Penile Length-Somatometric Parameters Relationship in Healthy Egyptian Men

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Penile length–somatometric parameters relationship in

healthy Egyptian men
M. E. Shalaby1, A. E.-R. M. Almohsen1, A. R. El Shahid1, M. T. Abd Al-Sameaa1 & T. Mostafa2
1 Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt;
2 Andrology and Sexology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Keywords Summary
Glans penis—index finger—penis—somato-
metrics—testis This study aimed to assess the penile length–somatometric parameters relation-
ship in healthy Egyptian men. Two thousand physically normal men (22–
Correspondence 40 years) were subjected to measurement of stretched penile length, glans
Prof. Dr Taymour Mostafa, Department of penis, testis size, index finger, weight, height, span, body mass index (BMI),
Andrology & Sexology, Faculty of Medicine,
waist circumference, hip circumference and waist/hip ratio. The mean stretched
Cairo University, Cairo 11562, Egypt.
penile length of the studied subjects was 13.84  1.35 cm (range 12–19 cm),
Tel.: +2 01005150297;
E-mail: and the mean glans penis length was 2.6  0.4 cm (range 1.7–3.8 cm). Penile
length demonstrated positive significant correlation with glans penis length,
Accepted: February 6, 2014 index finger length, BMI and significant negative correlation with waist/hip
ratio. On the other hand, penile length demonstrated nonsignificant correlation
doi: 10.1111/and.12275 with age, weight, height, waist circumference, span or testicular size. It is con-
cluded that the penile length-somatometric parameters relationship in healthy
Egyptian men is mostly related to glans penis and index finger lengths.

absence of universally acceptable parameters and standar-

dised criteria for the proper size of the external genital
Penile size is often associated with much interest in dif- organs. This poses major difficulty in the counselling and/
ferent cultures throughout history. Penile size has been a or treatment of young adult men with worries of their sex-
mystical topic, and a subject that was represented in art- ual inadequacy (Mondaini et al., 2002; Khan et al., 2012).
work by pre-historic cave dwellers where various phallus- Several studies carried out in different countries have
shaped posts were created by inhabitants of ancient investigated penile length and its relationship with soma-
Greece, Rome and Turkey (Mattelaer, 2008). Larger tometric parameters such as height, weight, body mass
penile sizes were perceived to validate sexual function and index (BMI), waist/hip ratio, index finger length and shoe
fertility potential, although a considerable percentage of size with conflicting results (Ponchietti et al., 2001; Shah
women attached substantial importance to the size of the & Christopher, 2002; Spyropoulos et al., 2002; Mehraban
male sexual organ (Francken et al., 2002). et al., 2007).
Measurement of the penile length is necessary in some This work aimed to assess penile length-somatometric
situations; as in diagnosing micropenis, malformed geni- parameters relationship in a sample of physically normal
talia, defining situations requiring penile-lengthening, Egyptian men.
evaluating medical or surgical penile interventions (Senge-
zer et al., 2002). Also, measurement of penile length has
Materials and methods
been raised to address the concerns of men regarding
their normality in response to relative dissatisfaction with This study included 2000 physically normal, Caucasian,
phallus dimensions requesting surgical enhancement Egyptian men (21–40 years old) after IRB approval and
(Spyropoulos et al., 2005; Oderda & Gontero, 2011). informed consent. Exclusion criteria included penile
Chen et al. (2000) stated that penile length was defined anomalies, epispadius, hyospadius, penile curvature, Pyro-
as the linear distance between the symphysis pubis to the nie’s disease and history of delayed puberty. They were
tip of the glans penis in the flaccid state. Previously subjected to history taking, clinical as well as genital
published surveys in different populations revealed the examination.

402 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Andrologia 2015, 47, 402–406
M. E. Shalaby et al. Penile length–somatometric relationship

These subjects were subjected to: 4.00

1 Measurement of penile length using a tape while the
patient standing and the penis held parallel to the floor,
and the penis is stretched as comfortable as possible.

Glans penis length (cm)

2 Measurements of the glans penis length from the cor-
ona to the external urethral meatus. 3.00
3 Measurement of weight, height, BMI and the span.
4 Measurement of the waist circumference, hip circum- 2.50
ference and waist/hip circumference ratio. Measuring of
the waist circumference was carried out by tape measure
passing along the waist midway between the umbilicus
and symphisis pubis at the level of superior iliac spine.
Measuring hip circumference was carried out by the tape 1.50
placed firmly, ensuring its horizontal position, around the 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00
point with maximum circumference over the buttocks. Penile length (cm)
The participants should stand with feet fairly close
together with weight equally distributed on each leg. Fig. 1 Positive significant correlation between penile length (cm) and
5 Measurement of the extended index finger length. glans penis length (cm).

