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A man walks down the street. First – we see his shoes; then his gloved hand holding a satchel.
We stay with his walk for a short while. There is no heist in his pace, but neither does he linger,
he knows his destination. Soon, still in motion, the man walks out from the shot.


The same man knocks on the door of a house. The knock has a specific sequence, it’s a code.


Another man looks through the window; his gaze is all around, searching for something
outside. No doubt, he heard the knocks. He doesn’t budge towards the door, still looking
through the window until the outside man gives the door the same knocking sequence again.
Still hesitating, the window man goes to the door.

He opens it widely and without pause, he knew who was behind it. Without hesitance, the
outside man enters.

THE NEWCOMER (heading towards the kitchen)

I wonder how you didn’t go nuts in all these years, being constantly paranoid and all.

WINDOW MAN (heading back towards the window and looking again through it)
In this line of work, you should admire me still being alive Spence, (stepping away from the
window) not question my sanity.

Yeah. Whatever. (putting the white satchel on the table) Got your favorite here, fried chicken
with extra hot sauce.

WINDOW MAN (sitting down beside the table and massaging his temples)
(with a sigh) Yeah…a shame our favorite things are the ones killing us.

SPENCE (already munching on something)

You mean all this crap about fast food being bad for your health?

WINDOW MAN (opening his own food)

It’s not crap, it’s true.

Whatever. It tastes good.

WINDOW MAN (eyeing Spence)

So taste is the only parameter by which you choose your food? (slightly amused) I have to say,
I'm quite sorry to hear that.
SPENCE (defensively)
Hey, I don’t think on life as deeply (gesturing air quotes) as you, ok? It’s so happens, that I have
crazy metabolism, and I can’t cook. I’m hungry; I eat, if it's shit what I'm eating, well too bad. I
don’t have a solution for this problem, so what's the fuckin' point of givin' a fuck?

WINDOW MAN (eating with no enthusiasm)

(amused) You know, I envy you in a way.

SPENCE (munching, not caring about etiquette)

Why’s that?

Well, we, intellectuals, tend to overcomplicate things and life in general. And while awareness
of our intellectual superiority over the best part of our friends, family and, in my case, the
people I kill – gives us a certain amount of psychological satisfaction, we are still confronted
with the daily choices that are far easier to make for people who…just don’t think as much as
we do.

SPENCE (munching)
Ok, (licking his fingers) let me ask you this, Nitzske…

Nietzsche, I believe you’re trying to pronounce Nietzsche.

Whatever (uncaringly). How come, that you, being this (mimicking Spanish or Italian) smarto-
intellectualo-brain-badassio (the window man is chuckling), didn’t end up being some kind of
academic professor prick, or some sort of Elon Musk rip off, and instead, you’re just kidnapping
dumb fucks and offing them in crappy old house basements.

WINDOW MAN (half amused, half sad)

Good question. I guess I am a pseudo-intellectual.

I don’t know what that means, but it sounds about right. Speaking of dumb fucks in basements,
(looking in the direction of the basement) how’s ours’ doing?

WINDOW MAN (looking too at the basement door)

His shock is finally fading, the bowels loosened and the long overdue stinky dump is in the same
bucket with the piss. Oh, and, (smiling) It’s your turn to take out the trash by the way.

Oh, fuckin’ fuck! Why are they always shitting on my shift?!

Window Man stands up.

Ok. Time for work. Let’s go.


[Black screen]
Somebody switches a light on. A man sits on the cold floor, his hands are tied to the frame of a
metal shelve, a black hood over his head. The sound of the switch gives him a start. Hearing
steps towards him, he tries to straggle away, but his back thumps into the metal frame behind

PRISONER (muttering)

The window man removes the black hood off the prisoner's head. A pale face appears from
under it, eyes wide and bulging. He stares into two masked faces.

WINDOW MAN (blandly)

Good night, Mr. Mathews.

MATHEWS (voice trembling)

Who are you?! What do you want from me?!

