The Brain From Top To Bottom

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When a nociceptor fibre detects a pain stimulus on the skin or in an internal organ, the pain
signal is transmitted to the spinal cord and then on to the brain by neural pathways different
from those for the sense of touch.

At each of the synapses along this pain pathway, several neurotransmitters are involved in
carrying the nociceptive message. Those identified to date fall into two major groups:
“classical” neurotransmitters and neuropeptides.

Examples of classical neurotransmitters include glutamate, aspartate, and serotonin. At
Behaviour least 20 neuropeptides involved in transmitting pain impulses have been identified, including
substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, somatostatin,
Pleasure and Drugs cholecystokinin, and ACTH, not to mention the enkephalins, a large family of peptides that
Avoiding Pain exert an inhibitory effect on the descending control pathways.

A single nociceptive fibre can contain a variety of different peptides and classical
neurotransmitters, and their respective roles remain largely undetermined. It is also hard to
establish any correlations between the kinds of peptides that the various nociceptive
pathways contain and their electrophysiological properties.

It is known, however,
that glutamate and
substance P (a peptide
The steps that lead to the containing 11 amino
activation of a nociceptor acids and belonging to
are the same as those the tachykinin family)
for specialized tactile
seem to be among the
receptors. The energy of
the pain stimulus, which
substances most
may be mechanical, involved in the
thermal, or chemical, transmission of pain. For
alters the conformation of example, substance P
certain proteins in the binds to specific
cell membranes of the receptors, called NK1
A delta or C fibres . receptors, that are
This change in located on the
conformation modifies
nociceptive neurons of
the permeability of the
membrane so as to
the dorsal horn of the
induce a local excitation spinal cord.
proportional to the
energy of the stimulus.
Once this excitation
reaches a certain
threshold, a nerve Substance P also occurs in the brain, where it is associated with regulation of mood
impulse, or action disorders, anxiety, reinforcement, neurogenesis, neurotoxicity, respiratory rate, nausea, and,
potential, is transmitted. of course, pain. Also, through a phenomenon known as the axon reflex, substance P can be
And because the
released in the peripheral nervous system at the site of a tissue injury, where it causes 10/23/19, 22:40

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amplitude of an action strong vasodilation that can induce the release of various substances, such as bradykinin,
potential is always the histamine, and serotonin.
same, the variations in
the intensity of the In general, substance P has been associated with relatively slow excitatory connections,
nociceptive stimulus will
and hence with the persistent, chronic pain sensations transmitted by C fibres, whereas
then be translated into
the frequency of the train
glutamate is involved in the rapid neurotransmission of acute pain associated with A delta
of nerve impulses, which fibres. The receptors for substance P and glutamate can be distributed in different
is the neurons’ preferred populations of neurons that preserve their own specific characteristics. But the two types of
method of receptors can also coexist on the same neurons, as has been observed in several different
communicating with one parts of the central nervous system. Many pharmaceutical companies have tried to develop
another. substance P antagonists in hope of using them as powerful analgesics, but the results have
been very disappointing.

In the peripheral nervous system, other substances also contribute to the transmission of
pain and make the nociceptors more sensitive. Some of these substances, such as
hydrogen and potassium ions, arise from the tissue injury itself. Others, such as
leucotrienes and prostaglandins, are associated with the process of inflammation and act by
sensitizing the nociceptors to the substances generated by the injury. Still other substances,
such as substance P, are released by the nociceptors themselves and activate them

In parallel with the process of descending control of pain and the endorphins associated
with it, which let you tolerate painful bodily effort and focus on something other than pain,
these processes of sensitization and inflammation tend to make you immobilize the injured
part of your body so as to facilitate the effects of this “inflammatory soup” of molecules,
along with the healing process. The increased pain that even the simplest tactile stimuli
produce around the sensitized site of the injury provide a good incentive for you to take
good care of the injured part of your body.

The central sensitization that occurs in the spinal cord can amplify the pain response to a
normal stimulus even further. This sensitization occurs through a different set of cellular

Nearly a third of the world’s people consume hot peppers such as jalapeños every day. The
“heat” in these peppers comes mainly from capsaicin, a molecule that causes a burning
sensation by binding to special receptors called TRPV1 receptors, located on the
nociceptors. TRPV1 receptors can also be activated by heat or by an endogenous compound,
anandamide, which also activates the brain’s receptors for cannabinoids. Heat and and
anandamide are therefore probably the natural activators of these TRPV1 receptors which, by
chance, can also be activated by an exogenous molecule from a plant, such as capsaicin.

