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Report AHMED HAZIQ ( Team Head)

Company overview....................................................................................................................4

Mission Statement.....................................................................................................................4

Vision Statement........................................................................................................................4

Brand Portfolio...........................................................................................................................5

EFQM Analysis............................................................................................................................6




Partnership and Resources..................................................................................................12

Process, Products and Services............................................................................................12

Customer Results.................................................................................................................14

Society results......................................................................................................................15

Porter Five Force Analysis........................................................................................................16

PESTLE Analysis........................................................................................................................20

Political Factors....................................................................................................................20

Economic Factors:................................................................................................................20

Social Factors:......................................................................................................................21

Technological Factors:..........................................................................................................21

Legal Factors:.......................................................................................................................21

Environmental Factors:........................................................................................................22

SWOT Analysis..........................................................................................................................22

Value Chain Analysis................................................................................................................24


Outbound logistics...............................................................................................................24

Marketing and Sales.............................................................................................................25


BCG Matrix...............................................................................................................................25

VRIO Analysis............................................................................................................................27

Sales and Distribution Strategy................................................................................................29

SPACE Matrix............................................................................................................................32

Company overview

Redbull is an exclusive Austrian organization; its center business is caffeinated drinks.

Dietrich Mateschitz alongside his companion Johannes Kastner formally situated Redbull as
"Redbull Gives You Wings!" Redbull has made the worldwide market for caffeinated drinks
and has been very achievement in situating itself as an exceptional caffeinated drink. In
spite of being censured for a restricted item advancement Redbull drives the caffeinated
savor advertise terms of volume and worth. Redbull being an exclusive organization
uncovers constrained monetary data anyway the organization announced net deals of $6.6
billion speaking to a development of 14%.

Red Bull has perceived the chance to grow to developing markets. In created markets has
reliably had the option to situate itself as an exceptional caffeinated drink through their
showcasing, sponsorship exercises, and thin line jars yet developing markets represent a ton
of difficulties.

Mission Statement

"We are devoted to maintain Red bull guidelines, while keeping up the administration
position I the caffeinated drinks classification while conveying prevalent client assistance in
an exceptionally productive and gainful way. We make a culture where workers share best
practices devoted to instructing and building up our association as a business of choice"
Vision Statement

Red Bull GmbH is committing to maintain Red Bull principles, while keeping up the authority
position in the caffeinated drinks classification while conveying unrivaled client assistance in
an exceptionally productive and beneficial way. We make a culture where workers share
best practices, committed to instructing and building up our association as a business of

Brand Portfolio
EFQM Analysis
The EFQM Greatness model permits individuals to comprehend the reason and influence
connections between what their associations do and the outcome it accomplishes. It is a
model which centers around results and the apparatuses utilized in the model are versatile.
There is objective-based appraisal. It gives an all encompassing perspective on the
association and it very well may be utilized how various techniques fit together and
supplement one another.

Accordingly, it very well may be utilized related to different instruments dependent on the
necessities and capacity of the organization as a larger system for creating supportable
presence. It causes associations to accomplish and continue remarkable degrees of
execution that meet or surpass the desires for the partners.
The fundamental concepts of EFQM model are:
 Adding value for customers
 Sustaining Outstanding results
 Managing with agility
 Leading with Vision, Inspiration and Integrity
 Harnessing Creativity and Innovation

The models has 9 criteria’s 5 of them are Enablers and 4 are Results. The enablers cover
what an organistaion does and how it does it. While the results cover what an organistaion
achieves. The 9 criteria’s are:
 Leadership
 Strategy
 People
 Partnership and Resources
 Process, Product and Services


 People Results
 Customer Results
 Society Results
 Business Results

Red bull is going by its fellow benefactor Dietrich Mateschitz, he is additionally the President
of the organization. His vision and successful initiative is the genuine purpose behind the
development of the organization.
Pioneers are intended to build up the vision, crucial, morals are intended to go about as a
good example for the association. Dietrich Mateschitz had confidence in his item, he
additionally dismissed an exploration report which recommended to not dispatch a
caffeinated drink in the market yet he had faith in himself and his group, he propelled the
item as well as kept its value twofold in light of the fact that he needed to mark it as a top
notch item.
The organization's statement of purpose is to supply its item to ASIA, Europe and different
pieces of the world. The vision proclamation of the organization centers around five angles
which are: individuals, portfolio, accomplices, benefit and profitability. The individuals start
things out since the authority of the organization is driven by Dietrich Mateschitz who
accepts that the achievement of an item lies by building relations with the shoppers.
Dietrich Mateschitz needed to furnish the world with a caffeinated drink which can be
utilized by the people on day by day schedules and the utilization of which will get a rush of
vitality them which will help individuals to continue ahead with the remainder of the day.

