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Lesson 7 (Шевцова, модальные глаголы can, may, must)

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using active vocabulary and

modal verbs can, may, must.

1. What is a Hot Lab?

2. What are the basic rules which must be observed while working with
atomic pile?
3. What can be written in write-ups?
4. What information should you give when you go up for an interview?
5. Who is an inconsistent and erratic person?
6. What is an atomic pile? What happens there?
7. What must never be done in Hot Labs?
8. What is a fatal dose?
9. Who are Health Physics?
10. Which part of protective clothes is the most important?
11. Why do scientists need observations?
12. Sometimes people are not satisfied with their new appointment. Why?
13. What are the responsibilities of Establishment Officers?
14. What are mistakes and what are blunders?
15. What can the word “experienced” mean?
16. Is it always good to be responsible?
17. Would you dare to work with Manhattan Project?
18. Is public opinion valuable in this country?
19. What experiments can be carried out in Hot Labs?
20. What must be taken into account if a person wants to get a promotion?

Exercise 2. Agree with the following statements and expand on them or

object to them and correct.

1. You must be responsible if you want to win a promotion.

2. Those who work with atomic piles must wear protective clothes.
3. Children must not play in Hot Labs.
4. Unless your chances are completely wrecked, you cannot give up.
5. Film-holders are not quite useful for scientists.
6. Every country aims at promoting foreign trade with other countries.
7. Powerful imagination creates powerful literary masterpieces.
8. If you have any information that can be dangerous for your country,
expose it!
9. If you have powerful arguments, nobody is a menace for you.
10. Fatal dose – fatal consequences.
11. Poor write-up – no chances of promotion.
12. Convincing tone is a good half of success.
13. You won’t fall asleep if you have something fixed in your head.
14. No employer wants to have an inconsistent employee.
15. Doing a good job is a guarantee of success.
16. Laziness is an engine of progress.
17. Sometimes a delay can save your life.
18. Put up with everything and lose your Ego.
19. Being fresh from vacation will help you to do a good job.
20. Girls in red clothes catch boys’ eye.

Exercise 4. Describe the following pictures using active vocabulary and


a. This is an atomic pile scheme. Describe the principle of its work relying
upon the text.

b. Describe the procedure of promotion.

c. Relying upon the information given in this picture, tell what qualities the
person needs to win a promotion. Add more points than you can find in
this picture.

Exercise 4. Read the following jokes, find the similar ones and tell them
to your group-mates.

a. Allegedly at the "Manhattan Project" where the first nuclear reactor was
built, security was very tight and the workers were told not to tell their
families what they were doing. During a security check the families were
asked if they knew what their working parent did at work. One young lad
replied that his father worked in a place that made light bulbs and toilet
paper. When asked how he knew, he replied that his father brought a roll
of toilet paper and a light bulb home every day in his lunch box.
b. You enter the laboratory and see an experiment. How will you know
which class is it?
If it's green and wiggles, it's biology.
If it stinks, it's chemistry.
If it doesn't work, it's physics.
c. What is the difference between a physicist, an engineer, and a
If an engineer walks into a room and sees a fire in the middle and a
bucket of water in the corner, he takes the bucket of water and pours it
on the fire and puts it out.
If a physicist walks into a room and sees a fire in the middle and a
bucket of water in the corner, he takes the bucket of water and pours it
eloquently around the fire and lets the fire put itself out.
If a mathematician walks into a room and sees a fire in the middle and a
bucket of water in the corner, he convinces himself there is a solution
and leaves.
Exercise 5. Make a dialogue, using active grammar and vocabulary,
basing on the following situations.

a. S.S.O. gives instructions to E.O. on the rules that he must observe in the
Hot Lab.
b. Two young physicists discussing the processes in atomic piles.
c. The interview between the employer and the employee. The latter wants
to get a promotion.
d. One of the colleagues exposed himself to radiation. The other wants to
help him.
e. The director and his new subordinate. The first doesn’t want the latter to
work for him. He does his best to put the man off the job.

