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Integrative Narrative of Theory of Treatment and Logic Model Sample Comments

Sample Comments for students who receive an A/A-, B+/B, B-/C+, C/C- on this assignment.

A/A- B/B+ B-/C+ C/C-

Introduction: You stated your You stated your You stated your You did not state
Clearly articulate POP and POP and POP clearly, but your POP or
your POP, salient intervention intervention your statement intervention
needs assessment clearly and you clearly, but you lacked research clearly.
findings and your included lacked research support. The
proposed research support. statement
intervention. support. related to your
intervention was
Discuss your Logic Your logic Your logic Your logic Your logic model
Model narrative: model narrative model narrative model narrative narrative
Specify the logic described the described your described your described your
model for your POP main sections of inputs, outputs, inputs, outputs, inputs, outputs,
intervention by your logic and outcomes. and outcomes. and outcomes.
clearly articulating model, aligned However, the However, one of However, one of
the inputs, activities, to your LM description of your LM your LM
participants, figure, and was some of the components was components was
outputs, and clearly written. components are not addressed. not addressed.
outcomes (short, still very general
medium, and and needs more
longterm). detail.
Logic Model figure Your logic Your logic Your logic Your logic model
model was easy model was easy model was was unclear and
See examples of to understand to understand unclear or you you were missing
detailed logic models even before even before were missing or or you mislabeled
below. reading your reading your mislabeled a a component in
narrative and narrative, but I component in your model.
included would like you your model.
specifics. to provide more
Comparison of ToT Your Your Your You lacked a
and Logic Model: comparison comparison comparison comparison
Compare your between the between the between the between your
Theory of Treatment theory of theory of theory of theory of
and Logic Model for treatment and treatment and treatment and treatment and
your dissertation logic model was logic model was logic model was logic model.
intervention. Focus clear. I can see clear. I can see unclear.
especially on the the overlap the overlap
similarity/difference between the two between the two
s of key components figures. I liked figures, but
and outcomes. that you pulled there was still
in information one difference
from Leviton not addressed.
and Lipsey in
this discussion.
Logic Model You discussed You mentioned You mentioned You mentioned
Revision: Discuss many different that there is no that there is no that there is no
how you need to ways you could need to revise need to revise need to revise
revise (or how you revise your logic your logic your logic your logic model,
already revised) model given model or model; however, but didn’t explain
your logic model in your theory of mention a you are still your reasoning.
light of the theory of treatment and general change, missing key
treatment and the information and but you are details and clear
Leviton and Lispsey supported these missing key support for your
article. changes with details and clear outcomes. You
information support for your did not pull
from the opinion. You information
Leviton and did pull in some from Leviton
Lipsey reading. information and Lipsey for
from Leviton this section.
and Lipsey for
this section.
Overall writing No grammatical A few Some Many
(Grammar, APA, and APA errors. grammatical and grammatical and grammatical and
clarity) APA errors. APA errors. APA errors.

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