Time Domain Frequency Dependent Foundation Impedance Fun PDF

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70


Time-domain representation of frequency-dependent

foundation impedance functions
Erdal Şafak *
US Geological Survey, Pasadena, CA, USA
Accepted 14 August 2005


Foundation impedance functions provide a simple means to account for soil–structure interaction (SSI) when studying seismic response of
structures. Impedance functions represent the dynamic stiffness of the soil media surrounding the foundation. The fact that impedance functions
are frequency dependent makes it difficult to incorporate SSI in standard time-history analysis software. This paper introduces a simple method to
convert frequency-dependent impedance functions into time-domain filters. The method is based on the least-squares approximation of impedance
functions by ratios of two complex polynomials. Such ratios are equivalent, in the time-domain, to discrete-time recursive filters, which are simple
finite-difference equations giving the relationship between foundation forces and displacements. These filters can easily be incorporated into
standard time-history analysis programs. Three examples are presented to show the applications of the method.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Soil–structure interaction; Foundation impedance functions; Seismic response; Discrete–time filters

1. Introduction in standard time-domain dynamic analysis programs, because

they cannot account for the frequency-dependent springs and
It is well known that soil–structure interaction (SSI) is a dashpots.
critical factor influencing response and damage in structures This paper presents a simple method to incorporate SSI in
during earthquakes. The primary effects of SSI on response are standard time-history analysis. The method is based on the
that SSI decreases the dominant frequency of the structure’s approximation of impedance functions by ratios of complex
vibrations, filters the high frequencies in the excitation, and polynomials. Such ratios correspond to transfer functions of
increases damping [1]. Depending on the frequency content of discrete-time recursive filters, which are simple time-domain
the ground shaking, SSI can be detrimental or beneficial for finite-difference equations representing the relationship
structures. SSI becomes detrimental if, because of SSI, the between foundation forces and displacements.
dominant frequency of vibrations becomes closer to the
dominant frequency of ground shaking. For structures 2. Foundation impedance functions
susceptible to SSI (e.g. heavy structures founded on soft
soil), it is important that seismic forces and displacements are Foundation impedance functions represent the dynamic
calculated by considering the effects of SSI, because these stiffness of the soil medium surrounding the foundation. They
quantities are proportional to the square of natural frequency. are defined as the ratio of a harmonic force (or a moment)
A simple way to incorporate SSI in seismic analysis is to applied on the foundation–soil interface to the corresponding
model the stiffness and the damping of the soil around the harmonic displacement (or rotation), without the effects of
foundation by using springs and dashpots. The springs and foundation mass. Impedance functions are dependent not only
dashpots represent the foundation impedance functions, and on the frequency of the excitation, but also on the foundation
geometry and the dynamic characteristics of soil media.
are frequency dependent. This makes it hard to incorporate SSI
The general form of foundation impedance functions can be
described by the following equation
* Tel.: C1 626 583 7223; fax: C1 626 583 7827.
E-mail address: safak@usgs.gov. KðuÞ Z K0 ½K1 ðuÞ C iK2 ðuÞ (1)

0267-7261/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd. K0 is a constant representing the static component of the soil
doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2005.08.004 resistance. K1(u) and K2(u) are the frequency-dependent
66 E. Şafak / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70

stiffness and damping factors, respectively, accounting for the Eq. (5) becomes
dynamic components of soil resistance. If the foundation
YðuÞ b0 C b1 zK1 C/C bn zKn
moves by an amount u(t) relative to the surrounding soil, the HðuÞ Z Z
force, F(t,u), exerted on the foundation by the soil can XðuÞ 1 C a1 zK1 C a2 zK2 C/C am zKm
symbolically be represented as BðzÞ
Z (7)
Fðt; uÞ Z KðuÞuðtÞ (2) AðzÞ
H(u) denotes the complex transfer function of the filter. In
K(u) can be considered as a filter that converts u(t) into F(t,u). order to have a stable filter (i.e. bounded filter output for
For certain foundation types, analytical expressions for K(u) bounded input), the roots pk of the denominator polynomial
have been derived and available in the literature. The handbook
by Sieffert and Cevaer [2] gives a comprehensive summary of 1 C a1 p C a2 p2 C/C am pm Z 0 (8)
all impedance functions published in the relevant literature.
should be inside a unit circle in the complex plane. These roots
are known as the poles of the filter, and for stable systems
(i.e. no negative damping) they are in complex-conjugate pairs.
3. Discrete-time recursive filters

