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ISSN 2470-4059


Retrospective Study

Increased Epulis Gravidarum Prevalence in Women with

Both Nasal and Oral Symptoms
Maria Cristina Cristi, MD1; Valeria Gambacorta, MD2*; Alfredo Di Giovanni, MD2; Simona Pindozzi, MD3; Luigi Tassi, MD3;
Paradiso Daniele, MD4; Giampietro Ricci, MD1,2
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Perugia, Italy
Department of Surgery and Biomedical Science Section of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Foligno, Italy
Department of Dentistry, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Perugia, Italy

Corresponding author

Valeria Gambacorta, MD
Medical doctor, Resident, Department of Surgery and Biomedical Science Section of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Perugia, Perugia 06132, Italy;
Tel. +393204794042; E-mail:

Article information
Received: March 28th, 2019; Revised: April 11th, 2019; Accepted: April 15th, 2019; Published: April 17th, 2019

Cite this article

Cristi MC, Gambacorta V, Di Giovanni, et al. Increased epulis gravidarum prevalence in women with both nasal and oral symptoms. Otolaryngol Open J. 2019;
5(1): 18-21. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-5-154

Hormonal variations during pregnancy are frequently linked with functional mucosal alterations both at oral and nasal level. Clini-
cal manifestations of this mucosal involvement can be described generally as pregnancy rhinitis and pregnancy stomatitis and
gingivitis. The sexual hormones produced during pregnancy have an important role in the development of rhinitis and gingivitis.
Epulis gravidarum affects about 5-10% of pregnant, being defined as a hyperplastic and inflammatory lesion which origins from
the buccal mucosa and mainly from gingival tissues.
To define whether the coexistence of nasal and oral symptoms should be considered as a major risk factor for the development
of epulis gravidarum.
Materials and Methods
From November 2010 to January 2017, 228 pregnant women were examined during the weeks of gestation, two and four months
after partum. They underwent a clinical examination at enrollment (t0), after 2 months (t1), at ninth month of gestation (t2), 2
months after childbirth (t3) and 4 month after childbirth (t4). Were also administered two anamnestic questionnaires concerning
the risk factors and nasal and oral symptoms. Patients were divided into 4 groups according to the symptoms of questionnaires:
Group A, including women with no nasal and oral risk; Group B, including women with nasal symptoms and no oral involvement;
Group C, including pregnant women with oral symptoms and no nasal involvement; and Group D including women with both
oral and nasal involvement.
Results and Conclusion
Our study reveals a statistic significative difference (p=0.01) between the frequency of epulis in pregnant women presenting only
gingival symptoms (Group C) compared to those which manifest simultaneously nasal and gum symptoms (Group D). In fact,
our results seem to suggest that pregnant women who present both nasal and gum symptoms have an increased risk of develop-
ing epulis.

Epulis gravidarum; Pregnancy rhinitis; Stomatitis; Gingivitis; Nasal secretion; Nasal blockage; Gum lesion.

cc Copyright 2019 by Gambacorta V. This is an open-access article distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0),

which allows to copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and reproduce in any medium or format, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited.
Retrospective Study | Volume 5 | Number 1| 18
Otolaryngol Open J. 2019; 5(1): 18-21. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-5-154


