Medical Terminology: (Arts)

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A. Complete the Statement.

1. The four components of a term are word root, prefix, suffix, and combining vowel.
2. The combination of a word root and the combining vowel is called combining vowel.
3. The vowel that connects to word roots or a suffix with a word root is usually a O.
4. A word part used at the end of a word root to change the meaning of the word is called
5. A prefix is used at the beginning of a word to indicate number, location, or time.
B. Name that term use the suffix -ology.
1. Heart = Cardiology.
2. Stomach = Gastrology.
3. Skin = Enterology.
4. Eye = Ophthalmology.
5. Immunity = Immunology.
6. Kidney = Nephrology.
7. Blood = Hematology.
8. Female = Gynecology.
9. Nerve = Neurology.
10. Disease = Pathology.
C. Circle the prefixes.
1. Tachycardia = Fast heart beat.
2. Pseudocyesis = False pregnancy.
3. Hypoglycemia = Insufficient blood sugar.
4. Intercostal = Between.
5. Eupnea = Normal breathing.
6. Postoperative = After operation.
7. Monoplegia = Paralysis of one extremity.
8. Subcutaneous = Under the skin.
D. Combining form and suffix.
1. Study of lungs = Pulmonology.
2. Nose discharge = Rhinorrhea.
3. Abnormal softening of a kidney =Nephro-malacia.
4. Enlarged heart = Cardiomegaly.
5. Cutting into the stomach = Gastrotomy.
6. Inflammation of the skin = Dermatitis.
7. Surgical removal of the voice box = Laranictomy.
8. Surgical repair of a joint = Arthroplasty.
E. Make it Plural.
1. Metastasis = Metastases.
2. Ovum = Ova.
3. Diverticulum = Diverticula.
4. Atrium = Atria.
5. Diagnosis = Diagnoses.
6. Vertebra = Vertebrae.

Preparing by:- Abdifitah Aweys

F. Terminology Matching.
1. Provides services for a short period of time:- L= Acute care hospital.
2. Complete outline of a patient’s entire hospital stay:- E= Discharge summary.
3. Describes purpose, methods, benefits, and risks of procedure:- J= Informed consent.
4. Contains updated assessment, diagnoses and further plans for care:- F=Physician’s progress notes.
5. Provides supportive care to terminally ill patients and families:- A= Rehabilitation center.
6. Written by the admitting physician:- K= History and physical.
7. Reports results from study of tissue removed from the patient:- M= Pathologist’s report.
8. Written by the surgeon:- O= Operative report.
9. Provides services not requiring overnight hospital stay:- G= Ambulatory care center.
10. Report given by a specialist:- H= Diagnostic report.
11. Record of a patient’s care throughout the day:- B= nurse’s notes.
12. Clinical lad and medical imaging reports:- N= Consultation report.
13. Provides intensive physical and occupational therapy:- D= Hospice.
14. Report of treatment/therapy the patient received:- C= Ancillary report.
15. Provides care for patients who need more time to recover:- I= Long term care facility.
G. Define the Suffix.
1. -plasty:- Surgical repair.
2. -stenosis:- Narrowing.
3. -itis:- Inflammation.
4. -al:- pertaining to.
5. -algia:- Pain.
6. -otomy:- Cutting into.
7. -megaly:- Enlarged.
8. -ectomy:- Surgical removal.
9. -rrhage:- Excessive, abnormal flow.
10. -centesis:- Puncture to with draw fluid.
11. -gram;- Rocord or picture.
12. -ac:- Pertaining to.
13. -malacia:- Abnormal softening.
14. -ism:- state of.
15. -rrhaphy:- To suture.
16. -ostomy:- Surgically create an opening.
17. -pexy:- Surgical fixation.
18. -rrhea:- Discharge.
19. -scopy:- Process of visually examining.
20. -oma:- Tumor, mass.
H. Name that Prefix.
1. Inner:--endo.
2. Large:--macro.
3. Before:--pro.
4. Around:--peri.
5. New:--neo.
6. Without:--de.

Preparing by:- Abdifitah Aweys

7. Half:--hemi.
8. Painful, difficult:--dys.
9. Excessive:--hyper.
10. Above:--epi.
11. Many:--poly.
12. Slow:--brady.
13. Self:--auto.
14. Across:--trans.
15. Two:---bi.
I. Building Medical Term.

1. Combining form for:- cardia.

Suffix meaning abnormal softening:-malacia. -Cardia-malacia.

2. Word root form for stomach:-gastro.

Suffix meaning to surgically create an opening:- -gastrostomy.
3. Combining form for nose:-rhino.
Suffix meaning surgical repair:-plasty. -rhinoplasty.

4. Prefix meaning excessive:-hyper.

Suffix meaning development:-trophy. -hypertrophy.

5. Combining form meaning disease:-patho.

Suffix meaning the study of:-ology. -pathology.

6. Word root meaning nerve:-neuro.

Suffix for tumor/mass:-oma. -nueroma.

7. Combining form meaning stomach:-gastro.

Combining form meaning small intestine:-entero. -gastrenterology.
Suffix meaning study of:-ology.
8. Word root meaning ear:-oto.
Suffix meaning inflammation:-itis. -otitis.

9. Prefix meaning chemical:-chemo.

Suffix meaning treatment:-therapy. -chemotherapy.

10 Combining form meaning cancer:-carcino.

. Suffix meaning that which produces:-gen. -carcinogen.

J. Define the combining form.

1. Bi/o====Life.
2. Carcin/o===Cencar.
3. Cardi/o====Heart.
4. Chem/o===Chemical.
5. Cis/o====To cut.

Preparing by:- Abdifitah Aweys

6. Dermat/o====Skin.
7. Enter/o====Small intestine.
8. Gastr/o====Stomach.
9. Gynec/o===Female.
10. Hemat/o===Blood.
11. Immune/o==Immunity.
12. Laryng/o===Larynx.
13. Path/o===Disease.
14. Nephr/o===Kidney.
15. Neur/o===Nerve.
16. Ophthalm/o===Eye.
17. Ot/o==Ear.
18. Pulmon/o===Lug.
19. Rhin/o===Nose.
K. Complete the Statement.
1. The leaver of organization of the body in order from smallest to largest cell, tissue, organ,
system, whole body.
2. No matter its shape, all cells have a nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell-membrane.
3. Epithelial tissue lines internal organs and serves as covering for the skin.
4. Cardia muscle located in the heart, skeletal muscle is attached to bones, and smooth
muscle is found in internal organs.
5. Cartilage and tendons are examples of connective tissue.
6. Nervous tissue is composed of neurons.

Preparing by:- Abdifitah Aweys


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