Law Enforcement Operations and Planning With Crime Mapping Unit 1

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Institute of Criminal Justice Education

Odiongan, Romblon

Law Enforcement Operations and Planning

with Crime Mapping


Philippine National Police Operational

Master Plans
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

An operational planning is a subject of strategic work plan. It describes

short-term ways of achieving milestone and explains how, or what portion of a
strategic plan will be put into operation during a given operational period, in
the case of commercial application, a fiscal year or another given budgetary
term. An operational plan is the basis for, and justification of an annual
operating budget request. Therefore, a five-year strategic plan would need
five operational plans funded by five operating budgets.
Operational plans should establish the activities and budgets for each part
of the organization for the next 1 - 3 years. They lick link the strategic plan
with the activities the organization will deliver and the resources required to
deliver them.
An operational plan draws directly from agency and program strategic
plans to describe agency and program missions and goals, program
objectives, and program activities. Like a strategic plan, an operational plan
addresses four questions:
 Where are we now?
 Where do we want be?
 How do we get there?
 How do we measure our progress?
The Operational Plan (OP) is both the first and the last step in preparing
an operating budget request. As the first step, the OP provides a plan for
resource allocation; as the last step, the OP may be modified to reflect policy
decisions or financial changes made during the budget development process.
Operational plans should be prepared by the people who will be involved
in implementation. There is often a need for significant cross-departmental
dialogue as plan created by one part of the organization inevitably have
implications for other plan.

Operational plans should be contain:

 Clear objectives
 Activities to be delivered
 Quality standards
 Desired outcomes
 Staffing and resource requirements
 Implementation time tables
 A process for monitoring progress

PNP Plans for police operations

In line with this contest, the Philippine National Police as a police

organization has established six (6) Master Plan in the conduct of police
operations. These master plans for operations serve as a ready reference of
all PNP units in the performance of their mandated tasks. It also serves as a
guiding tool of the organization to achieve its vision, mission and goals.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

These Master Plans help all PNP uniformed personnel to fully understand
and effectively implement the various operational plans designed to address
major threats to criminality, safety and security.

Six 6 Master Plans


SANDIGAN- PNP’s Mater Plan for Anti-Criminality

The campaign against crime is a continuing concern. It is a war that the
police could not win alone, and can not in any real sense fight alone. Police
could not change the “root drivers” of crime such as poverty, unemployment,
poor housing, moral education, freedom, civil liberties, ambitious,
dysfunctional families and other ills of socio-economic opportunities. Thus, all
aspects of police work should be premised upon active community consent,
trust and participation.
It serves as the Master Plan in which all plans and programs of the PNP
shall conform with and supplement and it prescribes the grand strategy to be
undertaken by PNP Offices and personnel on crime prevention, control and
suppression, in the total fight against all forces of criminality.


The PNP shall implement a responsive and holistic anti-crime strategy in

order to prevent, control and suppress the occurrences of crime effectively
and to insure safety in our community.


1. To reduce index crime

2. To improve response time
3. To improve crime solution efficiency
4. To increase conviction rate
5. To operationalize COPS through the Police Community Precincts for
the 24-hour community security coverage.

A. Improve the Police Security Service Package

1. Effective law enforcement and crime prevention and suppression

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

Police Security Containing Ring System (PSCRS) which composed of the five
major components, deployment of which depends on their availability and the
situation on the ground.


A. Innermost Containment Ring- Barangay Tanods, CVOs NGOs and

other civilian groups that provide localized and needed police services to the
B. Inner Containment Ring- Foot Patrol for police visibility/detective in
civilian attire for police presence.
C. Middle Containment Ring- Bicycle/motorcycle Mounted Patrol at control
points who patrol the residential areas and make the loading & unloading
areas as standby points.
D. Outer Containment Ring- specialized units like Mobile deployed at
chokepoints/checkpoints to prevent the escape of fleeing criminal and react to
call for police assistance.
E. Outermost Containment Ring- Specialized units like the SWAT or Anti
Terrorist units and Mobile Groups serve as Security elements at designated
areas of strong points where they can support immediately. React to call from
armed support to beleaguered police personnel on the ground.

2 Adoption by police offices/stations of the Crime and Information

Management System which will systematize the recording. Retrieval and
analysis of crime data.