Discrete-time recursive filters are simple finite-difference

4. Matching impedance functions by discrete-time filters
equations that convert a given time series (i.e. input) into
another time series (i.e. output). A discrete-time recursive filter
The foregoing discussions suggest that if we can approxi-
is defined by the following equation
mate the impedance function K(u) as a ratio of two complex
yðtÞ ZKa1 yðtK1ÞKa2 yðtK2ÞK/Kam yðtKmÞ C b0 xðtÞ polynomials, i.e. similar to H(u) in Eq. (7), we can then write
the relationship between u and F (Eq. (2)) by a discrete-time
C b1 xðtK1Þ C b2 xðtK2Þ C/C bn xðtKnÞ (3) recursive filter in a form similar to that given by Eq. (3). This
can be accomplished by using the least-squares approximation
where x(t) and y(t) are the original (i.e. input) and the filtered technique. We determine the parameters aj and bj of the
(i.e. output) signals, respectively, aj and bj denote the filter discrete-time transfer function H(u) such that it is as close to
coefficients, and m and n are the filter orders. For simplicity, the K(u) as possible. This requires the minimization of the
parameter t in Eq. (3) is used to denote time, as well as the time following error function, V
index (i.e. thtD, where D is the sampling interval which is X
assumed to be one). If the filter parameters aj and bj are VZ WðuÞ½HðuÞKKðuÞ2 (9)
constant values, the filter is said to be a time-invariant filter; if
they change with time the filter is called a time-varying filter. where W(u) is the weighting function. The use of weighting
Time-varying filters can be used to represent nonlinear function gives the flexibility of adjusting the precision of the
systems. match between H(u) and K(u) at selected frequencies. The
By using the definitions of Fourier and inverse Fourier filter parameters are determined by making
transforms for discrete signals, we can show that
vV vV
Z 0 and Z0
N vak vbl (10)
If F½xðtÞ Z XðuÞ Z pffiffiffiffi xðtÞeKiut
N for k Z 1; .; m and l Z 1; .; n
tZ1 (4)
then F½xðtKkDÞ Z eKiukD XðuÞ The resulting equations for ak and bl are nonlinear and not
easy to solve, because H(u) is a nonlinear function (i.e. ratio)
where F[x(t)] and X(u) both denote the Fourier transform of of ak and bl. Eq. (9) can be modified such that ak and bl are
x(t), and N is the number of points in x(t). By taking the Fourier obtained iteratively by solving a linear set of equations. The
transform of both sides in Eq. (3), and using Eq. (4), we can modified iterative version of Eq. (9) is given by the following
write the following equation
X WðuÞ
½1 C a1 eKiuD C a2 eK2iuD C/C am eKmiuD YðuÞ Vi Z ½Bi ðuÞKAi ðuÞKðuÞ2 (11)
A iK1 ðuÞ
Z ½b0 C b1 eKiuD C/C bn eKniuD XðuÞ (5) where the subscript i denotes the iteration number. The
coefficients ak and bl are determined iteratively as outlined
or, by defining H(u)ZY(u)/X(u) and below:
1. To start the iteration, assume an initial value for the
AðzÞ Z 1 C a1 zK1 C a2 zK2 C/C am zKm coefficients ak (e.g. all equal to 0.5).
(6) 2. Determine ak and bl for step i by minimizing Vi (use the ak
BðzÞ Z b0 C b1 zK1 C/C bn zKn with z Z eiuD values from the previous step to calculate AiK1).
E. Şafak / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70 67