To mark the beverage as an outrageous fare drink, red bull supported numerous games
which were identified with extraordinary games, for example, rough terrain rally's, track
hustling, paddling, long distance races and others.

Red bull is about development, they propelled a number assortment of beverages to

coordinate the distinctive taste buds and to additionally extend their offer in the market.
[ CITATION Con18 \l 1033 ]

Red bull is an incredible case of normal item that was changed into an amazing brand
through compelling promoting efforts. Red bull approach is a traditional one, it attempts to
restrict the stock of its item and make an appeal. It burns through 30% of the monetary
allowance on advertising, which is more than different contenders who spend just 10%.

Red bull contributes intensely on its promoting efforts, as this is one of the significant
system utilized by Red bull their slogan "red bull gives you wings" is continually conveyed to
target crowd through an assortment of mediums, for example, TV, and web-based social
networking and print media.

Guerrilla Marketing:
Since Redbull was a startup, they didn't have colossal spending plans for their showcasing
efforts so they began their own promoting procedure called guerrilla advertising in which
they would go to spots, for example, bistros, bars, and bars where their intended interest
group old enough between 18-35 would hang out and they offered them free examples.

This system helped Red bull spread the great informal exchange for their item.

Additionally, they utilized cautiously pick which occasion to support, for the most part the
occasions with outrageous games were picked in light of the fact that they needed to mark
Red bull as games drink.
8 different ways Redbull implements its marketing strategy

 Redbull intensely puts resources into concocting appealing slogans around which
imparts the entire message of the item to the customers. For example Redbull gives
you wings. This well known slogan of Redbull and its message is that Redbull
invigorates you the to would whatever they like to do.
 Visual advertising is likewise a significant instrument utilized by Redbull. The
recordings or the advertisements contains perilous tricks being performed by the
specialists which handle the consideration of the crowd and some of the time it
additionally encourages them to associate with the visual.
 Redbulls showcasing procedure rotates around its qualities. It has been predictable
since the dispatch of redbull a couple of decades prior and it tends to be found in the
entirety of their diverse advertising techniques sought after by redbull.
 Redbull backers or host various occasions for the crowd as a promoting strategy. For
eg Soundclash a melodic occasion facilitated by Redbull a year ago which was a
major achievement and of its sort show facilitated in Karachi.
 The content has always been very simple. From the beginning they have created a
relationship between the extreme sports and different events with their products
improving the person’s ability by giving them more strength during these events.
 Their content always very audience centric. Their main aim is focusing on extreme
sports or festivals where the consumers would use their products and places where
the audience would hangout.
 Innovatively using the traditional media for their marketing campaign. They not only
use online channels to market their product but also collaborate with traditional TV
 Redbulls social media marketing is very impactful and eye catching. There is mixture
of different videos of sports, musical festivals, artistic working which complement
and communicate the message of the product very clearly and effectively. The videos
on the page make the audience curious in the first few seconds and the person is left
with no option but to watch the whole video.
Another strategy used by red bull is its product differentiation. It considers its drink above
the alternatives available in the market and also charges the premium from its
claims that consumption of red bull gives physical and mental boost to it’s consumer.

In the energy drink market Red bull have competitive advantage which rely on following

 Red bull was the first brand to introduce energy drinks

 It has a unique and sweet taste
 It has a good brand image associated as the best sports drink in the market
 Heavy investment and effective marketing strategy

Red bull is a universal association which observes standard representative guidelines. Red
bull offers its representatives more pay then different adversaries in the business yet they
procure the ones who have enough vitality and are anxious to work for red bull, the
inclination is given to the inventive ones.

Work timings in Red bull are overly adaptable, even the low maintenance representatives
are given a great deal of self-sufficiency and adaptability. For instance, low maintenance
representative needs to cover 3 days, 5 hours for every day. These representatives can pick
quickly and time to finish their hours.

Self-sufficiency is given to the workers, for instance if red bull is facilitating an occasion in a
college, one of the lower level representatives will be given the full obligation and in this
way will be consider responsible for the achievement or disappointment of that occasion.
This system engages the representatives and take the possession, this causes workers to
think of the innovative thoughts and afterward take the responsibility for thought.

Red bull keeps month to month or yearly preparing of the workers where they enlighten the
representatives concerning Red bull in different areas and how they can gain from them and
what strategies can be actualized locally.