Another means of effective law enforcement is the adoption by police

offices/stations of Crime and Information Management System. In simple
terms, the Regional, Provincial and City, and Municipal Police Offices will
indicate in their local maps the place ad time a crime incident happened. The
resulting inputs will constitute the basis for the deployment or redeployment of
police resource to maximize their use for anti crime efforts.

3 Development of dedicated Police Intelligence and Investigation Teams for

criminal gang/syndicates, terrorist, kidnappers, bank robbers, and carnappers
in specific crime prone areas.

The deployment of dedicated intelligence, investigation and manhunt

teams is another means of organizational effectiveness. Teams for specific
activities involving Internal Security/Terrorist Groups, Kidnapping, Robbery,
Hijacking and Carnapping are formed in all police units in varying scale
depending on the threat analysis and availability of personnel. These teams
shall conduct legal offensives against members of syndicated crime groups to
force them out of the locality or, better still, to prevent them in the commission
of crimes.

4. Aggressive Anti-Illegal Campaign

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

Illegal Drug is the country’s number 1 enemy. A high percentage of our

populace is affected by this menace and majority of the heinous crimes
committed is drug-related. It is for this reason that we do not only put to jail
drug pushers but also rehabilitate drug users. The supply and demand
reduction strategies should be coupled with a heightened drug education

5 Strengthening of the Programs for Public Safety and Internal Security

The government considers the crimes such as killings; kidnappings,

extortion and etc, committed by the insurgent groups as a criminal act not a
political act. It is for this reason that crimes committed by them should be
investigated and appropriate cases filed so that justice is afforded to the
People who feel that they are not safe in their houses, streets and place of
work are predisposed to crime. The police therefore has to lend support.

5. Pursuing the objectives of Gender Awareness Development

This concept will involve the strengthening of Gender and Development

thrust of the PNP in collaboration with government organizations, NGOs and
women organizations in the country, as great percentage of crimes committed
nowadays involve women and children as victims.

B. Strengthen linkages with NGOs, local and International law enforcement

organizations, the AFP, and the Presidential Task Force and Centers as
venues for inter-agency and international cooperation and support

These organizations and agencies are venues for effective law

enforcement coordination and support. The maintenance of peace and order
is a multi-disciplinary responsibility and the active linkages with these
agencies and offices will redound to the efforts to eliminate transnational and
national crimes and terrorists.

C. Enhance the community participation thru the Community Oriented Policing

System (COPS)

Through COPS, there will be voluntary community support and cooperation

with law enforcement/crime prevention and control activities, thus there will be
enhanced police effectiveness and efficiency given the same police

D. Operations the Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan (IACPSP)

In order to insure the success of linking up the contribution of the community,

the government and the police in guaranteeing the safety and security of the
communities, the existing integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan of
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

provincial and municipal government units all compliments this Anti-Crime

Strategy. Close coordination with respective Peace and Order Councils
(POCs), Law Enforcement Coordinating Committees (LECCs), Regional
Development Council (RDCs), Disaster Coordinating Councils (DCCs), Drug
Watch and Street watch organizations, shall be maintained.

E. Promote the objective of an active Criminal Justice System

Being in the frontline in the operationalization of Criminal Justice System, the

police serves as an effective catalyst in promoting the concept of justice for
crime victims and of enhancing attainment of the objectives of the Anti-Crime

F. Devise an Effective Feed Mechanism

The continued feedback from all recipients of public safety services received
from the citizen through the Project 117 of the DILG, the “Ugnayans”
conducted by the PNP and other government agencies, and other sources of
reports, complaints, needs, or rejoinders, shall be the basis for improving the
delivery of police services to the citizenry. This feedback mechanism shall
serve as the trigger to set off a series of adjustments and if need be, a
realignment of the foregoing strategies to attain the purpose of maintaining a
peaceful and prosperous community.

SANDUGO- PNP’s Internal Security Operation (ISO) Master Plan

The insurgency problem, whether of the communist or the secessionist type,

has social, economic, political and security dimensions. The security part, as
manifested by armed guerilla activities, is the most visible sign or symptoms
of the problem. The security acts only because of the political organization
that provides the leadership and the direction. On the other hand, the
dissatisfaction and grievances of the area provide the insurgency movement
the reason for its being. Thus, insurgency may not be solved by police/military
action is vital and an important part), but by a package of government policies
and programs that can effectively and simultaneously address the socio-
economic, the political and the military aspects of the situation. Accordingly,
the whole government machinery and instrumentalities must strongly and
coordinately be made to bear on the problem.


