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Universidad de Manila

Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila

College of Public Administration








Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration


Racial Discrimination is a situation where one is treated differently or unfavorably

because of race. Race can mean the color, ethnic or national origins, nationality or citizenship.

Race includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or

Latino, Native Hawaiian and White. And there is racial discrimination, when a landowner refuses

to rent an apartment to person because of skin color, or of different racial background. Another

form of racial discrimination is harassment, when someone makes you feel humiliated, offended

or degraded because of your racial or ethnic groups. Race also covers racial or ethnic groups

who all share the same protected characteristics of ethnicity or race. In the Philippines, the

largest ethnic groups include the Ilocano, Bicolandia, Cebuano, Kampampangan, Maranao ,

Maguindanao, Tausug and Tagalog. Aside from the original people of their own country, there

are other nationalities living in the place because of migration. Migrants seek for a greener

pasture and others move because they chose to have a new home brought about by travel or

vacation that they learn to love the place at first sight, culture and find true identity in the country.

They made up another racial group or mixed group because of change in citizenship or

nationality. As a result, this group can also be made up of two or more distinct racial groups, for

example in Great Britain, there are Black Britons, British Asians, British Sikhs, British Jews,

Romany Gypsies and Irish Travelers and having one or more aspects of race, a person can

experienced racial discrimination. Take for example, a person born in Germany to Filipino
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

parents could be discriminated because they are German citizens, or because of their Filipino

national origins. The same fate goes with Chinoy especially if a Chinese Woman married a

Filipino Man. Also, racial discrimination could be as a result of a rule or policy based on race. In

terms of employment, there is an occupational requirement that a particular race is essential for

the job, for example, an agency or organization wants to recruit a support worker for a domestic

violence advice service for South Asian women. The organization can say that it only wants to

employ someone from South Asian origins. Another example, in broadcasting or communication

industry, they need an Africans reporter or researcher, however, there is no applicant or it’s hard

to get one. It sets up an on-the job training and mentoring program to gain skill and encourage to

join the industry. Still, there is racial discrimination and it has unfair effect on the people of

different race. As the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial

Discrimination defines racial discrimination as any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference

based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of

nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human

rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of

public life.

Racial Discrimination becomes a problem in the world, meaning it is universal and

normal. In economic aspect, according to Kua Kia Soong (2015), racial discrimination remains

the most serious issue dividing the Malaysian nation and standing in the way of progress toward

a high-income society at peace with itself. While Asia continues to set the pace as the world’s
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

largest growing region, Malaysia is among the Asian middle income countries showing sign of

economic slowdown and faces stiff competition from lower-cost economies and ranked second

in terms of crony capitalism behind Russia on the 2016 Index of Crony Capitalism. Mahathir’s

privatization of state assets ensured the divestment of state capital into the hands of favored

Malay crony capitalists, in the process, increased class differentiation within the Malay

community. Another form of racial discrimination faced by the indigenous people, in recent

years, is the Sarawak capitalist class investment in the 2,400MW Bakund dam project that

displaced them from their traditional ancestral land to the slum conditions of their resettlement

scheme at Sungai Asap. Global economic downturn has also increase racial discrimination in

the world of work as indicated by unemployment rate, a lagging indicator to changing economic

conditions, when the economy experienced recession it tends to rise as a result of lack of jobs.

For example, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2015),

notes that unemployment rates among native-born children of immigrants (aged 15 to 34) were

around twice as high as those of their peers from the white majority group in Belgium, France,

Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom; these patterns are

strikingly similar to the disparities in unemployment rates between African Americans and whites

in the United States. Sadly, in South Africa, there is a higher level of unemployment for blacks

compared to the white minority, and lower representation of blacks in top management

positions. Based on the 2020 World Population Review on Unemployment rate, first on the list is

Burkina Faso, a landlocked and poor country in West Africa that faced domestic and external
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

concern over the state of its economy and human rights, while Senegal ranked third behind