3. Repeat Step 2 until ak and bl coefficients do not change

significantly in successive steps.
The iteration converges rapidly. More detail on the
procedure can be found in [3–5]. In system identification
theory, these types of problems are known as parametric
identification of transfer functions in the frequency domain.
The paper by Pintelon et al. [6] provides a summary of methods
available for such identifications.
Once the parameters of the discrete-time filter for K(u) is
determined, the spring force F(t), at time step t, simply

FðtÞ ZKa1 FðtK1ÞKa2 FðtK2ÞK/Kam FðtKmÞ C b0 uðtÞ

C b1 uðtK1Þ C b2 uðtK2Þ C/C bn uðtKnÞ ð12Þ

Note that this expression is completely in the time domain. Fig. 2. Gaussian weighting functions applied to impedance functions when
The key point for applications is that, in order to calculate F(t), determining recursive filter coefficients.
we need to save the past m values of F(t) and past n values of
u(t) at every time step. This requires a simple modification in higher frequencies. A Gaussian type weighting function, as
standard time-history analysis routines. shown in Fig. 2, have resulted in satisfactory matches for all the
A practical problem during applications is the selection of examples given in the paper.
filter orders, m and n. Generally, the term filter order refers to
the parameter m only, because the results are less sensitive to n.
There are no clear-cut rules for the selection of m. The higher 5. Numerical examples
the filter order, the better the match. However, too high m
values may result in unstable filters. A simple procedure for We will present three examples to show the applications of
determining the optimal m value is to plot the variation of the methodology.
estimation error (parameter V in Eq. (9)) with increasing values Example 1: circular surface foundation on homogenous soil
of m. Typically, V would show a sharp initial decay with media
increasing m, and then level off, as schematically shown in The first example is the horizontal impedance of a circular
Fig. 1. The leveling off in V suggests that further increases in m foundation on the surface of a homogenous soil media (uniform
do not provide any more improvements in the match, and half-space) as shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal impedance
therefore the m value at which V starts to level off can be function for this foundation is given by the following
considered as the optimal m value.
Numerical tests on the methodology have shown that for
uniform, or close to uniform, weighting functions W(u), the
identified filter tends strongly to match the higher frequencies
of K(u), but not the lower frequencies. Thus, it was found
necessary to use a weighting function that de-emphasizes

Fig. 1. Estimation of optimal model order m by observing the decay of Fig. 3. Circular foundation on a homogenous medium, and the components of
matching error with increasing model order. impedance function for horizontal motions.
68 E. Şafak / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70

