintegration into Hungary while retaining limited
autonomy. New, democratic elections are announced for the following year.
166 2064 - (Nb) - First democratic elections since 2022. Bocskai István and his party
win both the presidential and general elections in a landslide. The new government
institutes a new constitution,
167 turning Hungary into a constitutional electoral monarchy, styled the Democratic
Kingdom of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyar Demokratikus Királyság). Bocskai is
crowned István VI, and his party forms the new government under Prime Minister
Cserkesz Pál.
168 - (SR) Hungary applies for membership in the New European Economic Community.
170 2067 - (Nb) The Hungarian government abandons its campaign to retake Zala from
Lúdvérc, after several failed forays.
171 - (Nb) The awakened grass now covers all of the Ukrainian-Moldavian sectors of
Banat, Crişana, and Maramureş, as well as all of the Transylvanian Plateau.
Ground transport is significantly hampered and non-pastoral life has been
rendered next-to impossible outside larger settlements.
173 2068 - (SH) The government launches a formal investigation into the whereabouts of
the Holy Crown of Hungary, which soon breaks down into a furious witchhunt with no
174 - (SH) The Order or Saint Paul takes up the search for the Holy Crown, with
full support from the Holy See.
176 2069 - (Nb) Hungary formally recognizes the Draconic Protectorate of Tír Nathair and
the Dwarven Kingdom of Baconia, and its borders are finally delineated.
178 2070 - (Nb) Hungary and Ukraine sign the Treaty of Mukachevo, in which Ukraine cedes
the steppified areas of the Moldavian Protectorate to Hungary, specifically Turania.
The Shamanic Council, in
179 cooperation with Aether Solutions, is tasked with controlling the spread of the
grass and facilitating life for the locals in the new environment. Ukraine
relocates its military assets in the region to other areas, particularly
Moldavia and Novorossiya. The government of Wallachia heavily protests the
decision, to no avail.
181 2071 - (Nb) Centaurs and horse shamans begin migrating to Turania in large numbers.
Many expatriate Hungarian centaurs return to Hungary to settle in the newly
revitalized, awakened plains.
183 2072 - (Nb) István VI dies, seemingly due to physical health complications. He is
survived by his sons Kristóf and Ferenc and his daughter Zsuzsanna. Royal elections
are announced for the following
184 year.
186 2073 - (Nb) Current date.
187 - (Nb) Royal elections are held. Candidates include: Franz Joseph II von
Habsburg; Rudolf von Habsburg-Tlaxcala; Bocskai Ferenc; Croÿ Sándor; Rákóczi
Antal; Báthory Hermina; Árpád Adorján.
189 2074 - (SH) The government initiates a covert war against those oligarchs who oppose
Hungary's entry into the NEEC.
191 2075 - (SH) Aether Solutions begins an aggressive campaign of hostile takeovers and
mergers in the hopes of securing AA status during the upcoming Megacorporate Audit.

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