Syria as the top three countries with highest unemployment rate. While In political aspect, racial

discrimination leads to the domination of one group by another, and take the form of the denial

of the right to vote, the right to organize political parties, stand for election, or enter the civil

service. A few countries still have legalized discrimination of this kind, but in a larger number it is

more discrete, taking the form of voting qualification, the violation of electoral procedure, or

intimidation by employers and other members of a dominant group. In the civil service top posts

may be withheld from naturalized citizens, or a 'national' policy may be followed, as in Kenya's

Africanization policy. There is also racial discrimination by security forces and it appears in

internment practices.Racial discrimination is a serious human rights problem that overlap with all

of the US domestic issues covered by Human Rights Watch—from over-custody of Black and

Latin people fueled by the unreasonably harsh sentences meted out for all categories of crime,

including violent offenses, failed War on Drugs, to prosecution and bail policies that force people

into guilty pleas, surveillance of specific groups, such as Muslims or political activists from other

ethnic or religious minorities, immigration policies that scapegoat immigrants as criminals, or

subject asylum seekers and refugees to disparate treatment based on their national origin. Legal

systems discriminate racially even on public places like in many nations a disproportion of

prisoners are of oppressed races, for example, in Australia, Aborigines make up less than 1.5%

of the population but account for 14.8% of the prison population and 21% of all deaths in

custody. And in social aspect, because of race, color, national or ethnic origin, leads to
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

inequality of opportunity in education, housing, public services and discrimination in employment

especially with immigrant workers. Take the case of most Roma who remain social outcasts

within their societies. They live in segregated neighborhoods, attend segregated classrooms and

still subject of frequent racial profiling by the police. According to UNDP report (2015), the Roma

were described as Europe’s most vulnerable group in terms of poverty or the risk of falling into

poverty due to lack of educational and employment opportunities , inadequate personal

(physical) security, poor housing and poor access to health care.

The social construct of race is the foundation of racial discrimination. All human beings

belong to a single species and share a common origin. They are born equal in dignity and rights

and all form an integral part of humanity. All peoples of the world possess equal faculties for

attaining the highest level in intellectual, technical, social, economic, cultural and political

development. The differences between the achievements of the different people are entirely

attributable to geographical, historical, political, economic, social and cultural factors. Such

differences can in no case serve as a pretext for any rank ordered classification of nations or

peoples. This may indicate that discrimination is occurring, that the historical effects of racial

exclusion and discrimination continue to influence current outcomes that other factors are at

work, or some combination of current and past discrimination and other factors is operating.

They can be seen in higher rates of poverty, unemployment, and residential segregation and in

lower levels of education and wealth accumulation for some racial groups compared with others.

Racism also fosters racial discrimination globally. This is any action or attitude, conscious or
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

unconscious that subordinates an individual or group based on skin color or race. This is an

ideology that either directly or indirectly asserts that one group is inherently superior to others.  It

can be openly displayed in racial jokes and insults or hate crimes but it can be more deeply

rooted in attitudes, values and stereotypical beliefs.  In some cases, these are unconsciously

held and have become rooted in systems and institutions that have evolved over time. This

political concept of race was created as a classification of human being with the purpose of

giving power to white people and to legitimize the dominance of white people over non-white

people. Their differences in background, culture, language and interest have resulted to fight for

power, slavery and inequality making wider space for racial discrimination.