1. Section 12 of Republic Act (RA) # 6975 as amended by section 3 of RA #

2. EO No. 308 concerning the Re-organization of the Peace and Order
3. EO No. 319 concerning the Re-organization of the Local Development
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

4. EO No. 113 concerning the National Reconciliation and Development

Program (NRDP);
5. EO No. 1012 concerning the Local Integrated Security Defense Plan;
6. Joint AFP-PNP SOPs relating the Counter-insurgency
7. “Pro-Democracy PEOPLE’S WAR” Book, 1991; and
8. Executive Order (EO) # 110
9. AFP Campaign Plan 01/99 “BALANGAI”
10. EO 115, series 99, - Localization of Peace Efforts
11. National Peace and Development Plan dated Jan 2000
12. PNP COIN Master Plan (MP-01 SANDUGO)
13. MOA on Intelligence & Counter-Intelligence Opns dated 19 February 2001
14. 2000 Revised Rules of Criminal Procedures
15. MOA on JSOP on ISO dated 07 Jan 1999
16. MOA on Intelligence and Counter-Inteligence Operations dated 19
February 2001
17. EO No. 3 dtd 28 February 2001

It serves as the long-ranges and holistic master plan of the PNP in waging
an internal security support operations nationwide and prescribes the counter-
insurgency support strategy, operational concept, scheme of implementation,
service support, and coordinating instruction in order to accomplish the PNP’s
internal security support mission.
It ensures the continuity, unity, consistency and synergy of all internal
security efforts at all times.

1. To develop the capability of field units to fully operationalize this ISO
support plan for the government and AFP in particular
2. To support the AFP in the isolation of the underground insfrastructure and
front organizations of the insurgents in the towns and cities from te general
3. To enhance Intelligence activities against threat groups
4. TO enhance the conduct of legal offensive threat against the insurgent
5. To support the government’s National Peace and Development Plan to
include Peace and Reconciliation Plan

1. PNP shall basically support AFP’s ISO Campaign Plan Through the
conduct of limited internal security operations, sustained law enforcement and
PCR activities, intensive information gathering and the conduct of
investigation and prosecution of ISO related cases.
2. PNP campaign Plan also follow the Clear-Hold-Support operational

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

1. NHQ-PNP, through its directional staff, shall supervise and support the
Police Regional Offices in implementing the strategic agenda and operational
concept of this counter-insurgency strategy.
2. Police Regional Offices, thru the police provincial/city offices and
municipality/city police stations, RMGs and PMGs shall implement their
localized counter-insurgency plans based on this master plan.
3. Special Action Force is designated as the reserve mobile/strike unit of
4. PNP NSUs thru their specialized operating units and various regional
offices shall assist/support the local police units in the conduct of ISO related
activities in accordance to their mandated mission and function.
5. Role of PNP and AFP on Enemy Affected barangays particularly in areas
with guerilla fronts.
6. In areas where the AFP due to its limited resource cannot physically
occupy or adequately secure an area, and where the PNP units are present or
available, the PNP within its capability shall initially provide security in the
area AFP reinforcements shall have arrived.


The Government, through the AFP and the PNP, had launched various
campaign and pacification drives in the past decades to resolved the
continuing communist insurgency threat. As a result, the communist insurgent
movement experienced a downtrend in its party building, army building and
alliance work. This downtrend was attributed among others to the vigorous
implementation of the series of the PNP’s Sandugo COIN campaign plans
and the AFP Campaign Plan Lambat-Bitag.
These developments, however, did not lead to the downfall of the
Communist Movement. The CPP/NPA, instead, staged a strategic withdrawal
to avoid decisive defeat by the government forces. Subsequently, the
CPP/NPA launched a rectification campaign to regain control of LCM lost
areas and restore its influence in the rural areas. Additionally, the CPP,
having experienced a regression in the Yearly sub-stages of the Strategic
Defensive Stage focused its activities on ideological, political and
organizational (IPO) work to rebuild the party, its army and mass
During the Philippine Constabulary/Integrated National Police (PC/INP)
era, internal and external security were tasks relegated to the Armed Forces
of the Philippine (AFP). the PC/INP then, as one of the four major services of
the AFP had played an indispensable role in counter-insurgency until its
deactivation in 1991, with the passage of RA 6975, which resulted in the birth
of the PNP. RA 6975 further placed the PNP as the lead agency in the
maintenance of internal security although it took until 1995, for the PNP to
fully assume its primary role in internal security. However, when RA 8551 was
passed into law in 1998, internal security was once again given to the aegis of
the PNP to support the AFP in ISO for the suppression of insurgency and
other serious threats to national security.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

