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Universitatea SPIRU HARET

Programul de studii: Informatică

Anul universitar 2019-2020

Coordonator Lect. dr. Stancu Ana-Maria Ramona

(Teme recomandate: Detaliile vor fi stabilite prin proiectul de licenta)

1) Analiza (si optimizarea) datelor din depozitele de date (dd)

[1] Inmon, B. - Data mart does not equal data warehouse,DM Direct Newsletter, Nov
[2] Ibraheem Kateeb, Shahbaz Humayun, Dalal Bataweel, ”The Evolution of Business
Intelligence”, Proceedings of The International Conference, ISBN 978-1-60643-379-9,
2014, IAJC/ISAM Joint
[3] Md. Shams Raza, A.K. Nayak, ”A study on designing a Layered Star Schema for
data mining optimization”, Conference on IT in Business, Industry and Government
(CSIBIG), 2014
[4] Gheorghe Orzan, ”Tehnologii informatice inteligente de accesare multidimensională
a bazelor de date și depozitelor de date de marketing”, Revista de Marketing Online,
Vol 1 Nr 2, 2007
[5] Geetika Saxena, Bharat Bhushan Agarwal, ”Data Warehouse Designing:
Dimensional Modelling and E-R Modelling”, 21st International Conference,
International Journal of Engineering Inventions, e-ISSN: 2278-7461, p-ISSN: 2319-
6491, Volume 3, Issue 9 (April 2014) PP:28-34
[6] Sonia Ordonez Salinas, Alba Consuelo Nieto Lemus, ”Data Warehouse and Big
Data Integration”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information
Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 9, No 2, April 2017

2) Aplicatie informatica construita folosind abordari Big Data

[1] C. Eaton, D. Deroos, T. Deutsch, G. Lapis, P.C. Zikopoulos, “Understanding Big
Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data”, Mc Graw-Hill
Companies, 978-0-07-179053-6, 2012
[2] R.D. Schneider, Hadoop for Dummies Special Edition, John Wiley&Sons Canada,
978-1-118-25051-8, 2012
[3] Intel IT Center, "Planning Guide: Getting Started with Hadoop", Steps 2012 IT
Managers Can Take to Move Forward with Big Data Analytics, June 2012
[4] S.Singh and N. Singh, "Big Data Analytics", 2012 International Conference on
Communication, Information & Computing Technology Mumbai India, IEEE
[5] J.Manyika, M. Chui, B. Brown, J. Bughin, R. Dobbs, C. Roxburgh and A.H. Byers,
"Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity", McKinsey
Global Institute, 2011
[6] B.Gerhardt, K. Griffin and R. Klemann, "Unlocking Value in the Fragmented
World of Big Data Analytics", Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group, June 2012
[7] J. Manyika, M. Chui, B. Brown, J. Bughin, R. Dobbs, C. Roxburgh, and A. H.
Byers. Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. May

3) Extragerea cunoştinţelor din volume mari de date

[1] Stancu Ana-Maria Ramona - “OLAP systems-solutions for multidimensional data
analysis”, Conferința Internațională, pp 75-80, ISSN: E – ISSN: 2066 – 1061, 2014
[2] Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Process Cubes: Slicing, Dicing, Rolling Up and Drilling
Down Event Data for Process Mining, International Laboratory of Process-Aware
Information Systems, National research University Higher School of Economics,
Moscow, Russia, 2013
[3] Yon Dohn Chung, Ilhyun Suh, ” A Workload Assignment Strategy for Efficient
ROLAP Data Cube Computation in Distributed Systems”, Internayional Journal of
Data Warehousing and Mining, Vol 12 Issue 3, pp 51-71, July 2016
[4] Oscar Marban, Gonzalo Mariscal and Javier Segovia, Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery in Real Life Applications, Edited by Julio Ponce and Adem karahoca, ISBN
[5] Gabor Hamori, Kaposvar University, Doctoral School of management and
Organizational Sciences H-7400 Kaposvar, Guba S.u.40, Regional and Business
Studies (2015) Vol 7 No1, 51-60, Kaposvar University, Faculty of Economic Science,
[6] Stancu Ana-Maria Ramona, Dominic Perez, „Pieţele financiar-bancare şi tehnicile
de data mining”, Conferința Internațională, Universitatea Ovidius-Constanța, pp 539-
543, 2014
[7] Stancu Ana-Maria Ramona, Apetrei Marius Cristian, ”Data Mining, Tendințe și
provocări”, Revista Orizonturi ale cunoașterii, pp 193-196, ISSN 2069-0932, 2013