Racial Discrimination exists globally as to when it’s daily. In every country, there is

significant discrimination against the non-white natives in hiring process. According to Narcity

(2019) Canada, for example, is ranked fourth behind France, Sweden and Great Britain around

the globe for racial discrimination during the hiring process. About 69 % percent of those

interviewed in the survey claimed that they have considered leaving their jobs or workplace due

to an increase of stress in which they believe is related to their race. This separation creates

vacancy, however, non-whites who apply did not receive call backs or information if they were

hired or not. Racial discrimination occurs because of overt prejudice, hostility or negative

feelings held by someone about a racialized person or group. Unfortunately, people are still

treated unequally, such as by being refused a job simply because of overt bias towards them

based on race and related grounds. In United Kingdom , as reported by Independent (2020), a
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

Black African Nurse was pulled and surrounded by Metropolitan Police Officer during a hard

stop and was wrongly arrested and held for 18 hours because she is black. This is case of racial

profiling or a form of stereotyping that has particular implications for racialized persons. The

Human Rights Commission has defined racial profiling as any action undertaken for reasons of

safety, security or public protection that relies on stereotypes about race, color, ethnicity,

ancestry, religion or place of origin rather than on reasonable suspicion, to single out an

individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment.  Race only needs to be a factor in the

conduct alleged to constitute profiling. Just this year, George Floyd’s death in the custody of

Minneapolis police has brought new attention to questions about police officers’ attitudes toward

black Americans, protesters and others. Floyd’s killing has galvanized people into the streets to

protest white supremacy, police brutality and extrajudicial killings. The application of the Jim

Crow Law on racial segregation requires the separation of whites from persons of color in public

transportation, schools, parks, cemeteries, theaters and restaurants to prevent any contact

between black and whites. Half - French are favored in this situation wherein racism plays a

major role in fostering racial discrimination. In the field of public services like on health services,

it may occur in the quality of service given against racial groups in a lower income bracket if the

system is mainly private. Some social security and pension schemes require eligibility standards

which may exclude certain racial groups, especially if related to income or property. We cannot

deny that during this pandemic situation different minorities globally are experiencing racial
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

discrimination in terms of health services, food and housing which leave them no choice but to

fight for survival.

The disadvantaged racial groups interchangeably with minority groups refer to blacks,

-American Indians or Alaska Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiians or other Pacific Islanders, and,

in some cases, Hispanics. Members of these groups have more often been discriminated

against in various social and economic arenas. The Black or African American or called as

Negro or Haitian having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. South Africa is a

colony of the Britishers for a long period. So, all the British who were there as administrators

stayed there for generations and had their offspring and it was considered as a country where

blacks and whites lived together but blacks were like slaves and whites were the ruling people.

They are the disadvantaged racial group or minorities among the races. In America, there are a

number of American blacks, whose origin is from Africa, from where they migrated generations

back and settled there for quite a few centuries. Now they became original population of

America. The American blacks have contributed immensely to the development of the country.

Modern technology through social media and the Internet, images of anti-black violence in

America now instantly circulate globally. Black people in Canada, England and France are

employing the symbolism and language of America’s anti-black racism protests to demand

equality. Across Africa, in countries like Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, in many developing

countries victims of racial discrimination live in conditions of extreme poverty without hope of

obtaining qualifications and, therefore, no opportunity of entering the formal labor market. The
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

case of indigenous peoples who are often remote from where work might be available , poor

women without skills who are exploited in low-paid jobs, including as domestic servants, or who

work out a living in the informal sector. While the Whites or person having origins in any of the

peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. They are usually favoured in terms of

everything because of race, status symbol and power.There are also mixed group. Migration of

these groups caused racial intermixture that caused genetic admixture thereby formulating

mixed racial groups and cause of formation of the new races. Migrants are everywhere in the

world, they move because of work and better living conditions and finally settle in their new

found home. Aside from the racial groups, there are Incumbent leaders who treated people

differently be in economic, social or political aspects in the government that resulted to racial

discrimination. On the other hand, the authorities from International Labour Organization, United

Nations, UNESCO, World Bank are helping the country in combating racial discrimination.