WINDOW MAN (approvingly)

Straight to business I see. That's good.

Who the hell are you?!

That’s not relevant. All you have to know, is that we’ve been employed by a person to whom
you've recently caused a great deal of physiological pain (Spence is amused. He is familiar with
the window man's routine). In addition to that, you have also stolen from the personal safe of
that same person a considerable amount of currency; to be exact, an amount of 90.360 US
dollars, (pausing) mostly in 100 dollar bills.

As the prisoner listens, his face gives way to recognition and shock.

MATHEWS (trying to sound bemused)

Guy's...I... it's ridiculous! I have no clue what you're talking about!

Gotta work on your facial expressions, fuck-face!

WINDOW MAN (without taking his eyes from the prisoner and speaking in a very supportive
Easy, Spence. The man is scared and confused. It’s only natural he is protective of the truth.
Give him a chance.

Wha...I'm not lying! I'm... I'm telling the truth, I hurt nobody, got me confused with
somebody else!

WINDOW MAN (raising two fingers)

That's two attempts Mr. Mathews, the only ones I'm willing to forgive, given the stressful
situation you're in. (More serious) But no more, Mr. Mathews. The third time you speak, it has
to be a confession, so that we can move on. (The prisoner starts to speak, but Window Man
interrupts him) Should you refuse, we won't torture you. Under torture, even an innocent man
will confess to something he did not do. But! We have other ways Mr. Mathews, worst ways.
Ways, I, in all honesty confess, would rather not resort to. But I will, if I have to. So, take 10
more seconds, breath out, (gesturing extravagantly with the hand) and let's hear it.

I swear to you people. I'm not who you think I am! I really don't know what you are saying...

WINDOW MAN (in a sudden move)

The hard way it is then.

MATHEWS (pleading and frightened)

No, no!! Please! I swear I...

I want to show you something.

The window man reaches into his pocket and extracts a pair of photos. He turns both of them in
his hands and shows them to the prisoner.

MATHEWS (terrified)
What is this? No! What the fuck?! You leave them alone! You fucking bastards! I’m gonna kill

Spence chuckles.

You’ve got quite a peach of a wife, Ronnie. I always was into brunettes. And your daughter is
cute too. How old is she? Six? Seven? I think I’ll give them a visit and return to you with some
crispy details. (laughing)

MATHEWS (plunging towards the man)

Bastards! I’m gonna kill ya!!!

Window Man slaps the prisoner, hard.

Well look at our little hero here! (mockingly) Scowling and baring his milk teeth to us. (He grabs
the prisoner’s head with both hands) You have to look at the facts, Ronnie-boy! Are you that
dumb that I need to describe them to you? Listen then! Your ass is tied to a metal frame. Your
only company are two guys that abduct, extort and kill people for a living! And your only choice
is this, either tell us where the money are - and we let you go; (Ronnie lowers his eyes; Window
Man shakes his head and forces him to look back at him) OR! Keep your mouth shut, be a hero
and see how badly your family suffers for your stupidity! Now, you haven’t seen our faces, think
about it, we can still let you go if you play ball; and your family will be alright.

Window man releases Ronnie’s head with a push. Then he leans closer to the prisoner.

So, what’s it going to be?

MATHEWS (defeated and close to crying)

Alright…I…I’ll tell you. Just…please don’t hurt’em.

The window man tilts his head and says nothing. He’s expecting an answer.

I hid them inside a green tool box…in my mother’s garage.

You sure? Your mom died, means most probably the house is empty. My man will head there. If
he checks and tells me you lied…

It’s there! I swear, it’s there!

Ok. Calm down. No reasons to be afraid if you’re cooperating.

Window man turns towards Spence. Call him, green light for the mother’s house. Spence nods
and goes up the stairs, exiting the basement. Window Man turns towards Mathews.

We still have something very important to take care of Mr. Mathews.

Mathews is hesitant. Window Man reaches into his pocket and takes out a cell-phone.

