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Rights and Obligations of Both Parties

3.1 Party A's Rights and Obligations
a. Party A shall have the right to monitor Party B's live broadcast and require Party B to
adjust its live broadcast if necessary. If Party B fails to perform its obligations or violates
the relevant management rules of Facebook and/or Party A, or violates laws and
regulations, or if there is any violation and  illegal content, Party A shall have the right
to handle it in accordance with Party A’s rules, and take relevant measures without
notification to Party B , such as notifying Facebook to terminat the broadcast, , deducting
or refusing the payment , terminate this Agreement and claiming damages pursuant to the
provisions of this Agreement or applicable laws and require Party B to pay compensation
to Party A accordingly.
3.2  Party B's Rights and Obligations
a. Party B shall have the right to request Party A to pay the service fees in accordance with
the provisions of the Agreement.
b. During the Term of this Agreement, Party B shall live streaming Rules of Survival on
Facebook only. ; and Party B shall not authorize use of the promotional names, portraits,
audios and videos associated with the live broadcasts during the Term to any third party.
c. Party B shall abide by the laws and regulations of the nation where Party B performs this
Agreement. During the live broadcast, Party B shall not have any disputes with the
audiences.  Otherwise, Party A reserves the right to deduct part of the service fees that
would have been owed to Party B so long as Party A deems it appropriate at its
d. Party B shall actively improve the stream quality for the purpose of increasing followers
in accordance with the regulations of non-cheating, non-hacking, non-botting and non-
tampering; and the pornographic, political, gambling, drug abuse-related information or
behaviors are prohibited. In the case of any violation of those regulations, Party A has the
rights to deduct or refuse the payment to Party B and cooperate with the local police to
transfer to judiciary.
e. Party B undertakes to comply with all rules ofFacebook, perform live broadcast and
comment, participate in commercial activities and produce videos without violence,
reactionaries, racial discrimination, ethnic discrimination, cult-related, superstition, porn,
gambling, drugs or any other criminal acts, offensive behavior, or any behavior that
infringes the intellectual property rights and other rights and interests of any third party.
f. If Party B has any negative activities during broadcasting, including but not limited to,
violation of regulations or laws, criminal acts or behaviors contrary to social morality,
public order and good practices , or receive criminal or administrative punishment, Party
B shall bear the legal consequences and damages caused to third parties. Party A has the
right to terminate this Agreement and hold Party B responsible for any losses caused to
Party A and its affiliates.
g. Party B shall undertake to respect and safeguard the reputation and brand image of Party
A and Facebook, and shall not make any remarks or actions that are detrimental to Party
A or ’Facebook, such as slander, libel and defamation; Otherwise, Party A has the right to
stop paying service fees and hold Party B responsible for any losses caused to Party A.
7 Responsibility for Breach of this Agreement
7.1 If either party breaches this Agreement, the party shall, upon receipt of the e-mail notice of
the other party, immediately stop such breach, and make corrections or take remedial measures
based on the requirements of the other party in order to minimize and eliminate the adverse
effects arising from such breach. The defaulting Party shall compensate the other party for all
losses suffered thereby. Losses under this Agreement include, but are not limited to, direct
economic losses, loss of expected benefits, costs incurred by the observant party for investigating
the breach of Agreement, attorney's fees, litigation costs, and so on.
7.2 During the cooperation term, if Party B terminates this Agreement or hosts live shows in any
internet platforms for live broadcasting other than Facebook without Party A's consent, Party A
has the right to claim back all the profits acquired by Party B from Party A, and claim for
compensation twice all the profits acquired by Party B from Party A as the penalty.
7.3 If Party B broadcasts any live show or share any content that infringes any third party’s
intellectual property rights in any internet platforms for live broadcasting, Party B shall
indemnify Party A against all costs, expense, including legal expenses, damages, loss, including
loss of business or loss of profits, liabilities, demands, claims, actions or proceedings which
Party A may incur arising out of or related to an infringement of any third party’s Intellectual
Property Rights ;
7.4 If Party B fails to broadcast live video shows or fails to broadcast in due time in accordance
with arrangement of Party A, Party B shall be liable for breach of agreement.
7.5 If the damages provided by this Agreement are insufficient to cover Party A's losses, Party A
has the right to require Party B to compensate for all the losses incurred by Party A due to the
breach, including but not limited to direct losses, indirect losses, lawyer's fee, traveling expenses
and any other reasonable expenses.
7.6 If Party B breaches article 3 of this Agreement, Party B shall be liable for any direct and
indirect losses that Party A may suffer due to such breach.
7.7 Party A has the right to directly deduct the damages or compensation to be paid to Party B by
Party A from the payables to Party B.

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