Index Mundi, a comprehensive data portal with country level fact and statistics,

conducted Racial Discrimination Survey which aims to measure how much racism exists in a

given country as perceived by its residents. The question asked: How big of a problem is racial

discrimination in the country where you live? Based on result of survey, South Africa is at the

top followed by Malaysia (2 nd), Guatemala (3rd), Peru (4th), Trinidad and Tobago (5th), Bolivia

(6th), Afghanistan (7th), Saudi Arabia (8th), France (9th) and Brazil completing the top ten

countries. Other countries with the presence of racial discrimination arranged according to their

ranks are Mexico, Greece, United States, Indonesia, Austria, Italy, India, Pakistan, Azerbaijan
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

and Chile. Aside from the twenty (20) countries mentioned, there are still fifty-six (56) more

countries with Rwanda at the bottom.

According to the 2017 survey conducted by SA Institute for Race Relations in South

Africa, on how South African see relations since 1994, survey revealed 60% of the respondents

said that it improved while 16 % showed that it is still the same but 21% of the respondents

revealed that race relation became worse and the remaining 3% said that they don’t’ know

anything. It only shows that those incidence pertaining to racial discrimination like harassment

or insult by using the “k –word to humiliate the Blacks happened in South Africa is not a rainbow

nation and that Whites still have more powers

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) works

with teachers, museums and publishers to try to combat stereotypes that stigmatize individuals

and peoples because of the color of their skin, their origin or their affiliation. At a time of

economic crisis and social uncertainty, “the other” is always a convenient scapegoat, and racial

discrimination a dangerous temptation that manufacturers of hatred know all too well how to

exploit. According to Ms Audrey Azoulay (2020), Director of UNESCO, that recent events this

year have shown all too often, in particular during the COVID-19 crisis, racist ideologies,

hate speech, scapegoating and the deadly acts that result from them continue to jeopardize

world peace. According to the United Nations, racial and ethnic discrimination occur on a daily

basis, hindering progress for millions of people around the world. From denying individuals the

basic principles of equality and non-discrimination to fuelling ethnic hatred that may lead to
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

genocide, racism and intolerance destroy lives and communities. The struggle against racism is

a matter of priority for the international community and is at the heart of the work of the Office of

the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The United Nations has been concerned with this

issue since its foundation and the prohibition of racial discrimination is enshrined in all core

international human rights instruments. It places obligations on States and tasks them with

eradicating discrimination in the public and private spheres. The World Bank (2020), i n the last

few weeks, group’s staff and management have come together to discuss how this organization

can contribute to the movement for more just and fair societies. The heightened global

awareness around racial injustice and systemic racism has sparked valuable discussions about

the need to enhance how we value diversity, dignity, respect, and inclusion. Departments and

teams across the Bank Group have held virtual town hall discussions to allow staff and

management to share their voices and ideas. Staff comments revealed a range of issues, such

as disparities in career paths linked to race/ethnicity, lack of accountability for those who have

perpetrated racist or discriminatory behavior, and other systemic challenges. According to the

World Bank Group President Malpass, what happened to George Floyd is beyond

reprehensible. The scourge of racism is deep and pernicious and must be confronted and

ended. Racial discrimination and social injustice have no place in our institution, our programs,

or any of the communities we work in around the world. According to the International Labour

Organization, failure to deal with racial discrimation in the world of work makes it more difficult

to deal with the challenges posed by the current global financial crisis. Racial discrimination
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

perpetuates income inequalities, stifles development, productivity and competitiveness at the

enterprise level, and ignites political instability


This analysis aims to answer the problem on racial discrimination that continue to exists

and affecting individual/s or racial group around the world . This is a situation where one is

treated differently or unfavorably because of race, skin color, ethnic or national origins,

nationality or citizenship that occurs because of overt prejudice, hostility or negative feelings

held by someone about a racialized person or group in the form of direct or indirect

discrimination, harassment and racial profiling. This is also a problem that restricts and excludes

person/s or racial group from enjoyment of human rights and freedom in the economic, political,

social, and cultural aspect of public life.