The military and police counter-insurgency campaign and other

complementing efforts by concerned cvil government agencies LGUs and
NGOS, may be classified into three major operations or activities, namely: 1
Internal Security Operations (ISO) by the AFP and the PNP to provide
security to the people and the government, (2) National Development
operations by the civil government agencies to address the root causes of
insurgency; and 3 Peace Process by the Office of the Presidential Assistant
on the Peace Process (OPAPP) to complement the overall government effort
to attract rebels back to the mainstream of society in the spirit of equality,
peace, reconciliation and unification. Essentially, these three mutually
complementing efforts are the government’s three-pronged strategy in
addressing the country’s insurgency problem.

In line with the government’s three-pronged strategy in addressing the

insurgency problem, the PNP and the AFP have expanded their roles and
actively participated in the civil government’s development activities that
strikes at the root causes of insurgency. As one recognized weakness of this
undertaking is the lack of coordination and unity of efforts among the
military/police and civil government agencies, thus the National Peace and
Development Plan (NPDP) was formulated.

Amidst these changes in the operational environment, coupled with the

recent political events in our country, the PNP has to formulate and adopt a
comprehensive plan that would define the general guidelines/concept of
operations and tasks to be observed and followed by all PNP units/offices in
supporting the AFP in the suppression of insurgency and other serious threats
to national security in conjunction with the NPDP and Executive Order No.


Broad Objective

The PNP, in strengthening its participation and involvement in the

government’s peace and development machinery, and concurrent with its
statutory functions and mandate through Executive Order 110, shall support
the AFP and ISO for the suppression of insurgency and other serious threats
to national security and to perform its tasks in the National Peace and
Development Plan.

Specific Objectives

1. To develop the capability of field units to fully operationalize this ISO

support plan for the government and the AFP in particular.
2. To support the AFP in the isolation of the underground infrastructure and
front organizations of the insurgents in the towns and cities form the general
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

3. To enhance intelligence activities against threat groups.

4. To enhance the conduct of legal offensive against the insurgents.
5. To support the governments’ National Peace and Development Plan to
include the Peace and Reconciliation plan.


Strategic Concept

1. The PNP shall basically support the AFP’s ISO Campaign Plan “Balangai”
through the conduct of limited internal security operations, sustained law
enforcement and PCR activities, intensive,information gathering and the
conduct of investigation and prosecution of ISO related cases.
2. The PNP campaign plan shall also follow the clear-Hold-Support
operational methodology as herein indicated in support to the integration
efforts of the military and other civilian agencies of the government as
envisioned in the NPDP and the strategy of “Total Approach”

The CLEAR stage shall involve the conduct of combat, intelligence and
Psychological operations a separate weapons systems to directly lead to the
destruction of the insurgent armed groups. The end state of this phase is
dismantled LCM politico-military infrastructure in the affected barangays and
the decisive defeat of the main enemy armed groups in the targeted guerilla
fronts. The PNP will support the AFP who is primarily responsible for the
Clear Stage.

The HOLD stage shall involve the utilization of the territorial defense forces to
limit the freedom of action and movement of the CPP/NPA, limit its access to
resources and reduce mass base support to the CPP/NPA/NDF. This phase
shall have the following end state. Integrated Area/Community Public Safety
Plan (IA/CPSP) is organized and established, in order to protect the people,
defend communities and secure vital assets and installations. The PNP will be
primary responsible for the Hold Stage in areas which are turned over to the
PNP or where there are no AFP units assigned. However, other areas
especially in those areas where AFP units assigned. However, other areas
especially in those areas where AFP units are present or where AFP
supervises CAFGU then the IA/CPSP is responsible.