Adapted from: Neuroscience, by Dale Purves et al.

TRPV1 is a member of the vanilloid family of receptors. Vanilloids are channel receptors
that, when stimulated, allow calcium and sodium ions to enter the neuron. As a result, the 10/23/19, 22:40

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neuron becomes depolarized, and if the depolarization passes a certain threshold, it triggers
action potentials. The nociceptor then releases substance P, which excites the next neuron
in the ascending nociceptive pathway, and so on up to the brain, at which point you realize
just how spicy that food you’re eating actually is!

And yet, a few seconds later, you often find that it’s not really so spicy as you thought at first.
The reason is that prolonged contact between capsaicin and its receptors desensitizes them.
Ironically, capsaicin can therefore also produce analgesia, caused in part by the depletion of
substance P. That is why capsaicin is one of the main ingredients in certain analgesic and
anti-inflammatory creams that are used to relieve not only simple muscle and joint pain, but
also other forms of pain that are harder to treat, such as arthritis and neuropathic pain.
These creams often contain another ingredient such as lidocaine to reduce the burning
sensation that the capsaicin initially causes.

Capsaicin receptors are found in all mammals, but not in birds, which has enabled
manufacturers to produce squirrel-proof seed for bird feeders! Research has also shown that
mice in which the gene for the capsaicin receptor has been deactivated can drink a capsaicin
solution as if it were ordinary water.


For millennia, humans have been using

extracts from plants to ease pain and to
achieve altered states of consciousness.
The best known of these plants is probably
the opium poppy.

Opium was most likely known as far back as the time of the Sumerians (about 3 000
B.C.E.), to judge from written records on their cuneiform tablets. Certain Egyptian
documents from the reign of Ramses II (1 300 B.C.E.) explicitly praise this plant’s abilities to
induce sleep and ease pain.
Anaesthesia and

But it was not until the 18th century that opium

Phylogenetic studies became a subject of scientific interest. A first active
have shown the ingredient of opium was described as a plant alkaloid
importance of the by F. W. Serturner in works published in 1805-1806
endorphins that are and 1817. Because of this substance’s ability to
present in all vertebrates. induce sleep in human beings, Serturner named it
Some scientists even
morphium (in English, morphine), after Morpheus,
believe that these
endorphins may have
the god of dreams in ancient Greece.
helped vertebrates free
themselves from the Not long afterward, Karl Marx made his famous
automatic protective reference to this plant, when he said that “Religion is
reactions otherwise the opiate of the people.”
triggered by nociceptive
Opium smokers in France, cover of Le Petit
stimuli, and thus helped Journal, July 5, 1903
to encourage behaviours
that are more adaptive in
many situations. The complex molecular structure of morphine was first described many years later, in 1925, 10/23/19, 22:40

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For example, if a by British chemist Robert Robinson. Starting in 1952, scientists were able to chemically
wounded prey animal synthesize morphine and its derivatives, eventually also producing compounds whose
stopped to lick its
structure was similar to morphine but whose effects differed somewhat (for example,
wounds instead of
continuing to run from its
dextromethorphan, an analgesic similar to codeine). After that, opiates very soon became
predator despite the widely used in medicine. For example, Henri Laborit developed an injectable “cocktail” of
pain, its chances of opiates and tranquilizers that was used to facilitate the transfer of wounded soldiers to
survival would be limited. operating rooms during the French war in Indochina.
But instead, the
endorphins that the In the 1970s, the discovery of specific receptors for opioids, and then of enkephalins (the
animal secretes in first known “endogenous morphines”) opened new avenues for understanding pain and the
response to its fear, mechanisms by which it is controlled—not only by molecules from outside the body
stress, and the physical
(medications), but also by molecules that are endogenous, that is, produced by the body’s
exertion of running make
this pain bearable
own neurons. Research into these endogenous opiates also began to reveal the
enough for the animal to mechanisms by which psychological factors such as the placebo effect can alter our
continue to flee. perception of pain.

