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History of computer
• Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
• mathematician, philosopher,
inventor and mechanical
• originating the concept of a
programmable computer

• father of the computer

History of Computer

• Geroge Boole (1815-1864)

• Mathematician

• Boolian Algebra (represent

quantities as binary numbers i.e
0s and 1s )

• basis of the modern digital

History of computer

• Hollerith (1860-1929)

• developed a mechanical

• father of modern automatic


• founder of IBM (International

Business Machine Corporation)
History of computer

• Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973)

• designed a huge mechanical

calculator called MARK I

• originally called the ASCC

(Automatic Sequence
Controlled Calculator)
Generation of computer

First Generation of Computers:

• The period of first generation was 1946-1959.

• Used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory.

• Example:
– ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
– It was called a Giant Brain (occupied 15X 9m and it’s weight
was 30 tons)
Generation of computer
First Generation of Computers:
Generation of computer

Second Generation Computers:

• The period of second generation was 1959-1965.

• Used transistor and was faster than the first generation machines.

• Magnetic cores were used as primary memory.

• High level programming language like FORTRAN, COBOL was


• Examples:
IBM 1620, UNIVAC 1108
Generation of computer
Second Generation Computers:
Generation of computer

Third Generation Computers:

• The period was 1965-1971.

• Used Integrated Circuits (IC's) in

place of transistors.

• Smaller in size, reliable and efficient.

• Example: IBM 360 series

Generation of computer

Fourth Generation Computers:

• The period was 1971-1980.

• Used Very Large Scale Integrated

(VLSI) circuits.

• It gave rise to personal computer (PC)


• Example: DEC 10
Generation of computer

Fifth generation:

• The period is 1980-till date.

• Used ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration)


• Examples:
Desktop, Laptop, Notebook
Types of computer
(A) According to basic engineering design, two types:
– Analogue and Digital.
– Modern computers are all digital.

(B) According to use, there are two types: (1) General purpose
computers and (2) Special purpose computers.

(1) General purpose computers:

(a) Microcomputers (personal computers): Designed for use by

one person at a time.

(b) Mini computers: designed to serve multiple users

Types of computer
(c) Main Frame Computers:
– support a large number of terminals for use by a variety of users
– used in applications like weather forecasting, space applications,
banking etc.

(d) Super Computers:

– Have extremely large storage capacity and very high possessing
– used for large scale numerical problems in scientific and
engineering applications, global weather forecasting, defence
applications and geographical information systems.
Types of computer
(2) Special purpose computers:
• Special purpose computers are designed and built solely to cater to
the requirement of a particular task of application and either
incorporated inside or connected to other devices or machines.

• Example:
– A washing machine (the computer has to take a few decision and
control the operation and switch-off when the task is complete),
– Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is another example of a special
purpose computer.
The organization of a computer
The fundamental parts of a computer are:
• Central Processing Unit CPU)
• Input and Output Devices and
• Mass Storage Devices.

• Central Processing Unit/CPU:

– A central processing unit (CPU) is the hardware within a computer
that carries out the instructions of a computer program by
performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of
the system.
– Two typical components of a CPU: Control Unit (CU) and Arithmetic
logic unit (ALU
The organization of a computer
Central Processing Unit/CPU:
The organization of a computer
Input and Output Devices

– most commonly used input devices.
– used to enter information and instruction in to a computer.
– consists of a set of keys similar to that used in a typewriter.
– It has some special keys like Ctrl, All, Esc, return, function keys
etc. in addition to those in a typewriter.

– provides a keyboard for entry of instruction.
– used to move the cursor on the screen of visual display unit
(VDU) and required action is chosen by processing a button on
the back of the mouse.
The organization of a computer
Input and Output Devices
VDU (Monitor):
– Video Display Unit is the most commonly used output device.

– Speakers are used to listen sounds created by a sound card in a

– Printer is an output device which facilitates printing of the output on

– A microphone is used with sound to record speech and other

– A scanner reads graphics and text in to a computer; scanners are
available in various sizes.
The organization of a computer
I/O Devices (Input and Output devices)

• Some devices work as both input as well Output devices.

• Examples are
– Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)
– Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
– Computer Disk Drive (CD)
– Modem

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