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HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

Eric J. Arts1 and Daria J. Hazuda2

Ugandan CFAR Laboratories, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Merck Research Laboratories, West Point, Pennsylvania 19486

The most significant advance in the medical management of HIV-1 infection has been the
treatment of patients with antiviral drugs, which can suppress HIV-1 replication to undetect-
able levels. The discovery of HIV-1 as the causative agent of AIDS together with an ever-
increasing understanding of the virus replication cycle have been instrumental in this effort
by providing researchers with the knowledge and tools required to prosecute drug
discovery efforts focused on targeted inhibition with specific pharmacological agents. To
date, an arsenal of 24 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs are available
for treatment of HIV-1 infections. These drugs are distributed into six distinct classes based
on their molecular mechanism and resistance profiles: (1) nucleoside-analog reverse tran-
scriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), (2) non–nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs),
(3) integrase inhibitors, (4) protease inhibitors (PIs), (5) fusion inhibitors, and (6) coreceptor

antagonists. In this article, we will review the basic principles of antiretroviral drug therapy,
the mode of drug action, and the factors leading to treatment failure (i.e., drug resistance).

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ANTIRETROVIRAL development and approval for human use is

THERAPY described in Figure 1.
Since the first HIV-1 specific antiviral drugs
efore 1996, few antiretroviral treatment were given as monotherapy in the early 1990s,
B options for HIV-1 infection existed. The
clinical management of HIV-1 largely consisted
the standard of HIV-1 care evolved to include
the administration of a cocktail or combination
of prophylaxis against common opportunistic of antiretroviral agents (ARVs). The advent of
pathogens and managing AIDS-related ill- combination therapy, also known as HAART,
nesses. The treatment of HIV-1 infection was for the treatment of HIV-1 infection was semi-
revolutionized in the mid-1990s by the devel- nal in reducing the morbidity and mortality
opment of inhibitors of the reverse trans- associated with HIV-1 infection and AIDS
criptase and protease, two of three essential (Collier et al. 1996; D’Aquila et al. 1996; Stas-
enzymes of HIV-1, and the introduction of zewski et al. 1996). Combination antiretroviral
drug regimens that combined these agents to therapy dramatically suppresses viral replica-
enhance the overall efficacy and durability tion and reduces the plasma HIV-1 viral load
of therapy. A timeline of antiretroviral drug (vLoad) to below the limits of detection of the

Editors: Frederic D. Bushman, Gary J. Nabel, and Ronald Swanstrom

Additional Perspectives on HIV available at
Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a007161
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161


E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

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Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161

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Figure 1. Timeline for FDA approval for current antiviral and antiretroviral drugs.
HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

most sensitive clinical assays (,50 RNA copies/ capacity or viral fitness to a similar degree.
mL) resulting in a significant reconstitution Trial and error with early antiretroviral agents
of the immune system (Autran et al. 1997; Ko- helped to establish the basic principles for
manduri et al. 1998; Lederman et al. 1998;) effective drug combinations in HAART. Since
as measured by an increase in circulating these early days, therapies have evolved, with
CD4þ T-lymphocytes. Importantly, combina- the introduction of newer drugs with greater
tion therapy using three antiretroviral agents potency and higher barriers to the development
directed against at least two distinct molecular of resistance. Moreover, some antiretroviral
targets is the underlying basis for forestalling agents have been shown to select for mutations
the evolution drug resistance. which are either incompatible with or engender
In an untreated individual, on average there hypersensitivity to other antiretroviral drugs,
are 104 – 105 or more HIV-1 particles per mL of suggesting certain ARVs may offer an advantage
plasma, which turn over at a rate of 1010/d with respect to resistance barrier when used in
(Ho et al. 1995; Wei et al. 1995; Perelson et al. the context of specific combinations (Larder
1996). Owing to the error-prone reverse tran- et al. 1995; Kempf et al. 1997; Hsu et al. 1998).
scription process, it is estimated that one muta- Therefore, whether HIV-1 treatment can be
tion is introduced for every 1000 – 10,000 simplified to two or even one potent drug(s)
nucleotides synthesized (Mansky and Temin remains an open question that can only be
1995; O’Neil et al. 2002; Abram et al. 2010). answered with future clinical studies.
As the HIV-1 genome is 10,000 nucleotides In 2010, HIV-1 treatment guidelines in the
in length, one to 10 mutations may be generated United States and European Union recommend
in each viral genome with every replication the initiation of HAART with three fully active
cycle. With this enormous potential for generat- antiretroviral agents when CD4 cells in periph-

ing genetic diversity, HIV-1 variants with eral blood decline to 350 per cubic mm, a stage
reduced susceptibility to any one or two drugs at which viral levels can often reach 10,000–
will often preexist in the viral quasispecies 100,000 copies per mL (as measured by RNA
before initiating therapy (Coffin 1995). The in the blood) (see
success of HAART results in part from using Guidelines/). With proper adherence, HAART
drug combinations that decrease the probability can suppress viral replication for decades,
of selecting virus clones (from an intrapatient dramatically increasing the life expectancy of
HIV-1 population) bearing multiple mutations the HIV-infected individual. However, HAART
and conferring resistance to a three-antiretrovi- alone cannot eliminate HIV-1 infection. HIV-1
ral-drug regimen. is a chronic infection for which there is cur-
Given the rate of HIV-1 turnover and the rently no cure—the prospect of maintaining
size of the virus population, mathematical therapy for the lifetime of a patient presents
modeling studies have suggested that any com- major challenges. The potential for persistent
binations in which at least three mutations are viral replication in compartments and reser-
required should provide durable inhibition voirs may continue to drive pathogenic disease
(Frost and McLean 1994; Coffin 1995; Nowak processes (Finzi et al. 1997, 1999). The effect
et al. 1997; Stengel 2008). In the simplest inter- of therapy can be impaired by nonadherence,
pretation of these models, three drug combina- poor drug tolerability, and drug interactions
tions should be more advantageous than two among antiretroviral agents and other medica-
drug regimens, and in fact, this was the prece- tions that decrease optimal drug levels. Each
dent established in early clinical trials of combi- of these can lead to virologic failure and the evo-
nation antiretroviral therapy. However, this lution of drug resistance.
interpretation assumes that all drugs have equal For all antiretroviral drug classes, drug resis-
activity, that they require the same number of tance has been documented in patients failing
mutations to engender resistance, and that therapy as well as in therapy-naı̈ve patients in-
resistance mutations impact viral replication fected with transmitted, drug-resistant viruses.