Your wife called, three times. It’s been four hours since your abduction. She worries, she’s a
good wife. I need you to call her and tell her you forgot your phone at your regular café. Tell
her you found it missing during your meeting, I know you head one planned today at 03:00 pm.
One of my associates took upon the role of your secretary and rescheduled it, but she doesn’t
know (Mathews is shocked again). After the meeting you drove back to the café and retrieved
the phone. Can you do that, Mr. Mathews?
MATHEWS (reluctantly)

WINDOW MAN (very seriously, yet, in a way, sympathetically)

Do I need to tell of the consequences your loved ones will suffer should you try to even hint to
your wife about your current situation?

MATHEWS (some kind of irrational hope vanishing from his eyes)


The window man dials a number on Mathews’ phone and presses it to his ear. A woman’s voice


Hi, baby.

Baby! Are you alright? I called you three times! Is something wrong?

Mathews’ gaze meets Window Man’s; his face expressionless, cold and stony. For a moment,
Mathews lost himself, but then he spoke.

Oh, yeah, that’s why I’m calling. It’s…it’s really stupid actually (laughing uncomfortably), I forgot
my phone at my favorite coffee joint! (voice slightly trembling) Then I went to my meeting. I
discovered I forgot it, but I couldn’t just leave, you know. So, I drove soon after it was over. I’m
sorry, baby, I made you worry.

Thank God, Ronnie. Goodness, I thought something bad happened you; (she laughs) like
somebody kidnapped you or something (focusing on both men’s eyes again).

MATHEWS (trying to laugh too)

Don’t be ridiculous. I’m ok, baby.

So, when are you coming home?

Mathews looks questioningly at Window Man. The man shows him two fingers.

Ahm…in about two hours I guess.

Oh, why so late, baby?
Well, I still got some stuff to care of. I’ll try to be fast, I promise.

You better, ‘cause we won’t eat dinner without you! If your family starves, it’s going to be your
fault, you hear me Ronnie Mathews?

MATHEWS (tears in his eyes)

Yeah…yeah, I hear you, baby.

I love you, gummy bear

I love you too, jellybean. I’ll be home soon. Give Marry a kiss for me.

The window man closes the call.

I am impressed. There were some rickety moments, but overall, pretty good.

Spence comes down.

SPENCE (to Window Man)

Our guest is here.


The window man stands up and puts the black hood back over Mathews’ head.

Wait! Wait! You said you’d let me go!

I’m a man of my word Mr. Mathews. Have a little patience. A soon as my man confirms he’s got
the money; you’ll be as free as a bird in the sky.

The two men exit the basement.


Both men head towards the door.

Anything wrong with her knocking sequence?
A bit hesitant, but it definitely wasn’t the alarm sequence we taught her. I think she’s just
nervous as hell.

Ok. Now the hard part begins. Masks on. And keep your mouth shut.

They both put on their masks on. Window Man nods to Spence, and the latter half-opens the
door. A woman stands behind it. Staying in the dark, Spence hastily motions her in. She enters,
Spence closing the door behind her, fast.

The woman has quiet an awkward manner. It is obvious that what she does and what she plans
to do is something completely out of the ordinary for her. She’s fidgeting and uneasy.

Well, here I am. Where’s my...prize.

Both men look at each other. Window Man points at the basement door. They head towards it.
Spence opens the door and goes down the stairs first. The woman hesitates and looks at the
masked Window Man. The man nodes in the direction Spence went (he won’t turn his back to
her, no matter how inexperienced and innocent she appears to be).


Three people enter the basement.

MATHEWS (voice muffled because of the hood on his head)

Hello? Did they find it? I told you the truth; you know that now, right?

Somebody turns the light on. The Window Man removes the hood from the prisoner’s head.
Mathews is a little confused, the light too bright for his dilated pupils freshly from under the
hood. Then he focuses on the woman, not truly believing what he sees.

Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!

THE WOMAN (smiling coldly)

Hi, honey.