The SUPPORT Stage is a “work in progress”. it shall involves police support

to consolidation and development activities of other agencies of government.
The PNP within its capability shall play a supportive role in these activities,
including but not limited to the conduct of medical and dental civic action,
adult literacy programs and providing security in support and in coordination
with AFP to civil government agencies in their delivery of basic services in far-
flung and strife-torn area.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

The Consolidation Stage aims to strengthen government control and authority

in contested barangays and develop the capability of local officials to
effectively govern their barangays. This stage has the following end-state;

1. Government authority and control in contested. Areas reestablished or

2. Government services delivered
3. Counter-organizations further expanded and consolidated, and
4. Mass support for the government is enhanced.

The Development Stage has the following for its end state:

1. Root causes of insurgency effective addressed, and

2. Political and socio-economic reforms planned at the beginning of the
campaign are sustained.

The overlapping and interrelated phases of this methodology may be

conducted simultaneously or sequentially depending on the prevailing
situation in the targeted area. The efforts of the PNP shall focus in supporting
the AFP on the Clearing and Holding phases, and within the local unit
capability they shall provide appropriate support to local government units and
other concerned agencies in the Consolidation and Development Phase.
The principle of integration of efforts shall be applied to accomplish an
ISO-related mission. This principle thrust requires the PNP military and the
civil government agencies to work cohesively, and to unify efforts to ensure a
focused, effective and holistic approach in addressing insurgency.the role of
the police aside from supporting the AFP in neutralizing the insurgent politico-
military infrastructure is to help create a physically and psychology secured
environment conducive for socio-economic development.

Operational Concept

The NHQ-PNP, through its directional staff, shall supervise and support
the Police Regional Offices in implementing the strategic agenda and
operational concept of this counter-insurgency strategy. The PNP leadership,
through the NALEC, the NDCC and the NPOC, shall coordinate and
cooperate with other national government agencies in the realization of the
intent of this counter-insurgency strategy.
The Special Action Force is designated as the reserve mobile/strike unit of
NHQ, PNP. It shall be deployed/ committed to support the Regional offices as
situation warrant and/or upon request.
The PNP through the PROs, PPOs,/CPOs and MPS shall undertake the
following specific activities during the Clearing and Holding Phases of the
operational methodology using the QUAD concept. (operations, intelligence,
Police Community Relations and Legal Offensive Activities (Investigation)

1. Operations
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Odiongan, Romblon

1.1 Conduct of population and resource control/denial measures

depending upon the prevailing situation and legal consideration, such as but
not limited to the establishment of checkpoints, and roadblocks; employment
of overt and covert population surveillance; screening and controlling of
displaced persons in the affected areas.
1.2 Deployment of police visibility patrols in rear areas to prevent the
entry/incursion of the enemy in threatened/conflict areas.
1.3 Conduct of limited police operations such as ambush, raid, clearing
and other similar operations depending upon the capability and limitation of
forces and threat situation on the ground.
1.4 Implementation of the crime prevention ad suppression programs
provided for in LOI Sandigan - Milenyo
1.5 Intensification of the preventive and pro-active measures.
1.6 Provision of appropriate security measures to government vital
installations/facilities, defense of communities and protection of the people
from insurgent terroristic actions.
1.7 Conduct holding operations in areas cleared by the AFP forces to
protect the community from possible enemy depredations and terroristic
activities, with the support of CAFGUs, CVOs, and the local government units
upon request of, or in coordination with local AFP.
1.8 Operationalization of the Integrated Area/Community Public Safety
Plan (IA/SPSP) through close coordination with the Local Government Units,
Local Peace and Order Councils, Law Enforcement and Disaster Coordinating
Councils, in order that it shall appropriate serve as the unified and integrated
direction of the local public safety programs and create an active shield
against the problems associated with internal security.
1.9 Strengthen the various programs for public safety associated with

2. Intelligence Operations

2.1 Conduct intensive and sustained intelligence gathering to identify threat

groups and monitor their movements, plans/activities etc.
2.2 Conduct of special projects and case operations to neutralize or negate
insurgent leadership, logistic fund support, plans and terroristic activities, safe
houses and other support facilities.
2.3 Intensify counter intelligence operations to detect and neutralize enemy
infiltration, sabotage and subversion, in coordination with the intelligence units
of the AFP and other law enforcement agencies.
2.4 Enhance the mobilization and utilization of the Barangay Information Nets

3. Police Community Relations

3.1 Conduct public information campaign that would reduce the influence of
the insurgent on the populace through the tri-media.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

3.2 Implement measures to gain, preserve and strengthen civilian support for
the programs of the government in counter-insurgency
3.3 Support the comprehensive, integrated and holistic peace process of the
Government pursuant to Executive Order No. 3
3.4 Maintain a databank of issues against the insurgents and develop positive
issues for the PNP and AFP for media exploration.
3.5 Conduct civic action, information drives, dialogues, livelihood projects, civil
assistance and deployment, and other allied PCR activities designed to win
back the enemy mass base.