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161 3

E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

Resistance testing is therefore recommended for implementing targeted screening efforts

before initiating HAART in therapy-naı̈ve and/or designing and optimizing inhibitors
patients as well as when reoptimizing antiretro- with minimal off-target activities, thus capital-
viral therapy after treatment failure. Given the izing on these technological advances. A full
number of agents and distinct classes of antire- timeline in the development of antiviral and
troviral drugs available today, most patients, antiretroviral drugs for human use is described
even those with a history of failure, can be suc- in Figure 1.
cessfully treated. However, as the virus contin- Whereas the HIV-1 life cycle presents many
ues to evolve and escape, with even the most potential opportunities for therapeutic inter-
effective therapies, new HIV-1 treatments will vention, only a few have been exploited. The
always be needed. replication scheme of HIV-1 is shown in
Figure 2, marked with the steps blocked by
approved inhibitors (numbers in panel 2A). A
timing of the retroviral lifecycle is described in
panel B based on the specific time window of
Antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 inhibition by a specific drug class. In panel
are a relatively new addition to the armamenta- 2C, the inhibitors in development (normal
rium of antiviral drugs. In the 1960s, amanta- text) or FDA approved (italic/bold text) are
dine and rimantidine were the first approved listed by inhibition of a specific retroviral
antiviral drugs for treatment of a human influ- replication event. The first step in the HIV-1
enza virus infection (Davies et al. 1964; Wing- replication cycle, viral entry (Doms and Wilen
field et al. 1969), but more than 20 years 2011), is the target for several classes of
passed before the elucidation of their mecha- antiretroviral agents: attachment inhibitors,

nism of action (Hay et al. 1985). With the chemokine receptor antagonists, and fusion
advent of modern molecular biology, such inhibitors. The HIV-1 envelope gp120/gp41
serendipitous approaches to antiviral drug has affinity for the CD4 receptor and directs
discovery have been largely replaced by mecha- HIV-1 to CD4þ immune cells (Dalgleish et al.
nistic-based approaches, which include (1) high 1984; Klatzmann et al. 1984). Interaction of
throughput compound screens with virus-spe- the gp120 subunit of the HIV-1 envelope with
cific replication or enzymatic assays, (2) optimi- CD4 is followed by binding to an additional
zation of inhibitors using lead compounds coreceptor, either the CC chemokine receptor
based on homologous enzymes or targets, CCR5 or the CXC chemokine receptor CXCR4
and/or (3) rational drug design modeled on (Alkhatib et al. 1996; Deng et al. 1996; Doranz
the structures of viral proteins. These methods et al. 1996; Feng et al. 1996). The disposition
together with advances in the corresponding of these coreceptors on the surface of lym-
enabling technologies greatly accelerated the phocytes and monocyte/macrophages, and
development of antiretroviral drugs in the early coreceptor recognition by the viral envelope,
1990s. The highly divergent evolution of HIV-1 are major determinants of tropism for different
genes from the human host provided the basis cell types. These sequential receptor-binding

Figure 2. Identifying distinct steps in HIV-1 life cycle as potential or current target for antiretroviral drugs. (A)
Schematic of the HIV-1 life cycle in a susceptible CD4þ cell. (B) Time frame for antiretroviral drug action during
a single-cycle HIV-1 replication assay. In this experiment, HIV-1 inhibitors are added following a synchronized
inhibition. The addition of drug following the HIV-1 replication step targeted by the drug will result in a lack
of inhibition. The time window of drug inhibition provides an estimate for the time required for these replica-
tion steps. For example, T30 or enfuvirtide (T20) only inhibits within 1 –2 h of infection, whereas lamivudine
(3TC) inhibits within a 2- to 10-h time frame, which coincides with reverse transcription. (C ) Preclinical, aban-
doned (normal text), or FDA-approved (bold italic text) inhibitors are listed in relation to specificity of action
and drug target.

