Esperanto, Tourism, Learning Languages

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Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Less popular
Mean opposite of
First choice
100th birthday
Learning languages
I am thinking of coming to live in Spain. If I
want to speak Spanish really well, what do
you think I need to do?
From my point of view, you need to go to an
academy and learn the language with native
speakers. If you watch films, read books and
learn lots of vocabulary you will improve a lot.

If I don´t know anyone, how can I meet

If you go to a language class, you will meet
people there. Another thing you can do is go
to public events.

What is your opinion of studying online?

In my opinion it is a good option if you cannot
go to an academy. However, I would prefer to
go to an academy.
In the future, if you decide to start learning
another language, which language might you
I really like Italian and I am very interested
in it.

Why are more people studying a language

nowadays compared to in the past?
Nowadays, you need at least one foreign
language to be able to work. In addition,
people travel more than they used to.


This is a part 1 style listening about a healthy drink. Audio in English.

Questions/Preguntas pincha aquí
1. What is the green juice made from?
2. Why is it healthy?
3. Why do some people think it is not a good idea?
4. How many juice bars are there in London?
5. What are the ingredients of the most popular juice?
6. How much does a cup of this juice cost?

Text/Texto pincha aquí

We all know that vegetables are healthy but did you know there is a new way to get five
a day? Many people are now making healthy juice – not from fruits but from green
plants like broccoli, spinach and cucumbers. Some experts say that this green juice is
very healthy because it contains lots of vitamins and minerals but it is not high in sugar.
Some dieticians disagree, they think that this is an expensive trend. They think that
people should spend money on buying vegetables and eating them, rather than buying
expensive juicing equipment.
Many businesses are profiting from the popularity of green juice. There are already 23
juice bars in central London, selling juice and healthy snacks to workers in the city. The
most popular juice is apple, carrot and ginger and this costs £3.50 per cup.

Answers/Respuestas pincha aquí

1. Green plants like broccoli, spinach and cucumbers
2. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals, it is not high in sugar
3. It is expensive, people should buy vegetables rather than expensive equipment
4. 23
5. Apple, carrot and ginger
6. 3 pounds 50


This is a part 1 style listening about something in the natural world.

Questions/Preguntas pincha aquí
1. What percentage of the Solar system is made up of the Sun?
2. How many years ago was the Sun formed?
3. What is the temperature inside the Sun?
4. How far is the furthest planet from the Sun?
5. What do plants need to make energy to grow?
6. When did scientists from NASA send a spacecraft to research the sun?

Text/Texto pincha aquí

The Sun is the largest object in the Solar System. It is very heavy and makes up 99
percent of the Solar system´s weight. It is also about 109 times the diameter of the
But where did the Sun come from? Scientists believe that it was formed by a huge cloud
of gas over 4.6 million years ago.
Although the surface of the sun is incredibly hot, the interior reaches even higher
temperatures, up to 15 million degrees.
The gravity of the Sun is very strong and so 8 planets orbit around it. Mercury is the
closest planet to the Sun, while Pluto, the furthest, is nearly 5 million kilometres away.
Life on planet Earth couldn’t exist without the Sun. We need its heat and light for the
chemical reactions which allow life to survive. One example of this is photosynthesis:
plants use light energy, carbon dioxide and water to make energy to grow.
In 1990, scientists from NASA sent a spacecraft called Ulysses into space to study the
Sun more closely and discover more fascinating facts about our closest star.
Answers/Respuestas pincha aquí
1. 99 percent.
2. 4.6 million years ago.
3. Temperatures reach up to 15 million degrees.
4. 5 million kilometres away.
5. Light energy, carbon dioxide and water.
6. 1990.

Task three – reading into writing

Write an essay for your teacher (100 – 130

words) about modern tourism. Use the
information you read in task 2 to:
Describe the good Good – tourism
and bad effects brings money to the
tourism can have. towns that visitors
go to.
More employment
bad – tourism can
spoil a place if it
becomes too
House prices
lots more people
higher prices
Say, how tourists’ Tourists are more
ideas and needs are interested in culture
different now and landscapes
nowadays, rather
than the nightlife.
They are not so
interested in
shopping and
nightlife as they
were in the past.
They want local
experience from
people who live
Give an example of In order to provide
how the tourist tourists with a local
industry answers experience, step on
these needs. guides go on to tour
buses to show
tourists the reality
of life in these
places. Tourists
nowadays have
become more like

Tourism has changed over the years. People

have become interested in different things,
and this has both positive and negative

Firstly, tourism brings money to the towns

that visitors go to. Local people also find
employment in hotels and restaurants.
Nevertheless, tourism can spoil a place if it
becomes too developed. . In addition, house
prices often increase for the people who live

Nowadays, tourists are more interested in

culture and landscapes, rather than the
nightlife. They are not so interested in
shopping and nightlife as they were in the
past. They want local experience from people
who live there.

In order to provide tourists with a local

experience, step on guides go on to tour
buses to show tourists the reality of life in
these places. As a result, tourists nowadays
have become more like travellers.

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