4) Integrarea si analiza datelor din depozitele de date

[1] Ralph Kimball (1996) - “The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for
Building Dimensional Data Warehouses”, Wiley & Sons
[2] William H. Inmon (2005) - “Building the Data Warehouse”, Fourth Edition, Wiley
& Sons
[3] Jacobson, R. si colectiv (2006) – „Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services
Step By Step”, Microsoft Press
[4] Imhoff, C. si colectiv (2003) – „Mastering Data Warehouse Design”, Wiley
Publishing Inc., Indianapolis
[5] Ralph Kimball (1996) “The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for
Building Dimensional Data Warehouses”, Wiley & Sons
[6] Ralph Kimball (1996) “The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Practical Techniques for
Building Dimensional Data Warehouses”, Wiley & Sons
[7] Zaharie, D. si colectiv (2001) – “Sisteme informatice pentru asistarea deciziei”,
Editura DUAL TECH, Bucuresti, etc

5) Prelucrarea volumelor mari de date

[1] Oscar Marban, Gonzalo Mariscal and Javier Segovia, Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery in Real Life Applications, Edited by Julio Ponce and Adem karahoca, ISBN
[2] Fisher D., “Optimization and simplification of hierarchical clustering”, Proceedings
of 1st Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’95), pg.118-123,
Montreal, Canada, 1995
[3] C.O. Justice, J.R.G. Townshend, E.F. Vermote, E. Masuoka, R.E. Wolfe,N.
Saleous, D.P. Roy, J.T. Morisette, " An overview of MODIS Land data processing and
product status", Remote Sensing of Environment 83 (2002) 3–15,
[4] Gebeyehu Belay Gebremeskel, Chai Yi and Zhongshi He, " The Integral of Spatial
Data Mining in the Era of Big Data: Algorithms and Applications", 2019

6) Servicii pentru Cloud Computing

[1] Rajkumar Buyya, Chee Shin Yeo, Srikumar Venugopal, " Market-Oriented Cloud
Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as Computing
Utilities", Grid Computing and Distributed Systems (GRIDS) Laboratory Department
of Computer Science and Software Engineering
[2] I. Foster and C. Kesselman (eds). The Grid: Blueprint for a Future Computing
Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, USA, 1999
[3] M. Chetty and R. Buyya. Weaving Computational Grids: How Analogous Are They
with Electrical Grids? Computing in Science and Engineering, 4(4):61–71, July–Aug.
[4] S. Venugopal, X. Chu, and R. Buyya. A Negotiation Mechanism for Advance
Resource Reservation using the Alternate Offers Protocol. InProceedings of the 16th
International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2008), Twente, The
Netherlands, June 2008
[5] Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, Rean Griffith, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy Katz,
Andy Konwinski, Gunho Lee, David Patterson, Ariel Rabkin, Ion Stoica, and Matei
Zaharia, " A view of Cloud Computing", Communications of the ACM, Aproil 2010,
vol 53, no 4

7) Soluție pentru organizarea datelor din domeniul .... (ex: bancar, medical, etc)
[1] Tim Martyn, " Reconsidering Multi-Dimensional Schemas", SIGMOD Record, Vol.
33, No. 1, March 2004
[2] Golfarelli, M., and Rizzi, S., "A Methodological Framework for Data Warehouse
Design," DOLAP, 1998
[3] Eder J., Koncilia C., 2001 Changes of dimension in Temporal Data, 3rd
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery - Munich,
Sept 3-7
[4] Han J., Stefanovic N., and Koperski K., 1998 Selective Materialization: An
Efficient Method for Spatial Data Cube Construction, Proc. Pacific-Asia Conf. on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Melbourne, Australia, pp. 144-158

8) Web Data Mining

[1] Swati Srivastava, Roheet Bhatnagar, " A study about Process Mining", International
Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management
[2] Van der Aalst, W., Weijters, A. and Maruster, L. (2004) “Workflow mining:
discovering process models from event logs”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering, 16(9),1128–1142
[3] Rozinat, A. and van der Aalst, W. (2006a) “Conformance testing: measuring the fit
and appropriateness of event logs and process models”, BPM 2005 Workshops
(Workshop on Business Process Intelligence),3812, 163–176
[4] Ramezani, E, Fahland, D., and Aalst, W. M. P. van der.( 2012). “Where Did I
Misbehave? Diagnostic Information in Compliance Checking,” In Business Process
Management Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. Barros, A. Gal, and E. Kindler
(eds.), 7481 Springer, 262–278
[5] Jans, M., Alles, M., and Vasarhelyi, M. (2013). The case for process mining in
auditing: Sources of value added and areas of application. International Journal of
Accounting Information Systems, 14(1):1–20