I told you where the money is, why did you have to bring her?!

The woman jolts towards Mathew’s and slaps him on the face, hard. Mathews wails.

Because, I wanted to do this, and not only.
She throws back one of her high heeled legs and kicks the man in the stomach. He wails again.

Jesus fuck!

He looks at the men behind her, silently pleading them to stop her. She bends over, bringing
her face closer to his.

THE WOMAN (with cruel satisfaction)

I wanted to take a closer look at you, and see what a pathetic, little wimp you are. See the real
you, Tommy, or should I say, Ronnie?!

She punches him in the nose with her fist. Mathews screams in pain and his nose starts to
bleed. The woman winces too, she hurt her hand. She grabs her wrist, massaging it.

THE WOMAN (cursing silently)


MATHEWS (still whimpering)

Meg...Meg, please. I'm sorry.

Meg blinks, her face becoming a mixture of surprise, amusement and anger. The latter emotion
taking over the other ones.

You're what?! Sorry? You say you're sorry?! (pausing and looking away for a second) You know
what, Tommy, (grabbing his face) you take you're apologies (hands sliding upwards, grabbing
him by the hair and pulling it hard) and shove them up your dick-hole!! You wouldn't be giving
me your sorry-ass apologies if you knew what you took from me!

Mathews' head is tilted to the left because Megan still holds him by the hair.

MATHEWS (out of breath)

Megan, Megan, please...listen to me. I already told these men where the money is. I didn't
spend much, it's almost all there...I swear!

The woman let's go of Mathews' hair and he falls to the floor. For a brief moment she just
stares at him. Her eyes are full of hate, she wants to hurt him, very badly, but she doesn't have
the knowledge, nor the tools. In frustration, she turns away from Mathews, and looks at the
two masked men.

MEGAN (with a super friendly voice)

Do you guys, like...have a hammer maybe, or something like that?

First the two men exchange glances, then both shake their heads.

MEGAN (disappointed)
She turns back towards Mathews, thinking of what else to say to him, but then she turns back.

MEGAN (quite cutely)

Please? Please help me out here, I...I just need to hurt him, real bad...but my fists are
tender. Please, something to hit stupid ass with? Anything!

The two men are lost, just glancing at each other again. Then one of them (Spence) starts to
look around. He raises a finger to Megan as if to say "just a second". Eagerly, he jumps up the
stairs, exiting the basement. The second man (Window Man) shakes his head in disapproval, as
if to say "what an idiot".

Megan and Window Man stare at each other. She's eyeing him with an innocent enthusiasm.
On the background, Mathews wails and cries.

Me...Megan, please…I'm sorry...

Suddenly, Megan's face turns violent again. She turns to Mathews and starts kicking him in the





told you


to keep






to yourself!!

Megan starts to pace back and forth, furious. She throws both of her arms up.

Spence appears from upstairs, holding a piece of thick wood. Megan didn't notice him yet. She
still paces, this time, bringing her big and index fingers together on each hand.

Oohmmm! Oohmmm!

Spence is looking questioningly at Window Man. The other just shrugs and shakes his head.

Oh! You found something!

Spence approaches and hands her the piece. She happily accepts it and hugs him.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Peering from her shoulder towards Window Man, he awkwardly pat's her on the back. She lets
him go and turns back to Mathews.


Oh God!

...where were we!

MATHEWS (shrinking)
No! Please! Megan! No!

A phone rings. Window Man pulls it out of the pocket. He presses the "accept call" option and
brings it to his ear, saying nothing. Four seconds later his phone is back in the pocket. Window
Man picks a small notebook and pen, writes something on the paper. He approaches Megan
and shows it to her. The note says: "Money Found - 89.090".

MEGAN (looking at the note)

What's the point of stilling money, Tommy, If you're not gonna spend it?

MATTHEWS (looking at the Window Man, hope in his eyes)

You found the money! See? - I told you the truth! You are going to let me go now, right?!

The Window Man says nothing.