Instructional courses can last from one day to 3-4 days. These are a portion of the audits of
the representatives
Partnership and Resources
Red Bull Media House offers a multi-stage approach with association openings running from on
location initiation at Red Bull's exceptional worldwide and neighborhood occasions to local and
trustworthy item combination in premium substance creations. In content appropriation, Red Bull
Media House gives their partners access to a young and engaged audience and an innovative 
portfolio of content  assets activated through their powerful network on a regional, national and 
global level. From content   licensing to co-production and co-programming they offer numerous
open doors for joint effort custom fitted their colleagues' the same old thing and requirements. Red
Bull is likewise the official substance accomplice of acer's predator PC that is utilized explicitly to

The select association of Go Master and Red Bull was made to improve and elevate Go Star to
become Red Bull's elite perspective camera and substance accomplice (GoPro and Red Bull Structure
Restrictive Worldwide Organization, 2016). GoPro\'s item and brand will approach in excess of 1800
Red Bull occasions across in excess of 100 nations, the organizations will share content rights on co-
creations, and related substance will be appropriated across both Red Bull and GoPro\'s advanced
conveyance systems, including The GoPro Channel, Red Bull television, Red and in the Red
Bull Content Pool, Red Bull\'s media administration stage.

Red Bull is additionally chipping away at maintainability by reusing jars, sparing vitality by utilizing
utilized aluminum which utilizes 95% less vitality contrasted with new aluminum and because of this
it has a lighter weight making the CO2 balance better

Process, Products and Services

Red bull utilizes huge amounts of procedures to execute the association's systems and
furthermore oversees forms that stretch out past the limit of the association. For instance
Comarch online circulation is a perfect course of action, versatile to the business needs of
the creator, which engages the reconciliation of all merchants' trade systems into one focal
detailing stage. With correspondence and revealing oversaw by Comarch Online Deals
Backing and Online Circulation gives complete overhauling of all procedures occurring in the
business branch of an organization. Institutionalization of item and temporary workers'
codes between the SAP Red Bull and merchants' frameworks, subjective survey of
information detailed by wholesaler focal specialized help and committed call community
and furthermore remote administration of information announced from merchants' money
related and bookkeeping frameworks are a couple of highlights of Comrach followed by Red

Because of progress in purchaser taste and requests Red bull needed to take into account
these progressions by presenting new items. It presented Red bull without sugar, Red bull
shots, Red Bull Cola and distinctive other shaded variations of Red Bull to manage other
beverage marks thus this is the way it has built up it's portfolio.

Red Bull follows a very efficient showcasing technique which is the reason it has developed
so large as a brand. It centers for the most part around college and undergrads and
discovers methods for association with them. It additionally supports a great deal of games
and has occasions of it's own like Neymar Jr. 5 futsal and Red Bull at X-Games. It additionally
has a Red Bull wings group which for the most part gives free examples of Red Bull to people
in general.

Red Bull's wings group has a significant influence in conveying the item to people in general
by furnishing the general population with free examples and connecting with them. They
bring the item directly in the hands of the customer rather than simply publicizing it.
Constant connection with games has helped Red Bull convey its incentive to general society.
Red Bull additionally will in general reuse it, the jars weigh 60% not exactly 10 years prior
which spares valuable crude material. When these aluminum jars are gathered they are
completely recyclable again and again with no misfortune in amount.

Customer Results
Red Bull has been doing extraordinary with regards to client support. Having its own wings
group giving out free examples of Red Bull to the general population and drawing in with
the general population effectively has helped Red Bull fabricate a solid brand value. Red Bull
is an extremely solid brand. It has aced the client experience by turning into the substance
of extraordinary games and connecting its properties with \"adventure\" and pushing the
cutoff points. It's nonstop investment in games has made a positive recognition in the
psyches of purchasers and has made customer to consider it a piece of each game. Through
its advancements and notable motto, makes a customer see that it gives such an expansion
in essentialness, that your body begins working with a twofold of what it was doing
previously. What a client escapes the thing, and what s/he pays to get it, is indisputably the
value s/he escapes that thing. Thusly, the worth a client escapes the Red Bull is the
expansion in imperativeness against the installment of the can.

Society results
Every one of Red Bull's aluminum jars are 100% recyclable, the vehicle of aluminum jars
spares 40% space contrasted with the glass bottles. At Red Bull, we generally reduce
discharges by streamlining transport and thing cycles. The traditionalist and lightweight
aluminum can is a key factor in diminishing CO₂ during transport, packaging and limit. The
aluminum can is up to 30% more profitable than PET holders and even up to 40% more
capable than glass bottles during transport. What\'s more, they slant toward air all around
arranged techniques for transport on each possible occasion. They are reliably growing the
segment of reasonable force sources in our age; directly we are at around 80%. They had
the choice to restrict can deliver isolates by changing our two creation regions in Austria and
Switzerland to assumed \"one end to the next generation\". Right now, the creation of drink
and can just as the rounding are done nearby. In the wake of filling, they transport the
greater part of the jars by rail to various deliberately set ports and a while later dispatch
wherever all through the world. The change to one end to the next age suggests speculation
assets of more than 26,000 lorry adventures an apparently interminable measure of time
after year. This thinks about to around 11,000 tons of CO₂. Red Bull has likewise begun to
change to eco-proficient fridges along these lines sparing upto 45% of the vitality utilized by
regular cooling gadgets.[ CITATION Con18 \l 1033 ]
Porter Five Force Analysis

Outer investigation is significant. The investigator making this stride ought to disclose how
to detail a serious methodology. The examiner must think about all pertinent social and
financial elements, both in the small scale and full scale condition.