Racial discrimination still continue to happen on individual/s or racial groups in the

different parts of the world as evidenced by the result of survey that involves 76 countries with

South Africa on top ranking. And to better understand its existence from centuries to present

day , this analysis aims to analyse the impact of racial discrimination in economy , government

system, society and culture of the minority group. This is also directed in analyzing the effect of

racial discrimination on individual and racial group in the aspect of economic, political and social

life. Towards this, it also targets to solve the problem by considering solutions or options to
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

eliminate the different forms of racial discrimination affecting individual/s belonging to minority

group country-wide that affects the entire world .


This analysis will look into the actors that are involved and identified in the problem of

racial discrimination globally.

The Disadvantaged racial groups  or Minority Group


1.Work for people in different countries and contribute in their development

2.Ability to represent,plan and decide as part of the top management around the world

3.Produce many offsprings from different races that will help understand situations of different



1.Lack knowledge that they become slaves of one or more races in the world

2.Poor skills that make them exploited and deprive of the opportunity to enter labour market in

the world

3.Live in extreme poverty faced with domestic and external concern over the state of its

economy and human rights in the world and lose hope of gaining qualification to work and

have a decent life

Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration


1.Inherit political, economic and social life of colonizers to gain knowledge, attitudes and skills

to have equal footing with all countries and gain world recognition

2.Programs and projects of different organization for racially discriminated people in order to

eliminate/ combat racial discrimination in the world

3.Organize rally or protest for equality in civil rights, political rights and religion as human

beings in different countries


1. Increase unemployment of people in different countries because of color, origin, nationality

and poor skills and policies on qualifications of different companies

2. Victimize by racial profiling that may result to police brutality and extrajudicial killings and

inequality with other races

3. Oppress and harass by people in different countries because of race

The Whites or person having origins in any of the peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North



1.Influence the decision of Politicians , Authority and people as well as government system

globally to favor them and make them powerful and profitable human being in the world
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

2.Dominate people and different minority groups of the government in all aspects of life –

economic, political, social and cultural

3.Own big companies and capitalize in different business ventures around the world


1.Violate human rights that creates differentiation among races that lead to inequalities and

economic slowdown

2.They experience loss in global downturn or economic slowdown that increase unemployment

rate in the world

3.Overt prejudice, hostility or negative feelings about a racialized person or group that result to

racial profiling of individual and chaos around the world


1.Be a crony to Politicians , Authority or Police Officer and businessman and establish good

relations in different governments in the world

2.Influence decision-making in terms of hiring process to create more jobs in private and public

sphere in different countries

3.Can employ people or increase their employment in organizations or company to help the

economy around the globe


1.Decline in economic activity world-wide because of recession and unemployment

Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

2.Large number of anti-black rallyist or political activists in different countries that create chaos

and disturb world peace

3.Lost representation in management and ownership of properties and companies in the world

that will lessen their power



1.Mix with two or more distinct racial groups to enrich culture of different countries

2.Skills, knowledge and drive to bring political or social change in lives of people in in the world

3.Ability to transfer place of their choice around the world for greener pasture and new home


1.Blame for wrong doings that bring anxiety to people in different places around the world

2.Consider as political activists and subject of violent acts that hamper peace and aggrevate

situation in the world as news spread in social media globally

3.Consider as Social Outcasts and be on exile in the different country in the world


1.Change citizenship or nationality to improve living of people and contribute in economy of the


2.Modern technology help spread the news and concerns of the different flight of Migrants in

the world
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

3.Cause genetic admixture and formation of the new races that will breed new generations of

people that will lead the world in peace and equality


1.Disparities in Hiring Process in different companies that increase unemployment rate of

people around the world

2.Unequal treatment of people based on national origins or descent in the world that may lead

to violence and unfair justice system

3.Treatment of people as criminals or asylum or refugees in different countries that result to

depreviation of their public life

Incumbent Leaders


1.Currently holds office in the government to perform duties and responsibilities and lead

people politically , economically and socially in all countries around the world

2.Political skills and will to implement law, programs and projects for the betterment of the world

