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Saint Mary’s University

School of Health and Natural Sciences


Ej R. Agsalda General Botany

BS BIO-1 BIO 5036

Laboratory Activity No. 7

“External and Internal Structures of Stems”

This laboratory activity shows the different external and internal structures of different
stem samples, both herbaceous stem and woody stem that can be found within the vicinity of
Cabarroguis, Qurino, Province. The stem samples are carefully picked to make sure there are
no damage in their external structure. The main objectives of this laboratory activity consist
of the following: (1) To identify plants with herbaceous and woody stems. (2) To label the
external and internal structures of stems and describe their corresponding functions. (3) To
identify plants whose stems are used in traditional medicine and describe the processing
method used in treating diseases/ illnesses that are claimed to be cured by these plants. (4) To
discuss reasons why some stems have medicinal properties.

Stem, in botany, the plant axis that bears buds and shoots with leaves and, at its basal
end, roots. The stem conducts water, minerals, and food to other parts of the plant; it may also
store food, and green stems themselves produce food. Stems are a part of the shoot system of a
plant. They may range in length from a few millimeters to hundreds of meters, and also vary in
diameter, depending on the plant type. Stems are usually above ground, although the stems of
some plants, such as the potato, also grow underground. Stems may be herbaceous (soft) or
woody in nature. The primary functions of the stem are to support the leaves; to conduct water
and minerals to the leaves, where they can be converted into usable products by photosynthesis;
and to transport these products from the leaves to other parts of the plant, including the roots.
The stem conducts water and nutrient minerals from their site of absorption in the roots to the
leaves by means of certain vascular tissues in the xylem. The movement of synthesized foods
from the leaves to other plant organs occurs chiefly through other vascular tissues in the stem
called phloem. Food and water are also frequently stored in the stem. Examples of food-storing
stems include such specialized forms as tubers, rhizomes, and corms and the woody stems of
trees and shrubs. Water storage is developed to a high degree in the stems of cacti, and all green
stems are capable of photosynthesis
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Materials Quantity Cost
Mask 1 -
Phone/Camera 1 -
Table 1. List of Materials

Common Names Scientific Name
Oregano Origanum vulgare
Sulfur Cosmos Cosmos sulpherus
Air yam Dioscorea bulbifera
White vein Sargassum hystrix.
Bougainvillea Bougainvillea glabra
Aralia Poliscias guilfoylei
Table 2. List of Gathered specimens


Table 3. Herbaceous Stem with their plant morphology and benefits
Herbaceous Stem Plant morphology Benefits
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Oregano is usually grown as a The stem of the oregano is

small evergreen subshrub in hairy that can greatly protect
mild climates. Its compact the plant from any external
oval leaves are arranged threats such as insects. The
oppositely and are covered stem of the oregano also helps
with glandular trichomes the plant to store more water.
(plant hairs). The young stems They can live for almost 3-4
are typically square and hairy years depending on the
and become woody with age. tolerance of water.
The flowers are small and
borne in clusters; they range
in colour from white to pink
or pale purple

1. Leaf type: Leaves are The stem of the sulfur cosmos

simple (i.e., lobed or unlobed enables the plant for
but not separated into leaflets) reproduction. Herbaceous
2. Leaf arrangement: opposite: stems contain chlorophyll that
there are two leaves per node allows the plant to use them in
along the stem addition to leaves for
3. Leaf Blades: The edge of photosynthesis, more green
the leaf blade has lobes, or it pigment means more food for
has both teeth and lobes. the plant.
4. Flower type: the flower
head has tubular disk flowers
in the center and ray flowers,
these often strap-shaped,
around the periphery
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

The leaves are attractive, The stem of the air yam or

alternate, and broadly heart- also known as air potato helps
shaped, up to 20 cm long and the plant to climb in high
attached by long petioles. places. The stem is very thin,
They are divided the complex structure of the
longitudinally into lobes by stem enable the plant in
prominent arching veins all dealing complex pathways
radiating out from a single between other plants.
point of origin where the
petiole attaches to the leaf.
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Table 4. Woody Stem with their plant morphology and benefits