9) Aplicatie Web cu produse Oracle

[1] K. Candan, W. Li, Q. Luo, W. Hsiung, D. Agrawal. Enabling Dynamic Content
Caching for Database-Driven Web Sites. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2001,
Santa Barbara, California.
[2] J. Challenger, A. Iyengar, P. Dantzig. A Scalable System for Consistently Caching
Dynamic Web Data. In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'99, New York, New York,
March 1999.
[3] Jim Challenger, Arun Iyengar, Karen Witting, Cameron Ferstat, Paul Reed. A
Publishing System for Efficiently Creating Dynamic Web Content. In Proceedings of
IEEE INFOCOM 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000.
[4] Server Accelerator,
[5] Andrew Odewahn, " Oracle Web Applications; PL/SQL Developer's Introduction",
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Sebastopol, CA, USA ©1999,
10) Aplicatie baze de date (Oracle) in Cloud
[1] Tom Laszewski, Prakash Nauduri, " Migrating to the Cloud: Oracle Client/Server
Modernization", 2012
[2] Longji Tang, Jing Dong, Yajing Zhao, Liang-Jie Zhang , " Enterprise Cloud Service
Architecture", 2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2010

11) Aplicatie statistica cu baze de date Oracle

[1] Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth
Edition 5th Edition, Kindle Edition", 2012
[2] Stephen McDaniel and Chris Hemedinger, " SAS®FORDUMmIES", 2007
[3] Lora D. Delwiche andSusan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book", a primer THIRD
[4] Sabine Landau, " A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SPSS" , 2004
[5] Arthur Griffith, " SPSS for Dummies", 2ND EDITION, 2010
[6] Johanna Wenny Rahayu, David Taniar, Eric Pardede, " Object-Oriented OracleTM",

12) Big Data - interogarea, stocarea si procesarea distribuita folosind Apache Handoop
[1] V. Borkar, M.J. Carey, C. Li, "Inside “Big Data Management”, Ogres, Onions, or
Parfaits?", EDBT/ICDT 2012 Joint Conference Berlin Germany, 2012
[2] L. Neumeyer, B. Robbins, A. Nair, and A. Kesari. S4: Distributed Stream
Computing Platform. In ICDM Workshops, pages 170–177, 2010
[3] Y. Low, J. Gonzalez, A. Kyrola, D. Bickson, C. Guestrin, J. M. Hellerstein –
“Graphlab: A new parallel framework for machine learning”, In Conference on
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Catalina Island, California, July 2010
[4] A. Bifet, G. Holmes, R. Kirkby, and B. Pfahringer. MOA: Massive Online Analysis Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2010
[5] Jens Dittrich, Jorge-Arnulfo Quian ́e-Ruiz, " Efficient Big Data Processing in
Hadoop MapReduce", Information Systems GroupSaarland University
[6] . N. Afrati and J. D. Ullman. Optimizing Joins in a Map-ReduceEnvironment.
InEDBT, pages 99–110, 2010

13) Integrarea tehnologiei XML cu bazele de date (Oracle)

[1] Charles Allen. WIDL: Application Integration with XML. World Wide Web Journal
2(4), November 1997
[2] Craig Knoblock, Steven Minton, Jose Luis Ambite, Naveen Ashish, Pragnesh Modi,
Ion Muslea, Andrew Philpot, and Sheila Tejada. Modeling Web Sources for
Information Integration. In Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI), July 1998
[3] Frederic Achard, Guy Vaysseix and Emmanuel Barillot, " XML, bioinformatics and
data integration", BIOINFORMATICS REVIEW, Vol. 17 no. 2 2001, Vol. 17 no. 2
[4] Slađana Janković, Snežana Mladenović, Dušan Mladenović, Slavko Vesković&
Draženko Glavić, " Enterprise Information Systems", ISSN: 1751-7575 (Print) 1751-
7583 (Online) Journal homepage:, Published
online: 18 Apr 2018
[5] NAN LI, LUYI BAI, " Transforming Fuzzy Spatiotemporal DataFrom Relational
Databases to XML", IEEE Access, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109 /