Exercise 6. Read the sayings and proverbs. Make sure you understand
them, find Ukrainian/Russian equivalents. Think of situations to illustrate

a. “All great truths begin as blasphemies.” G. B. Shaw

b. “True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And in
knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all.”
c. “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to
develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may
prove to be our executor.” General Omar Bradley
d. “Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is
opinion.” Democritus of Abdera
e. “It is the fallacy of the old schools to divide man into parcels, elements,
thoughts, emotions, intuitions etc. All human faculties consist of an
interconnected whole.” Alfred Korzybski

Exercise 7. Translate the following dialogues using the active vocabulary

and modal verbs.

Ukrainian Russian
1. 1.
- Привіт! Ти в - Привет! Ты в
лабораторії? лаборатории?
- Так. Я саме зараз - Да. Я как раз
спостерігаю за змінами в наблюдаю за изменениями в
пробірці. (a testtube) пробирке. ( a testtube)
- Невже ти робиш це - Неужели ты это
тільки зараз? Ти мав делаешь только сейчас? Ты
зробити це два дні тому! должен был это сделать два
- Гаразд, я визнаю свою дня назад!
помилку, та мені нічого не - Хорошо, я признаю
лишається як добре свою ошибку, и мне ничего
упоратися з роботою і все ж не остается, как хорошо
таки отримати підвищення. справиться с работой и все-
- Ти певне дуже таки получить повышение.
самовпевнений, але саме ця - Ты должно быть очень
твоя риса допоможе тобі самоуверенный, но именно
досягти мети. это качество поможет тебе
достичь цели.
2. 2.
- Я маю визнати, що - Я должен признать,
ядерна фізика поза моїм что ядерная физика вне
розумінням. З тим же моего понимания. С тем же
успіхом я міг би вивчати успехом я мог бы изучать
теорію відносності або теорию относительности или
вчитися грати на ударних. учиться играть на ударных.
(percussion instruments) (percussion instruments)
- Візьми себе в руки! - Возьми себя в руки!
Якщо ти не можеш змінити Если ты не можешь
себе, зміни своє ставлення до изменить себя, измени свое
цієї проблеми. Я вважаю, що отношение к этой проблеме.
скоріш за все в дитинстві в Я считаю, что скорее всего в
тебе була психологічна детстве у тебя была
травма, або тебе піддали психологическая травма, или
жорстокій критиці. тебя подвергли жесткой
- Мабуть, ти маєш критике.
рацію, але все могло бути й - Пожалуй, ты прав, но
гірше. Ти мене переконала, все могло быть и хуже. Ты
та мені нічого не меня убедила, и мне ничего
залишається як почати не остается, как начать
роботу заново. работу заново.
3. 3.
- З досвіду попередніх - По опыту предыдущих
поколінь ми просто не поколений мы просто не
можемо жити без розвитку можем жить без развития
прогресу. прогресса.
- Не можу не - Не могу не
погодитися з Вами. Вчені согласиться с Вами. Ученые
все частіше створюють нові все чаще создают новые
теорії, які дозволяють теории, которые позволяют
удосконалювати наше життя. совершенствовать нашу
- Однак, я схиляюся до жизнь.
думки, що зараз необхідно - Однако я склоняюсь к
стримувати прогрес, інакше мысли, что сейчас
на нас чекає катастрофа. необходимо сдерживать
прогресс, иначе нас ждет
4. 4.
- - Напевно він не застав - Вероятно, он не застал
його на місці злочину. его на месте преступления.
- А що власне він такого - А что собственно он
знає, що ви його підозрюєте? такого делает, что вы его
- Одного разу, він подозреваете?
попався мені на очі, коли - Однажды, он попался
намагався полагодити наш мне на глаза, корда пытался
реактор. починить наш реактор.
- Так, я згоден, треба - Да, я согласен, нужно
переговорити з ним, але в переговорить с ним, но в
першу чергу показати його первую очередь, показать его
дозиметристам. дозиметристам.

5. 5.
- У завершенні я покажу - В заключении я покажу
Вам як керувати цим Вам, как управлять этим
приладом. Його можна прибором. Его можно
прийняти за дистанційний принять за дистанционный
пульт, але все набагато пульт, но все гораздо
складніше. сложнее.
- Не хвилюйтеся, нас не - Не волнуйтесь, нас не
тільки що випустили зі только что выпустили из
школи, і нас не дарма школы, и нас не зря
наділили такими наделили такими
повноваженнями. полномочиями.
- Будь-ласка, не - Пожалуйста, не
приймайте все так близько до принимайте все так близко к
серця. Невже я не можу сердцу. Неужели я не могу
просто допомогти? просто помочь?
6. 6.
- Я ледве не розплакався, - Я чуть не расплакался,
коли побачив його. когда увидел его.
- А що власне тебе - А что собственно тебя
стримувало? На твоєму місці сдерживало? На твоем месте
я би охоче поплакав би у я бы охотно поплакал у него
нього на плечі. не плече.
Exercise 8. Role play.