4 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161

t1/2 = 0.62 h
1 Entry (T20)
5.5 h
2 Reverse transcription (3TC)
13.2 h
3 Integration (Raltegravir)
25 h
4 Transcription (DRB)

5 Virus assembly and production

T=0 T = 72 h
Tat Rev


3 Env

% Inhibitor of viral replication

80 t1/2
Proviral DNA Multiply T20 0.62 h
spliced RNA 60
Translation 3TC 5.5 h
5 40 Ralt 13.2 h
Singly DRB 25 h
spliced RNA
Unspliced RNA
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time of drug addition (hours postinfection)

HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

C 1 Entry 2 Reverse transcription 3 Integration 4 Transcription 5 Virus assembly 6 Protease processing
CD4 binding CCR5 binding Fusion NNRTI NRTI
and production
Pro-542 PSC-RANTES enfuvirtide atevirdine abacavir lamivudine Elvitegravir ALX40-4C bevirimat atazanavir
BMS-378806 AOP-RANTES T-1249 delavirdine amdoxovir lodenosine Raltegravir CGP64222 vivecon fosamprenavir
TNX-355 NNY-RANTES 5-helix efavirenz apricitabine racivir GSK1349572 L50 daruavir
TAK-779 emivirine celevudine stampidine MK-2048 RNAi ritonavir
maraviroc etravirine didanosine stavudine DRB Iopinavir
vicriviroc nevirapine elvucitabine tenofovir nelfinavir
aplaviroc rilpivirine emtricitabine zalcitabine squinavir
Pro-140 entecavir zidovudine tipranavir

Figure 2. See legend on facing page.

E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

events trigger conformational changes in the the 12 licensed agents in these two classes
HIV-1 envelope, exposing a hydrophobic do- account for the nearly half of all approved anti-
main on gp41 that mediates fusion with the cel- retroviral drugs. Although the NRTIs and
lular membrane. The entire entry process is NNRTIs differ with respect to their site of inter-
completed within 1 h of virus contact with the action on the enzyme and molecular mecha-
cell (Fig. 2B). Gp120 and CD4 are targets for nism, both affect the DNA polymerization
small-molecule and antibody-based attach- activity of the enzyme and block the generation
ment inhibitors BMS-378806 and TNX-355, of full-length viral DNA.
each of which have shown some clinical prom- The completion of reverse transcription is
ise, although neither is approved for use in required to form the viral preintegration com-
HIV-1 patients (Reimann et al. 1997; Lin et al. plex, or PIC. The PIC, comprised of viral as
2003; Kuritzkes et al. 2004). BMS-378806 binds well as cellular components, is transported to
to a pocket on gp120 important for binding the nucleus where the second essential HIV-1
CD4 and alters the conformation of the enve- enzyme, integrase, catalyzes the integration of
lope protein such that it cannot recognize the viral DNA with the host DNA (Craigie and
CD4 (Lin et al. 2003). TNX-355 is a humanized Bushman 2011). Integrase orchestrates three
anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody that binds to sequence-specific events required for integra-
CD4 and inhibits HIV-1 envelope docking, tion, assembly with the viral DNA, endonucleo-
but does not inhibit CD4 function in immuno- lytic processing of the 30 ends of the viral DNA,
logical contexts (Reimann et al. 1997). Gp41 and strand transfer or joining of the viral and
and the coreceptor CCR5 are the targets for cellular DNA. In the context of HIV-1 infection,
the two approved entry agents that will be the process occurs in a stepwise manner, with
discussed in more detail below: the peptide- the rate-limiting event being strand transfer

based fusion inhibitor, fuzeon, and the small- and the stable integration of the viral genome
molecule CCR5 chemokine receptor antago- into the human chromosome occurring within
nist, maraviroc. the first 15 – 20 h of infection (Fig. 2B). The
Viral entry and fusion of the HIV-1 enve- newest class of approved ARVs, integrase inhib-
lope with the host cell membrane allow for itors (INIs or InSTIs) (Fig. 2C), specifically
uncoating of the viral core and initiate a slow inhibit strand transfer and block integration of
dissolution process that maintains protection the HIV-1 DNA into the cellular DNA.
of the viral RNA genome while permitting Integration of the HIV-1 DNA is required to
access to deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates maintain the viral DNA in the infected cell and
(dNTPs) necessary for reverse transcription is essential for expression of HIV-1 mRNA and
and proviral DNA synthesis (Fig. 1). Reverse viral RNA. Following integration, the cellular
transcription is a process extending over the machinery can initiate transcription; however,
next 10 h of infection (Fig. 2A,B). Reverse tran- transcript elongation requires binding of the
scriptase (RT) was the first HIV-1 enzyme to be HIV-1 regulatory protein Tat to the HIV-1 RNA
exploited for antiretroviral drug discovery element (TAR) (Karn and Stoltzfus 2011).
(Fig. 1). RT is a multifunctional enzyme with This mechanism is unique to HIV-1 and is
RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, RNase-H, thus considered a highly desirable therapeutic
and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activ- target. A variety of candidate small-molecule
ities, all of which are required to convert the inhibitors of either HIV transcription, or
single-stranded HIV-1 viral RNA into double- more specifically, the Tat – TAR interaction,
stranded DNA (Hughes and Hu 2011). RT is have been identified during the last 15 yrs
the target for two distinct classes of antire- (Fig. 2A,C, section 4) (Hsu et al. 1991; Cupelli
troviral agents: the NRTIs (Fig. 2C), which are and Hsu 1995; Hamy et al. 1997; Hwang et al.
analogs of native nucleoside substrates, and 2003). Unfortunately, none of these com-
the NNRTIs (Fig. 2C), which bind to a noncata- pounds were sufficiently potent and/or selec-
lytic allosteric pocket on the enzyme. Together, tive to progress beyond phase I clinical trials.