People answerable for defining the company\'s seriousness methodology ought to know
about every single vital alternative accessible to the organization. You should know all the
powers in the business and past that influence the organization. Michael Watchman has a
one of a kind system for industry examination and strategy definition.

Contention between existing contenders, purchasers, providers, potential market players

and the dangers related with substitution items are five factors that can have a positive or
negative effect on the structure of the business, making it serious. Potential Entrants
Redbull can also produce non-alcoholic beverages alongside other non-alcoholic beverage
companies. If entry barriers are high, it will be difficult for potential competitors to enter the
market. The top three barriers to entering a new market: loyalty to the Red Bull brand,
absolute cost advantage on the Redbull production line, and economies of scale through

Brand loyalty
Redbull customers have become loyal to the brand. The participation in special events
sponsored by Redbull matches the company's professional advertising, and the name is
known to its customers for its quality. Brand loyalty is an obstacle for any newcomer to the
energy-consuming industry.
Cost advantage

As per Michael Doorman, the negative circumstance regarding costs is a major hindrance for
organizations entering the market as new market members, since it tends to be a cost
advantage for existing organizations right now. What's more, organizations with a cost
preferred position can without much of a stretch contend and beat their rivals, since it is
generally hard for new participants to coordinate their organizations with a lower cost

That is the reason Red Bull because of the better creation and operational procedures of
Red Bull and their involvement with the caffeinated drinks industry and control of their
contributions to agreement with their involvement with the creation of Red Bull drinks, the
advantages of cost advantage while keeping up its quality at an elevated level. Despite the
fact that there are numerous caffeinated drinks at a lower cost than Red Bull in the
business, as a quality perspective they don't have a cost advantage in both quality and cost,
so Red Bull beats its rivals right now.Customer switching cost
In the food and beverage industry, customers do not incur costs associated with quality
upgrades, so this can be considered a threat to existing companies in this industry. In this
case, Red Bull is not unique, so it must maintain its quality at the same level, in order not to
lose its market share, entering new entities, because it is a real threat to them.

Government regulations
One of the main and always worrying problems for companies that want to enter
international markets are government regulations. In this case, some countries in Europe
have problems selling Red Bull and have tried to ban it. They claim that Red Bull was the
cause of people's death in these countries. France, Belgium and Sweden prohibit the use of
Red Bull and alcohol. This can be a threat for them in terms of taking over market share and
have a bad image for their brand.
Intensity of Rivalry
Rivalry in some industries is characterized by the expression "warrior," "bitter" or "cut off,"
while in other industries, it is called "polite" or "gentile." The energy drink industry has
intense competition due to several structural factors that interact:

Industry competitive structure

Because of rivalry in the caffeinated drinks advertise, Red Bull centers around extremely
valuable serious weapons, for example, offering energizing occasions, great items and
sponsorship. In contrast to different contenders, Red Bull draws in more clients to its
organization, expanding its piece of the pie by 45%. Consequently, Red Bull greatly affects
the presentation of the rival in the business, as Red Bull is one of the pioneers in the
caffeinated drinks industry, and numerous organizations are attempting to follow Red Bull
as a benchmark.

Industry demand
In the energy drinks industry, due to the various relevant advertisements that encourage
people to use and drink energy drinks (giving the image that people can fly), the demand for
drinks is increasing. So this is a good point for the company, because every company has
many opportunities to meet the current demand, and competition tends to fall in the
industry and there is a place for everyone to enter it (development stage), and the profit of
the company will grow, which is the goal that every company seeks.

With solid and stable clients are worries of providers and makers, makers like to have clients
with a significant level of amount and a stable budgetary circumstance, for all intents and
purposes in the caffeinated drinks industry, particularly Red Bull clients (purchasers) are
wholesalers and dealers. with retail. These purchasers purchase caffeinated drinks through
the organization or its delegates and exchange them to the grocery store, bars, eateries and
end clients. Red Bull is confronting purchasers with an elevated level of bartering power and
is a genuine hazard for Red Bull. The primary purposes behind this extraordinary bartering
intensity of purchasers right now; the exchanging costs in the caffeinated drinks industry are
extremely low. In this way, Red Bull purchasers can change from Red Bull to other
caffeinated drinks organizations that produce it at lower costs, without trouble. Additionally,
as a rule caffeinated drink purchasers (retailers and wholesalers) purchase items in huge
amounts and clearly the more they purchase in amount, the all the more bartering power.
In this manner, they can utilize their capacity to diminish the expenses of caffeinated drinks.