Card 1. Max Lawrence, Experimental Officer

You are in a bar with your friends. You are aiming at promotion and
your chances are rather high. Now your friends and you are discussing it. You
are not quite sure if you will win or not. John is convincing you that you are
the best candidate. Jack is trying to make jokes and is constantly hinting that
you are not quite worthy.
Card 2. John McKean, Senior Scientific Officer
You are in a bar with your friends. Your best friend Max is aiming at
promotion but he is hesitating whether he is the right person. Try to calm him
down and stress only positive traits of his character and his professionalism.
Don’t forget to neutralize Jack who is doing everything possible to make Max
even more nervous.
Card 3. Jack Michigan, Establishment Officer
You are in a bar with your friends. Your best friend Max is aiming at
promotion but he is hesitating whether he is the right person. You are a great
fun in any company. This time you are constantly joking about Max’s future
promotion and your jokes are even a little bit offensive as you touch such
points as Max’s professionalism, for example.
Lesson 8 (Шевцова, модальные глаголы to be to; to have to; ought to;
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using active vocabulary and
modal verbs to be to; to have to; ought to; should.

1. What is presumption of innocence?

2. What should employees do not to be dismissed?
3. What is jury and what are its functions?
4. What is a fair verdict?
5. What is an alibi? Give an example of a perfect alibi.
6. Could you describe the profession of lawyer? Give you personal opinion
about this job.
7. What is trial by jury and trial by judge?
8. What are further steps of court if a person is acquitted for lack of
9. Do you want to be a journalist?
10. What are the features of remarkable speech?
11. What is the dock?
12. Do you believe in Divine Vengeance? Give an example.
13. What is the difference between circumstantial and direct evidence?
14. Should we support the capital punishment?
15. What is formal evidence?
16. What is Central Criminal Court?
17. What is an ideal crime?
18. What is an ideal and beautiful face?
19. Would you like to be a witness?
20. Would you like to be a juryman?

Exercise 2. Agree with the following statements and expand on them or

object to them and correct.

1. Having a twin is very funny but sometimes can be confusing.

2. Any crime can be ideal if the lawyer is experienced.
3. Brutal fear awakes hidden abilities of a person when he\she is in danger.
4. The jury always gives a fair verdict.
5. Every person has the right to rehabilitation.
6. You have the right to remain silent.
7. A perfect crime cannot be committed in broad daylight.
8. Children should always be punished for disobedience.
9. Tight clothes can seriously affect your health.
10. Regular features are a guarantee of beauty.
11. Spouses have the right not to testify against each other.
12. Judge must wear scarlet.
13. Lack of information leads to failure.
14. Every person can become a member of a jury.
15. Every country should be anxious for independence.
16. Being independent of parents is the best way to show that you are an
17. It is better to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a single
innocent one to death.
18. Being strict with children is the best policy of bringing-up.
19. Life imprisonment is better than capital punishment.
20. The skill of dismissing worries and unpleasant thoughts is a kind of art.

Exercise 3. Describe the following pictures using active vocabulary and


a. Speak about profession of a lawyer.

b. Think about the story of a crime. Use as many active words and word
combinations as possible.

c. Speak about court. Describe the legal procedure.

Exercise 4. Read the following jokes, find the similar ones and tell them
to your group-mates.

a. Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, an honest lawyer and an old drunk are
walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a
hundred dollar bill. Who gets it?
The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures.
b. One juror overheard saying to another... “You'll notice that neither the
prosecutor nor defence attorney swore to tell the truth!”
c. At a trial, an attorney was putting witnesses through an exacting cross-
examination, and was taking great delight into forcing witnesses to admit
that they did not remember every single detail of an automobile accident.
While the lawyer knew that no witness has a perfect memory, he had
improved a skill in exploiting minor inconsistencies and lapses of
memory in order to challenge the credibility of honest witnesses. After a
series of severe cross-examinations, he was looking forward to his
examination of yet another witness.
“Did you actually see the accident?” he asked.
The witness responded with a polite, “Yes, sir.”
“How far away were you when the accident happened?”
“I was Thirty-four feet, seven and three quarters inches away from the
point of collision.”
“Thirty-four feet, seven and three quarter inches?” the lawyer asked,
sarcastically, “Do you expect us to believe that your memory is so good,
and your sense of distance is so precise, that months after the accident
you can come into court and give that type of detail?”
The witness was calm. “Sir, I had a hunch that some obnoxious, know-it-
all lawyer would ask me the distance, and would try to make it seem like
I was lying if I could not give an exact answer. So I got a tape measure,
and measured out the exact distance.”
d. At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney
attacked a witness.
“Isn't it true,” he bellowed, “that you accepted five thousand dollars to
compromise this case?”
The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn't heard the
The prosecutor again blared, “Isn't it true that you accepted five thousand
dollars to compromise this case?”
The witness still did not respond. Finally, the judge leaned over and said,
“Sir, please answer the question.”
“Oh," the startled witness said, "I thought he was talking to you."

Exercise 5. Make a dialogue, using active grammar and vocabulary

basing on the following situations.

a. Two women about the third one who is really haughty. One day she
comes to work and her stocking is torn. Divine Vengeance?
b. Two boys missed their classes at school. They are trying to think up an
c. Corruption in courts. One woman is absolutely sure that the verdict is
fair. The other blames everybody for taking bribes.
d. The trial by jury Pros and Cons.
e. Death Penalty. Two opposite opinions.
f. The lawyers. Male or Female?

Exercise 6. Read the sayings and proverbs. Make sure you understand
them, find Ukrainian/Russian equivalents. Think of situations to illustrate

a. “People who love sausage and people who believe in justice should
never watch either of them being made.” Otto Bismarck.
b. “A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better
lawyer.” Robert Frost
c. “Hunger makes a thief of any man.” Pearl S. Buck
d. “When I see the Ten Most Wanted Lists... I always have this thought: If
we’d made them feel wanted earlier, they would not be wanted now.”
Edie Cantor
e. “Good lawyers know the law, great lawyers know the judge.” Unknown

Exercise 7. Translate the following dialogues using active vocabulary and

modal verbs.

Ukrainian Russian
1. 1.
- Невже він скоїв злочин - Неужели он совершил
посеред білого дня? преступление среди белого
- Звідки я знаю? Я не дня?
свідок. - Почем я знаю? Я не
- Та невже? А мені свидетель.
сказали, що ти був на місці - Разве? А мне сказали,
злочину та уважно слухав усі что ты был на месте
розмови. преступления и внимательно
- І що ж мені тепер слушал все разговоры.
робити? Розповідати про це - И что мне теперь
на кожному куту? делать? Рассказывать об
этом на каждом углу?
2. 2.
- Його провину не важко - Его вину не трудно
встановити. Тепер йому установить. Теперь ему
призначене 10 років сидіти в суждено провести в тюрьме
тюрмі. 10 лет.
- Хоча йому майже - Хоть ему почти удалось
вдалося довести, що він доказать, что он невиновен в
невинний у крадіжці, брак краже, недостаток улик в его
доказів у його захист зіграв з защиту сыграл с ним злую
ним злий жарт. (to play a шутку. (to play a nasty trick on
nasty trick on smb) smb)
- Так, адвокату слід було - Да, адвокату следовало
бути більш уважним. быть более внимательным
3. 3.
- Суворо кажучи, Ви - Строго говоря, Вы
мали приїхати ще годину должны были приехать еще
тому, як ми й домовлялися. час назад, как мы
- Так, я мав виїхати договаривались.
заздалегідь, але мені - Да, мне следовало
постійно не вистачає часу. выехать заранее, но мне
- Чому це я повинен все постоянно не хватает
вислуховувати? Чого Ви времени.
добиваєтеся? Я не можу - С какой стати я
зрозуміти. Вам слід просто должен слушать все это?
вибачитися та йти Чего Вы добиваетесь? Я не
працювати. могу понять. Вам следует
просто извиниться и идти