equation ([7]) Such an expression can easily be incorporated in structural

time-history analysis programs to account for SSI.
KðuÞ Z K0 ½Rða0 Þ C ia0 Cða0 Þ Example 2: rectangular foundation embedded in hom-
ur 8Gr (13) ogenous soil media
where a0 Z and K0 Z The second example involves the rocking impedance of a
Vs 2Kn
rectangular foundation embedded in homogenous soil media,
K0 is the static stiffness; G, Vs, and n are, respectively, the shear as schematically shown in Fig. 5. The impedance function is
modulus, shear wave velocity, and Poisson’s ratio of the soil; given in [8], and can be expressed similarly as in the previous
and r denotes the radius of the circular foundation. For the example ([2]):
numerical values: rZ10 m, VsZ400 m/s, and nZ0.3, the
variations of R(a0) and C(a0) with the non-dimensional uB
KðuÞZ K0 ½Rða0 Þ C ia0 Cða0 Þ with a0 Z (16)
frequency a0Zur/Vs are plotted in Fig. 3. Vs
By observing the decay of filter error with increasing m, the
optimal filter orders were found to be mZ2 and nZ1. Using For square footings with D/B%2, the static stiffness for
the least-squares criterion and a Gaussian weighting function rocking is
the filter parameters were determined to be a1Z0.3097,   2 
a2Z0.4479, b0Z11.2140, and b1ZK9.4717. Therefore, the GB3 D D
K0 Z 4:38 1 C 0:98 C 1:13 (17)
discrete-time transfer function that matches the foundation 1Kn B B
impedance is:
The dynamic stiffness factors R(a0) and C(a0) are plotted in
11:2140K9:4717zK1 Fig. 5 against the non-dimensional frequency a0ZuB/Vs,
HðuÞ Z K0 (14)
1 C 0:3097zK1 C 0:4479zK2 assuming BZ15 m, DZ10 m, LZ30 m, VsZ400 m/s, and
The comparisons of the amplitude and phase spectra of The optimal filter orders were found to be mZ6, nZ5, and
H(u) and K(u) are given in Fig. 4. Note that the horizontal axis again a Gaussian weighting function was used to determine the
denotes the frequency in radians, not the dimensionless filter parameters by least-squares minimization. The identified
frequency. Although only a second-order filter is used the filter parameters are given in Fig. 6, along with the plots that
match is very good. A more complex impedance function show the comparisons of the amplitude and phase spectra of
would have required a higher-order filter. With the filter H(u) and K(u). The identified discrete-time filter model
identified, we can now calculate the soil reaction, F(t), on the compares very well with the original frequency-domain model.
foundation due to any foundation displacement relative to the
soil, u(t), as
FðtÞ ZK0:3097FðtK1ÞK0:4479FðtK2Þ

C K0 ½11:2140uðtÞK9:4717uðtK1Þ (15)

Fig. 4. Comparison of frequency and time-domain horizontal impedance

functions for a circular foundation on a homogenous medium, assuming a
second-order discrete time filter (mZ2, nZ1), and the calculated filter Fig. 5. Rectangular foundation embedded in a homogenous medium, and the
coefficients. components of the impedance function for rocking motions.
E. Şafak / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70 69

Fig. 6. Comparison of frequency and time-domain rocking impedance functions

Fig. 8. Comparison of frequency and time-domain horizontal impedance
for a rectangular foundation embedded in a homogenous medium, assuming a
functions for a circular foundation on a layered medium, assuming a fourth-
sixth-order discrete time filter (mZ6, nZ5), and the calculated filter
order discrete time filter (mZ4, nZ3), and the calculated filter coefficients.

Example 3: circular foundation on the surface of layered soil where x denotes the damping ratio in the soil layer. The static
media stiffness is given as
The third example presents the horizontal impedance of a
circular foundation on the surface of a soil layer over bedrock, 8Gr  r 
K0 Z 1C (19)
as schematically shown in Fig. 7. The impedance function for 2Kn 2H
this case is given in [9,10], and can be expressed in the
following form ([2]) The dynamic stiffness factors R(a0) and C(a0) are plotted
in Fig. 7 for xZ0.05 against the non-dimensional frequency
Kðu; xÞZ K0 ½Rða0 ; xÞ C ia0 Cða0 ; xÞð1 C 2ixÞ a0Zur/Vs, assuming H/rZ2, rZ10 m, VsZ100 m/s, and
ur (18) The variation of filter prediction error with filter parameters
with a0 Z
Vs showed two possible sets of optimal model orders: mZ4, nZ3,
and mZ8, nZ7. Again, using a Gaussian weighting function,
the filter parameters were identified for both sets. The
comparisons of the amplitude and phase spectra of H(u) and
K(u) for each set of model orders, along with the numerical
values of the filter parameters are given in Figs. 8 and 9.

Fig. 9. Comparison of frequency and time-domain horizontal impedance

Fig. 7. Circular foundation on a layered medium, and the components of functions for a circular foundation on a layered medium, assuming an eighth-
impedance function for horizontal motions. order discrete time filter (mZ8, nZ7), and the calculated filter coefficients.
70 E. Şafak / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 26 (2006) 65–70

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