Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) : Research Topic

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Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

Research Topic

Finding the reason of reduction of market share from 25% to 15% for
Product-CP since last three years for Company-M

Course Name: Research Methodology

Course Code: BUS 8508

Mid Term Exam: Research Proposal

Submitted To

Dr. Shah Md Ahsan Habib

Director [Training], BIBM
Instructor –Business Research
Faculty of Business Studies

Submitted By

Mohshin Habib Moquit

ID-Ev 18018033
Sec-A, MBA Professional
7 th Aug 2020

Company-M is very famous in consumer product market. Our Company-M is

selling Consumer Product-CP since last 10 years targeting all classes of consumers
of all ages. The company has 4 competitors from the day of the initiation of the
operation, and prices of all the companies vary slightly to sell their closely
substitute or differentiated product. Since last three years, the sales of CP of our
company started decreasing and market share reduced from 25% to 15% which is
very rapid reduction of market share. By this we lost BDT 50 crore within these
three years.
If thinks happens like this we could also lose the market share of closely substitute
of Product-CP along with losing more market share of Product-CP which must not
So, now immediately we have to find out the root cause of this drastic fall of
market share and solve it.
Research Questions:

1. Which company is leading now?

2. Why people are buying their products rather then buying ours?

3. Which areas and aged people are more prone to buy other products?

4. What are the competitors current marketing strategies?


1. To address the current market leader

2. To analyze the reason why people are buying their products

3. To understand the difference between market leader and our current

marketing strategies
Research design: Structure or the way to find the answers of those research
Research Objectives Information Research Tasks to be
Question Required Methods to be performed
Question-1 To address Name of the Primary data to 1.Make the
the perfect most market be collected questionnaire to
Which company share holding from the be asked to the
competitor company wholesalers wholesaler
has taken our
s along with and our sales
share with their 2.Fix the
their market managers
meeting with our
percentage? share
sales managers
and ask the

Question-2 To Variance Primary data to 1.Make the

understand among the be collected questionnaire to
Why people are color, size, from the be asked to the
peoples test and wholesaler and wholesaler
buying others
interest distribution our sales
products rather 2.Fix the
system of our managers
meeting with our
then buying products
sales managers
ours? according to
rivals and ask the

Which areas and

aged people are
more prone to
buy other

Question-4 For the Strength, Primary data to 1.Input the data

SWOT weaknesses, be collected in the Porter’s
What are the analysis of opportunity from the Five Forces
competitors our and threats market and our Model and
company for product- marketing interpret it
current for CP of our managers
marketing Product-CP company

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