4. 4.
- Мені доведеться тебе - Мне придется тебя
покарати. І не треба себе наказать. И не надо себя
захищати, я знаю твої защищать, я знаю твои
видатні здібності выдающиеся способности
переконувати. убеждать.
- Чого це мені - С какой стати мне
захищатися? Я знаю, що защищаться? Я знаю, что
винен, і ти будеш для мене і виноват, и ты будешь для
обвинувачем, і суддею, і меня и обвинителем, и
навіть Господнею карою. І ти судьей, и даже Божьей карой.
краще за мене знаєш, що И ты лучше меня знаешь, что
мені судилося бути мне суждено бать
звільненим. уволенным.
- Так, всі обставини - Да, все обстоятельства
проти тебе, та у тебе немає против тебя, и у тебя нет
жодних шансів. шансов.
5. 5.
- Я непокоюся про твоє - Я беспокоюсь о твоем
здоров’я. Ти маєш здати здоровье. Ты должен сдать
роботу післязавтра,а ти вже работу послезавтра, а ты уже
два дні нічого не їв. два дня ничего не ел.
- Так, я відчуваю легкий - Да, я чувствую
голод, але мені не потрібна незначительный голод, но
твоя турбота. Краще я вмру мне не нужна твоя забота.
від голоду, ніж буду Лучше я умру от голода, чем
залежати від тебе. буду зависеть от тебя.
- І що ж мені робити? - И что же мне делать?
- Просто йди додому, я - Просто иди домой, я не
не хочу з тобою сваритися. хочу с тобой ругаться.
6. 6.
- Я дуже хочу виграти це - Я очень хочу выиграть
змагання! это соревнование!
- Чому це ти так - Почему это ты так
упевнений? уверен?
- Просто мені це - Просто мне это
проречене долею! предсказано судьбой!
- Судячи з того, що ти - Судя по тому, что
говориш, ти не відчуваєш ты говоришь, ты не
нестачу уяви. испытываешь недостатка в

Exercise 8. Role play.

Card 1. Journalist.
You have attended a murder trial and published the article about it. As
the trial was a little bit boring but you had to cover it in the newspapers, you
decided to stretch the story.
Card 2. The witness for the defence.
You were a witness at the murder trial and that was the case for the
prosecution – the murderer was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine. A
week later you bought a newspaper where you read an article and by some actions
described in it you understood what case was covered there. However it was
difficult to recognize that particular case as the journalist just turned everything
upside down. You are trying to find out why he did it and as soon as you succeed
you start persuading him to publish a denial.
Card 3. The witness for the prosecution.
You were a witness at the murder trial and that was the case for the
prosecution – the murderer was sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment and a fine. A
week later you bought a newspaper where you read an article and by some actions
described in it you understood what case was covered there. You meet with the
journalist and want to thank him for such a bright vision of the trial. There you
meet with the witness for the defence and you disagree with him about
exaggerating or moreover about denial.
Lesson 9. (Шевцова, модальные глаголы shall, will, need, dare)
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions, using active vocabulary and
modal verbs shall, will, need, dare.

1. What is segregation?
2. Which facilities can be included into the list, which are not given to
those who are segregated?
3. What is discrimination? What kinds of it do you know?
4. What measures can be taken to avoid any kinds of discrimination?
5. I there any discrimination in this country?
6. What is a convention?
7. What does it mean “having a special kind of reservation”?
8. What do you need to do to get a room at the hotel?
9. What is fortune?
10. What do people usually do in hotel lobbies when they arrive?
11. Is the problem of racial segregation still burning in the USA?
12. What are the responsibilities of hotel clerks?
13. Who is an assistant manager? His responsibilities.
14. What can be the reasons for refusing to put up at the hotel?
15. What does it mean “real authority is in the executive offices out of
16. What situation can be called “embarrassing”?
17. Who is responsible for order in the city?
18. When you are at the Customs what should you do?
19. What should you do with your luggage when you are at the airport?
20. Describe the mechanism of a time-bomb.

Exercise 2. Agree with the following statements and expand on them or

object to them and correct.