MEGAN (very amused)

What? Let you go? (clutching the piece of wood tighter). Let you go?
She looks and the Window Man, then back at Mathews. Suddenly, she throws her head in wild

Hahah...Oh, you! (pointing at the Window Man) Nice one! Hahaha…You really made a joke on
him! (She raises her palm high, facing the Window Man) Give me five!

The Window Man doesn't return it. Instead, he shows her a watch and taps a finger on it.

Understanding his meaning, Megan clears her throat, and before turning back towards
Mathews, she puts a smile on her face.

Here’s the deal, Ronnie (deliberately putting scorn in his real name). You! - are not going


He raises a hand as she approaches with the piece of wood.


You (hiting him hard on the hand with the weapon, probably shattering something)

are going to pay

(a hit on the leg)

in full

(a hit on the other leg)

for what

(another hit lands on his shoulder)


(hits him in the stomach)


MATHEWS (crying in pain)

Jesus fucking Christ!!! It’s all there, the money is there…I’ll pay back what I took! I’ll pay it back!
I’ll fix it! Please!

Megan stops, shaking.

You bastard, you fucking bastard. Everything you did to me (voice rising), you fucked me up so
badly, you made such a wreck out of me…and you…you have absolutely no clue about it.

MATHEWS (his hand bloody, his legs and shoulders bruised)

What…what did I do?

Megan pauses, looks lost in thought. Mathews, afraid, hurt and shaking. In a sudden and final
move, Megan brings the piece of wood down on Mathews’ face. He yelps, his mind a blur,
blood trickling over his face. The woman straightens and lets the piece of wood fall to the floor.

What you did to me?

She goes down on her knees, close to his face.

First you seduced me; you made me love you. Then you fucked me, on regular basis. And after
every round of masterful, brain-shattering, hot, sweaty reproduction-process with the usage of
strawberry condoms – I told you all my secrets. You know every and each of my fears. You
know what makes me laugh, what makes my knees tremble; you know I hate flowers and that
Jagger is my favorite singer. You know things about my childhood that even my sister doesn’t,
like my attempt to masturbate with honey and how badly it went (Spence and Window Man
glance at each other with wide eyes). You know the color of my first vibrator and that
sometimes I don’t ware underwear just for the sake of the experience. I told you about my first
crush and that you were my true second. You killed the spider that scared me shitless and
declared yourself my knight in shining armor, I named you Sir. Lovable Idiot. (pause) Then I told
you about the money my step-dad, for some reason, left me in his will. I told you about my
sister’s illness; about how I was going to sell the rest of my jewelry and apartment to get the
sum we needed for the treatment. (another pause) Well, I did sell my apartment, and my
jewelry. But I wasn’t nearly enough to save my sister. She died, by the way, a month ago. And I
paid everything I had left, for two men to find the person who fucked me, tricked me into
adoring him to death, and then, one day, disappeared with the money I told him about,
knowing about my sister’s condition.

Megan I…

Megan puts her index finger over his lips.

Shhh. I know what the funny part is? You still had to ask “what did I do?”. You don’t even
remember. I guess I should thank you. I had my doubts Tommy. But this fucking question of
yours, it made my mind.

As he tries to speak she presses her lips to his in a goodbye. Just as suddenly, she stands up
and goes away.
MATHEWS (pleading)
Maegan, please!

As she walks past the two men, she tells them without looking back:

Do it.

Window Man looks at Spence and nods towards Megan, as if to say “watch her”. Then he walks
towards Mathews, ignoring the man’s pleads of mercy.

Please! You said you’d let me go! I have a family! You said you’d let…

Window Man steps behind Mathews, a garrote appearing in his hands. He throws it over
Mathews’ head. The prisoner immediately losing his breath, “mercy” dying mid-word on his
lips. Ronnie body shakes wildly, his head jerks in all directions, but his tied hands makes
Window Man’s work too easy. A short time after, Mathews stops flinching, he is dead.


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