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Retail Consumers: The buying behaviour for any retail consumer if we take into
consideration to GC sheets it will mostly aim for a problem solving behaviour. So there will
be high involvement of the consumer with respect to the product. the product here in
question are GC sheets which they would require for building the roof and personal sheds of
their house, which is generally expensive and not purchased frequently.
Marketing strategy which can be used to change their buying behaviour can be from problem-
solving to Heuristic. This will be a good idea because the consumer will start considering our
product as their first option as the complexity on the basis of features involved is high, if they
ever need GC sheet the first brand that will come to their mind will be TATA STEEL .
This can be done by efficient marketing strategies like simplifying the complex features into
simpler terms and creating brand image in consumer’s subconscious mind leveraging on the
legacy that TATA STEEL brings along with the name. The next strategy which can be used
is creating enough awareness, according to research the ,use of GC sheets are more in Rural
Indian than in Urban India. Therefore, the channels used for promotion should be different.
Promotion can be done by using of Static Media which is Wall and Shop Paintings. We also
have to maintain a good relationship with local players (indigenous brands) by having a brand
connect to ensure that quality is never compromised as it may be in case of local players.
Organizational Segment: this segment of the market is very different from the Retail segment.
We can say that this set of consumers have a more Legalistic behaviour this happens because
they don’t have as much involvement with the product and require some external force which
can help them take the decisions. As most of the products which are bought by the
construction companies or builders, this is used fencing of any given site, to make labour’s
shelters, for shuttering purposes. The orders are usually large in number which helps in
generating revenue but at the same time the bargaining power of the customer is more.
Marketing Strategy which can be used in this case for changing of organisational consumers
from Legalistic to Heuristics. Which means that the consumers should consider TATA when
we wish to buy GC sheets, which means that from TATA STEEL has a higher brand
differentiation among other player in the market. One of the important strategy which can be
used by the company is the direct sales. As the consumers are possessing a legalistic buying
behaviour the external influencer who has a good enough convincing skills as well as who
can explain the products benefits the best to the consumer will help build a relationship with
the consumer. We can say that the relationship can be used to converted into a trust based
relationship selling in future, this will create a brand recall every time the consumer looks for
GC sheets.
Consumer in this category can avail service benefits which will help to differentiate from the
competitors. Providing them proper before and after sales service is the key to customer
satisfaction and in long run it will help us to change their buying behaviour
We have to make an remarkable presence in the Awareness stage that TATASTEEL has the
products that is required by the organizations and furthermore mindful about the immediate
deals so it will help on to move to the next stage which is consideration stage after which we
can search forward for change of the deals. This will help in changing the buyer conduct from
Legalistic to Heuristics in which the customer won't think a lot and settle on a quick choice.

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