1. Wearing a professional greeter’s smile is a must for hotel clerks.

2. Having stiff manners can spoil the reputation.
3. Sometimes showing concern about everything can be annoying.
4. Being fortunate in business does not always mean being happy.
5. Removing embarrassing scenes from centre stage into the wings is an
6. Authority is power.
7. Racial discrimination is only against Negroes.
8. Men never suffer from sex discrimination.
9. The most reliable information comes from first hand.
10. Society should object to smoking.
11. Fighting for the case of peace is impossible.
12. Production of labour depends on salary.
13. Sex discrimination is usually provoked by women.
14. Peace is a matter of great concern.
15. To reach consensus people need exchange opinions.
16. City authorities must be elected by citizens.
17. Weight-lifting is the best kind of sport.
18. An old-timer is an experienced man.
19. Hotel clerks are defenders of public quiet.
20. Convention is one the ways to spend your time greatly.

Exercise 3. Describe the following pictures using active vocabulary and


a. Describe the procedure of registering at the hotel.

b. Describe what problems the guest can meet at the hotel. Speak about
possible way-outs of this problem.

c. Racial discrimination.
Exercise 4. Read the following jokes, find the similar ones and tell them
to your group-mates.

a. Jewish lady named Mrs. Rosenberg many years ago was stuck late one
night at a fashionable resort – one that did not admit Jews. The desk
clerk looked down at his book and said, “Sorry, no room. The hotel is
The Jewish lady said, “But your sign says that you have vacancies.”
The desk clerk stammered and then said curtly, “You know that we do
not admit Jews. Now if you will try the other side of town…”
Mrs. Rosenberg stiffened noticeable and said, “I’ll have you know I
converted to your religion.”
The desk clerk said, “Oh, yeah, let me give you a little test. How was
Jesus born?”
Mrs. Rosenberg replied, “He was born to a virgin named Mary in a little
town called Bethlehem.”
”Very good,” replied the hotel clerk. “Tell me more.”
Mrs. Rosenberg replied, “He was born in a manger.”
”That’s right,” said the hotel clerk. “And why was he born in a manger?”
Mrs. Rosenberg said loudly, “Because an idiot like you in the hotel
wouldn’t give a Jewish lady a room for the night!”
b. At 3 am a desk clerk at a hotel gets a call from a drunk guy asking what
time the bar opens. "It opens at noon," answers the clerk.
About an hour, later he gets a call from the same guy, sounding even
more intoxicated. "What time does the bar open?" he asks.
"Same time as before - noon," replies the clerk.
Another hour passes and he calls again, plastered. "Whatjoo shay the bar
opins at?"
The clerk then answers, "It opens at noon, but if you can't wait, I can
have room service send something up to you."
"No! I don't wanna get in, I wanna get out!"
c. Boss, to four of his employees: “I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to
let one of you go.”
Black Employee: “I'm a protected minority.”
Female Employee: “And I'm a woman.”
Oldest Employee: “Fire me and I'll hit you with an age discrimination
suit so fast it'll make your head spin.”
...They all turn to look at the helpless young, white, male employee, who
thinks a moment, then responds: “I think I might be gay...”
d. A person checks into a hotel for the first time in his life, and goes up to
his room. Five minutes later he calls the desk and say, "You've given me
a room with no exit. How do I leave?"
The desk clerk says, "Sir, that's absurd. Have you looked for the door?"
The person says, “Well, there's one door that leads to the bathroom.
There's a second door that goes into the closet. And there's a door I
haven't tried, but it has a 'do not disturb' sign on it.”

Exercise 5. Make a dialogue, using active grammar and vocabulary,

basing on the following situations.

a. Two hotels clerks discussing their clients.

b. The hotel is full. Hotel clerk and client are trying to settle the problem.
c. The assistant manager teaches the clerk to settle arising problems.
d. Two women about discrimination against women.
e. Two clients about poor service at the hotel.
f. The clerk and the man. The clerk is not allowed to check in this man. He
tries to be polite and not to spoil the reputation of the hotel.

Exercise 6. Read the sayings and proverbs. Make sure you understand
them, find Ukrainian/Russian equivalents. Think of situations to illustrate

a. “I have no race prejudice; I think I have no colour prejudices or caste

prejudices nor creed prejudices. Indeed, I know it. I can stand any
society. All that I care to know is that a man is a human being – that’s
enough for me; he can’t be any worse.” Mark Twain
b. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where
they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of
their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
c. “If you believe that discrimination exists, it will.” Anthony J. D’Angelo
d. “Racism isn’t born, folks, it’s taught. I have a two-year-old son. You
know what he hates? Naps. End of list.” Dennis Lecery
e. “If a white man falls of chair drunk, it’s just a drunk. If a Negro does, it’s
the whole damn Negro race.” Bill Cosby

Exercise 7. Translate the following dialogues using active vocabulary and

modal verbs.

