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Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher Education


Name: Gennie A. Padino

Year/Section: BPHE II

K to 12: An Answer to 21st Century Learners

Guide Questions:

Describe the video in general terms. What subjects does it cover? Describe the plot and
setting. What issues does it raise or the main purpose of the video.

The main purpose of the video is to provide everyone an information about the big
innovation happened in 21st century learning. By and large, the video brings information
about the 21st century learners and the skills this individual has. The video also included
frameworks and critical skills such as collaborate, communicate, and create. On the first
part of the video, it shows the metamorphosis or change in classroom design from
traditional to modern or digital classroom. With regards to the setting, classrooms of the
21st century look different from those of the past. It is being project on the video that 21st
century classroom goes beyond the classroom walls. Meaning, students do not
necessarily sit in rows of desks; teachers are as often working alongside students as
lecturing in front of them. Learning setting /environments today are embracing the
variety of places, ideas, and people that the modern world demands and reflect a
flexibility of space, time, people, and most especially technology. Twenty first century
learning environments comprise various systems that support individual learning needs.
What are the major theme(s) of the video clip?

Students demonstrate the three Cs: creativity, communication, and collaboration.  From
my own perspective being a future educator, the most effective way to prepare students
for the workforce and college is to implement and scale what is already known about
effective learning and teaching and that is the 21st century learning. We should never
settle on the old but doesn’t mean that we will forget it because it is still our foundation in
learning but of course we are opted and should embrace the big innovation in the present.
Relate the video to class discussions, readings, notes or knowledge. Is the video historically
(or factually) accurate and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you have

It is realistic. Some strategy being used now is the so called Differentiated Instruction.
What is it? Example, imagine being in a college literature class. The professor decides to
do a quick assessment of the class' understanding of the use of symbolism in the novel to
determine whether they are ready to move on to the next objective. She hands out a piece
of blank paper and a pencil to all students and asks each of you to draw a picture to
express your understanding of the novel's symbolism. How would the students respond?
The gifted artists in the class would get right to work. The non-artistic might protest,
saying that their product could not possibly represent their understanding of the content.
Others might give it a try but fall short. Others might decide not to try at all. How fair
would that task seem to you? This scenario illustrates how using a one-size-fits-all
approach to instruction, such as a lecture to the whole class or the same writing
assignment for everyone, puts a number of students at a disadvantage. They are likely
being taught and tested using a format at which they do not excel. In these situations, the
presentation of the information and the way mastery is assessed by the teacher leaves
some students looking like they have not understood the content. Think about how most
people's drawings would have turned out. How would your class of college students have
responded if they had been allowed to select from a menu of choices: drawing, essay,
PowerPoint presentation, or a lecture delivered to the class?

Do you remember a particular, concrete, or special object/image/scene in video? What is its


Blooms Taxonomy is being included in the video. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy isn't about
the tools or technologies rather it is about using these to facilitate learning. Outcomes on
rubrics are measured by competence of use and most importantly the quality of the
process or product. For example, bookmarking a resource is of no value if the resource is
inappropriate, invalid, out of date or inaccurate. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy lends itself to
problem and project based learning where the student must work through the entire
process of development and evaluation.

Give your general insights about the video clip related to

K-12 PE and HE Programs.

What interesting facts or ideas does it bring to mind?

“Twenty-first century learning really can happen everywhere.”
No matter what you call “21st century skills,” it’s important to give students hands-on
experiences in proving and applying what they know. The good news is there is no single
right way to do this. It does, however, take a different mindset where educators give up
some control of the classroom to input from students and allow students to drive their
own learning and try out what they know. It means giving students to opportunity to
communicate their ideas and defend their positions to develop that positive self-identity
that is so important to a success attitude. There are many schools across the country
where this is exactly how learning happens.  It takes creative ideas about connecting
disciplines and working outside the box or the classroom walls. It takes allowing students
to take risks, so that they learn deeply from failure.

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