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GIScience at Penn State

Article  in  Cartography and Geographic Information Science · March 2013

DOI: 10.1559/15230406382332

1 56

2 authors:

Cynthia Ann Brewer Anthony C. Robinson

Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania State University


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GIScience at Penn State

Cynthia A. Brewer and

Anthony C. Robinson

esearch and teaching in Geographic of Geographic Information: An Open Geospatial
Information Science at The Pennsylvania Textbook. Introductory cartography is one
State University includes cartography, of four intermediate-level courses, and builds
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geovisual analytics, representation, ontologies expertise in GIS-based reference and thematic

and semantics, geographic information retrieval, map making. Advanced cartography-related
qualitative and quantitative methods, spatial courses include dynamic representation, applied
cognition, human factors, remote sensing, cartographic design, geovisual technology use
and GIS education. GIScience centers in the and usability, human computer interaction, and
Department of Geography are GeoVISTA, web mapping. Undergraduate students also
which centrally organizes many GIScience work as teaching interns in the hands-on labs
research activities at Penn State, and the for GIScience courses and with researchers
Gould Center, which focuses specifically on on projects in the centers. Example topics
cartographic production and research. The for recent graduate seminars in cartography
department offers undergraduate and graduate include multiscale topographic mapping and
degrees with specialization in GIScience, and generalization. Professors teaching GIScience
its online geospatial education programs are at University Park are Cynthia Brewer, Andrew
supported by the John A. Dutton e-Education Carleton, Alexander Klippel, Alan MacEachren,
Institute at Penn State. and Donna Peuquet.

Resident GIScience Education Online GIScience Education

Students may specialize in GIScience within In collaboration with the John A. Dutton
their master’s and doctoral graduate studies in e-Education Institute and the Penn State
Geography as resident students at the University World Campus, Penn State’s Department of
Park campus. The undergraduate GIScience Geography has offered instructor-led online
option for the Bachelor of Science in Geography education for current and aspiring geographic
is complemented by an undergraduate minor information systems professionals since 1999. To
in GIScience offered for students who major in date over three thousand students have enrolled
other disciplines at Penn State. The cartography in these programs from fifty U.S. states and all
course sequence (detailed here given the context seven continents.
of reporting to the International Cartographic Three programs are currently offered. The
Association) begins with the overview of Master of GIS degree program is designed
cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and spatial for experienced practitioners who aspire to
analysis offered by Mapping Our Changing leadership in the geographic information
World, with an associated online textbook Nature systems profession, but who are only able to
Cynthia A. Brewer, Anthony C. Robinson, Department of Geography,
study part-time and at a distance. The Certificate
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, Program in GIS helps practitioners to become
16802, USA, E-mail: <>, <>.
DOI: 10.1559/15230406382332
knowledgeable and skillful users of geospatial

Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2011, pp. 332-334
data and technologies. The Graduate Certificate Health, Department of Homeland Security,
Program in Geospatial Intelligence helps Department of Defense, and by several industry
analysts to combine spatial thinking, information partners. As part of these research efforts, the
literacy, and geospatial technology skills with GeoVISTA Center has built strong ties with the
knowledge of cultural and political geography College of Information Sciences and Technology
and a commitment to ethical practice. Course and with faculty at the Hershey Medical School.
content reflects the combined talents of twenty- In addition, GeoVISTA has recently initiated
nine GIScience faculty from the Department a cross-campus pilot project with the Center
of Geography and the e-Education Institute. for Infectious Disease Dynamics on Geovisual
Courseware created for these online programs Analytics for Infectious Disease Dynamics.
is freely available under a Creative Commons In 2008, the GeoVISTA Human Factors
license as part of the Dutton Institute’s Open in GIScience lab was founded by Alexander
Educational Resources initiative (http://open. Klippel to advance the understanding of how Key personnel include faculty humans cognize geographic space. Research in
members Anthony Robinson, Todd Bacastow, the Human Factors lab addresses how humans
Beth King, Jim Detwiler, and program assistant communicate spatial information in different
Downloaded by [Penn State University] at 07:55 30 November 2015

Jan Moyer. modalities (e.g., linguistically and graphically),

how cognitive processes can be formally
GeoVISTA Center characterized, and how to advance empirical
Established in 1998, the Penn State Geographic methods to learn about spatial cognition. As such,
Visualization Science, Technology, and the Human Factors Lab is an interdisciplinary
Applications Center is based in the Department of group collaborating with researchers in
Geography but has faculty and graduate student geography, linguistics, information science and
affiliates in multiple colleges at the University technology, informatics, and psychology.
Park campus. Its research is interdisciplinary and, GeoVISTA faculty in Geography include
over the past decade, its emphasis has expanded Alan MacEachren (Director), Donna Peuquet
from geovisualization to cover all aspects of (Associate Director), Justine Blanford, Cynthia
GIScience and related information sciences. Brewer, Gouray Cai, Jin Chen, Frank Hardisty,
GeoVISTA faculty and students are charged Deryck Holdsworth, Krzysztof Janowicz,
with the mission to coordinate integrated and Alexander Klippel, Scott Pezanowski, and
innovative research in GIScience, with an Anthony Robinson. There are also nine additional
emphasis on geovisualization. New geographic faculty associates in other departments at Penn
data sources and corresponding demands for State.
useful and usable technologies pose an array of
research challenges and opportunities that the The Gould Center
GeoVISTA Center is working to address. The The Peter R. Gould Center for Geography
focus is on developing powerful human-centered Education and Outreach supports the university’s
methods and technologies that allow scientists missions of instruction, research, and service
and decision makers to solve scientific, social, through excellence in cartography. Primary
and environmental problems through computer- projects are the National Mapping Expertise
supported, visually-enabled analysis of the Exchange and Penn State campus maps. The
growing wealth of geospatial data. Examples Gould Center also designs and produces custom
of software designed to support these science maps and information graphics for clients.
goals include; ColorBrewer, GeoVISTA Studio, Geography department members involved in
GeoViz Toolkit, Exploratory Spatio-Temporal the center are Professor and Director Cynthia
Analysis Toolkit, Visual Inquiry Toolkit, Brewer, Writer-Editor Michael Dawson, and
Pennsylvania Cancer Atlas, and CrimeViz. Cartographer Michael Hermann. The Gould
Research at the GeoVISTA Center has been Center is guided by three goals: advancing
supported by project funding from the National national mapping innovation, providing
Science Foundation, National Institutes of cartographic services to the university and

333 Cartography and Geographic Information Science

scholarly communities, and expanding student
experience through internships.
Many federal mapping projects seek advice and
collaboration on best practices for map labeling,
generalization, multi-scale mapping, symbol
design, color use, cartographic data modeling,
terrain representation, data classification,
page layout, cross-agency data use, and other
cartographic challenges. The National Mapping
Expertise Exchange promotes innovation and
excellence in national mapping by building
connections among mapmakers, educators,
researchers, and software developers at academic,
commercial, and governmental organizations.
Links for Penn State GIScience are collected
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About the Authors: Cynthia Brewer is a professor

in the Department of Geography at The
Pennsylvania State University and Director of
the Gould Center in the department. She teaches
courses in cartography and studies GIS-based
multiscale mapping and advanced cartographic

Anthony Robinson is the faculty lead for GIS

programs in the John A. Dutton e-Education
Institute at The Pennsylvania State University
and assistant director of the GeoVISTA Center
in the Department of Geography. He teaches
GIS and cartography courses and conducts
geovisualization design and evaluation research.

Vol. 38, No. 3 334

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