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Buddhist literature  Padma Charita by Vimala – Vasudevahindi by

Sanghadasa – throw lights on Vikramaditya and conquest

 Made valuable contribution to Indian historiography
of – Sakas and Scythians
 A religious literature – possess rich material – history
 Contributed to – development of Indian historiography
 Include “Tripitakas” – throw light – important event
of life of Buddhist  Wrote – ‘Harsha Charita’ – first quarter of 7th century
 The Vinayapitaka – describes – foundation of the
Buddhist community  Harsha Charita – biography of his patron Pushyabhuti
 Proceeding apparently in chronological order to
record subsequent evens  It is not merely a work of history – a literary work
 Sittu Pitika and Abhidarmma Pitika – throws light  Bana does not provide – complete life of Harsha – he made
on Socio-economic, politicval and religious condition attempt to mix historical and fictitious (untrue) stories and
of India during the 6th century B.C – pointed out how Harsha go it the fortune
 Mahavishashya – by Asva Ghosha another BILHANA
Buddhist literature – deals with important aspect of
 Belong to a Kashmiri Brahmin family
Indian history
 Chalukya king of Kalyani Somesvara Patronised Bilhana
 Gives – information about Chandra Gupta Maurya,
Ashoka and Kanishka  Produced the play ‘Karnasundari’ – written about
marriage of Karnadeva I of Anihlvad with Mayamalladeva
Jain historiography
 Most important work Vikramagadeva Charita
 Parisistha Parvana by Hem Chandra and
Vijakshyaprijnapti – point out – many historical  Says historical facts about Vikramaditya VI – as a generous
happenings of great importance person
 Like – literature of north – Sangam literature throws – flood
of light on social, economic, cultural, religious and political
conditions of Tamils
 In South – treatment and approach to history – difference
 Scholars have to be careful on two main points
between north and south – very little
 Chronology and
 Indians are Indians – whether northerners or southerners -
difference being, if any, one of degree and not of kind  Veracity (truth)
 South – consists of Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala and T N –  If Chronology is – weakest link in north - position is no
few southern districts of Maharashtra better in the South as well
 South – made – substantial contribution to – mainstream of  Vast body of Sangam literary – product of the celebrated
Indian culture – almost – every realm of human activity – literary Academy
art, literature, religion, philosophy or music
 It speaks of three succession Sangams lasting for more
 South – offers – dedicated souls like Sankara, Ramanuja, than 9990 years (Pre Sangam, Sangam and Post
Madhava, Basaveswara and others – brought about – Sangam)
powerful Bhakti movement…
 Total number of poets exceeding 8598
 When we search for stalwarts (loyalist/devotees) in history
 Nature of this literature abounds in both probable and
– area is as blank as – north
improbable (possible & doubtful)
 If true historic spirit was absent in – south – it is again true
 Certain kings and poets – mentioned in it – which – no
that – south too did not lack in historical ideas..
grounds to reject
 Like as – extreme north – Kashmir was in – forefront of
 We have fairly good grounds to assume that – Academy
historical tradition (Rajatarangini) – also the extreme
flourished under – patronage of – Pandyan rulers – who
south – Tamil Nadu – areas – rich in Sangam clasics –
by – time of Pliny had changed their capital to a place not
works of early Tamils – extraordinarily rich variety of
far from – present Madurai
historical material
 Roughly – the age of the Sangam from 500 B.C to A.D 500
 Literature consists of – eight anthologies of short lyrics –
classified into two groups
 Puram works – deals with external matters
like war and patronage of kings
 Aham works - deals with love
 This did not suddenly spring up within a short span of time
– must – evolved over a length of period
 Kural – also assigned to the Sangam age
 T N – boast of two epics, Manimekalai and
Silappadikaram – contains good deal of historical ideas
 Manimekalai and Silappadikaram – good deal of historical
 Manimekalai suggests – Kanchi – became – centre of
Buddhist learning
 However – Puranas and Epics of the North – Sangam
literature too – not helpful – to reconstruct – connect
political history

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