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Final Exam Report,

This report is submitted to the electrical department,

College of Engineering, Kirkuk University.

Student Name: Dana Dler Khalid

Subject: Kirchoff’s law in AC circuit

Stage: First

Student Signature:
Kirchhoff’s laws in AC circuit

Kirchhoff’s laws is one of the most essential laws for solving AC as well as DC circuits. It is worth mentioning
That a lot of the electrical circuit theories are driven from kirchhoff’s laws like nodal and mesh analysis. In this
report we are going to discuss each of it’s law separately and then demonstrate how to use both of kirchhoff’s
law simultaneously to solve any AC electrical circuit no matter how complex they are , and they are all explained
with examples .

Kirchhoff’s current law

Let is consider the first of the two laws named for Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (two h’s and two f ’s), a
German university professor who was born about the time Ohm was doing his experimental work.
This axiomatic law is called Kirchhoff’s current law (abbreviated KCL), and it simply states that

“The algebraic sum of the currents entering any node is zero” (for DC)

“The vector sum of the currents entering any node is zero” (for AC)
This law represents a mathematical statement of the fact that charge cannot accumulate at a node.
A node is not a circuit element, and it certainly cannot store, destroy, or generate charge. Hence, the
currents must sum to zero. A hydraulic analogy is sometimes useful here: for example, consider
three water pipes joined in the shape of a Y. We define three “currents” as flowing into each of the
three pipes. If we insist that water is always flowing, then obviously we cannot have three positive water
currents, or the pipes would burst. This is a result of our defining currents independent of
the direction that water is actually flowing. Therefore, the value of either
one or two of the currents as defined must be negative.
Consider the node shown in Fig. 1. The vector sum of the four
currents entering the node must be zero:
iA + iB + (−iC) + (−iD) =0
However, the law could be equally well applied to the vector sum of he currents leaving the node:
-iA - iB + (iC) + (iD) = 0

We might also wi jsh to equate the sum of the currents having reference arrows directed into the node
to the sum of those directed out of the node:
iA + iB + = iC + iD
which simply states that the sum of the currents going in must equal the sum
of the currents going out.

Example: find the value of (iA) current in fig(2) using Kirchhoff current law

IB=50 , IC=645 , ID=4-90 , IE=10180


KCL states that

IA + IB + IC + ID+ IE =0

IA = -( IB + IC + ID+ IE) Fig(2)

IA = - (50 + 645 + 4-90 + 10180)

IA =50

Kichhoff voltage law

Current is related to the charge flowing through a circuit element, whereas voltage is a measure of
potential energy difference across the element. There is a single unique value for any voltage in circuit
theory. Thus, the energy required to move a unit charge from point A to point B in a circuit must
have a value independent of the path chosen to get from A to B (there is often more than one such
path). We may assert this fact through Kirchhoff’s voltage law (abbreviated KVL):
The algebraic sum of the voltages around any closed path is zero. (for DC)
The phasor sum of the voltages around any closed path is zero. (for AC)

In Fig. 3, if we carry a charge of 1 C from A to B through element 1, the reference polarity signs for v1
show that we do v1 joules of work.1 Now if, instead, we choose to proceed from A to B via node C, then
we expend(v2 − v3) joules of energy. The work done, however, is independent of the path in
a circuit, and so any route must lead to the same value for the voltage.
In other words,

It follows that if we trace out a closed path, the algebraic sum of the voltages across the individual
elements around it must be zero. Thus, we may write

V1+V2+V3+…...+Vn =0

or, more compactly

∑ 𝑽𝒏 = 𝟎

We can apply KVL to a circuit in several different ways. One method that leads to fewer equation-writing
errors than others consists of moving mentally around the closed path in a clockwise direction and
writing down directly the voltage of each element whose (+) terminal is entered, andwriting down the
negative of every voltage first met at the (−) sign. Applyingthis to the single loop of Fig. 3, we have

- V1 + V2 – V3=0


Example: in the circuit of figure(3) find and V1 ,If V2 = 30 and V3 = 690
Appling KVL around the loop (in clockwise direction)

-V1 + V2 – V3 = 0
V1 = V2 – V3

V1= 30 - 690 =

Example: use Kirchhoff’s law to find the current flowing in each branch of the network
Shown in fig(4).

Let the current distribution be as shown in Fig. 15.1 (b). Starting from point A and applying KVL to closed loop

ABEFA, we get

−10(x + y) −20 x + 100 = 0 or 3x + y = 10 ...(i)

Similarly, considering the closed loop BCDEB and starting from point B, we have
−50 ∠90º + 5y + 10 (x + y) = 0 or 2x + 3y = j10 ...(ii)
Multiplying Eq. (i) by 3 and subtracting it from Eq. (ii), we get
7x = 30 −j10 or x = 4.3 −j1.4 = 4.52 ∠−18º
Substituting this value of x in Eq. (i), we have
y = 10 −3x = 5.95 ∠119.15º = −2.9 + j5.2
∴x + y = 4.3 −j1.4 −2.9 + j5.2 = 1.4 + j3.8
Example: Determine vo(t) in the circuit in Fig. 5
To do the analysis in the frequency domain, we must first
transform thetime-domain circuit in Fig. 5 to the phasor-
domain equivalent in Fig. 6. The transformation produces Fig(5)
vs = 20 cos(4t − 15◦) ⇒ Vs = 20− 15 V, ω= 4
10 mF ⇒ 1/jωC = 1/(j4 × 10 × 10-3) = −j25 _
5 H ⇒ jωL = j4 × 5 = j20

Z1 = Impedance of the 60-_ resistor
Z2 = Impedance of the parallel combination of the 10-mF
capacitor and the 5-H inductor
Then Z1 = 60 _ and
Z2 = j25 || j20 = = j100 Fig(6)

By the voltage-division principle,

𝒁𝟐 𝒋𝟏𝟎𝟎
V0 = *Vs= (20-15)
𝐙𝟏+𝐙𝟐 𝟔𝟎+𝒋𝟏𝟎𝟎

= (0.857530.96)(20-15) = 17.515.96 V
Vo = Z2

We convert this to the time domain and obtain

vo(t) = 17.15 cos(4t + 15.96◦)V

Electrical technology by theraja
Fundamental of electric circuit by Charles K.alexander
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