3.Ability to decide what is deem necessary for the people and government to maintain world



1.Violate the right to dignity of people in a hate speech that can discriminate people and affect

the incumbency or political status of a leader

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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

2.Commit errors in judgment of situation that can lead to global economic downturn

3.Underestimate people that may lead to political downfall in career and in political stability of

countries in the world


1.Influence other world leaders to plan, decide on political matters and invest on economic

programs and projects

2.Influence people to hear, follow and support programs , activities and projects toward

development and improvement of the world

3.Declare all out war against poverty , unemployment and inequality in the world


1.Incumbency is temporary in nature and can be replaced any time by the voice of the people

and political parties in an electoral system

2.Experience global economic problem during incumbency that may lead to end of political

career in the world

3.Underestimate the economic, political and social situations that may lead to world instability

The Authorities from International Labour Organization, United Nations, UNESCO, World Bank


1.Preserve all core international human rights instruments in the world

2.Resist racism as a matter of priority for the international community

Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

3.Work against racial discrimination world-wide


1.Reveal range of issues, such as disparities in career paths linked to race/ethnicity, lack of

accountability in the different parts of the world

2.Heighten global awareness around racial injustice and systemic racism

3.Fail to deal with racial discrimation in the world of work


1.Eradicate discrimination in the public and private spheres in different countries

2.Gather teachers, museums and publishers in the different parts of the world to participate in

the endeavour

3.Come together as one world and contribute to the movement for more just and fair societies

by sharing their voices and ideas


1.Jeopardize world peace

2.Hinders progress for millions of people around the world

3.Deny individuals the basic principles of equality that destroy lives and communities in the

different parts of the world

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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration


There are many moves to eliminate or combat racial discrimination around the

world .The disadvantaged racial groups work for people in different countries and has the ability

to represent, plan and decide as part of the top management. If they will only inherit political,

economic and social life of colonizers to gain more knowledge, good attitudes and rights skills

and produce many offspring from different races with better understanding of their situations

then they will be more competent workers. And with the Migrants’ ability to transfer place of their

choice and mix with two or more distinct racial groups armed with their skills, knowledge, and

drive to bring political or social change in lives of people and enrich culture of countries. If

modern technology spread the news and concerns of the different journey of migrants in the

world, there will no longer social outcasts, criminals or asylum or refugees and political activists.

While the Whites who own big companies that capitalize in different business ventures and

have influence around the world. If they can make the hiring process to be competitive

regardless of race then they can create more jobs in private and public sphere around the

world, employ competent people and encourage share in stocks with all racial group in

organizations. Having the Incumbent Leader who currently holds office in the government
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

because of their political will, skills and ability to decide, implement law, programs and projects

and lead people. If during their incumbency, they will implement laws and call other world

leaders to plan, decide on political matters and invest on economic programs that declare all out

war against poverty, unemployment and inequality in the world, and influence rich and poor

people to hear, follow and support these programs, activities and projects then we can move as

one towards development and improvement politically, economically and socially in all

countries. And with the support of the Authorities from International Labour Organization, United

Nations, UNESCO, World Bank who work against racial discrimination world-wide by preserving

all core international human rights instruments in the world to resist racism as a matter of

priority for the international community. If all organizations will come together and work as one,

then they can contribute to the movement for more just and fair societies through their shard

voices and ideas. There will be no problem of racial discrimination with more knowledge, good

attitudes, right skills, and good habits to eradicate racial discrimination in the public and private

spheres of the world. There will be increase in employment rate, less poverty, equality of

people, boost economy and more progress will put the world in peace.

Alternative courses of actions (ACA)

ACA Advantages Disadvantages

Conduct review of past and 1. Information already exists 1. Time consuming in the

current United Nations’ and accessible review of data

programs and projects on 2. Identify what works well and 2. Divert financial
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

racial discrimination what does not work in the resources away from

United Nations’ programs the program and

and projects projects

3. This will showcase efficiency

and effectiveness of

programs and projects.