Thus the endorphins let Chemically, the body’s endogenous opiates are peptides—small proteins that consist of
the animal give priority to short chains of amino acids and that are synthesized right inside the nerve cells by means
surviving, and take care of the cells’ messenger RNA and ribosomes, just like any other proteins. (More specifically,
of recovering and healing
all of these peptides are produced by the cleavage of longer, “precursor” proteins.) These
later on.
peptides are then carried down the axons to the nerve endings, where they are released.

The general term for these endogenous peptides is “endorphins”, a reference to the
similarity between their effects and those of morphine. At least 20 different endorphins are
Endorphins help to
known to be present in the human brain. The following paragraphs describe the main
explain not only familiar categories of endorphins and the precursor proteins from which they are derived.
phenomena such as the
tolerance for pain
displayed by athletes in
the heat of competition
and soldiers in the heat
of combat, but also Enkephalins—more specifically,
another, more mysterious met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin
phenomenon: the —are the first two endorphins to
placebo effect. have been identified. Both of these
peptides consist of a chain of five
Experiments conducted
by Jonathan Levine in
amino acids, the first four of which
1978 showed that some are identical. The two differ only in
psychological the last amino acid in the chain:
suggestions could in fact methionine, in the case of met-
trigger the secretion of enkephalin, and leucine, in the case
endorphins that reduced of leu-enkephalin.
the perception of pain.

Subsequent studies,
Met-enkephalin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met
however, have made the
Leu-enkephalin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu
picture more complex. It
now seems that the
placebo effect has one Enkephalins are produced by the cleavage of a precursor protein called proenkephalin.
component that is Every proenkephalin molecule contains at least seven active peptide molecules, including
attributable to endorphins four met-enkephalin molecules and one leu-enkephalin molecule. Once the proenkephalin
and another that is not. molecules have been cleaved by what are known as maturation enzymes, these enkephalin
The former is more molecules are released.
associated with
expectations and the
latter with conditioning.

Enkephalins are
secreted in all the
Once endorphins have structures of the central
bound to their receptors and peripheral nervous
and produced their
systems, close to the 10/23/19, 22:40

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effects, they are quickly mu and/or delta opioid
deactivated. The main receptors that are their
mechanism by which this
natural receptors.
deactivation takes place
is that of a family of
Shortly after they have
enzymes called done their job of
peptidases, which break modulating pain, these
the endorphins down by natural opioids are
severing the bonds deactivated when they
between the various are cleaved by a family
amino acids of which of enzymes known as
these opioid peptides are

In 2003, researchers A comparison of the structures of an endogenous opiate and morphine shows that
isolated a substance the two molecules have one area that is similar. This explains why they share an
called sialorphin that is affinity for the opioid receptors in the brain.
secreted in rats.
Sialorphin binds to the
enzymes that would Dynorphins are a class of
otherwise break down endogenous opioids that play a
enkephalins and thereby powerful role in modulating
prevents these enzymes pain. (Their power is reflected in
from doing so. The their name, which, like the word
enkephalins can then “dynamic”, comes from the
remain active longer,
Greek dynamis.)
resulting in a powerful
pain-suppressing effect.
Dynorphins are derived from the
When researchers
injected rats with
precursor protein prodynorphin.
sialorphin, they were When prodynorphin is cleaved
able to walk freely over a by the enzyme proprotein
bed of nails. convertase 2 (PC2), several
active opioid peptides are
Under natural conditions,
released, including dynorphin A,
sialorphin is released into Dynorphin A
the rat’s bloodstream in
dynorphin B, and alpha and (Source: JaGa)
response to stress. For beta neoendorphin. These four
example, when male rats peptides contain the exact same Dynorphin A (1-13) : Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Ile-Arg-Pro-Lys-Leu-Lys
Dynorphin B: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Arg-Gln-Phe-Lys-Val-Val-Thr
are subjected to sequence of amino acids as leu-
a-Neoendorphin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Lys-Tyr-Pro-Lys
conditions of enkephalin, but with additional b-Neoendorphin: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-Arg-Lys-Tyr-Pro
competition and amino acid molecules as well
aggression among (12, 8, 5, and 4, respectively).
themselves, sialorphin
reduces the pain that
Dynorphins are distributed broadly in the central nervous system, but are found in especially
they feel from the
resulting injuries.
high concentrations in the hypothalamus, the brainstem, and the spinal cord. Their
physiological effects differ with the site where they are produced, and they bind mainly to
These interesting kappa opioid receptors (though they also have a strong affinity for mu and delta receptors).
properties of rat
sialorphin led The term endorphin refers not only to endogenous opioid peptides in general, but also to a
researchers to start specific group of such peptides in particular. These endorphins are distinguished by a Greek
looking for its functional
letter at the start of their name. The most important of these is beta-endorphin, which, in
analogue in humans.
And within a few years,
addition to reducing pain substantially (its analgesic power is several times greater than that
an equivalent molecule, of morphine), is also the opioid peptide that produces the greatest sensation of euphoria.
opiorphin, was Beta-endorphin is produced in large amounts during sustained physical exercise and
discovered. Scientists produces this sensation by binding to mu opioid receptors.
are now working to
determine in what
situations opiorphin is
secreted in humans and
how it contributes to the
analgesic effect of

