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Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization for

Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch Problem

Farheen M.A.Ansari SM IEEE Neha Kardam
School of Engineering School of Engineering School of Engineering
Gautam Buddha Univeristy Gautam Buddha Univeristy Gautam Buddha Univeristy
Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India Greater Noida, India

Abstract— The economic operation of the generating systems issue to reduce the operating costs. The operation costs
has always occupied an important position in the electric power include the fuel costs and other costs like service and
industry. It is one of the complex problems of the power system. maintenance costs. The service and maintenance costs are
The aim of the dynamic economic load dispatch problem is to small and a just a fixed proportion, so we can say the
find the optimal combination of generators in order to minimize
operating costs are mainly the fuel costs and here in this work
the operating costs of the system. The load demand must be
appropriately shared among the various generating units of the we have to minimize these costs. The main aim is to operate
system. This work is done by using the particle swarm the system at minimum costs while satisfying the consumer
optimization (PSO) algorithm. PSO is applied to search for the demands. For this the consumer load demand is divided into
optimal schedule of all the generator units that can supply the the various available generating units of the system. We can
required load demand at minimum fuel cost while satisfying all say that each unit is assigned or allotted a particular load
system constraints such as Generator constraints, Ramp rate value. The dynamic economic load dispatch allots each
limits, Transmission losses and valve point effect. The PSO generating unit a particular load demand and the electrical
method was developed through the simulation of a simplified power system is thus operated economically. Thus the aim of
social system. The simulations were performed over various test
the DELD is to contribute in the profit-making of the electric
systems with 5 generation units. So by using PSO we have done
the dynamic economic load dispatch thereby reducing the power industry.
operating costs of the system In the last decades a lot of research has been done and
various methodologies and techniques have been proposed in
Keywords— Dynamic economic load dispatch, Particle swarm
the technical literature for this purpose. These techniques
optimization, generator constraints, ramp-rate limits, valve point
effect. majorly include the Evolutionary Programming (EP),
Simulated Annealing (SA),Tabu search, Linear and Dynamic
I. INTRODUCTION programming, Hopfield neural network, lambda iteration
As we know it is the responsibility of the electric power method etc. and the evolutionary computation technique such
system or the electric utilities to provide the smooth electric as Genetic Algorithm, Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, Artificial
energy to the consumers in order to fulfill their load demands. Neural Network (ANN), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
The engineers are in charge of the efficient and reliable etc. PSO is one of the latest heuristic techniques which can be
operation of these electric power generation systems. The cost used to solve continuous non-linear optimization techniques
of the generation and operation of the electric systems has [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. This method is a very efficient and a
become a fundamental issue of the power industry. It has robust optimization technique to solve various kinds of
become crucial to adopt an efficient and reliable method for problems. This method outperforms the other algorithms with
the load dispatch for the development of the power market. respect to the computational time and its accuracy. PSO is also
The economic load dispatch is used to allot the load demand to found out to be effective in locating the optimal point even in
the various committed generators while reducing the running the static and the dynamic environments [1, 2].
costs. The economic load dispatch has always occupied an The method used here is the particle swarm optimization
important position in the electric power industry as a complex technique (PSO). The main objective of the work done here is
problem of the power system [5, 6]. It has always been to minimize the total cost of generation (operating costs) while
desirable to obtain the efficient and economic operation of the satisfying the various constraints while fulfilling the customer
system. With the passage of time, the consumer load demands load demand. So, by implementing the PSO algorithm, the
are increasing and also the fuel costs are booming day by day, optimal combination of generator units is thus obtained in
so the operating costs of the system also enhances with time. order to minimize the operating costs of the system.
Due to these high rises there is a sudden urge to maintain the
economical operation of the system. It has become a crucial

978-1-4673-6150-7/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 1273

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This paper is organised in the various sections as defined. The following is the equality constraint:
In section II, A brief review of the Dynamic Economic Load
Dispatch is done. In section III, the technique used to solve the
problem i.e, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is discussed This is the power balance equation. Here PD is the demand
along with the algorithm and flowchart. In section IV the test and PL is transmission loss.
system and the experimental results are shown. Finally the
conclusions are drawn in section V followed by references. The transmission loss can be calculated by the B-
coefficients method or power flows analysis. B-coefficients
used in the power system are:
The main objective of the economic load dispatch is to P = P
BP +
P B + B (6)
L 0 00

reduce the operating costs or the generation costs of the

The total transmission losses are :
system while satisfying the various system constraints. The
DELD problem is formulated to find the optimal combination (7)
of the generators while satisfying the consumer load demands
and also satisfying the various equality and inequality Where, Bmn is the square matrix transmission coefficients
constraints. The problem here is to minimize the total and P is a matrix of the power output of the Units. In some
generating cost function as defined in the equation (1). We cases the transmission losses can be neglected while in some
have to minimize the objective function (total total cost of the cases these are considered.
power system) subjected to the various constraints.