6 Measurements of the testicular volume by Prader’s

orchidometer then by ultrasound using the formula
length (L) 9 width (W) 9 height (H) 9 0.71 (Sakamoto
et al., 2007).
Index finger (cm)

Statistical analysis
Statistical package for social science version 18 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL, USA) was used. The data were represented
in terms of mean and standard deviation (SD). Analytical
tests used Pearson correlation (r) for correlations between 10.00
investigated variables. P < 0.05 was set as statistically sig-
nificant. 9.00

10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00

Results Penile length (cm)

The mean age of the investigated subjects was Fig. 2 Positive significant correlation between penile length (cm) and
31.6  4.2 years (range 21–40 years), stretched penile index finger (cm).
length of the investigated subjects was 13.24  l.6 cm
(range 11.2–19 cm), glans penis 2.6  0.4 cm (range 1.7–
3.8 cm), index finger 12.1  0.8 cm (range 9.7–14.3 cm, height (r = 0.013, P = 0.566), span (r = 0.017,
weight 89.2  10.8 kg (range 59–122 kg), height P = 0.451), waist circumference (r = 0.024, P = 0.277)
1.74  7.8 cm (range 150–190 cm, BMI 29.5  3.77 and testicular size (r = 0.017, P = 0.444) (Figs 1–4).
(range 20.1–42.2), span 172.9  7.6 cm (range 148–
189 cm), waist 93.2  10.5 cm (range 70–115 cm), hip Discussion
circumference 94.4  11.4 cm (range 70–166 cm), testis
volume 21.1  3.57 ml (range 15–25 ml) and W/H ratio Measuring the fully stretched penile length has been taken
0.99  0.09 (range 0.59–1.28). as an indicator to erect length. In a large internet-based
Penile length demonstrated significant positive correla- survey of 52031 heterosexual men, most men rated their
tion with glans penis length (r = 0.089, P = 0.001), index penis as average sized (66%) where 12% rated their penis
finger length (r = 0.081; P = 0.001), BMI (r = 0.048; as small one (Lever et al., 2006). The current study dem-
P = 0.031) and significant negative correlation with waist/ onstrated that the mean stretched penile length of this
hip ratio (r = 0.064, P = 0.007). On the other hand, sample of Egyptian men was 13.24  l.35 cm. Racial dif-
penile length demonstrated nonsignificant correlation with ferences as well as ethnic one were reported by different
age (r = 0.037, P = 101), weight (r = 0.025, P = 0.264), authors (Wessells et al., 1996; Wylie & Eardley, 2007). On

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Andrologia 2015, 47, 402–406
Penile length–somatometric relationship M. E. Shalaby et al.

stretched penis was 13.5  2.3 cm in 271 Jordanians.
Mehraban et al. (2007) demonstrated that the mean
40.00 flaccid fully stretched penis was 11.58  1.42 cm in 1500
Iranians. Wylie & Eardley (2007) compared the results of
35.00 12 studies conducted on different populations in several
countries concluding that the average size at the begin-
ning of puberty was 6 cm with adult size reached about

5 years later to a mean stretched flaccid value of 13.4 cm.
25.00 Khan et al. (2012) pointed in 610 British men that the
stretched penile length was 14.3  1.7 cm. In 253 Tanza-
20.00 nians, Chrouser et al. (2013) demonstrated a mean penile
length of 11.5  1.6 cm.
15.00 Anthropometric parameters such as weight, height, W/
10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 H ratio are considered as bodily measures that display a
Penile length (cm) wide extent of normal variability along general population.
Many investigators tried to reveal the relationship between
Fig. 3 Positive significant correlation between penile length (cm) and the index finger, ring finger ratio and the masculine
BMI. aspect, sex role, semen quality (David et al., 2004; Andreas
& Johannes, 2008; Anthony et al., 2009). In the current
study, penile length demonstrated significant positive
relationship with glans penis length, index finger length,
1.50 BMI and significant negative correlation with W/H ratio.
In 52 Greek men, Spyropoulos et al. (2002) reported that
1.25 the age and somatometric parameters were not associated
significantly with the size of the genitalia, excluding the
index finger length that correlated significantly with the
W/H ratio

dimensions of the flaccid, maximally stretched penis.
0.75 A study on 3300 young Italian men (17–19 years)
showed that penile measurements (length and circumfer-
0.50 ence at the mid-shaft) are correlated to height, weight
and BMI (Ponchietti et al., 2001). Spyropoulos et al.
0.25 (2002) in their study on 52 Greeks (19–38 years) revealed
that the glanular and total penile lengths are nonsignifi-
10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 cantly correlated to age, weight, BMI and W/H ratio and
Penile length (cm)
positively correlated to height.
In an Iranian study, there was a significant positive
Fig. 4 Negative significant correlation between penile length (cm)
and W/H ratio.
relationship between penile length and subject’s height
and index finger length and negative relationship
between total penile length and weight. There was signif-
905 healthy Australian males aged 17–91 years, Bondil icant positive association between glans penis length and
et al. (1992) reported mean value of stretched flaccid subject’s height, index finger length. Age, height and
penile length of 16.74  1.9 cm. Da Ros et al. (1994) index finger length demonstrated significant and direct
reported mean value of stretched flaccid penile length of effect on girth where W/H ratio was the only significant
14.52 cm in 150 normal adult Caucasians. Sutherland and inverse effective factor on girth (Mehraban et al.,
et al. (1996) reported that the mean fully stretched penile 2007).
length in USA was 12.4  2.7 cm. In USA, Wessells et al. In the current study, there was nonsignificant relation-
(1996) prospectively measured flaccid and erect penile ship between penile length and height, span, weight.
dimensions in 80 physically normal men with a mean Siminoski & Bain (1993) reported in their study on 63
stretched length 12.45 cm and erect length 12.9 cm. On healthy virilized men in Canada that penile length was
the other hand, Fujieda & Matsuura (1987) reported statistically related to both body height and foot length.
mean value of stretched flaccid penile length of 9 cm Sutherland et al. (1996) stated that the height may be the
(range 6.6–12.2 cm) in healthy adult Japanese. Awwad primary indicators of penile size where Wessells et al.
et al. (2005) reported a mean length of adult flaccid fully (1996) reported that there is a positive correlation

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M. E. Shalaby et al. Penile length–somatometric relationship

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