The bargaining power of suppliers is the same story as the bargaining power of buyers, but
on the other hand. Red Bull has both suppliers and bargaining power, some very strong and
some weak, so they can balance between them. For example, the glucuronolactone supplier
is the Glaxo Smith Kline Company. The Red Bull energy drink buys Glucuronolactone
cartridges from this company. So, the bargaining power of this supplier is very high for Red
Bull. But the other ingredients come from a few small suppliers, and Red Bull has bargaining
power over them. In addition, Red Bull has many channels and replaces the suppliers of
normal raw materials, so they can go from any supplier to a cheaper and more flexible.

All makers consistently take care of swap items for their items and are continually searching
for approaches to secure and get by against this marvel. The caffeinated drink industry is no
exemption, so players right now endeavor to keep up an elevated level of value, a helpful
cost and different things that can make clients increasingly fulfilled. The espresso business
can represent a danger to caffeinated drinks because of existing caffeine in espresso and can
be an incredible potential substitute for a caffeinated drink. That is the reason Red Bull must
deal with its estimating procedure and item quality so as to keep its clients and fulfill them
medium-term, which they oversaw because of reports not just Red Bull can shield its items
from different substitutes, yet in addition expanded their piece of the overall industry
American 45%.

PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE Analysis is used to understand the macroeconomic environment which can affect
the decision making of the company. It is linked with the SWOT analysis as the findings of
the PESTEL analysis are used in the SWOT analysis. It considers 6 different dimension of the
macroeconomic environment. It consists of
Political,Economical,Social,Technological,Environmental and Legal aspects of an economy.

Political Factors

Political variables incorporate outside elements, for example, government factors. The
impacts of government approaches and guidelines that straightforwardly influence the
organization. These strategies are gotten from the legislature. These strategies may here
and there be charge changes straightforwardly influencing the organization. Political
security in the territory where the organization works will be an open door for the
organization. In like manner, great intergovernmental relations are a hotspot for worldwide
organizations like Red Bull. Hazard factors incorporate an assortment of government
caffeinated beverages and populace wellbeing strategies that represent a significant risk to
the Red Bull. For instance, for a decent economy, for example, the Red Bull organization in
the US and Canada, the business is brilliant, while in underdeveloped nations the open door
process is by implication ended.

Economic Factors:
Red Bull has always focused on product innovation, which helps the company maintain
stability and value in the entire industry. The company's performance as Red Bull is directly
proportional to the economic stability of the country in which the company operates. In the
same way in regions where countries are more developed, there are more ways to
opportunities for the company. The potential threat in this perspective is the slowdown in
the Chinese economy, as the Chinese economy is now considered one of the largest in the

Social Factors:
Social factors include people's beliefs and lifestyle, and most importantly, the culture of the
region. For example, the people of the modern state are more vulnerable to energy drinks;
this culture becomes an opportunity for beverage companies like Red Bull. Countries where
the population is more aware of their health, such sayings can sometimes be a threat and
sometimes an opportunity for the world. The hectic direction of life and the habits of
drinking an energy drink after a few hours is a great opportunity for PepsiCo.

Technological Factors:
Moderate research and development in the food and beverage industry has always been a
great opportunity for companies like Red Bull. Improving the knowledge management
system with the help of technological progress is an opportunity. The increasing trend of
automation in business strategies certainly represents a great opportunity to expand the
business scope of recognized international companies such as Red Bull. Other technological
factors include the trend of internet marketing and many of the latest technology scams.
Therefore, this technological renaissance has explored many new avenues as opportunities
for contemporary brands such as Red Bull.

Legal Factors:
Legal elements are always present to link competitors and Red Bull. For example, various
regulations such as health safety regulations present great opportunities for the Red Bull
industry. Many other legal aspects of government reforms have a direct impact on
companies such as Red Bull. Sometimes the laws are the links that are an obstacle to
expansion in the company. However, there are potential benefits to these legal issues, as I
have presented because they provide more streamlined business environments for related
companies like Red Bull.

