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Literature B1+ Units

One Day by David Nicholls Intermediate

‘I don’t ever want to be different from this,’ he said. ‘I’d like to


stay exactly as I am now. Every fifteenth of July, I want to be
just like this.’

The girl was called Emma Morley. The boy’s name was Dexter
Mayhew. The two young people didn’t know each other very
well, but this was a night for thinking about the future.


15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on the
night of their university graduation. Soon their lives will go in
separate directions. But where will they be on 15th July of the
following year, and the year after that? One Day is a wonderful

and moving love story which takes place over the decades of
the eighties, nineties and ‘noughties’.

• Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises

One Day is a funny but sad love story spanning twenty years. It is a story about how people
• Notes about the story
• Notes about the life of David Nicholls
• Points for Understanding comprehension questions

change as they grow up, but also how they stay the same in many respects. The main characters,
• Glossary of difficult vocabulary and Useful Phrases
• Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data
sheets at
This Reader deals with adult themes.

Emma and Dexter, meet for the first time on the night of their university graduation, 15th July
1 Starter

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
This series provides a wide variety of enjoyable reading
One Day

2 Beginner
material for all learners of English. Macmillan Readers
3 Elementary
are retold versions of popular classic and contemporary

1988. After that night, their lives go in separate directions. However, they keep in touch and, as a
4A1 Pre-intermediate
A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 titles as well as specially written stories, published at
5 Intermediate six levels. David Nicholls
6 Upper

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
british english

result, their paths cross repeatedly over the next twenty years. The extract below takes place on

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
ISBN 978-0-230-42232-2


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

the night that they first meet, when they are discussing their future plans. Lit. collection

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2


A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
9 780230 422322

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David Nicholls was born in 1966 in the south of England. After acting in plays at school, he studied English and Drama
at Bristol University. He then trained to be an actor in New York. After ten years of acting, Nicholls began to write.
He wrote plays, novels and television and radio dramas. He has written four famous novels to date; Starter for Ten, Us,
The Understudy and One Day. His novels tend to centre around the relationship between two people, often in the early
stages, and are usually both funny and sad. They often contain an unexpected event or twist in the story. A film version
of One Day was released in 2011, starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.

1. The Future 20 ‘I think you’re too broad-minded now,’ the girl said,
Friday, 15th July 1988 quickly turning her face away from him.

Rankeillor Street, The girl was from Yorkshire, in the north of

England. She was used to posh boys from the
Edinburgh, Scotland south making fun of her soft northern accent.
25 Sometimes she didn’t care, but now she suddenly
‘The important thing in life is to make a difference – felt annoyed with the boy. Everything was going
to make a change to something,’ the girl said. wrong tonight. ‘Anyway I’m not talking about the
immediate future’, she told him. ‘I’m not asking
‘Ah – you mean we have to change the world’ the boy
about tomorrow, I’m asking about what you want to
30 be in twenty years from now’.
5 ‘No, not all of the world, we just have to change the
At first, the best answer he could think of was ‘I
bit of it around us’, the girl said. She was silent for a
want to be rich and famous’. But then he thought
moment, then she laughed at herself. ‘I can’t believe
a bit more and spoke seriously. ‘I don’t ever want
I said that. It’s such a predictable thing to say, isn’t it?
to be different from this’, he said. ‘I’d like to stay
But what are you going to do with your life? What’s
35 exactly as I am now. Every fifteenth of July, I want to
10 your plan?’
be just like this’.
‘Well, my parents are coming to collect me later
The girl was called Emma Morley. They boy’s name
today’, he told her. ‘Then I’ll go to France for a few
was Dexter Mayhew. It was four o’clock in the
weeks and after that, maybe I’ll go to China’.
morning. The two young people didn’t know each
‘Oh, you’re going travelling’, she said wearily. ‘You’re other very well, but certainly this was a night for
15 predictable too. You’ve got too much money, that’s thinking about the future. It was the last night of
your problem Dexter. What you really mean is that their university life in Edinburgh. Earlier in the day
you’re running away from life’. after four years, they had finally graduated. Soon
‘Travelling broadens the mind, Emma’ he said slowly. they would go in separate directions.
He was trying to copy the girl’s accent.

predictable (line 8): something that is expected or not unusual
wearily (line 14): in a tired manner which expresses boredom
broadens the mind (line 18): an experience that helps you to learn things about the world and become more culturally aware
broad-minded (line 20): liberal-minded and tolerant
posh (line 23): upper class
graduated (line 43): to finish university or similar with a qualification

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Literature B1+ Units

One Day by David Nicholls

  Before reading 3 Emma and Dexter are both aware of their
differences and they both say things in a sarcastic
1 Read About the story. Why do you think that this or joking way. Find some examples from the text.
night was such an important moment for Emma Do you think they like each other? How do you
and Dexter? Do you think that there are certain know?
times in your education which can be important in
determining the future?

2 David Nicholls has written four novels to date,

two of which have been made into successful 4 Think about the style of writing used in the
films. Read About the author. Why do you think extract. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
his novels have translated to the big screen so
successfully? 1 What person (first or third) is the extract written in?
Why do you think that is?
3 Look at the title of the book, One Day. What do
you think it means? Work in pairs and discuss 2 Why does the author refer to the two characters as
the different ways it could be interpreted. Think ‘the girl’ and ‘the boy’ and not by their names?
of example sentences to illustrate the different
meanings. 3 Why do you think the author introduces the
characters’ names and explains the situation of
  While reading their meeting at the end of the extract and not the
1 Read the extract. Answer these questions in your
own words.
1 Why does Emma ask Dexter about his plans for the   After reading
1 Emma says ‘The important thing in life is to make
a difference – to make a change to something.’
2 Why does Emma say that Dexter is predictable?
Discuss in pairs:

Do you agree with Emma?
3 Why does Emma get annoyed with Dexter?
Complete this sentence for yourself: ‘The important

thing in life is …’
4 Why do you think that Dexter thinks of two different
answers to Emma’s question?
2 Work in small groups and discuss your answers to
these questions.

2 How are Emma and Dexter different? Think about 1 What kind of moments in life can be life-changing?
the following and complete the table below. 2 At what times in life do we generally have to make
Use the questions in brackets to help you. Find more important decisions?
evidence in the text to support your answers: 3 Is it better to live a predictable life and make plans,
■ Their family background and social class or a spontaneous life and not make plans?
■ Their plans and dreams for the future
3 Where do you think that Emma and Dexter will be
■ Their personalities (How are Emma’s answer
on 15th July the following year? Make notes and
about her plan for the future and Dexter’s answers write a short paragraph in the same style as the
different? What is Emma’s reaction to Dexter copying extract to describe where the characters will be
her accent? How are Dexter’s first thoughts about his and what they will be doing.
long-term plan and then his actual answer different?)

Emma Dexter
Family background
and social class

Plans and dreams

for the future


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