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Activity 3

Instruction: Answer the questions briefly

1. What is the importance of human rights to law enforcement? Explain.

Answer: Policing is at the heart of the board spectrum of human rights discourse. This has been
apparent for many of those working on civil and political rights who have generally targeted
police as human rights violators.

2. Explain the statement “Treat all victims on crime with compassion and respect, and in a particular
protect their rights”.

Answer: It means that the person that involved in crime that happened have suffer harm including
physical and mental injury, because they are involved in the crime so they are shock to what
happened to them so that we have to treat them with compassion and respect.

3. When does law enforcement officers use lethal force and why?

Answer: Law enforcement officer may use lethal force when their lives are in the line of life and
death it is unavoidable because they must protect their lives and the lives of others.

4. What are the root causes of human rights violation?

Answer: The root causes of human rights violation are repression, discrimination, and other
denials of human rights stem from deeper and more complex political, social, and economic

5. How do law enforcement bridge the gap? Explain each.


6. What are the key points of Human Rights Principles and Practices?
7. What is rights-based policing? Explain.
8. What are the gross human rights violations? Explain each.
9. What are the common causes of for popular dissatisfaction?
10. What are the principle of International Humanitarian law?
11. What is Republic Act 9851? Explain the salient provisions of the said law.
12. Explain the term “genocide”.
13. Enumerate other crimes against humanity.
14. What is the human rights provision given on the Ten International Human Rights standards for
Law Enforcement according to Basic Standard 8?
15. -20. What are the circumstances where you can legally arrest a person without a virtue of a

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