Environmental Factors:
These factors include high standards and policy expectations for waste disposal. There must
be a focus on business sustainability. One of the world's concerns about climate change is
the threat and sometimes an opportunity for global companies like Red Bull that is
expanding. Red Bull is one of the largest. The bottom line in the discussion above is that
there is a whole lot of opportunity for Red Bull. If the right strategies and the right plan are
put in place, the company can keep the name on the market. Prudent planning and taking
the company in the right direction will always provide a new field of opportunity. On the
other hand, there are also many potential threats in terms of competitors and change in the
global scenario regarding new business laws and practices.[ CITATION Red18 \l 1033 ]

SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is the planning technique used to evaluate the current situation of the
company. It talks about its position and the threats which are there in the industry and the
opportunities on which the company can pounce on and help your company grow. Current
position and opportunities help the company to understand how it can be more profitable.
While understanding the threats and weaknesses help the company to avoid or reduce the
chances of failure.
 Category limitations – In overall soft
Strengths: drinks, Red Bull has a limited product
 Category leader – Red Bull has portfolio compared to the rising number
established a strong, consistent brand of competitors bringing many other
image globally. Red Bull is synonymous flavour variants and categories.
with energy drinks in many countries.  Pricing – Red Bull products are above
 Marketing strategy – The promotional the energy drinks average price.
activities engaged by Red Bull through Consumers tend to think twice at the time
extreme sports sponsorships have helped of purchase.
the brand to build a strong identity and to  Copy problematic – Red Bull’s recipe is
increase consumer awareness/loyalty. subject to copy because of a lack of
 Broad geographic presence – Red Bull patent.
has a broad geographic presence, which  Controversial – The relatively high
should ensure positive long-term growth caffeine and taurine content of Red Bull
even if certain markets reach maturity makes the brand highly vulnerable to
regulatory controls.
 Local relevance

0.6% share in Global beverage market
 Competition – Monster represents
which means high potential of growth
the biggest threat as it contains natural
9% growth in value where coke and
ingredients, which seems more desirable
Pepsi are in negative
than Red Bull for some consumers.
 Emerging markets – Emerging markets
Competition is becoming more and more
represent newer geographies for Red
dangerous in term of marketing actions
Bull’s expansion. Accelerating the
(copying Red Bull).
marketing and sponsorships in these
 High marketing costs – Maturity
markets is a wise move.
in developed markets makes promotion
 New production – Red Bull’s
harder than in the past, inducing higher
new production facilities in emerging
marketing costs.
countries are likely to make its retail
 Negative publicity – Media worldwide
price more competitive. The brand
report Red Bull as harmful for health.
should also consider building production
Parents also state that some components
sites in Asia.
can be dangerous if consumed by their
 Product line extension – Offering new
teenagers (who are the product’s target
flavours and formats should help Red
Bull to keep/improve its market shares.
Value Chain Analysis

Value Chain Analysis is a strategy technique used to understand the mechanism of the
company and analyze its activities. It is used to help the company find out which activities
are most valuable for the company and the company has a competitive edge in them.
Secondly it also indicates the activities which are being handled inefficiently so they could
be highlighted and improved.

More than 6.79 billion cans were sold in 2018.The extent of Red Bull activities is broad. The
Red Bull flavors are manufactured in Bangkok and traded into assembling plants globally.
Wall to Wall production method is one of the fundamental reasons of significant worth for
Red Bull. One end to the other assembling system includes producing and filling cans on a
similar site and sparing 8,750,000 km of truck travel every year, with exceptionally positive
ramifications from financial and natural perspectives.

Outbound logistics

Redbull drinks are transported through train and ship. It has a very complex outbound
logistics due to the availability of its product in more than 160 countries and the magnitude
of the business Outbound logistics used by Redbull are very cost effective are a very
essential aspect of the companies value chain which gives them a competitive advantage.
Transportation of the Redbull cans is easier due to the shape and weight of the cans. It gives
them an upper hand in its outbound logistics. These cans save around 30% space as
compared to glass and PET bottles. In general it saves around 40% space.

Marketing and Sales

'Red Bull gives you wings' speaks to an embodiment of Red Bull promoting correspondence
message. This message is transmitted by means of a wide scope of promoting
correspondence channels on print TV and Social media platform. Red Bull Media House five
print magazines, one TV channel and an online TV channel. Besides, the organization claims
sports games groups, for example, RB Leipzig, FC Red Bull Salzburg, Red Bull Brasil, and
New York Red Bulls to market the brand in deviant way. Red Bull sells its energy drinks just
by means of merchants and affiliates, for example, grocery store chains, bars and cafés and
different outlets.

The scopes of after sales services are very limited due to the nature of the product and the
industry Redbull operates in. They have helpline numbers mentioned on the company’s
website where the customers and other stakeholders can contact the company due to the
issues faced by them.