14) Analiza, proiectarea şi implementarea unei aplicatii pentru departamentul de ... (ex:
contabilitate, etc)
[1] Juanying Xie, Shuai Jiang 2010 - “A simple and fast algorithm for global K-means
clustering”, 2010 Second International Workshop on Education Technology and
Computer Science, 978-0-7695-3987-4/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE DOI
[2] Pakhira, Malay K.: “A Modified k-means Algorithm to Avoid Empty Clusters”.
International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol.1, No. 1, May 2009
[3] Wu, F. X.: “Genetic weighted k-means algorithm for clustering large-scale gene
expression data”. BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 9, 2008
[4] Kohei Arai, Ali Ridho Barakbah, Hierarchical K-means: an algorithm for centroids
initialization for K-Means, Reports of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga
University, Vol. 36, No.1, 2007, 36-1,2007

15) Aplicatii ale algoritmilor de FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in limbajul .....
[1] Paul Heckbert, " Fourier Transforms and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Algorithm", Notes 3, Computer Graphics 2, 15-463, 1998
[2] Vladimir Stojanović, " Fast Fourier Transform: Theory and Algorithms",
Communication System Design – Spring 2006Massachusetts Institute of Technology

16) Analiza datelor utilizând limbajul ...

[1] Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth
Edition 5th Edition, Kindle Edition", 2012
[2] Stephen McDaniel and Chris Hemedinger, " SAS®FORDUMmIES", 2007
[3] Lora D. Delwiche andSusan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book", a primer THIRD
[4] Sabine Landau, " A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SPSS" , 2004
[5] Arthur Griffith, " SPSS for Dummies", 2ND EDITION, 2010
[6] Johanna Wenny Rahayu, David Taniar, Eric Pardede, " Object-Oriented OracleTM",
[7] Juan Soulié, "C++ Language Tutorial", 2008,
[8] RichardL.Halterman, "Fundamentals of C++ Programming", June 7, 2019

17) Analiza algoritmilor de sortare pe arhitecturi paralele utilizând limbajul .....

[1] Ben Karsin, Volker Weichert, Henri Casanova, John Iacono, Nodari Sitchinava,
"Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs",
ICS’18, June 12–15, 2018, Beijing, China
[2] O'Mahony, Aidan T.; Popovici, Emanuel M, " Power analysis of sorting algorithms
on FPGA using OpenCL", 978-1-5386-6046-1/18/$31.00 © 2018 European Union
[3] R.Michael Hord, " Parallel Supercomputing in MIMD Architectures", 2018
[4] Seokwon Kang, Yongseung Yu, Jiho Kim, Yongjun Park, " A Generalized
Dataflow-level Approximation Tuning Engine For Data Parallel Architectures", 2019

18) Aplicații de modelare utilizând limbajul ...

[1] Jie Tang, Yuxiao Dong, "Representation Learning on Networks: Theories,
Algorithms, and Applications", Proceeding WWW '19 Companion Proceedings of The
2019 World Wide Web, Pages 1321-1322
[2] Chan Tsz Nam, " Similarity measures : algorithms and applications", Thesis, 2019
[3] Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Andreas F. Molisch, Gordon L. Stuber, Qingyong Li, Zhangdui
Zhong, " Clustering Enabled Wireless Channel Modeling Using Big Data Algorithms",
IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume: 56 , Issue: 5 , May 2018)

19) Dezvoltarea unui produs software multi-platforma bazat pe limbajul ...

[1] Nicole Y. Finnie, Christian W. P. Hoerst, Johannes S. Kern, " Software test
automation", 2015
[2] Hubert Hwang, Rosalba Lucero, Hassan A. SHAZLY, Douglas A. Van Dyken, "
System and method for testing software", 2019
[3] Micah Allen, Davide Poggiali, Kirstie Whitaker, Tom Rhys Marshall, Rogier
Kievit, " Raincloud plots: a multi-platform tool for robust data visualization", PeerJ
Preprints | | CC BY 4.0 Open Access |
rec: 23 Aug 2018, publ: 23 Aug 2018

20) Programarea și dezvoltarea unei aplicații utilizând limbajul ...