(1) The particle swarm optimization is a population based

stochastic optimization technique. This is based on the concept
Where, of swarms and their intelligence as well as their movement.
This algorithm was developed in 1995 by James Kennedy and
= Total operating cost of power system
Russell Eberhart [3]. PSO comprises of a group of creatures
Fi (Pi) = The cost function of ith generator (particles) performing the same action in a search space.
Pi = Real power output of ith generator The swarms are basically the groups that serve the same
purpose like food hunting. The PSO is inspired from the
N = The number of generators used
relative behaviour of the creatures that live and move in
T= The no of intervals groups like swarm of birds or bees and school of fishes etc.
The cost of each generator in the simplified DELD
problem can be presented by a single quadratic cost function
defined below:
Here ai, bi and ci denote the cost coefficients of the ith
This quadratic equation changes if we consider the valve
point effects. A sinusoidal function is added to the existing
equation (2) and the equation becomes:
Here ei and fi are the cost functions corresponding to valve Fig. 1 Swarm of birds
point loading. [11] The above figure demonstrates a swarm of birds. This
There are two types of constraints i.e, the equality and the concept is used in the PSO algorithm. Here the birds are
inequality constraints analogous to the particles. In PSO there is huge multi-
dimensional search space with particles within it. The particles
The following is the inequality constraint for each move freely in the search space looking for the optimal
generator that should be satisfied: solution. Each particle has a particular velocity and a position.
(4) The particles and velocity are denoted by the vectors v and x.
These are also called the generator constraints. [ v1, v2, v3......... vn
The generation power for each generator should locate x1, x2,x3......... xn ]
between the upper and lower limits.


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Each particle represents a potential solution to the After this, the particles fly to a new position according to
problem and they are responsible to search the solutions the position update rule:
within the search space. All particles have a particular fitness
value which is evaluated by the fitness function. The velocity X
k +1
= X
k +1
i i i

as well as the particle position is updated by the velocity and

position update rules. The position of the particles is updated
with the flying experience of the particle and by that of its Xik+1 : Current particle position at iteration k+1
neighbours. The best values so far achieved by the particles
Xik : Particle position at iteration k
are stored in the memory as pbest or personal best and the best
among all the particles is called as gbest or global best. By Vik+1 : Particle velocity at iteration k+1
using the concept of pbest and gbest the velocity of each In general, the inertia weight W can be set according to
particle is updated the following equation

W - Inertia weight factor
vik+1 : Particle velocity at current iteration (k+1)
W max - Maximum value of weighting factor
vik : Particle velocity at kth iteration
W min - Minimum value of weighting factor
rand1, rand2: Random number between [0, 1]
ITER max - Maximum number of iterations
c1, c2: Acceleration constant
ITER - Current number of iteration
w: Inertia weight
The value for W max is usually 0.9 and that of W min is 0.4. We
In the equation (7) the inertia weight w is introduced to can say the value of W reduces linearly during a run. [1, 2]
enable the swarm to fly in the larger search space. The suitable
value of w should be chosen so as to provide balance between A. PSO Algorithm
the local and the global explorations. This thus reduces the The sequential steps of the proposed PSO method which is
number of iteration to find the optimal solution. used to solve DELD problem are as given below:
In the equation (7) the second part of the equation ( Step 1: Read the system input data which comprises of the fuel
) is the particle memory influence cost curve coefficient and the various constraints like the
and the third part ( ) is the swarm generator constraints, ramp rate limits, transmission loss
influence. coefficients, the number and the duration of the intervals etc.
Step 2: Initialize the particles of the population in a random
manner. This should be according to the limits of each unit
which includes the individual dimensions, velocities and the
Xik+1 search points. Also set the iteration counter.
Step 3: Next evaluate the fitness function for each particle.
Step 4: Now the comparison is done. For each individual
Vik+1 particle compare the fitness with pbest. If the value of fitness
is better then pbest then set this value as pbest.
ViGbest Step 5: Identify the particle with best fitness value which is
gbest. The best value among the pbest of all particles is gbest.
Step 6: Update and modify the velocity of each particle
Vi Pbest according to the velocity update rule defined by

Also, the particles fly to a new position using the position
Fig. 2 Position and velocity updating in PSO
update rule


