CA 1 Governance

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Collaborative Governance in

URP 429:- Urban and Rural

Submitted By:- M.Nikhil Moses
Sec: A1715
B.Plan 4th Year


Introduction to Collaborative Governance:- ....................................................................................................... 2

Definition: -..................................................................................................................................................... 2

Consensus Building: -...................................................................................................................................... 2

Collaborative network: - ................................................................................................................................. 2

Importance of Collaborative Governance:-......................................................................................................... 2

Introduction to the Collaborative Governance in India:- .................................................................................... 3

Case Study of MGNREGA.................................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 3

Collaborative Governance in MGNREGA: ..................................................................................................... 4

Social Audits dorms in governance of MGNREGA: ........................................................................................ 4

Example of Social audit in Andhra Pradesh:- ................................................................................................. 5

Conclusion:-.................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction to Collaborative Governance:-

Definition: - The Collaborative governance is the Structure, where not only the Government body but also

the Local Community and the Private Agencies are also involved in the Decision making so that not only

individual goals but the Collective goals are achieved together.

There are many Forms of the Collaborative Governance some of the types are:-

Consensus Building: - It is a methodology where the Stakeholder have to take consensus to address on the

explicit public Policy issues, in which the members involved build the goals and needs of the community to

achieve through the policy in future.

Collaborative network: - in this the members will go through the community demands and basic

requirements and the Strategies to be adopted, resource arrangement which build the relation between among

the community.

Importance of Collaborative Governance:-

The Collaborative Government is where the Interaction with public leads to Citizen Participation and the

involvement of the all the Agencies who are directly and indirectly effected by the Decision can have

opportunity to take part in the decision making. It is structure where the Government can initiate many Smart

Projects through collaboration with the Private agencies, the Collaborative Governance can make the Decision

Viable to everybody involved and the Collective efforts are made by every involved body to achieve the

particular goal, so there will be Strong Milestone to Achieve for everybody involved and the managing of the

Project will decrease the burden on the Government body in collaborative governance where the Planning and
implementation of the Projects can be managed by the Private agency or the other non-government body


Introduction to the Collaborative Governance in India:-

In the Year 1995 Government of India came up with the Programme called Integrated Child Development

Services (ICDS) to safeguard proper growth and development of all children where government has failed to

achieve the goals of the programme, To improve the this Government has collaborated with non-profit Society

for Nutrition, Education and Health Action (SNEHA) in the Mumbai city to improve the child nutrition.

In present Scenario of the Country there are many Collaborative approaches are taken place in the country in

various sectors such as the Environmental the Government of India is Collaboratively taking Environmental

Initiatives with UNESCO, ATREE a non-government organisation which is working for Forest and Bio

diversity conservation in western Ghats, Smart city mission in India where there is a massive collaboration

with citizens and non-government agencies in decision making and participation in the Planning.

Case Study of MGNREGA


(MGNREGA) the mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is utmost aspiring act for the

development poor and rural people. Beyond 380 billion rupees were Financed in this Scheme till now, to

Monitor this Huge Scheme and to achieve the Objectives and Goals of the Unique Collaborative Governance

techniques are adopted in this scheme like ensuring not only the state Community but also the non-state

members allowed to take part in the project involvement and decision making. It is the platform to raise the

Voice and Speak for the poor where the Poor development and their employment guarantee is focused.


Source :- (Mahatma gandhi national rural Employment

Guarantee Act, n.d.)

Collaborative Governance in MGNREGA:

Through the Collaborative governance techniques, It Enhance the security of the poor by providing unskilled

employment, it is legal framework where poor has right in their hands by law to get the guaranteed

employment over 330 districts are covered in this act 2007 and in 2008 the remaining rural areas are covered

in the act on 1 April.

The Scheme is subsidized by the Ministry of the Rural Development, GOI. Unique governance techniques

include a time bound employment guarantee of 100 days in a financial year to every adult in a household who

need an employment, Transfer of funds through banks and post office accounts ensure transparency and

prevent leakages. A Management Information System is also installed for real time tracking.

In the Act it is also mentioned that at least 1/3 of the workforce should be women who get paid as equal to

men. Wage payments are directly transferred to individual accounts through post offices or local banks. The

average national of women’s participation is 48 percent, with several states including Rajasthan, Kerala,

Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu having more female than male members. Women with direct regulator over

their earnings now feel empowered.

Social Audits dorms in governance of MGNREGA:

Whereas MGNREGA is prised as the major social protection program in the developing Countries, social

audits are no less than a revolt in the public administration and governance sector. The Social audits plays

important role in the implementation and social protection interferences. Integrated Child Development

Scheme (ICDS), the Public Distribution System (PDS) and Mid-Day Meals.

MGNREGA law has detail information of the Organization and Decentralised governance and the

Collaborative Approach between them which describes the monitoring and evaluating the Projects. There are
detailed information about the Structure of the Scheme in different levels and scales to ensure the

Collaboration in All levels like Central Employment Guarantee Committee (CEGC) at Central level, State

Employment Guarantee Committee at State Level (SEGC) and Village Monitoring Committees (VMC) at

village level, to monitor implementation.

It also have the clear monitoring and inspection and status of the work which is also provided through the e

governance of the schemes official websites were public can get answers to their grievances, the payments

and the work scheduled is noticed by the gram sabha to the GOI every six months. Whereas the District level

Committees are responsible for smooth flow of work and Network of finance funds are reaching to the village


Example of Social audit in Andhra Pradesh:-

According to the MGNREGA guidelines it provides the states flexibility on the social audit structures, in case

of the Andhra Pradesh they employed trained members who are resource teams from civil society

organizations to conduct audits, they have extensive survey in the state and provide the report to the district

level organization, which improved the wide community participation and involvement in the audits. This

audit teams comprises of officials from revenue department, rural development department, engineers. This

has set a great example for the collaborative governance where all the levels of organisation including non-

government bodies are also have the important role and decision in the process of implementation and

evaluation. Social audits thus elevated the measures of transparency, accountability and community

contribution to a whole new level.


Whereas the rights-based structure of the Citizens and comprehensive social audit mechanism in MGNREGA

strategy has set an Example for Collaboration of the Governance in India, its thought desires to be comprised

completely by the realising actions to bring social uprightness. Social audit mechanisms are a stage where the

government, non-governmental bodies and the community can come and collaborate to guarantee operative

policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.


(Mahatma gandhi national rural Employment Guarantee Act, n.d.)

(Collaborative Governance: Analysing,Nidhi Vij, n.d.)

(Collaborative Governance in Theory,Chris Ansell,Alison Gash,University of California, Berkeley, n.d.)

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