4. This will serve as a guide in

future planning and

formulation of better

programs and projects that

will help eradicate racial


5. Enhance quality of program

and projects implementation

Strictly implement 1. Prohibit Police Authorities on 1. Resistance of certain

international policy ,laws racial profiling individual/s in complying

and rules on racial 2. Eliminate police brutalities to policy , rules and law

discrimination and extra judicial killings of on racial discrimination

individual belonging to 2. Distrust of some people

minority group to Law implementer/s

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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

3. Promote peace and order that law will be

worldwide implemented with bias

3. May lead to protest of

some racial group

Improve worldwide tri- 1. Create large audience and 1. Costly in terms of time

media advocacy campaign broaden platforms on and money

advocacy campaigns 2. High risk in failure if not

2. Encourage international properly implemented

cooperation between 3. Wait for the results of

countries to strengthen news, post on page or

advocacy content

3. Uncover and gain valuable

insights from viewers

Improve worldwide campaign 1. Draw global awareness to 1. Lot of challenges in

against racial discrimination improve and help individual educating people

or racial group 2. Lead to protest

2. Create more participation 3. Financial Risk

and better understanding of

the flights of individual or

minority group
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

3. Promote cultural diversity

Improve worldwide Public 1. Ensure the necessary 1. More expensive in

and Private relationship investments into public engaging into Public –

towards innovation and sector and more effective Private relationship

bigger employment public resources 2. Complicated and

opportunities 2. Ensure economic prosperity, comparatively inflexible

social stability of the nation 3. Create tensions

3. Technology alliances and

government funded initiatives

lead to higher quality and



The most appropriate Alternative Course of Action is ACA number 1. It is the most

appropriate and possible way to solve the problem on the current existence of racial discrimination

and its forms from centuries. By conducting review of past and current United Nations’ programs

and projects on racial discrimination, it will help identify what is the most effective program to

eliminate racial discrimination worldwide and reveal flaw that needs improvement.
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Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration


Actions Objective Persons Responsible Time Frame

Establish International To ensure that scope UN Central Head Three (3)

Guidelines on is clear and expected Office ( Human Rights Months

conducting review of timeline for review will Commission)

UN past and present be achieved.


Conduct International To discuss the UN Central Head One (1) week

Conference and Guidelines, gap analysis Office ( Human Rights

Dialogue of UN Focal and other matters Commission)

Persons involved in the pertaining to elimination

elimination of racial of racial discrimination

discrimination Worldwide UN Offices

Incumbent Leaders

Authorities from ILO,

World Bank
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

Conduct of worldwide ● To gather valuable UN Worldwide Offices Six (6)

online survey of insights and Months

Incumbent Leaders
stakeholders and feedback on the

analysis of result of Disadvantaged

Group and Whites
UN programs and

projects worldwide Authorities from ILO,

● To analyze the World Bank &

impact of racial UNESCO

discrimination in



system, society

and culture of the

minority group.

● To analyze the

effect of racial

discrimination on

individual and

racial group in the

Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

aspect of

economic, political

and social life.

Prepare Executive ● To distinguish the UN Central Head One (1) year

Summary Report differences in Office ( Human Rights

based on comparative terms of program Commission)

analysis of UN planning and

programs and projects implementation

implemented ● Identify flaws and

worldwide effectiveness of

UN programs and

Discuss results and ● Aims to answer Office ( Human Rights One (1) year

findings on the the problem on Commission)

International Review of racial
programs and projects
discrimination that
implemented by the Authorities from ILO,
continue to exists
United Nations including World Bank &
and affecting
the conclusion and
individual/s or
recommendations of
racial group
more effective program
Universidad de Manila
Antonio J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila
College of Public Administration

to eliminate racial around the world

discrimination ● Targets to solve the

problem by


solutions or

options to

eliminate the

different forms of





belonging to

minority group

country-wide that

affects the entire


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