Woody Stem Plant morphology Benefits

The most commonly grown The stems are hard enables

are F. albivenis and its the plant to grow erect and
cultivars. They are spreading strong against any other
evergreen perennials growing plants. Woody plants are
10–15 cm (4–6 in) tall. They plants with very strong and
bear lush green leaves with not easily bendable stems
accented veins of white to such as trees. The branch is
deep pink and have a short usually covered with bark.
fuzz covering their stems.
Small buds may appear after
a time where the stem splits
into leaves. Flowers are small
with a white to off-white

The vine species grow The stems of the

anywhere from 1 to 12 m (3 bougainvillea allows the plant
to40 ft.) tall, scrambling over to grow vastly and even
other plants with their spiky though they are commonly
thorns. The thorns are tipped composed of single main
with a black, waxy stem. Also the stem of the
Substance. The leaves are plant are commonly dry
alternate, simple ovate- which means It has possible
acuminate, 4–13 cm long and advantage in gathering more
2–6 cm broad. The actual carbon dioxide, re-
flower of the plant is small assimilation of CO2, and high
and generally white, but each water-use efficiency.
cluster of three flowers is
surrounded by three or six
bracts with the bright colors
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

An erect shrub that can grow The stem of this plant usually
to a height of 3 to 4 m, composed of plain cylindrical
sometimes as high as 7 m. tube where it is composed of
Branches are erect and many nodes. This helps the
vertical. Leaves are alternate, plants to have hard surface
up to 50 cm long, with 3 to area, that protects the plant
13 primary leaflets, 1-pinnate from insects and human that
with leaflets arranged can possibly hold of cut the
oppositely. plant.

External Structure of Herbaceous and Woody Stem

Figure 1. Herbaceous Stem External Structure
Herbaceous Stem parts and functions
1. TerminalBudBud
The role of the terminal bud is fairly
straightforward. It allows for the plant to grow
taller, thereby allowing it to gain more resources
in order to live. It is essential for the plant to
grow and gain more height on surrounding
2. Smooth Outer Skins
It holds the terminal bud and it contains
the xylem and the phloem of the plants. It is
responsible in supporting the plant

Smooth Outer
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Figure 2. Woody Stem External



Lateral Bud

Leaf Scar

Woody Stem parts and functions

1. Bud
A stem's primary growing point. Buds can be either leaf buds (vegetative) or flower buds
(reproductive). These buds can be very similar in appearance, but flower buds tend to be plumper
than leaf buds.

2. Bud Scales
A modified leaf protecting and covering a bud.

3. Lateral Bud
Small buds along length of branch that develop into leaves, lateral branches, or flowers.
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

4. Leaf Scar
Mark left on stem where leaf was attached. Often used in woody plant identification:
Heart-shaped scar on twig where last year’s leaf grew.
5. Nodes
Segment of stem where leaves and lateral buds are attached: Growth region on stem.
Region around bud or leaf stem

Internal Structure of the Stem with corresponding parts and functions

Figure 3. Micrograph of a Dicot and Monocot Stem (labelled)

Parts and Function

1. Epidermis
The epidermis of the stem consists of a single layer of cells. The walls of these cells are
cutinized. This layer is covered externally by a cuticle layer. Stomata are rare in the stem
epidermis. The cells of the epidermis are living. They are without any chloroplasts. They show
meristematic activity. The meristematic activity increases the surface area of epidermis during
primary growth and secondary growth.
2. Cortex
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Cortex is composed of following types of tissues:

a. Parenchyma cells: Most pail of cortex of the stem consists of parenchyma cells. These
cells often contain ctiloroplasts, especially in the young herbaceous plants.
b. Collenchyma: The outer part of the cortex contains collenchyma cells. They may form a
continuous layer. Or they may be group into strands.
c. Sclerenchyma: In certain plants, sclerenchymatous tissues are found in place of
collenchyma. They are present in the peripheral layers of the cortex. They act as primary
supporting tissue.
d. Endodermis: It is the innermost layer of the cortex
3. Pericycle
A tissue of variable width is present between the inner most layer of the cortex and outer
boundary of the vascular bundles. It is known as the pericycle. The pericycle is formed of one or
more layers of parenchyma cells.
4. Vascular bundles
The strands or vascular tissues forming hollow cylinder called vascular bundles. The
vascular bundles are arranged in rings. The vascular bundles are often present close together to
form a continuous ring of vascular tissues.
5. Pith
Pith is the central part of the ground tissue of stem. It is encircled by the ring of vascular
tissues. It is composed of parenchyma cells. These cells are larger size in the center.
6. Xylem
Xylem is the specialised tissue of vascular plants that transports water and nutrients from
the plant–soil interface to stems and leaves, and provides mechanical support and storage.
7. Phloem
Phloem is responsible for transporting food produced from photosynthesis from leaves to
non-photosynthesizing parts of a plant such as roots and stems.
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Medicinal Purpose of some Plant Stems in Community