4. Legal Offensive Activities (Investigation)

4.1 Provide efficient and well-coordinated investigation documentation and

prosecution of all ISO related cases, in coordination with the DND/AFP, DOJ
and the Commission on Human Rights.
4.2 Sustain the filling of ISO related cases and follow-up prosecution of cases
in court against the insurgents.

SANYAMAN- PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve Our

Environmet, Cultural Properties and Natural Resources.

This master plan prescribe the guidelines to be followed by tasked PNP

Units/Offices in assisting lead government agencies in the enforcement of law
over Philippines territorial lead government agencies in the enforcement of
laws over Philippines territorial waters, lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, forest,
to include laws and ordinances that have been set forth to preserve, protect
and enhance our environment and natural resources in close coordination
with the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources, Department
of Agriculture, National Museum ad other tasked government agencies and
non-government organizations.
The Philippines is one of the countries in the world blessed with
significantly rich natural resources. In fact, almost all kinds of minerals,
metals, precious stones, animal species, plants, and trees can be found in this
very unique archipelago.
However, Filipinos and foreigners alike exploited these resources, and
even worse, to the extent of over exploiting and destroying it. The most
affected are out marine, aquatic and forest resources. The continuing
degradation of our remaining natural resources has reached critical proportion
due to illegal destructive methods for business or personal motives. Further
contributing to the deterioration of our environment is the exacerbating
pollution emanating from vehicles brought about by the rapid urban growth
and industrialization.


To protect, conserve, and develop our environment and natural resources, in

coordination with and in direct support of all government agencies.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon


1. Operationalization of Integrated Area/Community Public Safety Plan

One of the areas of concern embodied in the Integrated Area/Community

Public Safety is the protection of the environment and natural resources/As
part of the strategic concept, the INTEGRATED AREA COMMUNITY PUBLIC
SAFETY PLAN (IA/CPSP) is the blue print for the protection of lives and
properties in a given locality and its concept requires the total mobilization of
all available resources and the simultaneous conduct of complementary
programs that will involve the civilian, police and military components of

The primary responsibility of the PNP is to assist the DENR and other tasked
government agencies in the in the conduct of anti-crime operations
implementing appropriate environmental, cultural, and natural resources
protection laws.

2. Employment of both territorial units/offices and selected NSUs in the

conduct of an all out and sustained campaign to protect and preserve our
environment, natural heritage and natural resources should be executed in
tandem with concerned government agencies.


To protect, conserve and develop our environment and natural resources,

in coordination with and in direct support of all concerned government


1. Protect Lives- People must learn to properly utilize and protect our
environment, cultural properties and natural resources. It is unfortunate for our
country to have experienced disasters that claimed thousands of lives which
can be attributed to peoples’ reckless and erroneous utilization of our natural
resources. The disaster that had happened in Ormoc is a clear picture of
nature’s way of retaliating to man’s irresponsiveness.
2. Enhance Public Safety- Public safety remains to be the top priority of the
PNP. Destruction of lives and property caused by continues misuse, abuse,
and malpractice of the people on our natural resources must be fully stopped
in order to protect these resources and promote public safety. Hence, the
PNP, being deputized to enforce environmental laws, should relentlessly
conduct operations that would effect the arrest and conviction of violators
preempt the same from ensuring.
Community Participation in the protection, conservation and development
of environment and natural resources.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

Community participation is an indispensable element in the protection,

conservation and development of natural resources. The realization of the
vision to live in a community with vast source of natural resources and an
environment worthy of emulation will come about through the voluntary
community support and cooperation to environmental protection law
enforcement, prevention and control activities.



1. Protection of Forest
2. Protection of Fisheries, Marine Life, and Aquatic Resources
3. Ensuring Clean and Safe Land, Air and Water
4. Preservation of Endangered Species and other Wild Life
5. Protection of Cultural Properties.