6 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161

HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

Recent reports describe a new cyclic Tat pepti- NUCLEOSIDE/NUCLEOTIDE REVERSE

domimetic that binds to TAR with high affinity TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITORS
and shows broad and potent HIV-1 inhibition
(Davidson et al. 2009; Lalonde 2011). Surpris- NRTIs were the first class of drugs to be ap-
ingly, this drug inhibits both HIV-1 reverse proved by the FDA (Fig. 1) (Young 1988).
transcription and Tat-mediated mRNA tran- NRTIs are administered as prodrugs, which
scription (Lalonde 2011). require host cell entry and phosphorylation
The assembly and maturation of HIV-1 on (Mitsuya et al. 1985; Furman et al. 1986;
the inner plasma membrane is also an active Mitsuya and Broder 1986; St Clair et al. 1987;
area for drug discovery. Inhibitors such as betu- Hart et al. 1992) by cellular kinases before
linic acid have been shown to block HIV-1 enacting an antiviral effect (Fig. 3). Lack of a
maturation by interacting with the viral capsid 30 -hydroxyl group at the sugar (20 -deoxyribo-
(Fig. 2A,C, section 5) (Fujioka et al. 1994; Li syl) moiety of the NRTIs prevents the forma-
et al. 2003). Although a promising new mecha- tion of a 30 -50 -phosphodiester bond between
nism of action, insufficient antiviral activity the NRTIs and incoming 50 -nucleoside triphos-
precluded the development beyond early phase phates, resulting in termination of the growing
clinical trials (Smith et al. 2007). viral DNA chain. Chain termination can occur
The context of the HIV-1 life cycle, the final during RNA-dependent DNA or DNA-depend-
class of approved ARVs, is the HIV-1 PIs. PIs ent DNA synthesis, inhibiting production of
block proteolysis of the viral polyprotein, a either the (2) or (þ) strands of the HIV-1 pro-
step required for the production of infectious viral DNA (Cheng et al. 1987; Balzarini et al.
viral particles (Sundquist and Kräusslich 2011). 1989; Richman 2001). Currently, there are eight
PIs are among the most potent agents developed FDA-approved NRTIs: abacavir (ABC, Ziagen),

to date, but are large, peptidelike compounds didanosine (ddI, Videx), emtricitabine (FTC,
that generally require the coadministration of a Emtriva), lamivudine (3TC, Epivir), stavudine
“boosting” agent to inhibit their metabolism (d4T, Zerit), zalcitabine (ddC, Hivid), zidovu-
and enhance drug levels. Therefore, PI-contain- dine (AZT, Retrovir), and Tenofovir disoprovil
ing regimens contain a fourth drug, albeit one fumarate (TDF, Viread), a nucleotide RT inhib-
that does not directly contribute to overall antivi- itor (Fig. 3).
ral activity. To date, ritonavir (RTV) is the only As with all antiretroviral therapies, treat-
boosting agent or pharmacokinetic enhancer ment with any of these agents often results in
(PKE) available for use (Kempf et al. 1997; Hsu the emergence of HIV-1 strains with reduced
et al. 1998), although other compounds are in drug susceptibility. Resistance to NRTIs is
early stages of clinical development. mediated by two mechanisms: ATP-dependent
This description of the HIV-1 replication pyrophosphorolysis, which is the removal of
cycle (Fig. 2) provides a cursory overview of NRTIs from the 30 end of the nascent chain,
the most advanced antiretroviral drug targets and reversal of chain termination (Arion et al.
with a focus on the approved agents that will 1998; Meyer et al. 1999; Boyer et al. 2001) and
be covered in more detail below. However, it increased discrimination between the native
should be noted that nearly all viral processes deoxyribonucleotide substrate and the in-
that are distinct from the cellular life cycle are hibitor. NRTI mutations occur in RT and are
potentially suitable for screening/designing classified as nucleoside/nucleotide associated
inhibitors. Enhancing or modulating the ac- mutations (NAMs) or thymidine analog muta-
tivities of cellular restriction factors (Malim tions (TAMs). TAMs promote pyrophosphorol-
and Bieniasz 2011) could also potentially ysis and are involved in the excision of AZT and
provide an approach to inhibiting HIV-1 repli- d4T (Arion et al. 1998; Meyer et al. 2002;
cation and/or modulate pathogenesis and Naeger et al. 2002). TAM amino acid changes
transmission, but this topic is not covered fur- in HIV-1 RT include two distinct pathways:
ther here. the TAM1 pathway (M41L, L210W, T215Y,

Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161 7

E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

Tenofovir N Abacavir O
Lamivudine O N Zidovudine
HO – +

NH2 template NH2
Emtricitabine DNA Zalcitabine
HO N O Chain termination with ddAMP primer
S missing OH p51 O
incoming dTTP
O p66
se a
ra ph
fe os

d te
ns h

ra op

an ina

ot on

se cc

ph m

ha su

se lat

se ne
Didanosine (ddl)
os ne

nt yl

na y

na ti
sy den

ki den

ki rea
ph osi





Figure 3. Nucleos(t)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitors and X-ray crystal structure of HIV-1 RT in complex with
DNA primer/template chain terminated with ddAMP and with an incoming dTTP. The cartoon of the crystal
structure data was adapted from coordinates deposited by Huang et al. (1998) (1RTD).