H ormonal variations during pregnancy are frequently linked

with functional mucosal alterations both at oral and nasal
level.1,2 Although a specific pathophysiological mechanism respon-
From November 2010 to January 2017, 228 pregnant women in
different gestational ages, aged 24 to 40, were evaluated by ears,
nose, and throat (ENT) visit and dental examination. Patients were
sible of this correlation has not yet been defined, an important administered two anamnestic questionnaires concerning the risk
role is likely played by increasing plasma sex steroid hormone lev- factors and nasal (Table 1), and oral symptoms (Table 2). Clinical
els during pregnancy, whose effect on periodontium2 and on nasal examination, conducted by a specialist Otorhinolaryngologist and
mucosa3-5 is well demonstrated. Recent researches have shown that by a dentist, was designed to assess the integrity of the nasal and
increasing blood levels of oestrogen and progesterone during preg- gingival mucosa, congestion of the same, the quantity and quality
nancy are responsible for the gingivitis progression.2-4 Accordingly, of nasal secretions, the presence of gum hyperemia in the absence
rhinitis may be caused by several substances and hormones secret- of prosthetic bed sore, gum bleeding, pain and/or tenderness of
ed during pregnancy (porcine growth hormone (PGH), vasoactive the gums to acupressure or tenderness to percussion of teeth, de-
intestinal polypeptide (VIP), oestrogen, progesterone), leading to velopment of epulis (Table 3). The clinical examination was per-
changes in the nasal mucosa.5 However, in most cases, these alter- formed at enrollment (t0), after 2 months (t1), at ninth month of
ations are reversible at the end of the pregnancy.2-5 Clinical mani- gestation (t2) (when possible), and 2 and 4 months after childbirth
festations of this mucosal involvement can be described generally (t3 and t4). Patients were divided into four groups, according to
as pregnancy rhinitis and pregnancy stomatitis and gingivitis.2,3,6 the symptoms questionnaires: Group A, including women with no
Rhinitis, which is most frequently observed, is reported in the 22% nasal and oral risk; Group B, including women with nasal symp-
of pregnant women.7-9 Pregnancy rhinitis is defined as a nasal mu- toms and no oral involvement; Group C, including pregnant wom-
cosal congestion present for at least six consecutive weeks, without en with oral symptoms and no nasal involvement; and Group D
any sign of infection, even in absence of allergy predisposition or including women with both oral and nasal involvement. Statistical
endonasal neoformations.5-7 Symptoms may develop in every stage analysis was performed with SPSS 10.0 for Windows. Comparison
of pregnancy and completely regresses within two weeks after par- between groups was performed with contingency tables and Fish-
tum.8-10 The probability to show pregnancy rhinitis is increased in er’s Exact Test. The limit for significance was 0.05.
smokers, with a 69% increase prevalence, in house dust mites sen-
sitized women, and in chronic sinusitis.7,8,10 Clinically, pregnancy
Table 1. Nasal Symptoms Questionnaire
rhinitis is characterized by classic symptoms: serious rhinorrhoea,
1 Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms?
nasal obstruction, headache, sleep disorders.10,11 However, etiology
- Nasal blockage
is still to be clarified. Numerous substances and hormones secret-
- Nasal secretions
ed during pregnancy lead to changes in the nasal mucosa, increas-
ing the activity of serous-mucous glands and of local vasculariza- - Oral respiration

tion.5,11,12 Pregnancy gingivitis is defined as a form of periodontal - Nasal itching

(gum) disease due to the hormonal changes. This leads to increased - Sneezing
blood flow to the gum tissue with secondary inflammation of this - Itchy palate
tissue in response to the presence of plaque.4-13 During this con- 2 Have you ever suffered of rhinitis before pregnancy?
dition, the gums will appear swollen and easily bleeding.4-13 In a 3 Did you ever take nasal decongestant drugs?
lower number of cases, gingivitis can be complicated by the devel- 4 Have you ever been admitted for nasal surgery?
opment of an epulis.14 Epulis gravidarum affects about 5-10% of 5 Any of your relatives is/has been affected by rhinitis?
pregnant, being defined as a hyperplastic and inflammatory lesion
which origins from the buccal mucosa and mainly from gingival tis-
sues.15,16 Risk factors are inadequate oral hygiene, chronic gingivitis, Table 2. Oral Symptoms Questionnaire
use of hormonal therapies, antihypertensive, antiepileptic, immu- 1 Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms or signs?
nosuppressive drugs and high gingival levels of active progester-
- Drooling
one due to pregnancy.14 High-levels of progesterone act on the
- Gum bleeding
capillary vessels causing endothelial proliferation.13,14 It is believed
- Gum lesion
that the epulis gravidarum originates from the mesenchyme of the
- Tooth decay
alveolar-dental ligament. The most common histologic type is the
“Lobular Capillary Hemangioma (LCH)”, also called “pregnancy - Periodontitis

tumor”; usually it spontaneously regresses after delivery14 second- - Gengival hyperemia

ary to the inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) - Gum tenderness
production and cell apoptosis signaling. In our study we have tried 2 Any of your relatives is/has been affected by epulis?
to better evaluate the correlation between oral and nasal symptoms 3 Have you got a mobile o fixed dentures?
during pregnancy, aiming at defining whether the coexistence of 4 Have you ever done a dental evaluation?
nasal and oral symptoms should be considered as a major risk fac- 5 Have you ever taken hormonal therapy?
tor for the development of epulis gravidarum.