Table 5. Community Respondents with question and answer
Respondent’s Question Answer Process Reasons why it can cure
1. Eden What plant Aloe The aloe vera is Aloe vera contains
Agsalda stems do you Vera taken through approximately 98.5%
know that is the process of water, while the mucilage
good for cutting the leaf. or gel consists of about
treating illness The extract of 99.5% water. The
and is good for the freshly cut remaining 0.5 – 1% solid
medication? aloe vera is material consists of a
applied to fresh range of compounds
wounds, and it including water-soluble
can help to cloth and fat-soluble vitamins,
the blood and minerals, enzymes,
moisten the polysaccharides, phenolic
wounds. compounds and organic
2. Bing Flores What plant Anonang The bark of The bark of the anonang
stems do you anonang plant is tree Cordia dichotoma
know that is being crushed Forst. f. Bark contains a
good for and powdered. In large amount of tannic
treating illness powder form, the acid. Also some study
and is good for bark is used as a shows that it contains a
medication? cure for ulcers in principle similar to
the mouth. The "cathartin." That is good
bark, in for cleaning and cleansing
infusion, is used of intestines.
as a gargle
The bark is
moistened an
applied to boils
and tumors to
hasten ripening.
3. Amado What plant Banaba The bark or stem Banaba leaves contain
Rivera stems do you is being boiled ellagic acid derivatives.5
know that is and used as a Reports have confirmed
good for stimulant and the presence of
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

treating illness febrifuge (a ellagitannins,

and is good for remedy for lagerstroemin, flosin B,
medication? fever) and and reginin A, all possible
for abdominal glucose transport
pains. enhancers.

Banaba bark contains

similar constituents to its
leaves. One report found
ellagic acids, beta-
sitosterols, and colosolic
acids in bark extracts
4. Nene Rivera What plant Ipil tree The stem and The bark of the ipil tree.
stems do you roots of ipil tree Studies found out that ipil
know that is can be boiled bark consist of analgesic
good for and it helps the compounds such as opiods
treating illness body dispose of and oxycontin that is good
and is good for excess water in alleviating pain.
medication? through
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

Through this laboratory activity. I learned that plant stems have different parts according
to their classifications ether woody or herbaceous stems. I also learned to differentiate a woody
or an herbaceous leaf by just observing its color and external structure. Non woody or
herbaceous stems have green and sessile and soft stems while the woody ones have harder stem
with brown or black colored twigs, also woody stems contains wood scars caused by external
factors such as human deforestation or animals building their habitat inside the stem of a certain
tree. Furthermore I realized that not only the plants leaves have some medicinal properties but
also in plant stems (barks) as well. The barks are either boiled or pulverized in order to extract
the sap of the stem medicinal compounds.
Saint Mary’s University
School of Health and Natural Sciences

For Medicinal Purpose
De Guzman, E. T. et al. 1981. Guide to Philippine flora and fauna. Vol. I. Natural
Resources Management Center. Ministry of Natural Resources. Quezon City.114 pp.
Department of Health. 1995. Circular No. 168-A Series.
Fernando, E. S. and M. L. Castillo. Checklist of species in FBS 21 (Taxonomy of Forest
Plants): Handout. Department of Biological Sciences, College of Forestry and
Natural Resources, UPLB, College, Laguna. 23 pp.
Gutierrez, H. G. 1982. An illustrated manual of Materia Medica. Vol. 2, National
Research Council of the Philippines, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila. pp. 375-376.

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