and occasionally D67N) and the TAM2 pathway White et al. 2006). M184V restores Tenofovir
(D67N, K70R, T215F, and 219E/Q) (Larder and susceptibility in the presence of K65R (Deval
Kemp 1989; Boucher et al. 1992; Kellam et al. et al. 2004), thus K65R viruses are also infre-
1992; Harrigan et al. 1996; Bacheler et al. quent in patients on Tenofivir who fail 3TC or
2001; Marcelin et al. 2004; Yahi et al. 2005). emtricitabine (FTC) with M184V.
A second mechanism of NRTI resistance Many primary and secondary NRTI mu-
is the prevention of NRTI incorporation into tations (or combinations of these) have been
the nascent chain. Mutations associated with shown to decrease RT function and viral repli-
this mechanism include the M184V/I and the cative fitness (Quinones-Mateu and Arts 2002,
K65R. The M184V mutation emerges with 2006). Although several studies have suggested
3TC or FTC therapy (Schinazi et al. 1993; a potential for a clinical benefit associated
Quan et al. 1996), whereas treatment with Teno- with reduced replicative fitness of NRTI-re-
fovir, ddC, ddI, d4T, and ABC can select K65R sistant variants, it is important to note that
(Wainberg et al. 1999; Margot et al. 2002; additional mutations can accumulate in the
Garcia-Lerma et al. 2003; Shehu-Xhilaga et al. presence of ongoing treatment resulting in
2005). In general, K65R rarely emerges in higher levels of resistance. The loss in replicative
patients receiving any AZT-containing regi- fitness owing to drug resistance mutations (in
men because this mutation is phenotypically the absence of drug) can also be compensated
antagonistic to the TAMs (Parikh et al. 2006; by accumulating secondary mutations.

8 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161

HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

F Delavirdine N
Thumb Efavirenz F N
Fingers F H


NNRTI (etravirine) binding site

p51 Br

Etravirine N N

Figure 4. Non –nucleoside RT inhibitors and the X-ray crystal structure of HIV-1 RT complexed with etravirine
(Lansdon et al. 2010) (3MEE).

NON – NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE virus (SIV) (Kohlstaedt et al. 1992; Witvrouw

TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITORS et al. 1999). Currently, there are four approved
NNRTIs: etravirine, delavirdine, efavirenz, and
NNRTIs inhibit HIV-1 RT by binding and in- nevirapine, and several in development, includ-
ducing the formation of a hydrophobic pocket ing rilpivirine in phase 3 (Fig. 4).
proximal to, but not overlapping the active NNRTI resistance generally results from
site (Fig. 4) (Kohlstaedt et al. 1992; Tantillo amino acid substitutions such as L100, K101,
et al. 1994). The binding of NNRTIs changes K103, E138, V179, Y181, and Y188 in the
the spatial conformation of the substrate-bind- NNRTI-binding pocket of RT (Tantillo et al.
ing site and reduces polymerase activity (Kohl- 1994). The most common NNRTI mutations
staedt et al. 1992; Spence et al. 1995). The are K103N and Y181C (Bacheler et al. 2000,
NNRTI-binding pocket only exists in the pres- 2001; Demeter et al. 2000; Dykes et al. 2001).
ence of NNRTIs (Rodgers et al. 1995; Hsiou As with NRTI resistance, complex patterns
et al. 1996) and consists of hydrophobic residues of NNRTI-resistant mutations can arise and
(Y181, Y188, F227, W229, and Y232), and hydro- alternative pathways have been observed in non-
philic residues such as K101, K103, S105, D192, subtype B infected individuals (Brenner et al.
and E224 of the p66 subunit and E138 of the 2003; Spira et al. 2003; Gao et al. 2004). Most
p51 subunit (Fig. 4) (Sluis-Cremer et al. 2004). NNRTI mutations engender some level of cross
Unlike NRTIs, these non/uncompetitive inhibi- resistance among different NNRTIs, especially
tors do not inhibit the RT of other lentiviruses in the context of additional secondary muta-
such as HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency tions (Antinori et al. 2002).

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E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

In contrast to the significant reductions in the specific complex between integrase and
replicative fitness observed with resistance to the viral DNA and (2) interacts with the two
other drug classes, with NNRTIs, single nucleo- essential magnesium metal ion cofactors in the
tide changes can result in high-level resistance integrase active site and also the DNA (Fig. 5).
with only a slight loss of replicative fitness Therefore, all InSTIs are comprised of two
(Deeks 2001; Dykes et al. 2001; Imamichi essential components: a metal-binding pharma-
et al. 2001). A lower genetic barrier, minimal cophore, which sequestors the active site
impact on replicative fitness, and the slow magnesiums, and a hydrophobic group, which
reversion of these mutations in patients in the interacts with the viral DNA as well as the
absence of drug contribute to transmission enzyme in the complex (Grobler et al. 2002).
and stability of NNRTI-resistant HIV-1 in InSTIs are therefore the only ARV class that
the population. Interestingly, the majority of interacts with two essential elements of the
NNRTI-resistance mutations selected under virus, the integrase enzyme as well as the viral
NNRTI treatment are commonly found as wild- DNA, which is the substrate for integration.
type sequence in HIV-1 group O and HIV-2. The recent cocrystallization of the foamy
HIV-1 group O can actually be subdivided virus integrase DNA complex or intasome
into lineages based on a C181 or Y181 amino with both RAL and EVG (Hare et al. 2010)
acid in RT (Tebit et al. 2010). Furthermore, corroborates the biochemical mechanism and
nearly all primate lentiviruses can be phy- provides a structural basis for understanding
logenetically classified into different lineages the unique breadth of antiviral activity that
based on signature sequences in NNRTI-bind- has been observed for InSTIs across all HIV-1
ing pocket and linked to a Cys, Ile, or Tyr at subtypes as well as other retroviruses, such as
position 181, i.e., the primary codon-conferring HIV-2 and XMRV (Fig. 5) (Maignan et al.

