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Modern Slavery

Today, around the world, there are an estimated 21 million to 45 million

people trapped in some form of slavery. It’s sometimes called “Modern-Day
Slavery” and sometimes “Human Trafficking”.
Human Trafficking is the recruitment, the transportation, the transfer, the
harbouring or the receipt of persons by improper means (such as force,
abduction, fraud or coercion) for an improper purpose including forced labor
or sexual exploitation. It takes on many forms today.
Coercion is the action or practice of persuading someone to do something by
using force or threats.
There is Domestic Servitude, usually for women, they work in private homes
and are forced or coerced into serving and/or fraudulently convinced that they
have no option to leave.
Sex Trafficking, women, men or children that are forced into the commercial
sex industry and held against their will by force, fraud or coercion.
Forced Labor, usually men, they are forced to work under the threat of
violence and for no pay. They are exploited to create a product for commercial
Bonded Labor, women, men or children, they are compelled to work in order
to repay a debt and they can’t leave until the debt is repaid. (It is the most
common form of enslavement in the world)
Child Labor, children can have any enslavement –whether forced labor,
domestic servitude and others.
Forced Marriage, women and children usually, who are forced to marry
another without their consent or against their will.
45.8 Million People in Modern Slavery globally
5) Qatar -1, 4%
4) India- 1, 4%
3) Cambodia-1, 7 %( country in Asia)
2) Uzbekistan-4 %( country in Central Asia)
1) North Korea-4, 4%

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