19 Gambacorta V et al Retrospective Study| Volume 5 | Number 1|

Otolaryngol Open J. 2019; 5(1): 18-21. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-5-154

frequency of the nasal and gum disease during pregnancy are con-
sistent with the scientific literature: the 42.20% of pregnant women
Table 3. Symptoms and Signs During the Follow-up
were asymptomatic, the frequency of pregnancy rhinitis alone was
Symptoms and Signs
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 of 19, 27% (22% reported from the literature).7-9 As for the epulis,
this occurred in 5.5% of our entire sample, in 6.25% of pregnant
State of nasal mucosa
women who had only the symptoms gum (Group C) compared
Quantity and quality of nasal
with 30% of Group D (positive for rhinitis and gingivitis).
Nasal mucosa congestion
State of gum

Gum congestion
Our study reveals a statistic significative difference (p=0.01) be-
tween the frequency of epulis in pregnant women presenting only
Gum hyperemia
gingival symptoms (Group C) compared to those which manifest
Gum pain simultaneously nasal and gum symptoms (Group D). In fact, 4 of
Pain to percussion of the teeth
26 pregnant women of Group C presented an epulis; in Group
D, a more consistent number of women (6 of 20) developed an
Gum bleeding epulis.
Although the pathophysiological mechanism is still un-
clear, the literature suggests the key role of some hormones in the
development of gingivitis4-14 and rhinitis1-7 during pregnancy. It is
Table 4. Summary of the Results
well known that increasing blood levels of sex steroid hormone
Risk Epu-
Group N Rhinitis Gingivitis
Factors lis
Symptoms during pregnancy are responsible for mucosal alterations both on
A 92 0 0 0 0 Asyntomatic
periodontium and nasal mucosa.2,3,5 A study conducted by Wu et al
shows the effects of progesterone and estrogen on the change of
Sereus rhinorrhea,
B 42 42 0 0 0 headache, mouth subgingival microbiota and immunologic physiological mediators
breathing in periodontal tissue.2
Hypersalivation, gengival Several studies have shown that the presence of gum dis-
hypertrophy and
C 64 0 64 26 4
hyperemia, bleeding
eases is a risk factor for the development of epulis gravidarum.13-15
gums A study conducted by Di Placido et al argues that sexual hormones
Gum and nasal seem to act as growth factors for the subgingival bacterial flora it.
D 20 20 20 6 6
symptoms They can cause modifications in the peripheric vascular system,
Total 218 and a marked increase of vascular permeability and the following
edema of the gingival tissues.17

RESULTS The aim of our study was to verify if the concomitant

presence of pregnancy rhinitis and gum disorders increases the
Group A, included 92 pregnant women, none of them, accord- risk of epulis development during pregnancy. To our knowledge,
ing to the questionnaire, reported any risk factors nor developed no other studies were aimed at evaluating such correlation, as most
any symptoms. Group B, included 42 pregnant women without studies are focused on epulis alone or gestational rhinitis alone.
risk factors, all of them reported serious rhinorrhea, headache, na- Our results seem to suggest that pregnant women who present
sal blockage, sleep disorders, and the ENT examination showed both nasal and gum symptoms have an increased risk of devel-
hyperemia of the nasal mucosa, turbinate hypertrophy with sub oping epulis. In our opinion this could be important in order to
stenosis in one or both of the nasal cavity, presence of serious know and observe the development of epulis in the gravid women,
secretions; all symptoms developed around the 4th-5th month of maybe, after further studies, we could consider rhinitis as a predic-
pregnancy. Group C included 64 pregnant women, 26 of which tive prognostic factor for the occurrence of epulis. In fact, these
showed positive risk factors, all of them showed hypersalivation data should, however, be confirmed by further studies involving a
and hypertrophy of the gingival mucosa around 4th-5th month of greater number of subjects, in order to avoid any possible bias due
pregnancy and, at the follow-up visit, 4 of them had an epulis. to local and regional variations.
Group D, included 20 pregnant women suffering from pregnancy
rhinitis and gingival diseases, 6/20 developed an epulis occurring FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE
approximately at the same gestational age of Group C (Table 4).
After two months postpartum, signs and symptoms of pregnancy No author has any relevant relationship to disclose
rhinitis in women of Group B and D were completely regressed,
in one woman of Group C and in two women of Group D, after CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
4 months postpartum, the surgical excision of the lesion was re-
quired. Ten pregnant women left the study. Our findings on the The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Retrospective Study | Volume 5 | Number 1| Gambacorta V et al 20

Otolaryngol Open J. 2019; 5(1): 18-21. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-5-154

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