resistance to NNRTIs (Tebit et al. 2010). Given 1998; Damond et al. 2008; Shimura et al. 2008;
the intrinsic resistance in most primate lentivi- Van Baelen et al. 2008; Garrido et al. 2010;
ruses, aside from HIV-1 group M, it is not sur- Singh et al. 2010). In the cocrystal structure,
prising that acquired resistance to NNRTIs has the general architecture and amino acids within
the least fitness impact. the active site of the foamy virus intasome are
highly conserved with other retroviral integra-
ses, as are the immediate surrounding interac-
tions with InSTIs. The common mechanism
Integrase was the most recent HIV-1 enzyme to of action and conserved binding mode for
be successfully targeted for drug development InSTIs also has important implications for
(Espeseth et al. 2000; Hazuda et al. 2004a,b). understanding resistance to the class. Muta-
Raltegravir (RAL), MK-0518 was FDA approved tions that engender resistance to InSTIs almost
in 2007, and other integrase inhibitors, includ- always map within the integrase active site
ing Elvitegravir (EVG), GS-9137 are progressing near the amino acid residues that coordinate
through clinical development (Fig. 5) (Sato the essential magnesium cofactors (Hazuda
et al. 2006; Shimura et al. 2008). As mentioned et al. 2004a; Hare et al. 2010). Thus, these muta-
above, integrase catalyzes 30 end processing tions have deleterious effects on enzymatic func-
and viral DNA and strand transfer. All integrase tion and viral replicative capacity (Marinello
inhibitors in development target the strand et al. 2008; Quercia et al. 2009). In clinical stud-
transfer reaction and are thus referred to as ies, resistance to Raltegravir is associated with
either INIs or more specifically, integrase strand three independent pathways or sets of mutations
transfer inhibitors (InSTIs) (Espeseth et al. in the integrase gene, as defined by primary or
2000; Hazuda et al. 2004a,b; McColl and Chen signature mutations at Y143, N155, or Q148
2010). The selective effect on strand transfer is (Fransen et al. 2009). These primary mutations
a result of a now well-defined mechanism of are generally observed with specific secondary
action in which the inhibitor (1) binds only to mutations; for N155(H) these include E92Q,

10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161
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Na+O– O CH3
O H3C CH3 O Raltegravir H
Other integrase chromosomal
in dimer DNA


N-term extension domain

C-term domain

human foamy virus

HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

Proviral DNA



Raltegravir binding site Elvitegravir


Figure 5. Integrase strand transfer inhibitors and the crystal structure of prototype human foamy virus integrase (as a model of
HIV-1 IN) complexed to dsDNA and Raltegravir (Hare et al. 2010) (3OYH). N-term, amino-terminal; C-term, carboxy-terminal.
E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

V151L, T97A, G163R, and L74M, whereas for deleterious effect on the replicative fitness (Nij-
Q148(K/R/H), G140S/A and E138K are com- huis et al. 2001; Quinones-Mateu and Arts
mon. Significant cross resistance is observed 2002; Quinones-Mateu et al. 2008). In addition
among the InSTIs almost regardless of the pri- to mutations in the protease gene, changes
mary/secondary mutation sets (Goethals et al. located within eight major protease cleavage
2008; Marinello et al. 2008). Although cross sites (i.e., gag and pol genes), have been associ-
resistance is prevalent, different agents appear ated with resistance to protease inhibitors
to preferentially select different patterns of (Doyon et al. 1996; Zhang et al. 1997; Clavel
mutations (Hazuda et al. 2004a). et al. 2000; Miller 2001; Nijhuis et al. 2001).
Cleavage site mutants are better substrates for
the mutated protease, and thus partially compen-
sate for the resistance-associated loss of viral fit-
The HIV-1 protease is the enzyme responsible ness (Doyon et al. 1996; Mammano et al. 1998;
for the cleavage of the viral gag and gag-pol Zennou et al. 1998; Clavel et al. 2000; Nijhuis
polyprotein precursors during virion matura- et al. 2001). With PI resistance, HIV-1 appears
tion (Park and Morrow 1993; Miller 2001). to follows a “stepwise” pathway to overcome
Ten PIs are currently approved: amprenavir drug selection: (1) acquisition of primary
(APV, Agenerase), atazanavir (ATZ, Reyataz), resistance mutations in the protease gene, (2)
darunavir (TMC114, Prezista), fosamprenavir selection of secondary/compensatory protease
(Lexiva), indinavir (IDV, Crixivan), lopinavir mutations to repair the enzymatic function
(LPV), nelfinavir (NFV, Viracept), ritonavir and rescue viral fitness, and (3) selection of
(RTV, Norvir), saquinavir (SQV, Fortovase/ mutations in the major cleavage sites of the gag
Invirase), and tipranavir (TPV, Aptivus) (Fig. 6). and gag-pol polyprotein precursors that restore