BCG Matrix

BCG Matrix stands for Boston Consulting Group Matrix. It is a tool used in the long term
planning of the company. It evaluates its product line and helps the company understand
which products are valuable so to invest more in them and the product which should be
discontinued or removed as it is a burden for the company.
All new editions of Red Bull are a part of star in the BCG matrix. These Red Bull editions
work in high development industries and keep up high piece of the market share and are
also both money generators and money clients. They are the essential units where the
organization ought to contribute its cash, since stars are required to become cash cows and
produce positive incomes. However, not all of these editions generate positive cash flows.
This is particularly valid in quickly evolving enterprises, where new creative items can before
long be outcompeted by new innovative advancements, so a star as opposed to turning into
a cash cow, turns into a dog.

Cash Cows
The regular Red Bull and sugar free Red Bull are a cash cow as they are the most sold
products of Red Bull. These are the most gainful brands and ought to be "drained" to give as
much money as could be expected. The money picked up from these is put into stars to help
their further development. As indicated by growth share matrix, corporates should not put
into cash cows to actuate development however just to help them so they can keep up their
present piece of the market share. Once more, this isn't generally reality. These products
may be fit for advancing into new stars.

Question Marks
Question marks are the brands that require much closer consideration and Red Bull’s Zero
Calories brand falls here. Being a new product in the market and also having a smaller target
market, it holds a low market share in the overall industry in quickly developing markets
devouring huge measure of money and acquiring misfortunes. It can possibly pick up piece
of the overall industry and become a star, which would later become cash cows. This
product might generally not succeed and considerably after huge measure of ventures may
battle to gain market share of the overall industry and in the end become dogs. In this
manner, it will require close thought to choose on the off chance that they worth putting
resources into or not.

The new Red Bull that was launched would fall under the dog category as already there is
too much competition in the cola industry. It holds a low market share contrasted with
competitors, Like Coca Cola and Pepsi who are the market leaders, and also works in a
gradually developing business sector. As a rule, Red Bull cola is not worth putting resources
into on the grounds that it creates low or negative money returns. If further consideration is
given and marketing the product in a differentiated way may help the product to compete
with competitors but that too would require a lot of work as Coca Cola and Pepsi already are
doing great in ending competition of other brands.

VRIO Analysis
VRIO Analysis is a tool used to help understand four different dimensions of Value, Rarirty,
Imtibality and Organization. It helps the company if effective decision making. It helps in
continuously evaluating the capabilities of your company and how you understand your
Resources Valuable Rare Imitate Organization Competitive
Network Yes Yes Close – sharing Completely Unused
Flexibility of some same consumed competitive
Supply Chain suppliers’ chain Advantage
Market Yes Yes Challenging Yes Sustainable
position Competitive
Leadership Yes Yes No Yes Strong
team competitive
Awareness of Yes Yes No Yes Sustainable
Brand Competitive
Financial Yes No Compatible with Financial Temporary
Resources all rivals status is Competitive
sustainable Advantage

Valuable: The company must have some resources or strategies that can take advantage of
opportunities and defend the company from the main threats. If the company holds some
value then the answer is yes. Resources are also valuable if they provide customer
satisfaction and increase customer value. This value may be created by increasing the
differentiation in the existing product or reducing its price. If these conditions are not met,
the company may lead to competitive defects.

Rare: Red Bull resources are not used by any other company are known to be scarce. Rare
and valuable resources give many competitive advantages to the company. However, when
more than one company uses the same resources and provides competitive parity, it is also
known as scarce resource. Even competitive parity is not the desired position, but the
company must not lose its valuable resources, even as they are common.

Cost to Imitate: Resources require a cost to copy, if other organizations do not have them.
However, imitation takes place in two ways. Any company that has valuable and scarce
resources, and the resources available to imitate it, distinguish its competitive advantage.
However, it will be that the resources are not completely sustainable. The reasons for
imitating resources are expensive

Organized to Capture Value: The company (such as Red Bull) must organize its
management systems, processes, and policies to take full advantage of the supplier's
capabilities[ CITATION Red17 \l 1033 ]

Sales and Distribution Strategy

Red Bull has painstakingly picked its circulation system. The organization set up high
position and representation of the uniqueness of its item. The primary thought was that Red
Bull is unique in relation to normal sodas. Subsequently, Red Bull has a decentralized deals
division which is answerable for promoting, deals and circulation in their general vicinity.
From the start, individuals were hesitant to sell Red Bull. Drink has an aftertaste like
Medication! Nonetheless, following three years, the item began to succeed. The
organization reached the little merchants to appropriate the item through a committed
deals group. They set up their own stockroom, purchased vehicles, and painted them with
the organization logo. They procured deliverymen to convey the item to retailers.