A better knowledge of
natural peptidase
blockers such as 10/23/19, 22:40

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sialorphin could also help
researchers to design
new medications that
could reduce pain by
preventing the
breakdown of
endogenous opioids.


Beta-endorphin: Tyr Gly Gly Phe Met Thr Ser Glu Lys Ser Gln Thr Pro Leu Val Thr Leu Phe Lys Asn Ala Ile Ile Lys Asn
Ala Tyr Lys Lys Gly Glu

The precursor of beta-endorphin, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), is unusual in that its

cleavage yields not only beta-endorphin and other opioid peptides, but also several other
peptide hormones. Depending on the type of tissue where the gene for POMC is expressed,
it will be cleaved differently and produce different peptides.

Thus, in the anterior pituitary

gland, POMC yields not only
beta-endorphin and beta-
lipotropin (an opioid peptide
associated with fat metabolism)
but also adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH), a hormone
secreted in response to stress.
But when the gene for POMC is
expressed in the melanocytes of
the skin, POMC instead yields
the hormone melanotropin,
which triggers the synthesis of
the pigment melanin, which
Summary of the possible derivatives of POMC
causes the skin to darken in
response to the sun’s rays.

POMC, which is also found in the hypothalamus, is a chain of 241 amino acids and can be
split at various points by enzymes called prohormone convertases. One of its derivatives,
beta-lipotropin, has 90 amino acids and was first isolated in 1964 by biochemist C. H. Li.
Initially, Li could not determine what its function might be, but after seven years he
discovered that beta-lipotropin was, among other things, a precursor of beta-endorphin.
Beta-endorphin comprises 31 amino acids, making it the longest member of its family, which
also includes alpha-, gamma-, and sigma- endorphin.

The neurons of the hypothalamus also

contain another group of opioid peptides
discovered in the late 1990s: endomorphin 1
and endomorphin 2, two small peptides that
have four amino acids and the greatest
known affinity with the mu opioid receptors.

The name endomorphin (not endorphin, as in

beta-endorphin) is a reminder that these
proteins are produced naturally within our
Endomorphin 1
own bodies and bind to the same receptors
Endomorphin 1: Tyr-Pro-Trp-Phe-NH2 that enable exogenous substances such as
morphine to produce their effects.
Endomorphin 2: Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe-NH2 10/23/19, 22:40

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The anatomical distribution of endorphins in the body suggests that they play a role in pain
control, responses to stress, wakefulness, and the reward circuit.

Also in the late 1990s,

another opioid peptide was
discovered: orphanin FQ (or
nociceptin), which has 17
amino acids, is derived from
the precursor
prepronociceptin, and binds
to only a very limited extent
to classic opioid receptors.
Instead it prefers an atypical
class of opioid receptors
called orphan receptors
(whence its name).

The mechanism by which

orphanin is involved in the
perception of pain is
complex, because it can act
as an analgesic at some
times and an anti-analgesic
at others (by blocking the Orphanin FQ/nociceptin
Source: Edgar181
effects of other opioid
peptides). Orphanin FQ/nociceptin: Phe-Gly-Gly-Phe-Thr-Gly-Ala-Arg-Lys-Ser-Ala-Arg-

One last opioid peptide that should be mentioned here is nocistatin, which also is derived
from the precursor prepronociceptin and is apparently involved not only in the transmission
of pain, but also in memory and learning.

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