Because of its vital role in the life cycle of protein processing and increase production of
HIV-1 and relatively small size (11 kDa), it the HIV-1 protease itself (Condra et al. 1995;
was initially expected that resistance to protease Molla et al. 1996b; Doyon et al. 1998; Berkhout
inhibitors would be rare. However, the protease 1999; Nijhuis et al. 2001).
gene has great plasticity, with polymorphisms
observed in 49 of the 99 codons, and more
than 20 substitutions known to be associated
with resistance (Shafer et al. 2000). The emer- HIV-1 entry exploits several host proteins for
gence of protease inhibitor resistance likely a set of intricate events leading to membrane
requires the stepwise accumulation of primary fusion and virus core release into the cytoplasm
and compensatory mutations (Molla et al. (Fig. 7). HIV-1 entry inhibitors can be subdi-
1996a) and each PI usually selects for certain vided into distinct classes based on disrup-
signature primary mutations and a characteris- tion/inhibition of distinct targets/steps in the
tic pattern of compensatory mutations. Unlike process.
NNRTIs, primary drug-resistant substitutions
are rarely observed in the viral populations in
Fusion Inhibitors
protease inhibitor-naı̈ve individuals (Kozal
et al. 1996). The crystal structure of the gp41 ectodomain
All PIs share relatively similar chemical and of the ectodomain partnered with an inhib-
structures (Fig. 6) and cross resistance is com- itory peptide (C34) revealed that the fusion-
monly observed. For most PIs, primary re- active conformation of gp41 was a six-helix
sistance mutations cluster near the active site bundle in which three N helices form an inte-
of the enzyme, at positions located at the rior, trimeric coiled coil onto which three anti-
substrate/inhibitor binding site (e.g., D30N, parallel C helices pack (Doms and Wilen 2011).
G48V, I50V, V82A, or I84V, among others). Peptide fusion inhibitors were designed based
These amino acid changes usually have a on the discovery that two homologous domains

12 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161
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P Indinavir
O O Atazanavir N
Fosamprenavir H H OH



HO Darunavir Tipranavir


H2 N O
Ritonavir H

HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

H3C N O N Lopinavir OH
Nelfinavir OH

Figure 6. Protease inhibitors and the crystal structure of HIV-1 protease complexed with atazanavir (CA Schiffer, unpubl.)


E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda



3. 6-Helix bundle formation/membrane fusion

Peptide mimics:
T-20 (Enfuvirtide)
1. CD4 attachment
CD4-lg gp41 5-helix


378806 gp41 six
alpha helix bundle

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2. Coreceptor binding
N PRO-140
N (PA-14)
CXCR4 (as model of CCR5) N

Figure 7. Structure predictions of various viral-host components involved in the HIV-1 entry process and the inhibitors. Section 1
describes the components involved for initial CD4 attachment, specifically the D1 domain of CD4 and the C4 domain of gp120. The
gp120 structure is shown as an overlay of two structures (2NY2 and 3HI1) (Zhou et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2009). Inhibitors of this CD4
process are listed. Interactions between gp120 and CXCR4 are described in section 2. A rough model of maraviroc (MVC) binding to
CCR5 in Figure 7 is based on data from a recently published structure of CXCR4 complexed to a small molecule, IT1t (Wu et al.
2010). The final step in the entry process involves the formation of the gp41 six alpha-helix bundle, which can be blocked by T20
(enfuvirtide). The structure for HIV-1 gp41 six alpha-helix bundle is based on that of SIV gp41 (Malashkevich et al. 1998) (2SIV).
HIV-1 Antiretroviral Drug Therapy

in the viral gp41 protein must interact with each that interactions with the coreceptor were
other to promote fusion, and that mimicry of important determinants of susceptibility of a
one of these domains by a heterologous protein drug that inhibits virus fusion. A seminal obser-
can bind and disrupt the intramolecular inter- vation in the understanding of entry inhibitor
actions of the virus protein. Alpha-helical pep- susceptibility was the discovery that efficiency
tides homologous to the leucine zipper domain of the fusion process was the principal modula-
of gp41 had significant antiviral activity against tor of intrinsic enfuvirtide susceptibility (Ree-
HIV-1, and this activity depended on their ves et al. 2002). Mutations in the coreceptor-
ordered solution structure (Wild et al. 1993, binding site that reduced gp120 affinity for
1994). Rational design of helical inhibitors ulti- CCR5 resulted in viruses with reduced fusion
mately produced a molecule (T-20, enfuvirtide) kinetics (Reeves et al. 2004; Biscone et al.
with potent antiviral activity in vivo (Fig. 7) 2006). Engagement of CD4 by gp120 initiates
(Kilby et al. 1998; Lalezari et al. 2003). a process of structural rearrangement in the
Resistance to early alpha-helical inhibitors envelope glycoprotein resulting in fusion. Com-
was shown to be mediated by mutations in the pletion of this process requires engagement of
amino-terminal heptad repeat region of gp41 the coreceptor molecule, but enfuvirtide sus-
(Rimsky et al. 1998), which provide further evi- ceptibility is limited to the time between CD4
dence for binding of these peptides to the virus. engagement and six-helix bundle formation.
Monotherapy with enfuvirtide resulted in viral Any decrease in the rate of this entry process
load rebounds after 14 days with resistance (e.g., reducing the levels of coreceptor expres-
which mapped to determinants in the HR1 sion) also increases susceptibility of the virus
domain (G36D, I37T, V38A, V38M, N42T, to inhibition by enfuvirtide. Consistent with
N42D, N43K) (Wei et al. 2002). Mutations this, ENF is synergistic with compounds that