The organization had a varied deals system. They picked five significant methodology
accounts in a zone like brilliant clubs and bars. At that point, they built up an individual
methodology with a DJ, a barkeeps and influencers. Red Bull offered them to mark and
improve Brand clearness. Working with these individual records, Red Bull got a favorable
position in running quick. Other vital spots they have picked are shops close to colleges and
exercise centers

Salesmen would not sell the item all over and dismissed ideas from different wholesalers.
An inventive character was utilized by the organization: Understudy Brand Supervisors. They
needed to advance the item at colleges and allude data about bearings to an organization.
With this framework, the organization can direct statistical surveying, while at the same
time boosting items reputation.
The organization likewise chose to utilize huge circulation measures and thus Red Bull was
sold by retailers more than it was initially. Red Bull keeps up its uniqueness through its
exceptional cost and item situation.

Red Bull entered the abroad market utilizing nearby wholesalers to corner the market, and
afterward reclaim control. In the USA, for instance, Red Bull has made eight unique deals
units. In every office, supervisors are answerable for the amount they sell. they need to
discover vital spots and the pattern to sell the item they need to get a base objective and
explicit targets.

Also, as Gatorade during the 80s and 90s: it began selling chilled Red Bull in places where
there were numerous individuals who required caffeine (like competitors). Accordingly, Red
Bull Dispersed its own fridges to retailers to upgrade its position and lucidity. Actually,
investigate from air conditioning Nielsen affirmed that 75% of Red Bull shoppers will in
general beverage the item directly after they get it.
In 2003, 64% of the volume was made by utilization in bars, clubs and service stations, which
represent 79% of the incentive because of the value premium, while retail outlets make up
the rest 36% of the volume. Red Bull was confronting immense rivalry in the retail field,
both from overwhelming beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and other extraordinary
marks. For instance, in the UK, Asda (some portion of Wal-Bazaar) propelled its own
caffeinated drink called Blue Charge.

A coalition with Cadbury Schweppes in Australia in 2003 is a case of organization trying

different things with the dispersion blend. This sort of conveyance added to a 40%
expansion in deals between the mid year of 2003 and 2004 over its current essential
channels food supplies, authorized structures, and stores. Regulatory chief of Red Bull Stuart
McLean of Australia said the strategic the organization was to "permit more clients to
approach Red Bull.\"

In 2009 Red Bull Australia cut ties with Schweppes, leaving Red Bull with a troublesome
assignment to arrange the conveyance, a test that would require noteworthy venture. In the
mean time, Schweppes would lose one of its top rated items and leave it without items in
Caffeinated drink class for advertising in Australia. It was recommended that Red Bull ought
to carry its Cola item to the Australian market and it was a decent time to receive in return
Schweppes, on the grounds that it disperses Pepsi in Australia.

Moreover, Red Bull thought about the utilization of candy machines to improve deals and to
advance their brands. Truth be told, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and different makers of sodas had
Expanded deals and expanded brand mindfulness with candy machines.
SPACE Matrix

The SPACE lattice alludes to a four-quadrant examination instrument that gives information
about the kind of strategies a firm should keep up with respect to its inward and outside
estimations. The two inner estimations are the Monetary Position and the Serious Position.
The two outside estimations are the Business Position and the Security Position. This key
organization structure accept a key activity in choosing the future exercises an association
should grasp dependent upon their specific centered circumstance in the business.

Internal Strategic Position External Strategic Position

Competitive(CA) Industry(IS)
(-6 worst,-1 best) (+1worst, +6 best)
-1 market share +4 Growth Potential
-1 Brand Image +5 Resource Utilization
-2 Customer Service +5 Financing Access
-1 Customer Loyalty +5 Technological Know-How
-1 Manufacturing Exp +3 Barriers to Entry
+3 Industry Profits
Average -1.2 Average +4.2
Total X Axis score= +3
Functional (FS) Environmental(ES)
(+1 worst,+6 best) (-6 worst,-1 best)
Y +4 Return on Equity -3 Competitive Pressure
A +3 Revenue Increase -3 Competing Products Price
+3 Liquidity -2 Demand Variability
X +3 Earnings per share -2 Inflation Rates
I +4 Cash Flows -1 Technological Changes
S +5 Efficiency Ratios -2 Price Elasticity of Demand
Average 3.7 Average -2.2
Total Y Axis score= 1.5

Red Bull’s directional vector is situated in the aggressive vector (upper-right quadrant) of
the grid, it shows that a firm is in a remarkable situation to use its Internal Strengths to
surmount internal weaknesses, acquire the benefit of external circumstances, and sidestep
external dangers. Therefore, market development and penetration, product improvement,
forward, in reverse and even mix, concentric, combination and level expansion or a blend of
procedures can be utilized, depending upon the specific condition that the firm is practicing
at the time.


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