SANGBANAT- PNP’s Master Plan for the Campaign Against Illegal Drugs

This matter plan sets forth the concept of operations, operational

guidelines and tasks of all PNP units/offices in the total fight against illegal
drugs, integrating/orchestrating the activities of all concerned National
Government Agencies (NGAs) in the conduct of anti-illegal drug campaign at
the national down to barangay levels.


1. To reduce to zero at least minimize the profits derived from illicit drug
activities thru Supply Reduction and Demand Reduction, in order to fulfill the
Freedom from Fear for our people.
2. To address and eradicate or alleviate the Breeding Grounds/risk factors in
the environment/social milieu that abet/exacerbate the drug problem in order
to fulfil the Freedom from Want for our people and thereby preempt them from
committing or becoming victims of drug-related crimes, and
3. To motivationally enlighten, empower and mobilize the people to participate
in and support the Criminal Justice System and Government machinery in
attaining the two aforementioned objectives so that Participatory Democracy
shall be institutionalized in our society.


The PNP conducts an all-out and sustained anti-narcotics campaign to

neutralize drug personalities from street-level pushers to big time drug lords,
smugglers and syndicates; investigation and prosecute drug offenders;
provide for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; empower the
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

barangay as self-policing entities against the drug menace, and enter into
international cooperation in all aspects of anti-drug operations.


1. Supply Reduction- Arrest of drug personalities and seizure of illegal drugs

through intensified police operations.
2. Demand Reduction- Implementation of preventive education and public
information campaigns to increase awareness of the ill effects of prohibited
drugs, it also includes treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents
3. Inter-agency Cooperation- Promote anti-drug related activities among
tasked government in close coordination with NDLEPCC, being mandated to
orchestra and consolidate the drug enforcement and prevention efforts of
National Government Agencies, Local Government Units and Non-
Government Organizations.
4. Community Participation- undertaking the three (3) Core Components of
Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) as follows:
1. Full Service Policing (FSP)
2. Problem Solving (PS)
3. Community Partnership
5 International Cooperation- to run after the transnational drugs syndicates;
and plug/minimize the drug traffic to and from the Philippines Exchange of
Information and relevant technologies that could be used in the Anti-Drugs
Campaign could also be accessed through this pillar.

The drug menace has grown to alarming proportion inspite of prevention

and suppression efforts by the PNP and other tasked government agencies to
combat it. Day by day we are shocked by crimes committed by those high on
illegal drugs. Narcotics makes possible the worst and most heinous crimes in
society. It distort reason, wreck values, and make monster of men. The
number one drug choice in the country is Methamphetamine hydrochloride or
shabu, followed closely by Marijuana due to its relatively low price and
availability. “ECSTACY” or “MDMA” is now being introduced in the market
particularly in nightclubs and discos.
Shabu finds its origin from China and its entry into the country is facilitated
by foreign and domestic-based syndicates using HongKong and Taiwan as
the staging points. Smuggling activities are perpetrated via ocean-going
vessels from where multi kilos of shabu are transferred ship-side to smaller
sea crafts which then unload the illegal drug to our shores. Interdiction
records reveals that human couriers are being utilized for both inbound and
outbound shipments. Mails and parcels are very popular for outbound
shipments of small quantities of drugs. On the other hand, marijuana
producing areas in the country are located in Northern Luzon and in Central

Diagnosis of the Drug Menace

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

The motive of the drug lords, traffickers, pushers and their cohorts in the
illegal trade is profit. Today, even a simple and ordinary person have entered
into trade is profit. Today, even a simple and ordinary person have entered
into the drug trade simply because of its extensive return. The present
economic crises forced street level pushers to the retailing of prohibited drugs
as a means/source of livelihood. While on the other hand, many abusers use
dangerous drugs as a vehicle to escape the realities/vagaries of poverty and
its concomitant problems.

National Objectives

1. To reduce to zero or at least minimize the Profits derived from illicit drug
activities thru supply Reduction and Demand Reduction, in order to fulfill the
Freedom from Fear for our people.
2. To address and eradicate or alleviate the Breeding Grounds/risk factors in
the environment/social mileu that abet/exacerbate the drug problem, in order
to fulfill the Freedom from Want for our people and hereby preempt them from
committing or becoming victims of drug related crimes; and
3. Motivationally enlighten, empower and mobilize the people to participate in
the support the Criminal Justice System and Government machinery in
attaining the two aforementioned objectives, so that Participatory Democracy
shall be institutionalized in our society.


