3 (Three) : EMBA Program Spring 2020 Section C EMBA-509 (Organizational Behavior) 1 Hour 15

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Jahangirnagar University (FBS)

Department of Management Studies
Mid-Term Examination (EMBA Program Spring 2020 Section C)
Course Code & Title: EMBA-509 (Organizational Behavior)
Time: 1 Hour
Instructions:  Answer any 3 (Three) of the following questions.
 The answer to each question must start from a fresh page.
 Answer to the questions should be to the point, precise and neat and clean.
(MR)  Please switched off your mobile phone and don’t move and talk in the exam hall.

1. What is intellectual ability? Discuss about different dimension of intellectual ability

with relevant example.
2. What are the major job attitudes? In what ways are these attitudes alike? What is
unique about each?
3. Define job satisfaction and show how it can be measured.
4. What are the sources of emotions and moods? Discuss in brief

(N.B: Submit your answer script through mail)

Mail Address: rubelmisdu@gmail.com

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