Ukrainian Russian
1. 1.
- Мені здати речі в - Мне сдать вещи в
багаж? багаж?
- Так, але тільки після - Да, но только после
того, як Ви пред’явите того, как Вы предъявите
документи. документы.
- Звісно, ось мій паспорт, - Конечно, вот мой
а ось мій лист з паспорт, вот письмо с
підтвердженням замовлення. подтверждением заказа.
- Дякую. Через 10 мінут - Спасибо. Через 10
ми Вам дамо номер. минут мы Вам дадим номер.
2. 2.
- Як Ви смієте - Как Вы смеете
запевняти мене в тому, що уверять меня в том, что
бомба не вибухне? бомба не взорвется?
- Заспокойтеся! Це - Успокойтесь! Это
бомба сповільненої дії, і вона бомба замедленного
так швидко не вибухне. действия, и она так быстро не
- Коли ми були в Новому взорвется.
Орлеані, мені казав теж саме - Когда мы были в
один чоловік середнього Новом Орлеане, мне говорил
віку. На відміну від Вас він то же самое один мужчина
говорив авторитетно. среднего возраста. В отличие
от Вас он говорил
3. 3.
- Кожного разу, коли ти - Каждый раз, когда ты
відповідаєш біля дошки, ти отвечаешь у доски, ты
притуляєшся до неї. Так не прислоняешься к ней. Так не
годиться! годится!
- Мабуть це трапляється, - Пожалуй, это
тому що я почуваюся происходит, потому что я
ніяково. чувствую себя неловко.
- Цим ти тільки - Этим ты только
підтверджуєш свою подтверждаешь свою
невпевненість. неуверенность.
4. 4.
- Ти підеш до неї та - Ты пойдешь к ней и
забереш свої слова назад! заберешь свои слова
- Не смій мені обратно!
загрожувати! Доки вона не - Не смей мне
розірве шлюбну угоду, я не угрожать! Пока она не
наближуся до неї! разорвет брачный контракт, я
- Невже ти проти не приближусь к ней!
шлюбної угоди? А що якщо - Неужели ты против
вона більш щаслива ніж ти? контракта? А что если она
Ти зможеш розбагатіти при более удачлива, чем ты? Ты
розлученні. сможешь разбогатеть при
5. 5.
- Мені не підходять твої - Мне не подходят твои
звички. Іноді вони мене дуже привычки. Иногда они меня
бентежать. очень смущают.
- Зате твої церемонні - Зато твои чопорные
манери присплять будь-кого. манеры усыпят любого.
- Б’юся об заклад, що - А спорим, что мои
мої манери більш природні, манеры более естественны,
ніж твої, та вони не чем твои, и они не вызывают
викликають засудження. осуждения.
- Я не буду з тобою - Я не буду с тобой
сперечатися. Час покаже. спорить. Время покажет.
6. 6.
- В обмін на марки мені - В обмен на марки мне
потрібні монети 17 сторіччя. нужны монеты 17 века.
- Невже ти такий - Неужели ты так
стурбований через те, що я обеспокоен из-за того, что я
можу тебе надурити? могу тебя обмануть?
- Так, це і є причина. - Да, это и есть причина.
- Не даремно я помітила, - Не зря я заметила, что
що ти такий напружений. ты такой напряженный.

Exercise 8. Role play.

Card 1. A hotel clerk.

You are registering a married couple in a hotel. You are polite and do
your best to please them. However while the husband is an experienced man
who has already travelled and registered at the hotels much, his wife is a
disaster. She is asking funny and sometimes inappropriate questions. Your
task is to stay calm and to give a good account of yourself.
Card 2. Husband.
Your wife and you are registering at the hotel. The procedure is well-
known for you. You ask ordinary questions and look forward to having rest
with your beloved.
Card 3. Wife.
Your husband and you are registering at the hotel. You are registering
for the first time. As a result you have a lot of questions, some of them must
be irritating and even stupid. Do your best to make the clerk mad and your
husband embarrassed.

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