The PNP conducts an all-out and sustained anti-narcotics campaign to

neutralize drugs personalities from street-level pushers to big time drug lords,
smugglers and syndicates; investigate and prosecute drug offenders; provide
for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents; and empower the
barangay as self-policing entities against the drug menace, and enter into
international cooperation in all aspects of anti-drug operations.


1. Supply Reduction -Arrest of drug personalities education and public

information campaigns to increase awareness of the ill effects of prohibited
drugs, it also includes treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
2. Demand Reduction- Implementation of prevention education and public
information campaigns to increase awareness of the ill effects of prohibited
drugs, it also includes treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents.
3. Inter-Agency Cooperation - Promote anti-drug related activities among
tasked government agencies in close coordination with NDLEPCC, being
mandated to orchestra and consolidate the drug enforcement and prevention
efforts of National Government Agencies, Local Government Units and Non-
Government Organizations.
4. Community Participation- undertaking the three (3) Core Components of
Community Oriented Policing System (COPS) as follows.
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

1. Full Service Policing (FSP)

2. Problem Solving (PS)
3. Community Partnership (CP)

5 International Cooperation- to run after the transnational drugs syndicates;

and plug/minimize the drug traffic to and from Philippine Exchange of
Information and relevant technologies that could be used in the Anti-Drug
Campaign could also be accessed through this pillar.

The drug menace has grown to alarming proportion inspite of prevention

and suppression efforts by the PNP and other tasked government agencies to
combat it. Day by day we are shocked by crimes committed by those high on
illegal drugs. Narcotics makes possible the worst and most heinous crimes in
society. It distort reason, wreck values, and make monster of men. The
number one drug choice in the country is Methamphetamine hydrochloride or
shabu, followed closely by Marijuana due to its relatively low price and
availability. “ECSTACY” or MDMA is now being introduced in the market
particularly in nightclubs and discos.

Shabu finds its origin from China and its into the country is facilitated by
foreign and domestic-based syndicates using Hongkong and Taiwan as the
staging points. Smuggling activities are perpetrated via ocean-going vessels
from where multi-kilos of shabu are transferred ship-side to smaller sea crafts
which then unload the illegal drug to our shores. Interdiction records reveals
that human couriers are being utilized for both inbound and outbound
shipments. Mails and parcels are very popular for outbound shipments of
small quantities of drugs. On the other hand, marijuana producing areas in the
country are located in Northern Luzon and in Central Visayas.

SANG-INGAT- PNPs Master Plan on Security Preparations

This Master Plan sets forth the strategic concept and operational
guidelines, as well as contingency plan to ensure the maintenance of peace
and order during the year-round observe of holidays, which involves great
concern on movement of the citizens, international, national and local
meeting/conference/events, and rallies/mass action in protest to wide range of

Broad objectives

In the conduct of providing security for various events, the PNP, thru its
Police Regional/Provincial Police Offices (PROs/PPOs) and National support
Units (NSUs) shall undertake the following.

1. To catalyze all PNP units to enhance coordination and cooperation with

government units and private sectors in their respective area of jurisdiction, to
be able to come up with measures to preempt the occurence of crimes that
Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

can adversely affect the safety and security of individuals and vital
2. To enhance the level of awareness and preparedness of PNP personnel in
providing security to individuals and vital installations, and in dealing mass
3. To enhance the units capability to identify and neutralize threat groups; and
4. To determine and rectify PNP vulnerabilities which maybe exploited by the
threat groups.

SAKLOLO-PNP’s Master Plan for Disaster Preparedness

It sets forth the strategic concept, operational guidelines and coordinating

instructions to be undertaken by PNP Offices and personnel on disaster
The PNP as Disaster Coordinating Council operating unit, Conducts disaster
preparedness activities, provides security coverage in disaster areas, and
assist in search and rescue, evacuation, and relief operations.

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

Instruction: Answer all the questions.

1. What are the six master plans in the conduct of PNP operations?

2. What are the following specific objectives of SANGBANAT?

3. What is the broad objectives of SANGYAMAN?

4. What are the 5 immediate concerns that should be addressed for the
protection of the environment, cultural properties and natural resources?

5. What are the questions that addresses operational plan?

Institute of Criminal Justice Education
Odiongan, Romblon

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