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k +1 k
k +1
(11) and the population size are defined. The population size must
X i
= X i i
be such set that it is not too small or too large. If it is small
Step 7: If the number of iterations reaches the maximum, then there will be insufficient number of particles so there will be
go to step 8 other wise, set the iteration count to the next value difficulty in producing the best possible solution. If the
and go to step2. population size is too large then the algorithm will become
Step 8: The particle that generates the latest best is the solution slow. The initial position of the particles is random. The final
of the problem. This is the optimal solution. values of the various parameters which are considered in this
work are defined in the tables. [11, 12, 13]
B. PSO Flowchart
Parameters Value
Initial position
Initialize particles with random position and velocity Random
Population size
Evaluate fitness for each particle No of iterations 300

Acceleration constants:
c1, c2 2.0
Calculate pbest and gbest for each particle Inertia weight:
wmin, wmax 0.3, 0.9

Update the particle velocity

Update the particle position
Generation Cost function coefficients Pmin Pmax
ai bi ci
No Stopping
G1 0.0015 1.8 40 50 300
? G2 0.0030 1.8 60 20 125

G3 0.0012 2.1 100 30 175

G4 0.0010 2 40 40 250
The output is the optimal solution
G5 0.0080 2 10 10 75

This is the Bmn matrix i.e, the matrix for transmission losses.

Fig. 3 Flowchart of PSO Bmn matrix=

[ 0.49 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.20
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0.14 0.45 0.16 0.20 0.18
In this work we have considered a test system with 5 0.15 0.16 0.39 0.10 0.12
generating units. Now the load demand is to be allotted to 0.15 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.14
these units while minimizing the costs of generation subjected 0.20 0.18 0.12 0.14 0.35 ]
to the various constraints. Here the constraints like the
transmission losses, the ramp rate limit and valve point The simulation is performed for over 50 trials and the best
loading effect are considered for the load demand over the 24 optimal power generation schedule obtained for 5 generators
hour time interval. After conducting many experiments in the in the 24 hour scheduling horizon is obtained. This optimal
wide range to obtain the fuel cost value, the PSO parameters combination of generator fulfills the objective i.e, we can
are selected. The initial position of the particles is random and fulfill the load demand at the minimum costs of production.
the parameters like the acceleration constants (c1 and c2), the The optimal combination of generating units is obtained from
inertia weight factors (wmin and wmax ), the number of iterations the proposed PSO as shown in Table III.


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OPTIMAL SCHEDULING OF THE GENERATING UNIT Economic load dispatch in electric power sector is an
important task in the electrical power system as it is required
Ti G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Loss Dem Operati
m (Mw) (Mw) (Mw) (Mw) (Mw) (M and ng to supply the power at the minimum cost which aids in profit-
e w) (Mw) Cost ($) making. The total generation costs are minimized by dividing
1. 10.92 20.92 112.33 40.925 229.5 4.62 410 1250.80
the load demand into the several units while satisfying the
51 51 06 1 196 54 constraints. The Load dispatch problem here is solved for the
2. 35.81 21.00 112.67 41.001 229.5 5.00 435 1394.30 five generating units system. The work is done by
03 11 35 1 196 57
3. 65.81 31.54 112.67 41.135 229.5 5.67 475 1540.50 implementing Particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the
03 00 35 8 196 92 MATLAB environment. The dynamic economic load dispatch
4. 75.00 28.32 112.67 91.135 229.5 6.64 530 1784.50
00 01 35 8 196 90
can be done by the various other methods like the genetic
5. 75.00 23.13 112.67 124.90 229.5 7.23 558 1650.20 algorithm, evolutionary programming, dynamic programming
00 28 35 79 196 38 etc and the results can be compared to find which method is
6. 75.00 24.32 112.67 174.90 229.5 8.42 608 1947.10
00 20 35 79 196 30 better.
7. 61.17 21.79 112.67 209.81 229.5 8.98 626 1839.40
92 70 35 58 196 51
8. 75.00 36.62 112.67 209.81 229.5 9.63 654 1944.00 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
00 21 35 58 196 10
9. 75.00 66.62 119.57 209.81 229.5 10.5 690 2112.80
I would like to give my sincere thanks to the Department
00 21 14 58 196 289 of Electrical Engineering at School of Engineering of Gautam
10. 66.33 96.62 112.67 209.81 229.5 10.9 704 2003.20 Buddha University for providing a solid background for the
83 21 35 58 196 693
11. 75.00 104.4 112.67 209.81 229.5 11.4 720 2040.80 studies and research thereafter.
00 010 35 58 196 099
12. 75.00 125.0 112.69 209.81 229.5 12.0 740 2181.70
00 000 30 58 196 284
13. 64.42 98.53 112.67 209.81 229.5 10.9 704 1996.70 REFERENCES
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