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Performance Task

Quarter: 1st P.T. No.: 1

Name: Level: 8
Subject: English Date:


Composing and Performing a Chant
Identify the distinguishing features of notable African chants
 Express appreciation to the different literary genres contributed by African writers with respect



CRITERIA 7-10 4-6 0-3 SCORE

Theme and Excellent use of lyrical Memorable lyrical Some effective lyrics
Lyrics hook and repetition; hook; lyrics are with some structure
lyrics are emotive and catchy, includes that somehow
send a clear message repetition; and conveys the
about the theme. emotion included is message of the
somehow related to theme.
the theme.
Creativity Composition is Composition is Composition is
expressive; effectively expressive and uses simple and lacks the
uses rhyme and rhythm some rhyme and creative
that show considerable rhythm shows enhancements
effort/creativity and considerable needed to make a
which make the output effort/creativity and better output.
better. which make the
output better.
Punctuality* Submission on One day submission Two days
deadline. after deadline. submission after the
Remarks Total


CRITERIA 7-10 4-6 0-3 SCORE
Group Group members worked Group members There was a little or no
Participation cooperatively during worked cooperatively cooperation during
and meetings and fully through most group group meetings and
Preparation participated in rehearsals meetings and little or no participation
and in recordings. participated in the with group.
majority of the
rehearsals and
Musicality Used accompaniment Used accompaniment No accompaniment is
(Rhythm) that effectively gives and somehow gives used but was able to
rhythm to convey the the rhythm to convey give a rhythm to
message excellently. the message. convey the message.
Creativity Used several props Used some props, Used either some prop,
(could include body gestures, and few body gestures, or
costumes), body audio-visual effects audio-visual effects
gestures, and audio- that show considerable which makes the
visual effects that show work/creativity and output better.
considerable which make the output
work/creativity and which better.
make the output better.
Stage Used gestures, voice Used some gestures, Used a few to no
Presence fluctuations, and facial voice fluctuations, and gestures, voice
expressions to enhance facial expressions to fluctuations, and facial
meaning of their piece. enhance meaning of expressions. Students
Audience were their piece. Audience did not make the
convinced well. were slightly audience believe in the
convinced. message of their piece.
Overall The performance was The performance was The performance was
Performance captivating and enjoyable, and the ineffective and did not
enhanced the audience’s chant’s meaning was help the audience
understanding and successfully appreciate the chant.
appreciation of the chant. communicated to the
Punctuality* Submission on One day submission Two days submission
deadline. after deadline. after the deadline.
Remarks Total

*Extra 5 points will be given for a submission made a day before the deadline.

A. The Preparation: CHANT COMPOSITION (August 12-14, 2020)
1. Working in groups, create a chant based on any of the two selections you have learned. (*Groupings
are assigned by the teacher to be announced in Day 1 of this week.)

2. Use lyrics or words that are crisp and catchy, and create a rhythm that is appropriate for the lyrics.

3. Aside from the lyrics given in the chant, you may improvise or ad-lib some expressions or lines to make
it more expressive and musical. Be guided by the given rubrics.

4. Discuss the plan for your Chant composition and performance in a private online area prepared by the
teacher called the “Backstage Rehearsal Area.”

5. The deadline of the submission of your Chant composition is on August 14, 2020, Friday.

B. The Making: (August 17- 19, 2020)

6. Start the making/recording of your creative chant presentation after receiving the checked composition.

7. You may use varied tools in creating as long as all the group members participated in the preparation
and making of the output.

8. You must submit your initial output by August 19, 2020.

C. The Presentation/Submission: (August 21, 2020 until 12:00 midnight)

9. Once you have finalized your output, turn in your output on August 21, 2020 until 12: midnight.

10. Turn in your output using our Google classroom in an assigned post.

11. And that’s it! The teacher will send you a feedback to confirm your submission.

“Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution.” - Stephen Sondheim
~End of Task~

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