Assignment - Q3 Existential Therapyy

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Existential therapy

3. Existential therapy is an exceptional form of psychotherapy that looks at

difficulties from a philosophical perspective and focuses on the human condition as a
whole. Existential therapy emphasizes on free will, self-determination and the search
for meaning (Psychology Today). Though this approach, the individual’s capacity to
make rational choices is stressed and this assist to develop one’s maximum potential
(Psychology Today). Existential approach emphasizes that every individual have the
capacity for self-awareness, has a unique identity that can only be discovered through
their relationships with others, must continue to re-create themselves as the ‘meaning
of life’ is changing and developing continually and that anxiety is unquestionable part
of the human condition (Psychology Today). Existential therapy can assist to lessen
anxiety, guilt, shame and other difficult emotions by honest self-evaluation and also
honestly tackles the realities of life such as death, meaninglessness, loss and suffering
and works to encourage positive experiences, relationships and emotions (CRC
Health Group). Psychology Today states that existential psychotherapies use a range
of approaches but the major themes focus on responsibility and freedom. In facing
anxiety, existential therapists help the individual find meaning by thinking and acting
responsibly and tackling any negative thoughts together with cultivating creativity,
love, free will and authenticity will help the individual move towards transformation
(Psychology Today). Thus, when the individual has learnt how to make more willful
decisions about how to live, create and love, one’s behavior will no longer be
determine by the external events or pressures. Existential therapy works effectively
for youth and adults who are experiencing the struggle to make healthy life choices
and be able to accept the consequences of these choices, which may include the
struggle with addiction, anxiety, depression and a wide range of psychological and
behavioral issues (CRC Health Group). The existential therapy is very benefiting to
individuals who are willing to engage in honest self-evaluation. The therapist usually
uses interventions that are based on philosophical views that involve the nature of
human existence. The therapist will help the individual to increase self-awareness
including alternatives, motivations, influencing factors and personal goals. The
individual will be assisted to see that more challenges will be expected with the
ability to face reality but potential for greater fulfillment will also be created.
Individual is also made aware and accept the fact that one have the freedom to make
choices and the need to be responsible for the choices made. The therapist will also
assist the individual to realize that one’s true identity has be lost as others were
allowed to design his or her life. The individual may experience fear upon
recognizing how they have actually surrendered their personal freedom to others and
thus, the therapist will give them the courage to recognize the fear and to recognize
that it is not as overwhelming as one may have thought. The individual is also faced
with the reality that he or she alone can find the answers to their own questions. As it
is human nature to find meaning and satisfaction in life, the therapist will ask
questions pertaining to the subject so as to enable the individual to create meaning
from his or her personal idea of what is valuable and commit himself or herself to
search for the true meaning to find the purpose of what make life worthwhile and
meaningful. Anxiety is unavoidable and the individual needs to recognize that when
moving towards autonomy from dependency, uncertainties are necessary. Anxiety
will be lessened as one gain self-confidence and becomes increasingly satisfied with
the new ways of being. The therapist also bring to the awareness of the individual that
death is an inevitable human condition and this can add to the significance of living
and when the individual is able to acknowledge death, fear of death will have a
positive on the individual. Existential therapy along with other approaches, can be
very effective and lead to higher success in the recovery process.

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