[1] Loris Belcastro, Fabrizio Marozzo, Domenico Talia, " Programming Models and
Systems for Big Data Analysis", The International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and
Distributed SystemsVol. 00, No. 00, December 2017, 1–24
[2] Cody Jackson, " Learn Programming in Python with Cody Jackson: Grasp the
basics of programming and Python syntax while building real-world applications",

21) Realizarea de module Python bazate pe C/C++

[1] Alex M. Ascension, Marcos J. Ara ́uzo-Bravo, " BigMPI4py: Python module for
parallelization ofBig Data objects", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL
[2] UlfKai Mertens, Andreas Voss, Stefan Radev, "ABrox—Auser-friendly Python
module for approximate Bayesian computation with a focus on model comparison",
PLOSONE|, 2018
[3] David A. Sheen, " interlab: A Python Module for Analyzing Interlaboratory
Comparison Data", Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Volume 124, Article No. 124006 (2019)

22) Suportul limbajului de programare ... pentru dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor distribuite

[1] Leonid Barenboim, Michael Elkin, Cyril Gavoille, "A Fast Network-Decomposition
Algorithm and its Applications to Constant-Time Distributed Computation",
arXiv:1505.05697v2, 25 Mar 2017
[2] David P. Woodruff, Qin Zhang, " Distributed Statistical Estimation of Matrix
Productswith Applications", arXiv:1807.00878v1, 2 Jul 2018

23) Suportul limbajului de programare ... pentru dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor IoT

[1] Tao Wang, Zhenyin Guo, Zhuo Wang, Yuxiang Li, ”Applied Research of Fire
Monitoring for the Internet of Things Based on BP Neural Network”, IACSE, The 2013
International Conference on CYBER SCIENCE and ENGINEERING, pp 76-84,
CyberSE 2013
[2] Christos Stergiou, Kostas Psannis, ,Byung-GyuKim, BrijGupta, "Secure integration
of IoT and Cloud Computing", Future Generation Computer Systems (78) 2018
[3] Minhaj Ahmad Khan, Khaled Salah, " IoT security:Review, blockchain
solutions,and open challenges", FutureGenerationComputerSystems 82 (2018) 395-411

24) Aplicaţie privind modelarea unei RNA (retea neuronala artificiala) de tip feed-
[1] Tao Wang, Zhenyin Guo, Zhuo Wang, Yuxiang Li, ”Applied Research of Fire
Monitoring for the Internet of Things Based on BP Neural Network”, IACSE, The 2013
International Conference on CYBER SCIENCE and ENGINEERING, pp 76-84,
CyberSE, 2013
[2] Marcel van Gerven, Sander Bohte, "Artificial Neural Networks as Models of Neural
Information Processing", 2018
[3] Zhihua Zhang, " Artificial Neural Network", Multivariate Time Series Analysis in
Climate and Environmental Research pp 1-35
[4] Daniel Cohen, John Foley, Hamed Zamani, James Allan, W. Bruce Croft,
"Universal Approximation Functions for Fast Learning to Rank: Replacing Expensive
Regression Forests with Simple Feed-Forward Networks", SIGIR '18 The 41st
International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in Information
Retrieval, Pages 1017-1020

25) Aplicaţie privind învăţarea şi adaptarea în cazul perceptronului multiplu

[1] Silvia Battistoni, Salvatore Iannotta, Victor Erokhin, " Organic memristive devices
for perception applications", Journal of Physics D Applied Physics 51(28), June 2018
[2] Moslem Abdipour, Mehdi Younessi-Hmazekhanlu Seyyed Hamid, Reza Ramazani,
Amir Hassanomidi, " Artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression as
potential methods for modeling seed yield of safflower", Industrial Crops and Products,
Volume 127, January 2019, Pages 185-194

26) Aplicaţie privind instruirea nesupervizată a clustere-lor

[1] Ruisi He, Bo Ai, Andreas F. Molisch, Gordon L. Stuber, Qingyong Li, Zhangdui
Zhong, Jian Yu, " Clustering Enabled Wireless Channel Modeling Using Big Data
Algorithms", IEEE Communications Magazine (Volume: 56 , Issue: 5 , May 2018)
[2] Hehe Fan, Liang Zheng and Yi Yang, " Unsupervised Person Re-identification:
Clustering and Fine-tuning", arXiv 1705.10444v2, 10444v2 [cs.CV] 29 Jun 2017
[3] Xu Ji, João F. Henriques, Andrea Vedaldi, " Invariant Information Clustering
forUnsupervised Image Classification and Segmentation", arXiv:1807.06653v3, 26 Mar

27) Aplicatie informatica construita folosind soluţii SAS (Limbajul R, SPSS)

[1] Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book: A Primer, Fifth
Edition 5th Edition, Kindle Edition", 2012
[2] Stephen McDaniel and Chris Hemedinger, " SAS®FORDUMmIES", 2007
[3] Lora D. Delwiche andSusan J. Slaughter, " The Little SAS Book", a primer THIRD
[4] Sabine Landau, " A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SPSS" , 2004
[5] Arthur Griffith, " SPSS for Dummies", 2ND EDITION, 2010

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