that confer resistance to enfuvirtide result in inhibit CD4 or coreceptor engagement (Trem-
reduced replication capacity/replicative fitness blay et al. 2000; Nagashima et al. 2001).
presumably because mutations that reduce
enfuvirtide binding also reduce the efficiency
Small-Molecule CCR5 Antagonists
of six-helix bundle formation and overall fu-
sion rates (Reeves et al. 2004, 2005). These mu- Small-molecule CCR5 antagonists bind to hy-
tations do not confer cross resistance to other drophobic pockets within the transmem-
entry inhibitors (attachment inhibitors or core- brane helices of CCR5 (Dragic et al. 2000;
ceptor inhibitors) (Ray et al. 2005) but can sen- Tsamis et al. 2003). This site does not overlap
sitize viruses to neutralization by monoclonal the binding sites of either CCR5 agonists or
antibodies that target the gp41 domain by pro- HIV-1 envelope. Instead, drug binding induces
longing the exposure of fusion intermediates and stabilizes a receptor conformation that is
that are specifically sensitive to these antibodies not recognized by either. Thus, these molecules
(Reeves et al. 2005). Adaptation to enfuvirtide are considered allosteric inhibitors. Ideally,
has even resulted in viruses that require enfuvir- a small-molecule inhibitor of CCR5 would
tide for fusion (Baldwin et al. 2004). block binding by HIV-1 envelope but continue
Resistance mutations in gp41 decrease fu- to bind native chemokines and allow signal
sion efficiency and reduce viral fitness (Labrosse transduction. Most small-molecule inhibitors,
et al. 2003). Nonetheless, studies of baseline however, are pure antagonists of the receptor.
susceptibility to enfuvirtide suggested that large Oral administration of small-molecule antago-
variations in intrinsic susceptibility existed in nists has been shown to inhibit viral replication
diverse HIV-1 isolates, and that these variations in macaque models (Veazey et al. 2003) and to
mapped to regions outside the enfuvirtide- prevent vaginal transmission (Veazey et al.
binding site (Derdeyn et al. 2000). Sequences 2005). Thus far, three antagonists (VCV, MVC,
associated with the V3 loop were correlated with and Aplaviroc) have been shown to inhibit virus
intrinsic enfuvirtide susceptibility, suggesting replication in humans (Dorr et al. 2005). The

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E.J. Arts and D.J. Hazuda

compound MVC was approved for therapeutic should be noted that in some treatment failures,
use by the FDA in 2007 (Fig. 7). the use of CCR5 was maintained even in the
MVC binds a hydrophobic transmembrane presence of MVC. These “resistant” HIV-1 iso-
cavity of CCR5. Binding alters the conforma- lates did not display the same shift in drug sus-
tion of the second extracellular loop of the ceptibility, typically characterized by an increase
receptor and prevents interaction with the in IC50 values, but were capable of using both
V3 stem loop of gp120 (Dragic et al. 2000; the free and inhibitor-bound CCR5 for entry
Kondru et al. 2008). A rough model of MVC (Trkola et al. 2002; Tsibris et al. 2008). In such
binding to CCR5 in Figure 7 is based on a cases, resistance is reported as MPI (or maxi-
recently published structure of CXCR4 com- mum percent inhibition) for saturating concen-
plexed to a small molecule, IT1t (Wu et al. trations of drug.
2010). CXCR4 also serves as a coreceptor for Although it is still early with respect to the
HIV-1 but attempts at development of CXCR4 clinical experience for CCR5 antagonists, there
antagonists (e.g., AMD3100) fail in clinical are documented cases of treatment failures
studies (Hendrix et al. 2004). Because MVC that are not accounted for by either CXCR4
binds to a host cell protein, resistance to MVC tropism switch or resistance owing to increased
is unlike that of other ARVs. Potential resistance MPI. Recent studies suggest discrepancies in the
mechanisms include (1) tropism switching sensitivity to CCR5 antagonists may be assay
(utilization of CXCR4 instead of CCR5 for dependent. Susceptibility to entry CCR5 antag-
entry), (2) increased affinity for the coreceptor, onists can be affected by cell type, state of cellu-
(3) utilization of inhibitor-bound receptor for lar activation, and number of virus replication
entry, and (4) faster rate of entry. Tropism cycles (Kuhmann et al. 2004; Marozsan et al.
switching has been a concern in the therapeutic 2005; Lobritz et al. 2007;Westby et al. 2007).

administration of this class as primary infection Also, different primary HIV-1 isolates can vary
with, or early emergence of CXCR4 tropic in sensitivity by as much as 100-fold in IC50 val-
virus, although rare, typically leads to faster dis- ues (Torre et al. 2000; Dorr et al. 2005; Lobritz
ease progression. Thus, the selection of CXCR4 et al. 2007), and this difference is much more
tropic virus owing to CCR5 antagonist treat- demonstrable with infection assays using
ment could have a negative impact on HIV-1 replication-competent primary HIV-1 isolates
pathogenesis. as compared with defective viruses limited to
Small-molecule CCR5 inhibitors have been single-cycle replication. These complexities
used to select for drug resistance in peripheral make it quite challenging to detect resistance
blood mononuclear cell cultures (PBMC), at the time of treatment failure with routine
which express CCR5 and CXCR4, as well as a resistance testing assays. Given the issues, the
variety of other chemokine receptors that could use of CCR5 antagonists in clinical practice is
potentially substitute for HIV-1 coreceptors. somewhat more complex than other classes of
In these experiments, inhibitor-resistant viruses ARV agents.
continue to require CCR5 for entry (Trkola et al.
2002; Marozsan et al. 2005; Baba et al. 2007;
Westby et al. 2007). Furthermore, evaluation
of coreceptor tropism of viruses from patients The breadth and depth of the HIV-1 therapy
who failed MVC therapy during clinical trials pipeline may arguably be among the most suc-
has suggested that tropism change occurred cessful for treating any single human disease,
only when X4 tropic viruses were preexisting infection, or disorder as illustrated by the
in the patient quasispecies before initiating number of antiretroviral agents and unique
treatment with MVC (Westby et al. 2006). drug classes available. In reviewing the history
Thus, it appears that de novo mutations confer- of ARV drug development, however, there are
ring altered coreceptor usage is not the favored some key lessons and parallels that need to be
pathway for resistance in vitro or in vivo. It kept in mind as we consider the development

16 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a007161

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